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Yingluck seeks NCPO's permission to visit Europe

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Someone who is a fleeing risk asking for permission to visit a convicted fugitive abroad... yeah, right. rolleyes.gif

Have a little think. Maybe they want her to flee. . .

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Big error guys, she's not return to Thailand, she'll travel with her son, she will not have other attach in Thailand and she will free to join some terrorist movement

If indeed she does not come back, it will just make the current junta stronger and have more support.

Prayuth was smart to let her travel, if she is dumb enough to stay outside Thailand, that will be the end of the reds.

...that will boost the credibility of the junta in orders of magnitude. LOL

There is more PM candidates in the Shinawatra clan, this is just the beginning, wait and see at the next election, the reds have unfortunately just getting started coffee1.gif


To all of you who wish her request be denied I also hope the next time you try to enter Thailand your request is also denied and see how you feel about it.

Bob I did not know people grew RED MANGOES

Your comment is the most ridiculous I have read on here yet.

This is a woman that is presently before the courts on charges that could see her do serious jail time.

She is the sister of a wanted fugitive who did exactly what she is planning to to do.

Her family has already proven that they have no ties to Thailand or their families.

Once she has been cleared of all charges or done her time then fine she can go where she wants.

Until then unlike all the other fugitves from Thai courts that are roaming the world she needs to stay in Thailand

BTW where is the red bull bad boy.

kingstonkid, nature provides for all needs.


here's a red mango Bob.

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How about freezing all her assets in Thailand until she returns ? While she's away big brother can drop her a loan for the Paris shopping as they discuss the day they both return triumphant to plunder the country further. Lol. She should at least be threatened with the possibility of losing the majority of her wealth if she does not return.

There are two sides to this little episode; either the General doesn't want her to return or the cracks are starting to appear in his resolve. After all; this is a person who should in all reality be on some sort of Bail pending many further investigations into the financial dealings of a Government she led. In many other countries she would most likely be held on remand in a secure facility until investigation were completed along with several of her cronies.

I hope it works out the way the General thinks it will for his sake and the sake of the country in general.

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"Yingluck seeks junta's permission to visit Europe"

Let me guess, first stop Dubai giggle.gif

Oh, I should think by now that the Count of Montenegro has taken a whole floor at the King George V Hotel and is anxiously awaiting the arrival of his beloved sister and all his admirers.


I'll come back, honest I will cause I want to face the enquiry regarding my role in the rice scam scheme.

NCPO - No way - never let her out of your sight, she is about as honest as her fugitive camel herding brother and we are well aware of the limitations of his honesty.

I don't think she'll come back. Maybe Gen. Prayuth senses this and sees her leaving Thailand as the best thing for the country. I hope this is the case. The last thing Thailand needs now is to have her case wrapped up in the courts. Thailand needs to forget the Shinawatra family and move on, uniting the country and becoming one again.

As long as there is a single Shin in this country, this cancer will continue to gnaw away at Thailand.

Putting Yingluck away for a good few years would have been much better for the country as it sends out a message that not even the PM is above the law.

Well, JCB has a point, a big trial would most probably stir up a lot of unnecessary violence, and perhaps not only verbal. No matter how much 'evidence' (with or without quotation marks) is brought up, the indicted politician(s) will always scream that it's all a big manipulation, and those who want to believe that will not change their minds.

If minds can indeed be changed it can only be by the passing of time and long term action with tangible results. Arguments, no matter how clever and/or true, are always useless. Evidence can be called forgery and witnesses can be called liars. No end to that.

We are dealing here with an immensely rich family, who lost face big time, have undeniable brains and a very efficient team of communication experts working for them. A rather noxious combination. If YL does decide that the climate in Dubai is better for her throat, will they just let it go, stop fighting and in effect continue hurting their country ? Of course not. They will endorse the victim's posture ("we had to flee our oh so beloved motherland because we were being hounded by corrupt and partisan judges") and let's not forget that many Western politicians keep claiming, with a straight face, that the Shins were 'democratically elected', so they're likely to get plenty of support.

Nicely balanced comments.

