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Do You Have A Best Buddy In LOS?


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My best buddy in LOS is my wife.

I have drinking buddies, talking buddies, walking buddies but none compared with the connection and friendship I have with my wife.

Well it's just about impossible to have any serious conversation with a Thai so i can't see how the wife could be your best friend. Coming from totally different backgrounds , cultures and levels of education it's just not possible. I've never met a Thai in 11 years who would be capable of an in depth conversation. The wife ... lol , my misiss is as thick as two short planks. She's a great girl but not my best mate. More like a great shag and treats me like a Roman Prince.

Sad, very sad...


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I have one close buddy also from Calif. so we share similar backgrounds and can talk about many topics as well as life here and past....Have about 3 that I could count on to be there 24/7 + same forme if the need is there....have a social circle based on sports participation that generally could be if there was more contact time... part of the problem here is we tend to be a group of independent individuals + the ebb and flow of life with some being here a few years then either on to new adventures or back home......not really into the bar crawling thing & both the wife and I enjoy life traveling which does not lend itself to fostering kinships.....we do sometimes entertain but if the wife had a choice it would be family centered....hense we are 600 kilos away but manage to have them up or us down for a few days every 2-3 months and those visits tend to be full of activities and socializing.....

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I have one close buddy also from Calif. so we share similar backgrounds and can talk about many topics as well as life here and past....Have about 3 that I could count on to be there 24/7 + same forme if the need is there....have a social circle based on sports participation that generally could be if there was more contact time... part of the problem here is we tend to be a group of independent individuals + the ebb and flow of life with some being here a few years then either on to new adventures or back home......not really into the bar crawling thing & both the wife and I enjoy life traveling which does not lend itself to fostering kinships.....we do sometimes entertain but if the wife had a choice it would be family centered....hense we are 600 kilos away but manage to have them up or us down for a few days every 2-3 months and those visits tend to be full of activities and socializing.....

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My best buddy is a Thai, but I feel the situation is very unique. He has a lot of experience working with Americans and Brits - so, that could make a big difference. Now we rely on each other for many things, and he doesn't have that wall up or exhibit all the other stupid traits that many of the other Thais I know do. But I still have to respect his Thai ways, not make him lose face, etc. But, overall, I am very fortunate.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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My best buddy in LOS is my wife.

I have drinking buddies, talking buddies, walking buddies but none compared with the connection and friendship I have with my wife.

Well it's just about impossible to have any serious conversation with a Thai so i can't see how the wife could be your best friend. Coming from totally different backgrounds , cultures and levels of education it's just not possible. I've never met a Thai in 11 years who would be capable of an in depth conversation. The wife ... lol , my misiss is as thick as two short planks. She's a great girl but not my best mate. More like a great shag and treats me like a Roman Prince.

The username says it all.

You just judged 6o million odd people, putting them all in one category. Who are you, Hitler reincarnated?

I really don't think it's your wife who's thick.

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Died two years ago, and she's still my best buddy.

Run over by a Tuk-Tuk crying.gif


So the dog was on the road?


Not my girl, no. She died of CHF and cancer.

And one shouldn't judge someone if their dog was hit by a vehicle and died, doesn't mean they didn't love the animal and weren't heartbroken.

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My best buddy in LOS is my wife.

I have drinking buddies, talking buddies, walking buddies but none compared with the connection and friendship I have with my wife.

Well it's just about impossible to have any serious conversation with a Thai so i can't see how the wife could be your best friend. Coming from totally different backgrounds , cultures and levels of education it's just not possible. I've never met a Thai in 11 years who would be capable of an in depth conversation. The wife ... lol , my misiss is as thick as two short planks. She's a great girl but not my best mate. More like a great shag and treats me like a Roman Prince.

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i got a buddy here in Thailand....but he forget my Birthday today......sad.png


Can I be your buddy also?

Only if you buy me a case of Mars Bars....thumbsup.gif

Why? Are you connected to Marianne Faithfull and Mick Jagger?

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My best buddy in LOS is my wife.

I have drinking buddies, talking buddies, walking buddies but none compared with the connection and friendship I have with my wife.

Well it's just about impossible to have any serious conversation with a Thai so i can't see how the wife could be your best friend. Coming from totally different backgrounds , cultures and levels of education it's just not possible. I've never met a Thai in 11 years who would be capable of an in depth conversation. The wife ... lol , my misiss is as thick as two short planks. She's a great girl but not my best mate. More like a great shag and treats me like a Roman Prince.

Wow... thats just truly sad. I have a best buddy here (even though we share cultural differences, him being from europe and me the US) but I love hanging out with but at the end of the day I would rather spend most of my time with my wife. We have plenty of funny and serious conversations.

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The absence of communication verbally definitely prevents some serious and complex conversation taking place between Western husband and Thai lady wife just because of the language difficulty

That doesn't mean to say that there is no communication or real and meaningful understanding.

