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No Visa required for Chinese and Taiwanese visiting Thailand between August-October


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I hope they are taught not to blow their nose or spit in the hotel pools, I am a member of a hotel fitness center and use the pool, it is so common, really nasty.


I came across one group in HK, spitting on the footpath, (Hennessy Rd) an old grey haired guy at the back was Picking he's nose and eating it, as I went passed I asked him if he'd found any gold nuggets, filthy prick..  



It's a HK$2000 fine I believe?

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I hope they are taught not to blow their nose or spit in the hotel pools, I am a member of a hotel fitness center and use the pool, it is so common, really nasty.

If you see anyone doing that, report it to the fitness/pool staff, or to the hotel management.  The hotel personnel don't like it any more than you do, so they are your allies.

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Desperate for tourists they are opening the floodgates to their 'relatives' who they hope and pray will bring billions to the country's coffers.   However; the 'Upmarket-High End' tourists they yearn for, and keep telling us they are trying to attract, will not be forthcoming as those types do not see Thailand as inviting in any way, more like the more downtrodden Chinese City's that they know already.  Upmarket tourists do not need to worry about the cost and inconvenience of Visa's either, they just get an agency to deal with it all.

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I hope they are taught not to blow their nose or spit in the hotel pools, I am a member of a hotel fitness center and use the pool, it is so common, really nasty.


Know what you mean.


I've made some Chinese friends since living here, some real nice people and all are embarrassed at how their countrymen behave whilst abroad, you know the spitting in public, children pissing and dumping wherever they please, the pushing and shoving in public places and the full volume all the time.


One guy told me, they know what they do, they seem it as acceptable cos they're not 'shitting on their own doorstep' (even though I've heard some do). Basically, when they're away, they play, right up! 

Edited by lostmebike
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I love it a pure comedy of errors on the Thais .First you lose 30-40%+ of the English teachers in the country because you want only qualified people who spent 4 year and 10,000'sUS to make less than 1000US not to mention live in an increasingly xenophobic country. Yes there are standards that can be expected but if you can't match the asking price then don't complain when no one wants to work for you. The reason why the TFEL teachers work is because the demand is so high now remove the pool the demand increases without the standard of pay increasing. Coupled by the by the fact other ASEAN countries are also in need of native speakers its A. Going to lower the English proficiency of the country B. Cause Thais to become more self absorbed and defensive when they get the hard lesson of "English is the language of ASEAN not Thai" Their neighbors are coming up while they are going down and if they ever catch up to Thailand I am pretty sure they will remember how they were treated.    


The Chinese now that is some funny sh*t it reminds me of a survey they published a few months back about the Thais being some of the best tippers in the world. Let me tell you knowing more than a few business owners and waitresses Thai do not tip and if they do its the 3-4 baht change almost more of an insult. Without fail most of the Chinese tourist I have been exposed too in the region were less than stellar tourists. In Wat Tom Cambodia they were screaming at the top of their lungs because they want to hear themselves in a completely quit place. On Semmaessan we were taking a military patrol boat across one of these asshats decided he wanted to be captain and sat in the his chair and played with shit. His Thai handler/Chinese almost blew a gasket when I pointed it out and the guy was lucky no Thai military saw this. Samed one knocked my wife over trying to push in front of the line so she could they could be the first ones off clearly when everyone is also standing in line. Needless to say that person get a nice elbow arm wall in the ribs when they tried to push past me. You do not push down someones wife acting like a Chinese big shot without expecting a little blowback.   


25 years ago in China on internal flights they used to literally run to the plane to get up the steps and into their seats first. Many hugging large suitcases because they didn't trust check-in it in. They couldn't understand that your ticket had an individual seat number, and everyone had their own seat. I have to admit, like you, that when jostled like that I too resort to elbows and shoulders - a few got "moved". 

At that time the service in hotels, restaurants and any service industry was abysmal too. All down to 50 years of communism telling them repeatedly everyone is equal and serving others is wrong.


The manners of people from most of the former communist countries are sadly lacking. I had a group of East Europeans try and barge past me whilst I was early boarding my disabled son on one flight. They just aren't use to travel in different countries or familiar with any social graces. Too many years of having to grab what you can mentality. Ever seen the Russians at hotel breakfast buffets - send their kids up to take all the fruit, sliced meat, cheese while mom sits packing away for later? Ever seen a hotel room after an Indian family has stayed there?


