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Who Are The Most Patriotic Nations


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I'm rather surprised by this poll. While about 1/3 of Americans are so delusional they think whatever America does is always right, there is another 1/3 so full of self loathing that thinks America is responsible for every ill, everywhere. I would have thought countries with more homogenous poulations might top that list.

America has anything but a homogenous population. Only 67% of Americans are considered “white”. And because America covers a lot of territory there’s a huge disparity between sections of the country…and even between city and country folks in the same state

Here’s my view of America

The more conservative Americans tend to be located in the South and Mid West. And even state by state, more conservative Americans tend to be found in the rural less populated areas. Rural Americans tend to live in the same community for longer periods , they tend to be more religious, less traveled and have less contact with different ethnic groups. A lot of these conservative Americans are Amercian Exceptionalist. They tend to see America as holding a unique and lofty place in the world in large part due to ideals and history. They easily buy into George Bush's view that it is America’s destiny to bring democracy and western culture to the rest of the world...even if takes a tank to do it.

On the other hand, the large population centers and the coastal states tend to be more ethnically diverse ,more liberal leaning, less “Christian” ,have a higher degree of education, and tend to move about frequently (more traveled)

More liberal Americans see themselves as citizens of a world community...rather than just America. Many put loyalty to country second to loyalty to "mankind". They tend to be less religious, more environmentally concerned, and more accepting of different cultures and lifestyles. They do not hesitate to criticize their country when it misbehaves and do not always see everything “American” as a good thing.

I’m not sure I would characterize a lot of Americans as “full of self loathing”. Many are upset by the direction the country has taken under the current administration. I think under different leadership they would think less of moving to Canada.

Time brings new changes. As America become weary of war and more pessimistic about a rosy outcome in Iraq, the mood will swing in the opposite direction.

Yes, America re-elected George Bush. But you Brits re-elected Tony Blair (a steadfast supporter of Bush’s policies). So we can all blame ourselves.

That’s my opinion anyway.

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I consider myself an Earthling. National pride brings nothing but wars. Hopefully one day citizens of all nations can agree to be Earthlings.

I'm an Earthling, but only when I visit other planets. :o


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i have nothing against americans,where would we be without their movies,writers etc.

however in my experience it has been best to avoid american gap year students when ive been on my travels.

when i hear them talk i feel like i want to dig myself a bunker & hide in it with a machine gun. :o

their movies are not their movies because made by jewish.

All the yanks I met were nice guys (what I can not tell from my own country), but completly inocent about anything outside US+some brain washed from FoxNews+lack of education...

What the heil are you trying to say with that one?

Made by Jewish? So Jewish Americans are not Americans to you? So who is American to you? Only Aryans?

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I'm Scottish, although my passport says I'm British - I think you'll find many people who, like me, don't really consider themselves British.

My passport also says British but I consider myself English first and foremost. :o

Same same.. I always write "English" as my nationality on forms etc......

People not from the UK often don't realise that we are actually different countries within a country.

totster tcwozereeng.gif

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their movies are not their movies because made by jewish.

All the yanks I met were nice guys (what I can not tell from my own country), but completly inocent about anything outside US+some brain washed from FoxNews+lack of education...

Everybody can't afford an Oxford education like yours. :o

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QUOTE(jackr @ 2006-06-28 15:19:14)

QUOTE(The Dan Sai Kid @ 2006-06-28 14:46:40)

I'm Scottish, although my passport says I'm British - I think you'll find many people who, like me, don't really consider themselves British.

My passport also says British but I consider myself English first and foremost.

Same same.. I always write "English" as my nationality on forms etc......

People not from the UK often don't realise that we are actually different countries within a country.


Tell me about it Totster! I have good friends who often refer to us as English, it's a pain in the arse.

I love that line in 'Trainspotting'. 'not only were we colonised, but we were colonized by a bunch of <deleted>!' :o

Only funning!

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Of the Scots

(bkkmadness) We all know that you like a drink of whiskey.