Its argued by those who seemingly know about communication skills that only 20% of our total communication with our Thai lady wives is verbal.

If that is the case then, as in my case the other 80% must be valid and working because although it would be nigh on impossible to explain about the vagaries of Einstein's theory of evolution to my Mrs, we certainly know what the other is thinking, albeit in another language possibly.

In Other words when people have lived together with each other for many years there sometimes is no need for verbal communication.

I hear those bleating on about how difficult it is to communicate with their Thai wives or girlfriends and immediately in my minds eye I picture a scenario where the Euro male has all the tendencies of a male porcine animal who hasn't the time, inclination or interest in furthering his wife's ability to have a decent communication with him either verbal or bodily apart that is form the language of the bonk!

Although my Mrs is limited in understanding my native language of lancastrian or the Queens rightful English, I am in awe of the way that she has mastered English, lao, Thai a little Khmer and because she was married to a German gentleman before me for ten years is also fluent in german.

Maybe if there is a deficit in the communication skills in a Euro/Thai relationship it is caused by the arrogance of the typical single language speaking Euro male and perhaps could be made better by him getting off his arse and acquiring some Thai language skills and ergo making understanding between him and his partner more interesting and illuminating apart from educational as well!

To keep the thread on topic, My Mrs is also my best friend Nay Soulmate, the best thing that ever happened to me!

Edited by n210mp
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The absence of communication verbally definitely prevents some serious and complex conversation taking place between Western husband and Thai lady wife just because of the language difficulty

That doesn't mean to say that there is no communication or real and meaningful understanding.

Its argued by those who seemingly know about communication skills that only 20% of our total communication with our Thai lady wives is verbal.

If that is the case then, as in my case the other 80% must be valid and working because although it would be nigh on impossible to explain about the vagaries of Einstein's theory of evolution to my Mrs, we certainly know what the other is thinking, albeit in another language possibly.

In Other words when people have lived together with each other for many years there sometimes is no need for verbal communication.

I hear those bleating on about how difficult it is to communicate with their Thai wives or girlfriends and immediately in my minds eye I picture a scenario where the Euro male has all the tendencies of a male porcine animal who hasn't the time, inclination or interest in furthering his wife's ability to have a decent communication with him either verbal or bodily apart that is form the language of the bonk!

Although my Mrs is limited in understanding my native language of lancastrian or the Queens rightful English, I am in awe of the way that she has mastered English, lao, Thai a little Khmer and because she was married to a German gentleman before me for ten years is also fluent in german.

Maybe if there is a deficit in the communication skills in a Euro/Thai relationship it is caused by the arrogance of the typical single language speaking Euro male and perhaps could be made better by him getting off his arse and acquiring some Thai language skills and ergo making understanding between him and his partner more interesting and illuminating apart from educational as well!

To keep the thread on topic, My Mrs is also my best friend Nay Soulmate, the best thing that ever happened to me!

Nicely put there .....But cant for the life of me work out how you got a photo of me for your Avatar......

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Time for my weekly essay on Thai visa. Thanks to the OP for the inspiration.

I used to have a few male friends here, but they've all left for good, except for occasional holidays here. Can't make a living anymore here, Thais can do the job.

So, that leaves my wife of 12 years, and she is a great and solid friend who, rather atypically, is interested in reading, finding out things, developing thoughts and opinions, coming up with ideas etc and is open and enjoys chatting mostly. Probably not hardly having gone through the "education" system has left her human potentials intact. I don't agree at all that Thais cannot have a meaningful conversation, that is over-generalizing, tho there are too many people here who choose to not communicate with anyone. Can't blame them. It's a survival strategy. Don't talk and you don't make anyone lose face saying something stupid, and don't open yourself to getting screwed.

Still have lots of old friends back home and it is nearly as enjoyable corresponding and reading their facebook and other internet posts etc. Sounds pretty depleted, but

I don't feel Americans put much stock in friendships. It's kind of bogus at this point with a lot of people, or it seems to me. They just want their space to do whatever they do. Friendships are not fashionable. As the world continues to degenerate, friendship is valued less and less and is becoming an endangered species. Not having many friends isn't just an ex-pat in Thailand problem. Many Thais that I know don't seem to have any friends either.