It's better than 25 years ago for sure - but still a long way from being what many would consider "normal". They just don;t know how to behave and no one is telling them.

Edited by Baerboxer
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It's going to be the second wave of Chinese immigrants since the 1800s. Many will settle and marry the locals. This is interesting.


What is interesting is how such a xenophobic nation allow another nationality to come and totally dominate (financially I mean) their society.  

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They are clamping down on westerners by inconveniencing thousands of them to stop a small handfull from working.


Have they a clue how many Chinese enter the country on tourist visas and work illegally?


I bet it is far more than westerners.


Now they don't even need a visa.... crazy.


Yes but Chinese don't go on English language forums and criticize Thailand? How many singlet wearing Chinese used to do visa runs and abuse a friendly system?

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I'm blaming is forum for the visa hassles they are giving Farangs. If there were less posts about where to buy the cheapest beer and food and complain about Thais they might have given us an easier time.

I suggest we all stop posting, put on our visor hats and hit the streets spending as much on worthless trinkets and visit as many temples (don't forget to donate) as we can afford. Then in a few months we will be welcomed again.

Honestly, I have been here 15 years and know they hate expats in their nice homes and driving around in new cars, living it up for the cheap prices with our overflowing bank accounts and our trophy wives and luk krungs diluting the blood lines. It's why we get ripped off at any chance.

The looks I got while in the land office the other day said it all. What is HE doing in here? Mothers were literally pulling their children in close. :)
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I hope they are taught not to blow their nose or spit in the hotel pools, I am a member of a hotel fitness center and use the pool, it is so common, really nasty.


I came across one group in HK, spitting on the footpath, (Hennessy Rd) an old grey haired guy at the back was Picking he's nose and eating it, as I went passed I asked him if he'd found any gold nuggets, filthy prick..  

Com on guys , having my breakfast here .sick.gif

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OK, the country needs quality tourists that spend money in the shops to help boost retail.  Are the Chinese people coming in August-October going to be the big spenders?   Cos the Chinese coming in the last 12 months haven't been spending too much!


I haven't had my first coffee yet so sarcasm and wit are sadly lacking!


I just had my coffee.....where do you see that the Chinese don't spend?

I'm not doubting your statement maybe you know something that isn't apparent to me, especially for the last 12 months.

Although I have seen comments on various forums that Chinese don't spend money, the stats I see  say the reverse.

From " The Economist" dated april 24,2013

"Nearly one in ten international tourists worldwide is now Chinese, with 97.3m outward-bound journeys from the country last year, of which around half were for leisure. Chinese tourists spend most in total ($129 billion in 2013, followed by Americans at $86 billion) and per tax-free transaction ($1,130 compared with $494 by Russians). More than 80% say that shopping is vital to their plans, compared with 56% of Middle Eastern tourists and 48% of Russians. They are expected to buy more luxury goods next year while abroad than tourists from all other countries combined".

Only around 5% of China’s population now own passports, and most of those who travel go to Hong Kong or Macau. But increased affluence, a trend towards longer holidays, fewer visa conditions and growing numbers of repeat travellers mean that every year more will take foreign trips, and more will venture farther.   http://www.economist.com/news/international/21601028-how-growing-chinese-middle-class-changing-global-tourism-industry-coming.

Other articles online say somewhat the same.


The impression I get is that the Chinese travel for quality food & high end shopping.

certainly for the last 12 months..... 4-6 of the months had demonstrations, so that might have put off Chinese tourists & buying.

The notion that the Chinese are bad tourists,that they are cheap spenders is like saying that every farang that comes to Thailand just drinks alcohol & is a sex monger.




They might be spending more money now, but would you like me to post here 20 links, from the past 12 months, of Chinese tourists behaving badly EVERYWHERE they go??


Let's put it simply, the modern Chinese culture and morality is down the toilet now and they'll bring that to Thailand also. Are we happy now?


edit: Oh, I forgot my source: 4 years of living in China.

Edited by elzach
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OK, the country needs quality tourists that spend money in the shops to help boost retail.  Are the Chinese people coming in August-October going to be the big spenders?   Cos the Chinese coming in the last 12 months haven't been spending too much!


