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Allergy Hospital Clinic in Bangkok ? Where, how much, does it work ?

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In case someone always has runny nose and feel itchy around eyes and face, it could be an allergy, right ?

But how to test what allergy problems we might have ?

Where to go in Bangkok and anybody got good results ?

Can they find if we are allergic to dust, or vegetal, or anything else ?

Thank you so much...

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I had blood-test allergy tests done by a dermatologist-allergist at one of the smaller private hospitals in BKK a couple years ago that cost about 5000 baht total including the doctors fee.

The results were quite different from skin-based allergy testing I'd had done in the U.S. some years prior at supposedly one of the best allergy clinics.

The doctor and hospital I went to in BKK didn't seem inclined to do the skin testing at all.. I'm not sure why.

Here's what the Mayo Clinic website says on the subject, which appears to lean toward skin over blood testing.

Blood tests aren't done as often as skin tests because they can be less sensitive than skin tests and are more expensive.

In general, allergy skin tests are most reliable for diagnosing allergies to airborne substances, such as pollen, pet dander and dust mites. Skin testing may help diagnose food allergies. But because food allergies can be complex, you may need additional tests or procedures.


In my case, the skin testing in the U.S. showed a lot of food-based allergies, whereas the blood testing I had done here showed no allergies to those same food substances. I have no idea which one of them was correct....

Considering this is Thailand, I'm guessing the doctor I saw here went with the blood test approach because it's easy for the doctor to do...one blood draw and takes almost no time or work on the doctor's part. Just wait for the lab report to come back on your return appointment.

Whereas with allergy skin testing, it's more time consuming and involved because someone has to prick your skin with a tiny amount of each different allergen being tested for, and then wait to see and measure your skin's allergic response. And a full test involves a couple dozen different pricks, usually done in sets, that in my case, as best as I recall, ended up covering both of my forearms.

Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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For the last four months or so I have hives every night. I have changed, varied my diet, my soap, but still have to take an antihistamine when I go to bed to avoid extreme itching and welts. Any ideas anyone? Docs here just prescribe antihistamines. I don't like them much.

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Thank you for report, how much I do not trust doctors here is the reason why I keep asking about skin allergy, either they are to lazy to do their job correctly or just don't know how to do it the right way...


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You sure it's hives? Might be bedbugs or something else. Go see a doctor, very inexpensive in Thailand

Most certainly not bugs in the bed. Thanks for the thought though. Docs here in Isan are really not confidence inspiring. Have experience with them.

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Thank you for report, how much I do not trust doctors here is the reason why I keep asking about skin allergy, either they are to lazy to do their job correctly or just don't know how to do it the right way...


Just not true in practice IMO and shouting does not make your post any more accurate or factual!

I can reference many of my friends, long term ExPats who have not received value for money from the Thai medical business and whom have been diagnosed for profit in many cases rather than diagnosis for the relief and cure of symptoms and illness.

A recent case is when an octogenarian friend of mine was diagnosed with a failed battery in his pacemaker and told that it was a life and death situation and needed to be replaced immediately at a cost of 1.25M Baht, this was inclusive of two days in care in the hospital in point and if any further in days needed they would be at extra cost of 50K Thai Baht per day

My acquaintance decided that He felt fit enough to return home to the UK and pay for private treatment and replacement of the battery.

He went to his GP in the UK who sent him to a Consultant heart surgeon

The result was that the treatment (operation) and replacement of the PM battery was done in a local clinic, the patient returned home the same day total cost of the treatment and care just a tad under £5000

Edited by n210mp
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Thank you for report, how much I do not trust doctors here is the reason why I keep asking about skin allergy, either they are to lazy to do their job correctly or just don't know how to do it the right way...


Do you really believe that they have customers because they are good ? Ok, keep thinking the way you do, your life in dream must be perfect !

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Thank you for report, how much I do not trust doctors here is the reason why I keep asking about skin allergy, either they are to lazy to do their job correctly or just don't know how to do it the right way...

Sheryl above posted a link for the allergy department at Bangkok Hospital in Bangkok.

I looked thru the CVs of the various doctors listed there, and at least on paper, they have some pretty good credentials.

I don't have any personal experience with them. But if I was in or near Bangkok, I'd certainly be willing to give someone in that group a try.

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Samitivej Srinakarin Hospital. Did the 30 something pin pricks and found I allergic to careless weed amongst other things. I take Clarton daily as not serious enough to get shots. Just about any hospital can do allergy testing. I recall it was less than 5,000 Baht for the whole procedure. Yes, it works.