I do think that once she's "safe" and out of reach that the propaganda and lobbying will start again. Certain Western journalists pander to this very wealthy family and always play the biased judges, old elites, democratically elected champions of the poor cards. Unless you have been in Thailand and really know, it would be easy to swallow the Shins stories. All the lying, cheating, nepotism, cronyism and acting illegally is never mentioned. All dismissed as being of no importance compared to the "benefits' the poor receive; and besides others did the same before etc etc.

Letting her go could be beneficial and help avoid conflicts, but it could backfire horrendously as she take up the role of puppet PM in exile. At the moment she has no convictions barring her from office unlike her brother.

Sadly, Thailand is not free of the Shins yet.

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i wonder how many bags packed by her servants and suck holers full of cash for there retirement with loving brother

but i belive moneys went through burma 6mths ago big time


As long as there is a single Shin in this country, this cancer will continue to gnaw away at Thailand.

Putting Yingluck away for a good few years would have been much better for the country as it sends out a message that not even the PM is above the law.

Well, JCB has a point, a big trial would most probably stir up a lot of unnecessary violence, and perhaps not only verbal. No matter how much 'evidence' (with or without quotation marks) is brought up, the indicted politician(s) will always scream that it's all a big manipulation, and those who want to believe that will not change their minds.

If minds can indeed be changed it can only be by the passing of time and long term action with tangible results. Arguments, no matter how clever and/or true, are always useless. Evidence can be called forgery and witnesses can be called liars. No end to that.

We are dealing here with an immensely rich family, who lost face big time, have undeniable brains and a very efficient team of communication experts working for them. A rather noxious combination. If YL does decide that the climate in Dubai is better for her throat, will they just let it go, stop fighting and in effect continue hurting their country ? Of course not. They will endorse the victim's posture ("we had to flee our oh so beloved motherland because we were being hounded by corrupt and partisan judges") and let's not forget that many Western politicians keep claiming, with a straight face, that the Shins were 'democratically elected', so they're likely to get plenty of support.

Nicely balanced comments.

I do think that once she's "safe" and out of reach that the propaganda and lobbying will start again. Certain Western journalists pander to this very wealthy family and always play the biased judges, old elites, democratically elected champions of the poor cards. Unless you have been in Thailand and really know, it would be easy to swallow the Shins stories. All the lying, cheating, nepotism, cronyism and acting illegally is never mentioned. All dismissed as being of no importance compared to the "benefits' the poor receive; and besides others did the same before etc etc.

Letting her go could be beneficial and help avoid conflicts, but it could backfire horrendously as she take up the role of puppet PM in exile. At the moment she has no convictions barring her from office unlike her brother.

Sadly, Thailand is not free of the Shins yet.

Agree, until all court appearances and decisions reached she or anyone else that has to face court proceedings they should be barred from leaving the country. After that if cleared then why not.


Big mistake. Pending the investigations as to her incompetence and malfeasance and in the light of all to familiar trend for such Thai's to leave the country this potentate should be made stay put until the cases against her are put before the courts. Also. where is the nobility in the justification to go to celebrate the birthday of a family member , political provocateur, criminal and fugitive from justice.

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Yingluck, just host the anniversary in Thailand. Invite Thaksin to come to your house.....

To become untouchable he will have to do a "Suthep" and become a monk ! whistling.gif


Yingluck, just host the anniversary in Thailand. Invite Thaksin to come to your house.....

To become untouchable he will have to do a "Suthep" and become a monk ! whistling.gif

Or a Thaksin!


Yingluck, just host the anniversary in Thailand. Invite Thaksin to come to your house.....

To become untouchable he will have to do a "Suthep" and become a monk ! whistling.gif

He's not untouchable just because he's a monk. He's scheduled to appear in court for the hearing of the (trumped up) 2010 murder charges on 28th July.

Only those who do a 'runner' are untouchable.

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Ehhh, did she visit her brother abroad last year? Or any year? Why now? Would it have something to do with a massive number of court cases, civil and criminal, she is facing. {snip} {snip}

Except that she isn't. I expect that this is why the NCPO is in charge and you aren't, because they know the difference between facing charges and not facing charges.

I don't know either one of your ulterior motives although I suspect both of you, deeply, you and the junta. But I do know Yingluck currently faces no charges.

To become untouchable he will have to do a "Suthep" and become a monk !