I haven't had my first coffee yet so sarcasm and wit are sadly lacking!


"Cos the Chinese coming in the last 12 months haven't been spending too much!"


The last time I was in Yawarat (Chinatown) they were spending 1500-3500 for a bowl of soup. (sharkfin).



Hardly a ringing endorsement - being a major reason for perpetuating the de-finning of sharks just so they can flaunt their "wealth". And that goes for the Thai traders that enable this repugnant practise as well. 



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I'm blaming is forum for the visa hassles they are giving Farangs. If there were less posts about where to buy the cheapest beer and food and complain about Thais they might have given us an easier time.

I suggest we all stop posting, put on our visor hats and hit the streets spending as much on worthless trinkets and visit as many temples (don't forget to donate) as we can afford. Then in a few months we will be welcomed again.

Honestly, I have been here 15 years and know they hate expats in their nice homes and driving around in new cars, living it up for the cheap prices with our overflowing bank accounts and our trophy wives and luk krungs diluting the blood lines. It's why we get ripped off at any chance.

The looks I got while in the land office the other day said it all. What is HE doing in here? Mothers were literally pulling their children in close. smile.png


1. You think farangs (westerners) may be loathed here for certain behaviors? Wait till the Chinese flood the place.


2. Most of the attitudes encountered and described here are a result of inferiority complex. Do I need to explain that?

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Many of the comments here border on racism and many cross the line.  To paint the Chinese in a broad stroke is like repeating the stereotypes of Westerners - when a few western men are arrested, tried and convicted as a pedafile - does that mean that all westerners are pedafiles?  Sure, many Chinese tourists in Thailand are not well-traveled - but I find it more than ironic that expats, who are living in a different counry are complaining about foreigners visiting Thailand.



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What a sickening display of Thai hypocrisy we have here!


How about the thanks to the many foreign expats I know who will have problems with the new nationalist visa requirements but have supported countless families in the northeast through their Thai spouses girl- and boyfriends, taught Thai kids proper English and other foreign languages, volunteered for many good causes, are engaged in charities and projects to help children in need, some even founded schooling systems, and all of them pumped a lot of money into the Thai economy by renting, leasing homes, buying motorcycles, cars, boats, furniture, etc. and who have spend most of their money here in Thailand for food, daily supplies, diesel, benzin, gas, prepaid cards, you name it over the past 20 or 30 years?


The self-centered, nationalist, racist, superficial, leech-alike, greedy "Thainess" sickens me to my stomach more and more by the day!!! The only positive thing that keeps me going here is knowing there's a fair percentage of good Thai people out there who are educated, open-minded and able to see the bigger picture. Without them, this country would be falling apart in lightning speed right now.

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hope visa waiver scheme can be started as early as possible...


THAI Airasia, thai smile air, NOK all  pinched their hope for further expansion scheme on cina passengers,even cina transit passengers to europe & africa making stop at BKK a few days can help airlines and hotels and tours companies more,more airlines operating means more jobs for thai...


if they  consider thailand as good place for purchasing iphone LV bags and other luxury goods(cheaper than korea, USA,,etc),means more opportunities  for thai.



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Many of the comments here border on racism and many cross the line.  To paint the Chinese in a broad stroke is like repeating the stereotypes of Westerners - when a few western men are arrested, tried and convicted as a pedafile - does that mean that all westerners are pedafiles?  Sure, many Chinese tourists in Thailand are not well-traveled - but I find it more than ironic that expats, who are living in a different counry are complaining about foreigners visiting Thailand.




No, no, you got it all wrong... 90% of Thais are the grandmasters of racism. Grandmasters, because they (if they feel the need to) are able to water down the essence of a pure, deep-rooted fundamental racist attitude to an extend that it fits nicely into an air duffuser, basically showering you with liquid $#!te while making you believe that you are relaxing in an exclusive spa...


Handing down lax visa regulations to well-paying, submissive and no questions asking Chinese and Taiwanese tourists, while kicking the expats who have supported this country over the past 20, 30 years in the butt, is just another fine example of the above.

Edited by catweazle
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"Hopefully Thai nationals will get reciprocal privileges soon as well."


I wonder what recipricocity is when there are a billion and a half Chinese.


I'd settle for a one to one agreement.  One Thai visitor gets a free visa to China for every one Chinese free visa to Thailand.