Surely the patriotic Scots are more inclined towards whisky from their own country than whiskey from Ireland, though I could be wrong :o

BTW this must be a very old Poll/Survey as it shows East and West Germany, which were re-unified almost sixteen years ago.

Edited by PREM-R
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I went to the pub last night for the quiz show. All expatriates, and the quizmaster made a point of announcing, "There are an equal number of questions in this quiz from the USA and the UK!"

Sorry, we don't know which queen is addressed in the song, "Mary, Mary, quite contrary..." (apparently Bloody Mary). We don't expect folks from the UK to name 3 our of 4 of the presidents who were assassinated in office (most Americans only name Kennedy and Lincoln, not Garfield or McKinley). We don't know the names of all of QE2's children, or which of her sisters are still alive, and wouldn't expect you to name our retired but living presidents.

When I applied for a long term visa in Mexico, the official wrote in my nationality, not as 'estadounidense,' but "Americano."

Isn't patriotism the last refuge of a scoundrel?

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BTW this must be a very old Poll/Survey as it shows East and West Germany, which were re-unified almost sixteen years ago.

I tried to google this report to get the complete list. What I got was a lot of references and links to a 1998 report by the same name.

One of the differences was AUSTRIA was ranked 2nd then, but the "Germanies" were still ranked at the bottom of the (24 ? 28 ?) countries surveyed.

Can't seem to find a copy or link to a copy of this newest report though. :o

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I went to the pub last night for the quiz show. All expatriates, and the quizmaster made a point of announcing, "There are an equal number of questions in this quiz from the USA and the UK!"

Sorry, we don't know which queen is addressed in the song, "Mary, Mary, quite contrary..." (apparently Bloody Mary). We don't expect folks from the UK to name 3 our of 4 of the presidents who were assassinated in office (most Americans only name Kennedy and Lincoln, not Garfield or McKinley). We don't know the names of all of QE2's children, or which of her sisters are still alive, and wouldn't expect you to name our retired but living presidents.

When I applied for a long term visa in Mexico, the official wrote in my nationality, not as 'estadounidense,' but "Americano."

Isn't patriotism the last refuge of a scoundrel?

Any educated Englishman would know the names of retired but living US presidents and many would know at least 3 of US presidents that were asasinated.Similarly any educated American would probably know at least 2 of QE2's children.

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How do you decide how patriotic a nation is? What constitutes a patriotic person?

IMHO, a war separates the men from the boys, the patriotic from the unpatriotic. The USA has probably fought the most wars in modern history. And there were no shortage of volunteers. The Americans are fiercely independent people, but when it comes to fighting the enemies (real or perceived) of the country, most of them would rally behind the Stars & Stripes.

USA takes my vote for the most patriotic country. (Btw, I am an Asian of Chinese descent.)

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I appreciate your comments, Ya5702, but as an American female minority I really don't know if I agree with you. There are many American minorities and majority communities alike who do not agree with the Government, ESPECIALLY on foreign policy and war. There is A LOT of dissent, but people from other countries don't see or hear about it.

Many of the kids that sign up for the military do so before there is a war, as a way to get good free training and benefits. There are others who sign up precisely because we are at war - such as the case in Afghanistan - but I don't think they are the majority.

But still, I must say, even with my leftist perspective and anti-foreign policy outlook towards the American Government, I am proud of the guys who do go off to fight (I never used to be, but it takes a lot of guts and commitment). Foreign policy blunders are not their mistake. We hear a lot about their mistakes and bad judgements, but there's a lot more who are out there giving it their best under the most dire circumstances, and I'm proud of them. (geez, I sound exactly like the patriotic drones I wish to avoid, but I must say, I do give those guys credit).

And, that goes for all the guys from every nationality who are out there at war risking their lives right now. I give them much respect.

*edit - a bunch of typos

Edited by kat
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How do you decide how patriotic a nation is? What constitutes a patriotic person?