Edited by RBOP
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Speaking from my experience...

My daughter, who suffers from allergies since she was born, became asthmatic before she turned 1, had cold every 3 weeks which had to be treated with antibiotics all the time, and had been through 4 hospitals for allregy treatment.

First I took her in at Bumrungrad where she was born. At that point she was too young for them to run any test. The doctor perscribed Singulair which did wonder at first. My kid stopped getting sick and had a normal life like other kids. But after a while things started to turn into a nightmare. She started developing major behavioral problem. She would cry, scream, and got extremely aggressive, and nothing could calm her down. this went on for couple years until I did a research online and found that many parents complained how Singulair DOES have mental side effect on their children. After bringing up concern to the doctor he turned me down like I was taking garbage. He said it was impossible that this med would give such a horrible side effect. So that was the end of this hospital visit. I quit giving my daughter Singulair and her tantrum went bye bye right away.

Next was Phyathai 3 Hospital. They ran a blood test when she was 4. There are 2 different types of allergen test, each one had 40 different kind of allregens. If i'm not mistaken one was "western allergens" and the other was "eastern allergens". Difference was types of trees, foods, grass, animals, etc.. I picked one that I thought would fit my daughter's allergies. It turned out she was allergic to dust mites, birds, feathers, sesame, and shell fish. That test cost about 5000 baht. The pro is you could test many allergens all at once. The con is the result is not promising, so the doctor said. The skin prick test is more accurate but it doesn't work on items like food. We never ran skin test on her . They gave her all kind of anti allergy medicine, be it down your throat, nose, skin, etc. I bought anti dust mite bedsheets and pillow sets for my daughter which I found being sold cheapest at Siriraj hospital. I ended up allergy proof the whole entire house. That included re-upholestered the couch, replacing chairs to non-dusmite materials.

Ky kid's health still was not improving to a satisfactory level. I switched hospital to Eye Ear Throat Nose Hospital. Things seemed to work out better. They have skin prick test which you can choose the allergens you think you might be allergic too. I don't remember how much This costs. Maybe 100 baht per allergen plus doctor's fee. The doctor checked out her nose and decided that nothing could be done until she grows out of it. He suggested lots of vitamins and med to increase her appetite to pump up her bronchial tube. Everytime we went to see this doctor she would get a nebulizer with a bronchial dilating med. They also performed peak flow test to measure her lungs.

By the time she was 5 and a half, I moved to the next hospital, The new Siriraj hospital (SIPH). The reason I moved to this hospital was because they offer immunotherapy treatment. I don't know any other hospitals in Bangkok that offer this kind of treatment. When she was 6 the doctor suggested that we run another allergy test for the child. After looking at the blood test allergen list I realized that it was quite different from Phyathai 3. They didn't offer a lot of allergens like Phyathai 3 so I decided to go for skin prick test. It turned out she is allergic to dustmites, cats, and dogs. Cats and dogs DID NOT show on her previous blood test. By that time she was ready for immunotheray shots. Here's the breakdown cost:

Allergy test: 2000 baht

Immunotherapy med: 1600 baht per every 4 months

weekly visit for allergy shot: 500 baht per visit. You need to go in 20 weeks before the doctor spaces out the shots to every couple weeks, every 3 weeks, every month, every 2 months. This will go on for about 2-5 years depends on how much you improve.

After 15 shots, I can see improvement in my daughter already. Less cold and if she has one she does not need antibiotics. Of course this is done in conjunction with exercise and a change on diet.

My daughter is lucky that her allergens can be combined in a single shot. Some allergens cannot be mixed, thus requires multiple shots in a visit.

Her pediatrician just perscibed another anti allergy spray called NOAL. It is all natural ingredients and is safe to use all the time. You inhale this minty powder and it coats your nostril lining which prevents allergy symptoms. This might work for you.

Hope you feel better soon.

Edited by ctira
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I bought anti dust mite bedsheets and pillow sets for my daughter which I found being sold cheapest at Siriraj hospital.

That's interesting... I brought some dust-mite proof bed coverings with me from the States, and then ordered some more via airmail after being here a few years. But I've never seen or heard of any quality anti-allergen bedding being sold here.

Can you elaborate a bit on just where you found the bedding, what they had and how you purchased it? And did what you bought turn out to be helpful, as best as you could tell?

It would be great to have a local source or sources for those kinds of things, assuming what's being sold is worthwhile.

Ahh... here's another source listed as of 2012...