Or a Thaksin!

Yes. Except you should have pointed out that Suthep is certainly not untouchable and being a monk doesn't make him so. Amazing what people don't know about monks, Buddhism, the law and Thailand, all in one short sentence.

But what intrigues me is, why do you suppose Thaksin is untouchable? I don't get why the junta has not cancelled Thaksin's passport. I ask this over and over and the only answer I get anywhere is "fear". Really? The whole junta paralysed with stark visible fear over one man? Seems crazy. And yet, no action, passport still entirely valid....



Requesting permission is one thing. Being granted an entry visa by another country is another. I will wait and see.


If The General agrees to this his reputation as a man who seeks true justice for all will be tarnished forever. Lets face it; can this woman be trusted to return and face the music ? Methinks not....but just my humble opinion.

You are a bit "one eyed" are'nt you. Don't you realise that they are letting her go because they know that she is an honest, law abiding, compassionate lady. They know her much better than you do, with your wildly biased guesses. Your "humble opinion" is about as sensible as a two headed nail. Give up, all this hatred will destroy you eventually, you poor man. wai2.gif


Requesting permission is one thing. Being granted an entry visa by another country is another. I will wait and see.

Other countries are not run by Suthep, brain washed, yellow shirt officials.


Good to see Yinluck doing more handbag foreign shopping trips...you go girl!--and then stay there!!

Jealousy will get you nowhere.


If The General agrees to this his reputation as a man who seeks true justice for all will be tarnished forever. Lets face it; can this woman be trusted to return and face the music ? Methinks not....but just my humble opinion.

You are a bit "one eyed" are'nt you. Don't you realise that they are letting her go because they know that she is an honest, law abiding, compassionate lady. They know her much better than you do, with your wildly biased guesses. Your "humble opinion" is about as sensible as a two headed nail. Give up, all this hatred will destroy you eventually, you poor man. wai2.gif

Honest as in "vows all farmers will be paid next week" or "my helicopter doesn't have lights and can't fly at night' or " there won't be another cabinet reshuffle".

I could go on.

She may well be many things, some good some not, but honest - you must be joking. Not by a country mile.

PS - was she law abiding when she let her cousin issue a new passport to her criminal fugitive brother? And has refused to answer for it ever since.

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I'll come back, honest I will cause I want to face the enquiry regarding my role in the rice scam scheme.

NCPO - No way - never let her out of your sight, she is about as honest as her fugitive camel herding brother and we are well aware of the limitations of his honesty.

I don't think she'll come back. Maybe Gen. Prayuth senses this and sees her leaving Thailand as the best thing for the country. I hope this is the case. The last thing Thailand needs now is to have her case wrapped up in the courts. Thailand needs to forget the Shinawatra family and move on, uniting the country and becoming one again.

Well, a good start has been made with Suthep "banged up" in a temple.thumbsup.gif


I'll come back, honest I will cause I want to face the enquiry regarding my role in the rice scam scheme.

NCPO - No way - never let her out of your sight, she is about as honest as her fugitive camel herding brother and we are well aware of the limitations of his honesty.

I don't think she'll come back. Maybe Gen. Prayuth senses this and sees her leaving Thailand as the best thing for the country. I hope this is the case. The last thing Thailand needs now is to have her case wrapped up in the courts. Thailand needs to forget the Shinawatra family and move on, uniting the country and becoming one again.

Thaksin was let to slip out the country too, and that caused a whole barrel of problems. The Shinawats still have a long line of prospective PM's. Expect to see another running at the next election.


Requesting permission is one thing. Being granted an entry visa by another country is another. I will wait and see.

Other countries are not run by Suthep, brain washed, yellow shirt officials.

Nope - and sadly many of them, including so called Western democracies have one rule for the rich and one for others.

I'm sure she and her trunks of money, bonds, jewels, and copious bank accounts will be very welcome in most.

Wonder if her luggage will be checked and if the amount of cash allowed to be carried out applies to billionaires the same as others?

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So she want permission to travel to attend a birthday party of a convicted jail dodger.