IMHO, a war separates the men from the boys, the patriotic from the unpatriotic. The USA has probably fought the most wars in modern history. And there were no shortage of volunteers. The Americans are fiercely independent people, but when it comes to fighting the enemies (real or perceived) of the country, most of them would rally behind the Stars & Stripes.

USA takes my vote for the most patriotic country. (Btw, I am an Asian of Chinese descent.)

You silly deranged person. People (not limiting this in any way to citizens of the US) who simply want to kill people for the sake of perceived patriotism are called ''stupid'', not ''patriotic''.

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Mark, a while ago I would have had the exact same reaction and comment as you. But, with all due respect (i.e. - I am not slagging you off but seriously attempting to discuss a perspective with you), not everyone that goes off to war are simplistic, robotic, dullards. I think that is an easy way of avoiding real thinking, one in which I was totally guilty of myself.

I think that line of thinking falls into the line of broad, stereotypical thinking which I'm trying to get away from. It doesn't really bring us any closer to an honest assessment or discussion in my view.

edit(i.e. - according to the stereotypes, or general perception, many of these people probably want to learn how to kill, or survive in combat. But many others join to acquire skills (survival, technical, etc.), and many others join to defend something which they perceive is worth defending, whether justified, perceived or not. That is a bit more complex than simply saying they want to go out and kill people).

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How do you decide how patriotic a nation is? What constitutes a patriotic person?

IMHO, a war separates the men from the boys, the patriotic from the unpatriotic. The USA has probably fought the most wars in modern history. And there were no shortage of volunteers. The Americans are fiercely independent people, but when it comes to fighting the enemies (real or perceived) of the country, most of them would rally behind the Stars & Stripes.

USA takes my vote for the most patriotic country. (Btw, I am an Asian of Chinese descent.)

You silly deranged person. People (not limiting this in any way to citizens of the US) who simply want to kill people for the sake of perceived patriotism are called ''stupid'', not ''patriotic''.

I disagree with the no US being very patriotic, especially in recent times, alot of people there think there government is full of BS and they were having trouble getting people to sign up for the war in iraq. They had to get officers to go around the country to try and sign people up.

I think being patriotic is good, but when taken too fair it can be a dangerous thing

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QUOTE(jackr @ 2006-06-28 15:19:14)

QUOTE(The Dan Sai Kid @ 2006-06-28 14:46:40)

I'm Scottish, although my passport says I'm British - I think you'll find many people who, like me, don't really consider themselves British.

My passport also says British but I consider myself English first and foremost.

Same same.. I always write "English" as my nationality on forms etc......

People not from the UK often don't realise that we are actually different countries within a country.


Tell me about it Totster! I have good friends who often refer to us as English, it's a pain in the arse.

I love that line in 'Trainspotting'. 'not only were we colonised, but we were colonized by a bunch of <deleted>!' :o

Only funning!

Here's the quote in context:

"Doesn't it make you proud to be Scottish?" - "It's <deleted> being Scottish! We're the lowest of the low, the scum of the ######ing earth, the most wretched, servile, miserable, pathetic trash that was ever shat into civilization. Some people hate the English, I don't. They're just ######s. We, on the other hand, are colonized by ######s. We can't even pick a decent culture to be colonized by. We are ruled by effete <deleted>. It's a <deleted> state of affairs to be in, Tommy! And all the fresh air in the world won't make any ######ing difference!"

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You silly deranged person. People (not limiting this in any way to citizens of the US) who simply want to kill people for the sake of perceived patriotism are called ''stupid'', not ''patriotic''.

I disagree with the no US being very patriotic, especially in recent times, alot of people there think there government is full of BS and they were having trouble getting people to sign up for the war in iraq. They had to get officers to go around the country to try and sign people up.

I think being patriotic is good, but when taken too fair it can be a dangerous thing

A person whose view is different from yours does not make him a deranged person! Disagree by all means but please refrain from name-calling. Just state your views.

Remember: There is no perfect system in the world...except yours, perhaps?

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Patriotic, men, boys, killing!!!

Listen up, i lost my brother in the Iraq war 18 months ago, he was a British soldier that had served for 22 years in the Military police and had NO choice to go.