But it looks like website listed in the prior thread has now changed to a new address:



Unfortunately, I can't tell from the Thai descriptions whether the mattress products are those that simply fit over the top of the mattress, which is better than nothing, or the kind that properly seal-in the entire mattress top and bottom with a mite proof zipper.

Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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Speaking from my experience...

My daughter, who suffers from allergies since she was born, became asthmatic before she turned 1, had cold every 3 weeks which had to be treated with antibiotics all the time, and had been through 4 hospitals for allregy treatment.

First I took her in at Bumrungrad where she was born. At that point she was too young for them to run any test. The doctor perscribed Singulair which did wonder at first. My kid stopped getting sick and had a normal life like other kids. But after a while things started to turn into a nightmare. She started developing major behavioral problem. She would cry, scream, and got extremely aggressive, and nothing could calm her down. this went on for couple years until I did a research online and found that many parents complained how Singulair DOES have mental side effect on their children. After bringing up concern to the doctor he turned me down like I was taking garbage. He said it was impossible that this med would give such a horrible side effect. So that was the end of this hospital visit. I quit giving my daughter Singulair and her tantrum went bye bye right away.

Next was Phyathai 3 Hospital. They ran a blood test when she was 4. There are 2 different types of allergen test, each one had 40 different kind of allregens. If i'm not mistaken one was "western allergens" and the other was "eastern allergens". Difference was types of trees, foods, grass, animals, etc.. I picked one that I thought would fit my daughter's allergies. It turned out she was allergic to dust mites, birds, feathers, sesame, and shell fish. That test cost about 5000 baht. The pro is you could test many allergens all at once. The con is the result is not promising, so the doctor said. The skin prick test is more accurate but it doesn't work on items like food. We never ran skin test on her . They gave her all kind of anti allergy medicine, be it down your throat, nose, skin, etc. I bought anti dust mite bedsheets and pillow sets for my daughter which I found being sold cheapest at Siriraj hospital. I ended up allergy proof the whole entire house. That included re-upholestered the couch, replacing chairs to non-dusmite materials.

Ky kid's health still was not improving to a satisfactory level. I switched hospital to Eye Ear Throat Nose Hospital. Things seemed to work out better. They have skin prick test which you can choose the allergens you think you might be allergic too. I don't remember how much This costs. Maybe 100 baht per allergen plus doctor's fee. The doctor checked out her nose and decided that nothing could be done until she grows out of it. He suggested lots of vitamins and med to increase her appetite to pump up her bronchial tube. Everytime we went to see this doctor she would get a nebulizer with a bronchial dilating med. They also performed peak flow test to measure her lungs.

By the time she was 5 and a half, I moved to the next hospital, The new Siriraj hospital (SIPH). The reason I moved to this hospital was because they offer immunotherapy treatment. I don't know any other hospitals in Bangkok that offer this kind of treatment. When she was 6 the doctor suggested that we run another allergy test for the child. After looking at the blood test allergen list I realized that it was quite different from Phyathai 3. They didn't offer a lot of allergens like Phyathai 3 so I decided to go for skin prick test. It turned out she is allergic to dustmites, cats, and dogs. Cats and dogs DID NOT show on her previous blood test. By that time she was ready for immunotheray shots. Here's the breakdown cost:

Allergy test: 2000 baht

Immunotherapy med: 1600 baht per every 4 months

weekly visit for allergy shot: 500 baht per visit. You need to go in 20 weeks before the doctor spaces out the shots to every couple weeks, every 3 weeks, every month, every 2 months. This will go on for about 2-5 years depends on how much you improve.

After 15 shots, I can see improvement in my daughter already. Less cold and if she has one she does not need antibiotics. Of course this is done in conjunction with exercise and a change on diet.

My daughter is lucky that her allergens can be combined in a single shot. Some allergens cannot be mixed, thus requires multiple shots in a visit.

Her pediatrician just perscibed another anti allergy spray called NOAL. It is all natural ingredients and is safe to use all the time. You inhale this minty powder and it coats your nostril lining which prevents allergy symptoms. This might work for you.

Hope you feel better soon.

Normally colds are caused by viruses. antibiotics have no effect on viruses but if given often and indiscriminately have heaps of negative side effects.

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I bought anti dust mite bedsheets and pillow sets for my daughter which I found being sold cheapest at Siriraj hospital.

That's interesting... I brought some dust-mite proof bed coverings with me from the States, and then ordered some more via airmail after being here a few years. But I've never seen or heard of any quality anti-allergen bedding being sold here.