Maybe the Thai think these Chinese tourists are gonna pay the Falang price at their national jungle forests and waterfall parks? Thai's should go ask some of their fellow countrymen living in Hong Kong about Chinese tourists from the mainland that visit their city of Hong Kong.

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i live in tourist resort and they are killing the place, locals complain they spend no money , abuse everything and are just rude to thais


Yep!  That's about right.  Maybe 70% of the guests at my small hotels in Phuket are Chinese, (used to be 70% Western about 5 years ago).


Lucky for me, my business is too small for tour groups.  But these Chinese guests never buy food or drink here and only top up their Mama noodles with hot water.  They assume my ex is a junior staff, even though she is the 'boss' :)


However, all of this is out of my hands - blame the TAT for encouraging these (sorry to generalize), lo-life tourists.  As per my avatar, I always try to look on the bright side.  So I am attending Chinese language lessons and we are organizing hotel packages in Phuket that use the few public buses, (since these guests won't pay for taxis).


Apparently, my businesses get very good reviews on the Chinese hotel web-sites.  If it means having 100% occupancy all year round with tight-wallet Chinese, then so be it.  I'll lock my room door, put on a good movie VCD, open a cold beer and shout instructions in Mandarin for my ex to relay to these favoured guests.


Qing wen, wor bu jing li...

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we are organizing hotel packages in Phuket that use the few public buses, (since these guests won't pay for taxis).


couldn't you use rented vans to make packages(which might be cheaper than public buses)?


could they afford to pay cyclo or tuktuk  as their transport?


what's the real ages of these lo-life tourists, do they use visa card as payment, do they rent car or motobike from u?

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Hong Kong Chinese should respond to this favorably although it was not so long ago that a travel ban was announced by Hong Kong Tourist Authority.

555 ... The Hong Kong Chinese have protested in the streets several times against the mainland-Chinese tourists who come to Hong Kong. They complain about how rude and crude the mainland-Chinese are, as well as urinating in the streets, spitting on the floors, stealing the silverware, etc., etc. Given both groups are Chinese, I guess you can't call it racism. 

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couldn't you use rented vans to make packages(which might be cheaper than public buses)?

No, public buses are the cheapest (but limited) option in Phuket



could they afford to pay cyclo or tuktuk  as their transport?

Tuk-tuk?????  This is Phuket ==> hugely expensive/rip-off tuk-tuk prices



what's the real ages of these lo-life tourists, do they use visa card as payment, do they rent car or motobike from u?



Hmm, I don't think the average package-holiday tourist from mainland China possesses a credit-card.  Nor will they consider renting a car nor a bike ==> too expensive.


You need to understand that the TAT's policy to encourage tourists from China to visit Phuket has not resulted in large numbers of well-heeled tourists from Hong Kong.  It has attracted vast numbers of mainland Chinese who (in my experience), have never ventured outside of China, do not even realize that people in Thailand speak Thai, expect to be allowed to sleep 6-8 family members in one hotel room for the price of 2 guests, refuse to use taxis, tour-buses or tuk-tuks because they are too expensive, buy their food and drink at 7/11 to bring back to the hotel etc etc.


Of course, there ARE some 'hi-so', rich Chinese, but they do seem to be in the absolute minority.

Edited by simon43
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i live in tourist resort and they are killing the place, locals complain they spend no money , abuse everything and are just rude to thais


Yep!  That's about right.  Maybe 70% of the guests at my small hotels in Phuket are Chinese, (used to be 70% Western about 5 years ago).


Lucky for me, my business is too small for tour groups.  But these Chinese guests never buy food or drink here and only top up their Mama noodles with hot water.  They assume my ex is a junior staff, even though she is the 'boss' smile.png


However, all of this is out of my hands - blame the TAT for encouraging these (sorry to generalize), lo-life tourists.  As per my avatar, I always try to look on the bright side.  So I am attending Chinese language lessons and we are organizing hotel packages in Phuket that use the few public buses, (since these guests won't pay for taxis).


Apparently, my businesses get very good reviews on the Chinese hotel web-sites.  If it means having 100% occupancy all year round with tight-wallet Chinese, then so be it.  I'll lock my room door, put on a good movie VCD, open a cold beer and shout instructions in Mandarin for my ex to relay to these favoured guests.