He was SLAUGHTERED yes SLAUGHTERED along with 5 of his platoon in Baghdad, 6 soliers and 221 rounds fired at them as they lay backed into a corner!

So stop the Bullshit about patriotic soliers, they are doing their JOBS!


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As Rodney King said to his fellow Americans, "Hey, can't we all just get along?"

Shall we try to bring this 'home' to Thailand? Do you find Thais to be more patriotic than your own countrypeople?

And if I may suggest it, perhaps we should all stop thinking that we know everything about other countries' patriotism, if we've never lived there. Each country disagrees among themselves as to what it consists.

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While trying to find a copy of the original story, I came across an article dated 1 March 2006 that is apparently about the same story, but has a different order to the top 9 countries.

In the OP, the list was as follows:

1. United States

2. Venezuela

3. Ireland

4. South Africa

5. Australia

6. Canada

7. Philippines

8. Austria

9. New Zealand

In this article The Jerusalem Post - 1 March 2006 the list is quite a bit different:

1. Venezuela

2. USA

3. Australia

4. Austria

5. Chile

6. South Africa

7. Canada

8. New Zealand

9. Israel

Not only are there different countries listed, but the US is shown as # 2 !

I even went to The National Opinion Research Centre at the University of Chicago website, but couldn't find a link or reference to this report, oddly enough.

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Not that flying a flag is the most relevant behavior to being patriotic, but I see more Thai flags flying in Thailand than I have seen other home-country flags flying in any country I've been to.

Edited by calibanjr.
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Not that flying a flag is the most relevant behavior to being patriotic, but I see more Thai flags flying in Thailand than I have seen other other home-country flags flying in any country I've been to.

It's true , there are not many Thai flags flying here in the Uk.


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QUOTE(jackr @ 2006-06-28 15:19:14)

QUOTE(The Dan Sai Kid @ 2006-06-28 14:46:40)

I'm Scottish, although my passport says I'm British - I think you'll find many people who, like me, don't really consider themselves British.

My passport also says British but I consider myself English first and foremost.

Same same.. I always write "English" as my nationality on forms etc......

People not from the UK often don't realise that we are actually different countries within a country.


Tell me about it Totster! I have good friends who often refer to us as English, it's a pain in the arse.

I love that line in 'Trainspotting'. 'not only were we colonised, but we were colonized by a bunch of <deleted>!' :D

Only funning!

Here's the quote in context:

"Doesn't it make you proud to be Scottish?" - "It's <deleted> being Scottish! We're the lowest of the low, the scum of the ######ing earth, the most wretched, servile, miserable, pathetic trash that was ever shat into civilization. Some people hate the English, I don't. They're just ######s. We, on the other hand, are colonized by ######s. We can't even pick a decent culture to be colonized by. We are ruled by effete <deleted>. It's a <deleted> state of affairs to be in, Tommy! And all the fresh air in the world won't make any ######ing difference!"

Jesus H Christ, here we go..... :o

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I would have thought there's a difference between patriotism and nationalism, with Patriotism being full of pride for your home country, with nationalism being closer to national elitism - generally a dangerous thing.

Madness, my Jock mate can’t stand Braveheart, specifically because of Mel Gibson.

Fair play.

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Kat, what's with the Mr nice guy thing? Have your numbers come up? :D

I don't know what the <deleted> you're talking about, but I can very easily drop the nice guy act for you Jack R, and zero-in on some of your repetitive, silly-arse comments as of late. :o

Patriotic, men, boys, killing!!!

Listen up, i lost my brother in the Iraq war 18 months ago, he was a British soldier that had served for 22 years in the Military police and had NO choice to go.

He was SLAUGHTERED yes SLAUGHTERED along with 5 of his platoon in Baghdad, 6 soliers and 221 rounds fired at them as they lay backed into a corner!

So stop the Bullshit about patriotic soliers, they are doing their JOBS!


I'm very sorry to hear that. You are right, many don't even have the choice except to run, and they don't.

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