Can you elaborate a bit on just where you found the bedding, what they had and how you purchased it? And did what you bought turn out to be helpful, as best as you could tell?

As far as I know, Siriraj hospital is known for the most effective, most cost-friendly allergy treatment. Their anti dustmite products are being sold at allergy department which you can walk in on the 8th floor of Chao Fah building. They have standard size bedsheets/pillow cases in stock. They also custom made to whatever size you need and mail it to you. I have many odd sized pillows and they are all dustmite proof. As far as quality, I am pleased with it. Care instruction given is to wash lightly and hang dry in the shade. Was told life span is about 5 year depending on how you take care of it. Pillow cases are zippered. I have bought dustmite pillow cases from a private company which is more expensive, and I can honestly say the quality is about the same.

Edited by ctira
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Speaking from my experience...

My daughter, who suffers from allergies since she was born, became asthmatic before she turned 1, had cold every 3 weeks which had to be treated with antibiotics all the time, and had been through 4 hospitals for allregy treatment.

First I took her in at Bumrungrad where she was born. At that point she was too young for them to run any test. The doctor perscribed Singulair which did wonder at first. My kid stopped getting sick and had a normal life like other kids. But after a while things started to turn into a nightmare. She started developing major behavioral problem. She would cry, scream, and got extremely aggressive, and nothing could calm her down. this went on for couple years until I did a research online and found that many parents complained how Singulair DOES have mental side effect on their children. After bringing up concern to the doctor he turned me down like I was taking garbage. He said it was impossible that this med would give such a horrible side effect. So that was the end of this hospital visit. I quit giving my daughter Singulair and her tantrum went bye bye right away.

Next was Phyathai 3 Hospital. They ran a blood test when she was 4. There are 2 different types of allergen test, each one had 40 different kind of allregens. If i'm not mistaken one was "western allergens" and the other was "eastern allergens". Difference was types of trees, foods, grass, animals, etc.. I picked one that I thought would fit my daughter's allergies. It turned out she was allergic to dust mites, birds, feathers, sesame, and shell fish. That test cost about 5000 baht. The pro is you could test many allergens all at once. The con is the result is not promising, so the doctor said. The skin prick test is more accurate but it doesn't work on items like food. We never ran skin test on her . They gave her all kind of anti allergy medicine, be it down your throat, nose, skin, etc. I bought anti dust mite bedsheets and pillow sets for my daughter which I found being sold cheapest at Siriraj hospital. I ended up allergy proof the whole entire house. That included re-upholestered the couch, replacing chairs to non-dusmite materials.

Ky kid's health still was not improving to a satisfactory level. I switched hospital to Eye Ear Throat Nose Hospital. Things seemed to work out better. They have skin prick test which you can choose the allergens you think you might be allergic too. I don't remember how much This costs. Maybe 100 baht per allergen plus doctor's fee. The doctor checked out her nose and decided that nothing could be done until she grows out of it. He suggested lots of vitamins and med to increase her appetite to pump up her bronchial tube. Everytime we went to see this doctor she would get a nebulizer with a bronchial dilating med. They also performed peak flow test to measure her lungs.

By the time she was 5 and a half, I moved to the next hospital, The new Siriraj hospital (SIPH). The reason I moved to this hospital was because they offer immunotherapy treatment. I don't know any other hospitals in Bangkok that offer this kind of treatment. When she was 6 the doctor suggested that we run another allergy test for the child. After looking at the blood test allergen list I realized that it was quite different from Phyathai 3. They didn't offer a lot of allergens like Phyathai 3 so I decided to go for skin prick test. It turned out she is allergic to dustmites, cats, and dogs. Cats and dogs DID NOT show on her previous blood test. By that time she was ready for immunotheray shots. Here's the breakdown cost:

Allergy test: 2000 baht

Immunotherapy med: 1600 baht per every 4 months

weekly visit for allergy shot: 500 baht per visit. You need to go in 20 weeks before the doctor spaces out the shots to every couple weeks, every 3 weeks, every month, every 2 months. This will go on for about 2-5 years depends on how much you improve.

After 15 shots, I can see improvement in my daughter already. Less cold and if she has one she does not need antibiotics. Of course this is done in conjunction with exercise and a change on diet.

My daughter is lucky that her allergens can be combined in a single shot. Some allergens cannot be mixed, thus requires multiple shots in a visit.

