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Why do Thai's give money to beggars?


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So I see a lot of beggars around in Pattaya and Bangkok why do so many Thai's give them money if it probably all goes to organized crime? They should know better right? Of course I do see foreigners do it as well but I can't understand why a Thai would. All you are doing is encouraging these people to be exploited. I wish I could help these people out but I don't know the difference between a real beggar and a fake one.

Edited by flyingsaucersarereal
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They feel sorry for them thats great but the beggars that are fake don't get to keep the money. So why give money to organized crime? Foreigners give them money too I am not saying we are perfect but a lot of foreigners don't know they are fake beggars Thai people should know better it bothers me when ANYONE gives them money.

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Once upon a time I had a hole in my shoe, no money and I was sad.

Then I saw a man with no feet and my worries went away.

When I am in BKK I give money to beggars because even if they only get a bit of it at least they get something If I give 10 baht each to 10 beggers I won't be broke and I will feel as I actually helped someone with no other thoughts in my mind, such as, what will I get out of it.

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My friend used to have a shop in Pratunam area and everyday the beggar change coins about 3,000 Baht a day meaning his earning more the 100 K per month better job then bank manager, yes most of them knew that it control but mafia but at least he or she will not get beaten by them if the have some money to bring back to their boss ,so 10 or 20 Baht is noting for us but for other human to survive .

In Buddha teaching the first intention for helping is important and not result that we get, meaning the intention the cheat us but in our mind a pure so that's noting to be afraid of.

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Street dogs don't give money to corrupt bosses waiting in the shadows. I am talking about situations with obvious fake beggars like at major corners of bangkok. They are strategically put there to beg and collect money. And yes I see some Thai's give them money. By giving them money you have just made it harder for the cycle to stop.

Maybe if I understood Thai language? What are you talking about? Go read about the subject and come back in a week and talk to me.

You guys are delusional if you think that you are helping them you are just hurting them and letting this coercion continue.

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They feel sorry for them thats great but the beggars that are fake don't get to keep the money. So why give money to organized crime? Foreigners give them money too I am not saying we are perfect but a lot of foreigners don't know they are fake beggars Thai people should know better it bothers me when ANYONE gives them money.

Please tell how you can determine which beggars are fake, and which are simply in dire straits.

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Street dogs don't give money to corrupt bosses waiting in the shadows. I am talking about situations with obvious fake beggars like at major corners of bangkok. They are strategically put there to beg and collect money. And yes I see some Thai's give them money. By giving them money you have just made it harder for the cycle to stop.

Maybe if I understood Thai language? What are you talking about? Go read about the subject and come back in a week and talk to me.

Methinks you have enough problems flyingsaucersarereal with you posting about your father-in-law on this forum ermm.gif without having a go at folks who choose to give money away to whoever they seem fit-up to them, nowt to do with you- get a life whistling.gif

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OP: In Pattaya my wife (born in Pattaya) occassionaly gives a bit of money to the older street beggars, no social security in Thailand, sometimes those with children. She's knows often children are Cambodian & controlled by criminal gangs, but takes the view they could possibly be beaten for not having enough takings for the day. For the older people she occassional goes and buys a cheap meal from a street vendor. Instant judgement calls that I am not going critise.

Do you do give a bit of money when children are possibly exposed to threats by organised gangs or take the moral high ground and refuse?

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Remember once working in Oxford, a unwashed, unshaven bloke sitting on a dirty coat with a skinny under feed dog in a doorway next to Marks & Sparks begging, saw a young lady go buy a sandwich and give it to him, he just threw it across the road, I was told he had a nice car and had been seen driving home on occasions.

He was probably earning more than me and sill claiming all the benefits he could and paying no tax.

Edited by Basil B
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My wife gives some cash to beggars from time to time, but she usually knows if they are genuine or not and if they are from Cambodia or elsewhere. If not sure she will try talking to them and if no answer or they cant speak Thai, no cash. There are a lot of kids getting around the bars selling flowers, wrist bands etc and some others with a card saying they cant speak or are deaf. They usually are con artists and very rarely will you see Thai's giving them any cash.

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I do not give beggars much money, sometimes offer them a street meal or like today a man with only one leg, he cannot work so yes I give him a bit. exploited? maybe but at least he can eat, if not exploited he was maybe dead already..

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