Why did not the junta suggest her brother come back to Thailand and they would arrange a really big bash at the Bangkok Hilton, something the Shinawatra's would never forget. whistling.gif

With Khun Suthep as 'head table guest' cheesy.gif


I'll come back, honest I will cause I want to face the enquiry regarding my role in the rice scam scheme.

NCPO - No way - never let her out of your sight, she is about as honest as her fugitive camel herding brother and we are well aware of the limitations of his honesty.

I don't think she'll come back. Maybe Gen. Prayuth senses this and sees her leaving Thailand as the best thing for the country. I hope this is the case. The last thing Thailand needs now is to have her case wrapped up in the courts. Thailand needs to forget the Shinawatra family and move on, uniting the country and becoming one again.

As long as there is a single Shin in this country, this cancer will continue to gnaw away at Thailand.

Putting Yingluck away for a good few years would have been much better for the country as it sends out a message that not even the PM is above the law.

Tell that to the majority of the Thai voting population. thumbsup.gif

  • Like 2

I'll come back, honest I will cause I want to face the enquiry regarding my role in the rice scam scheme.

NCPO - No way - never let her out of your sight, she is about as honest as her fugitive camel herding brother and we are well aware of the limitations of his honesty.

I don't think she'll come back. Maybe Gen. Prayuth senses this and sees her leaving Thailand as the best thing for the country. I hope this is the case. The last thing Thailand needs now is to have her case wrapped up in the courts. Thailand needs to forget the Shinawatra family and move on, uniting the country and becoming one again.

As long as there is a single Shin in this country, this cancer will continue to gnaw away at Thailand.

Putting Yingluck away for a good few years would have been much better for the country as it sends out a message that not even the PM is above the law.

Tell that to the majority of the Thai voting population. thumbsup.gif

Or even the large minority that voted for her once before thumbsup.gif

  • Like 1

Big error guys, she's not return to Thailand, she'll travel with her son, she will not have other attach in Thailand and she will free to join some terrorist movement

If you are living in Bangkok, i can give you the address of a good psychiatrist , he might be able to help you.

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I'll come back, honest I will cause I want to face the enquiry regarding my role in the rice scam scheme.

NCPO - No way - never let her out of your sight, she is about as honest as her fugitive camel herding brother and we are well aware of the limitations of his honesty.

I don't think she'll come back. Maybe Gen. Prayuth senses this and sees her leaving Thailand as the best thing for the country. I hope this is the case. The last thing Thailand needs now is to have her case wrapped up in the courts. Thailand needs to forget the Shinawatra family and move on, uniting the country and becoming one again.

Well, a good start has been made with Suthep "banged up" in a temple.thumbsup.gif

This is your second ignorant post about Suthep being 'banged up' or untouchable.

Monks are not untouchable - or is Thai law of no consequence to you?

Your Suthep phobia seems to have overridden your ability to think.

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To all of you who wish her request be denied I also hope the next time you try to enter Thailand your request is also denied and see how you feel about it.

I don't give a hoot, if the state of Thailand denies the re-entry for me. That will leave some Thai adolescents here without food, healthcare and school money. Then Thailand is to blame, not me.


Ehhh, did she visit her brother abroad last year? Or any year? Why now? Would it have something to do with a massive number of court cases, civil and criminal, she is facing. {snip} {snip}

Except that she isn't. I expect that this is why the NCPO is in charge and you aren't, because they know the difference between facing charges and not facing charges.

I don't know either one of your ulterior motives although I suspect both of you, deeply, you and the junta. But I do know Yingluck currently faces no charges.

To become untouchable he will have to do a "Suthep" and become a monk !

Or a Thaksin!

Yes. Except you should have pointed out that Suthep is certainly not untouchable and being a monk doesn't make him so. Amazing what people don't know about monks, Buddhism, the law and Thailand, all in one short sentence.

But what intrigues me is, why do you suppose Thaksin is untouchable? I don't get why the junta has not cancelled Thaksin's passport. I ask this over and over and the only answer I get anywhere is "fear". Really? The whole junta paralysed with stark visible fear over one man? Seems crazy. And yet, no action, passport still entirely valid....


Well IMO the junta doesn't really want him to return. The violence was bad enough before they put a stop to it and there is a fairly good chance that Thaksin's return (overtly) would spark a lot worse.

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