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Am I gay?


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On a thread on TVF, a few days ago, “Who is your best buddie in LOS”, I answered, my wife.

That is what I believed and felt.

One of the members answered my post, saying that, I must be on the feminine side.

That made me start thinking………….

Allow me to give you some background of myself.

I’m 67 years old, married before for 35 years with 2 children and 2 grandchildren.

Divorced, came to Thailand, got married again, and enjoy a good sexual relationship with my wife.

Never before have I had any sexual relationship with a man.

Saying that, my best friend, back in the old country, is gay, and we have been friends for the last 50 years.

We always, cared for each other, shared every ups and downs in our life, and always supported each other to every happy or sad moments.

I have been, to many gay social functions with him and visited many gay clubs.

And I have to say, I enjoy, the same, looking at a fit woman’s body and a fit man’s body.

I did, always, enjoy being with him and missing him a lot here in LOS.

So, my question is, am I gay and don’t know about it?

He always said to me, we would have been the perfect couple and I always joked back at him……….

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Thought this was going to be a wind up! Sometimes wonder the same with exception that touching another man intimately would disgust me. The human form when in prime condition is attractive to anyone, but in different ways! I don't get wood from a picture of the Rock, not that I have seen him nude, but I am certain I would not. But I do when I see Paris Hilton's boobies poking out...yes, even Paris.

My view, you are hetero with a life time of kind feelings for a friend that happens to be gay.

I would suggest you don't test it though, could ruin your friendship or your marriage, or both!

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The OP didn't mention any SEXUAL attraction to males. Masturbatory fantasies towards males. I assume those would have been mentioned if they were there. So, no, not gay unless those exist. Enjoying looking isn't the same thing as getting hard looking, is it?

Edited by Jingthing
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The OP didn't mention any SEXUAL attraction to males. Masturbatory fantasies towards males. I assume those would have been mentioned if they were there. So, no, not gay unless those exist. Enjoying looking isn't the same thing as getting hard looking, is it?

You are very right JT.

Never had sexual fantasies towards other men.

But, I feel very lonely without my friend.

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The OP didn't mention any SEXUAL attraction to males. Masturbatory fantasies towards males. I assume those would have been mentioned if they were there. So, no, not gay unless those exist. Enjoying looking isn't the same thing as getting hard looking, is it?

You are very right JT.

Never had sexual fantasies towards other men.

But, I feel very lonely without my friend.

Your friend is very lucky to have a friend like you.

Thank you sustento, very nice of you to say that.

He is a very good person, full of compassion love and understanding.

Sometimes, his words, about being the perfect couple, come to my mind and regret I always answered him with a joke.

Anyway, he is living with his boyfriend and they seem to be happy.

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I thought a modern meaning of homo and gay were the same thing... He's not asking if he is a "happy person" :D

But no, I don't think what he described is gay unless there's some sexual fantasies?

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Sustento is right, he is lucky to have a friend like you. Your not gay. Your a good and caring person and you care about someone.

Friendships like that are hard to come by. You won't find a friendship like that on facebook, that's for sure.

Scott.....you made me cry........Thank you.

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What an honest Chap you are......

Listen you are just a nice person, who does not,judge or think bad thongs of people...

I would imagine you have little enemies.... Life is too short , is your attitude for sure.

Your Wife is a lucky lady to have met such a warm hearted genuine guy.....

As for your friend back home, he is lucky too to have you as a friend..

I am Gay and 99 percent of my male friends, are straight..., I just prefer it that way, and they treat me the same as the rest of,our friends, no silly jokes or bad feelings, just friends....

I always say life is short, smile and be nice... It makes life a lot easier....

All the best


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I think the "gay" label is somewhat of a BS term as human sexuality (or romantic feelings, or just warm friendly feelings) is fluid. But the masturbation thing is probably a good guide whether you have sexual feelings for the friend, if after 50 years thinking about the friend you have not been lead to masturbation, your feelings for him are probably not "gay" and instead "close friend-ish".

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