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Two female Thai students brutally killed at a flea market

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i really wonder whats going on, in south thailand. What can push thai people to commit this senseless killing of innocent victims?

According to the terrorists themselves, they are not Thais but Malaysians.

They probably are Malaysians.

There has been commentry that some of the militants have both Thai & Malaysian ID and proving difficult to stop the cross border movement for those who have dual ID cards. They are ethnically Malay. Some who are Malayian born would be supporting the armed insurgency, don't believe the actual numbers of involved Malaysian nationals has been reported.

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I found on google that in 2010, 15 Pakistan nationals were arrested in Yala on terrorism charges. The link is dead but there are broader connections than just down in Malaysia, also reports of Thai nationals at madrassahs/training camps along the Pak./Afghanistan border.


I found on google that in 2010, 15 Pakistan nationals were arrested in Yala on terrorism charges. The link is dead but there are broader connections than just down in Malaysia, also reports of Thai nationals at madrassahs/training camps along the Pak./Afghanistan border.

15 Pakistanis arrested in Yala


Illegal Thai students in Pakistan, example

"Seven years later, the secret police has counted 444 resident foreign students in the madressahs all over Punjab. Interestingly the highest number, 135, came from Indonesia, the next highest were the 99 students from Thailand"


Thousands of Thai Muslims legally attend universities in places such as Egypt


"Thousands of Thai Muslims legally attend universities in places such as Egypt"

Well most are probably legitimate students - albeit of outdated doctrines - but it's hard to deny links with the broader global jihad given the way this enables flow of information/disinformation and radical dogma. Same with the Jamaat Tabligh movement, it is legitimate at the core but is very easily abused. Also remember that Taliban literally just means "the students", ie: students at madrassahs, it's not a top-down organization like the US claims but is instead organized around idealogy.


"Thousands of Thai Muslims legally attend universities in places such as Egypt"

Well most are probably legitimate students - albeit of outdated doctrines - but it's hard to deny links with the broader global jihad given the way this enables flow of information/disinformation and radical dogma. Same with the Jamaat Tabligh movement, it is legitimate at the core but is very easily abused. Also remember that Taliban literally just means "the students", ie: students at madrassahs, it's not a top-down organization like the US claims but is instead organized around idealogy.

Off topic:

Ideology sure, but there are vthree main competing groups under the umbrella name “Afghan Taliban” and that’s all about top down power conflicts. Then you have Pakistani political strategic interests (now changing emphasis); without Pakiistani support very unlikely the “Afghan Taliban” would have survived.

A bit out of date, but interesting reading...



To see more and more of these types of attacks in Thailand

Is heartbreaking. I still consider Thailand safe but have to wonder if I am naive in still feeling that way !


You forgot 7/7 in London, plus maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaany more, but you and I know this stuff, the excuser who have not been affected is in my opinion a shit head. Sorry..

It's people like you that shouted "Muslims!" when they heard about the Oklahoma bombing.

I am more than aware of muslim terrorist bombings, given that I live in the Arab World.

Which, after numerable bombing of public places by Muslims terrorists, was perfectly natural.

Oklahoma is always the one incident Muslim terrorist sympathizers mention whenever Islamic fanatics conduct another outrage. As if to prove 'Christians'

are just as bad.

Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols were white nationalist, anti-government types. Religion didn't play a role in the motivation for this attack.

They've also started to mention Anders Breivik as well to show right-wingers also commit terroristic acts though the number of terrorist attacks committed by the followers of religions other than Islam pales in comparison to those of Islam. Especially when going back to the 1970's and the PLO.

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