People have to work harder for less and less every year. People have nothing left for their buddies. On top of that we are impacted by all the technologies that keep people from interacting except via those technologies themselves, I am as guilty as anyone of that. My impression is that it is a problem more in America than even say the UK and maybe Australia and Europe, as already communities in America have tended to be less intact to begin with. There has been more of a systematic effort to alienate people in the states through social engineering, urban planning, the media, and the education system as probably a divide and conquer strategy to stop any further uppitiness like we had in the 50's, 60's and 70's. o add to that weakness, we don't have say, pub culture, or a developed sense of the importance of being engaging and interesting in a conversation as say the Brits do. Many Americans seem to shun interaction and friendship just as many Asians do, and only trust family and old school buddies. Many cities hardly have even a decent public transportation system, people are shut away inside their cars and houses all the time. So, people are already weak in many cities in terms of their friendliness habits and associated reflexes. The exaggerated sense of the danger of other people via crime reports and other kinds of media generated paranoia doesn't really help make for conducive atmospheres for friendliness either. Better watch out for that guy in the club sitting next to you, he'll steal your date or my God, your iphone. So people are thinking that way all the time instead of, "Hmm…that's an interesting comment he's made, i should introduce myself and chime in." Do something like that and you may find yourself on the recieving end of some kind of hostile, paranoid reaction. Mostly only in hipster circles/neighborhoods do you see people who try and get out and meet new people. Or that has been my experience growing up as a white person on the west coast.

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Met my mate as we rented next to him for a while. We have weekly thursday night drinks in Lamphun. He is english and about 55. I am aussie 42. His mate who is now good friends is 67 also comes. Have another from the isle of man who comes and goes. We chat very easily. It a matter of being able to get along with them and them you otherwise they are acquaintances. We all share of bar girl stories etc. we are all married to thai ladies.. Actually sneaking out tomorrow night to foxylady for my birthday drinks and perve in chiang mai. We had a blast 4 months ago when we did the same.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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The absence of communication verbally definitely prevents some serious and complex conversation taking place between Western husband and Thai lady wife just because of the language difficulty

That doesn't mean to say that there is no communication or real and meaningful understanding.

Its argued by those who seemingly know about communication skills that only 20% of our total communication with our Thai lady wives is verbal.

If that is the case then, as in my case the other 80% must be valid and working because although it would be nigh on impossible to explain about the vagaries of Einstein's theory of evolution to my Mrs, we certainly know what the other is thinking, albeit in another language possibly.

In Other words when people have lived together with each other for many years there sometimes is no need for verbal communication.

I hear those bleating on about how difficult it is to communicate with their Thai wives or girlfriends and immediately in my minds eye I picture a scenario where the Euro male has all the tendencies of a male porcine animal who hasn't the time, inclination or interest in furthering his wife's ability to have a decent communication with him either verbal or bodily apart that is form the language of the bonk!

Although my Mrs is limited in understanding my native language of lancastrian or the Queens rightful English, I am in awe of the way that she has mastered English, lao, Thai a little Khmer and because she was married to a German gentleman before me for ten years is also fluent in german.

Maybe if there is a deficit in the communication skills in a Euro/Thai relationship it is caused by the arrogance of the typical single language speaking Euro male and perhaps could be made better by him getting off his arse and acquiring some Thai language skills and ergo making understanding between him and his partner more interesting and illuminating apart from educational as well!

To keep the thread on topic, My Mrs is also my best friend Nay Soulmate, the best thing that ever happened to me!

Nicely put there .....But cant for the life of me work out how you got a photo of me for your Avatar......

Yeh, thats out of order, but it is you on a good day mate.......thumbsup.gif

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Met one in two years....but we are both too independent to worry about shacking up, or hanging out for hours on end.

I think we will bump into each other again, but seems enough to know that he is around. We live in separate towns now.

A nice friend is somebody who will not forget you...even if you do not see each other for long periods of time. Good friends don't have to put on a show, or try to be top dog. It is just something inside that makes it click.

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I am lucky, I have a Thai best friend who speaks good English and he is not like other Thais, we talk about everything from movies to politics to religion - he is awesome ! I wish all the rest were a lot more like him and the country would be a much better place for it...

Try learning Thai and you'll find most Thais talk about these 3 things
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I've lived in Bangkok for 6 years.

In that time I have also met many people from many walks of life. Whilst I have no issue with being friendly to anyone, I find that most of the working class types I meet from the UK are people I have nothing in common with so haven't made any real friends out of that lot.

I have one very good expat friend from Hong Kong who lives here, I have one ex Thai girlfriend that is still a great friend, I have one Thai female friend (we have had sex but she was never a GF, more of a fling, but she became an awesome friend) and I have a very good Thai male friend. All 3 of my Thai friends were either educated overseas or lived overseas for a while.

Then there are 30+ guys I have come to consider good friends, all working here with successful businesses, a mix of Western, Indian and Asian.

What I miss from my life back in HK are the large number of women who I had as friends (some but definitely not all were ex's of course).

To only have 2 real Thai female friends in 6 years seems very low.... but Thai women seem to get very funny when you tell them you are friends with another woman, they assume you must be sleeping with them and if its an ex they can't understand why you broke up but stayed friends.

It amazes me when I read posts from long term expats who have no Thai friends, or who think that all Thai's are out to scam you..... etc. I've started to going to bars and clubs where the Thais party to make more Thai friends.

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