Qing wen, wor bu jing li...



Your still using VCDs?

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I'm blaming is forum for the visa hassles they are giving Farangs. If there were less posts about where to buy the cheapest beer and food and complain about Thais they might have given us an easier time.

I suggest we all stop posting, put on our visor hats and hit the streets spending as much on worthless trinkets and visit as many temples (don't forget to donate) as we can afford. Then in a few months we will be welcomed again.

Honestly, I have been here 15 years and know they hate expats in their nice homes and driving around in new cars, living it up for the cheap prices with our overflowing bank accounts and our trophy wives and luk krungs diluting the blood lines. It's why we get ripped off at any chance.

The looks I got while in the land office the other day said it all. What is HE doing in here? Mothers were literally pulling their children in close. smile.png


Not only the Thais that hate em... rolleyes.gif


It is well deserved ire - if you choose to live a Hi-So lifestyle, and obscenely throw your wealth (and weight) around in a Buddhist country what more can you expect?

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..Chinese are already the largest migrant group in Thailand and control 90% of economy...All Billionaires in Thailand are Pure Chinese....Thai-Chinese are the largest Chinese group outside China.


Chinese tourists spend the most dollars last year..They are the highest tourist spenders in the world...Google it...


Chinese have already taken over Thailand...90% of all LAND in pattaya is owned by the Thai-Chinese some 50 years ago...


Chinese are like combined population of North America, Europe, Russia in ONE..How can Thai's Ignore them....They will bring in more money than the entire Europeans and Americans and rest of the world combined.


By 2015, Chinese tourists could spend more than all the world’s luxury shoppers combined







Of the five billionaires in Thailand in the late 20th century, 100 percent were all ethnic Chinese or of partial Chinese descent.[26


 More than 80% of top 40 richest people in Thailand are Thai of full or partly Chinese descent


70% of the retailing outlets and 80 to 90 percent of the rice mills were controlled by ethnic Chinese.[29] A survey of Thailand's roughly seventy most powerful business groups found that all but three were owned by Thai Chinese.[30] The Chinese control more than 80 per cent of companies listed on the stock market.  In Thailand it is said that 50 ethnic Chinese families controlled most of the country’s business sectors or 81 to 90 percent of the overall market capitalization of the Thai economy.[6][8][9][33


A smart businessman from a western country in Thailand will make sure his business plans includes Chinese...DO NOT IGNORE THEM...INVITE THEM

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It's going to be the second wave of Chinese immigrants since the 1800s. Many will settle and marry the locals. This is interesting.

This is true the Chinese are coming for wives and they have more money than the old retires that is why they liked to much.  Also they are younger  I even like the Chinese better the drunk over weight Farangs


Long live the Chinese Tourist 

Edited by harryfrompattaya
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..Chinese are already the largest migrant group in Thailand and control 90% of economy...All Billionaires in Thailand are Pure Chinese....Thai-Chinese are the largest Chinese group outside China.


Chinese tourists spend the most dollars last year..They are the highest tourist spenders in the world...Google it...


Chinese have already taken over Thailand...90% of all LAND in pattaya is owned by the Thai-Chinese some 50 years ago...


Chinese are like combined population of North America, Europe, Russia in ONE..How can Thai's Ignore them....They will bring in more money than the entire Europeans and Americans and rest of the world combined.


By 2015, Chinese tourists could spend more than all the world’s luxury shoppers combined







Of the five billionaires in Thailand in the late 20th century, 100 percent were all ethnic Chinese or of partial Chinese descent.[26


 More than 80% of top 40 richest people in Thailand are Thai of full or partly Chinese descent


70% of the retailing outlets and 80 to 90 percent of the rice mills were controlled by ethnic Chinese.[29] A survey of Thailand's roughly seventy most powerful business groups found that all but three were owned by Thai Chinese.[30] The Chinese control more than 80 per cent of companies listed on the stock market.  In Thailand it is said that 50 ethnic Chinese families controlled most of the country’s business sectors or 81 to 90 percent of the overall market capitalization of the Thai economy.[6][8][9][33


A smart businessman from a western country in Thailand will make sure his business plans includes Chinese...DO NOT IGNORE THEM...INVITE THEM

I bet you complain that in America and England the Billionaires are relatives of or are the Rothschild's themseleves 

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