Her pediatrician just perscibed another anti allergy spray called NOAL. It is all natural ingredients and is safe to use all the time. You inhale this minty powder and it coats your nostril lining which prevents allergy symptoms. This might work for you.

Hope you feel better soon.

Normally colds are caused by viruses. antibiotics have no effect on viruses but if given often and indiscriminately have heaps of negative side effects.

"Normally", yes. But in my daughter's case her allergy which already aggrevates her upper respiratory tract makes it easier for bacteria to enter her body while the immune system is overloading from fighting viral infection. After she started immunotherapy shot she began to heal out of the cold without the need of antibiotics. She used to get about 6-10 doses per year. This year it has been only 2. Huge difference.

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Speaking from my experience...

My daughter, who suffers from allergies since she was born, became asthmatic before she turned 1, had cold every 3 weeks which had to be treated with antibiotics all the time, and had been through 4 hospitals for allregy treatment.

First I took her in at Bumrungrad where she was born. At that point she was too young for them to run any test. The doctor perscribed Singulair which did wonder at first. My kid stopped getting sick and had a normal life like other kids. But after a while things started to turn into a nightmare. She started developing major behavioral problem. She would cry, scream, and got extremely aggressive, and nothing could calm her down. this went on for couple years until I did a research online and found that many parents complained how Singulair DOES have mental side effect on their children. After bringing up concern to the doctor he turned me down like I was taking garbage. He said it was impossible that this med would give such a horrible side effect. So that was the end of this hospital visit. I quit giving my daughter Singulair and her tantrum went bye bye right away.

Next was Phyathai 3 Hospital. They ran a blood test when she was 4. There are 2 different types of allergen test, each one had 40 different kind of allregens. If i'm not mistaken one was "western allergens" and the other was "eastern allergens". Difference was types of trees, foods, grass, animals, etc.. I picked one that I thought would fit my daughter's allergies. It turned out she was allergic to dust mites, birds, feathers, sesame, and shell fish. That test cost about 5000 baht. The pro is you could test many allergens all at once. The con is the result is not promising, so the doctor said. The skin prick test is more accurate but it doesn't work on items like food. We never ran skin test on her . They gave her all kind of anti allergy medicine, be it down your throat, nose, skin, etc. I bought anti dust mite bedsheets and pillow sets for my daughter which I found being sold cheapest at Siriraj hospital. I ended up allergy proof the whole entire house. That included re-upholestered the couch, replacing chairs to non-dusmite materials.

Ky kid's health still was not improving to a satisfactory level. I switched hospital to Eye Ear Throat Nose Hospital. Things seemed to work out better. They have skin prick test which you can choose the allergens you think you might be allergic too. I don't remember how much This costs. Maybe 100 baht per allergen plus doctor's fee. The doctor checked out her nose and decided that nothing could be done until she grows out of it. He suggested lots of vitamins and med to increase her appetite to pump up her bronchial tube. Everytime we went to see this doctor she would get a nebulizer with a bronchial dilating med. They also performed peak flow test to measure her lungs.

By the time she was 5 and a half, I moved to the next hospital, The new Siriraj hospital (SIPH). The reason I moved to this hospital was because they offer immunotherapy treatment. I don't know any other hospitals in Bangkok that offer this kind of treatment. When she was 6 the doctor suggested that we run another allergy test for the child. After looking at the blood test allergen list I realized that it was quite different from Phyathai 3. They didn't offer a lot of allergens like Phyathai 3 so I decided to go for skin prick test. It turned out she is allergic to dustmites, cats, and dogs. Cats and dogs DID NOT show on her previous blood test. By that time she was ready for immunotheray shots. Here's the breakdown cost:

Allergy test: 2000 baht

Immunotherapy med: 1600 baht per every 4 months

weekly visit for allergy shot: 500 baht per visit. You need to go in 20 weeks before the doctor spaces out the shots to every couple weeks, every 3 weeks, every month, every 2 months. This will go on for about 2-5 years depends on how much you improve.

After 15 shots, I can see improvement in my daughter already. Less cold and if she has one she does not need antibiotics. Of course this is done in conjunction with exercise and a change on diet.

My daughter is lucky that her allergens can be combined in a single shot. Some allergens cannot be mixed, thus requires multiple shots in a visit.

Her pediatrician just perscibed another anti allergy spray called NOAL. It is all natural ingredients and is safe to use all the time. You inhale this minty powder and it coats your nostril lining which prevents allergy symptoms. This might work for you.

Hope you feel better soon.

Normally colds are caused by viruses. antibiotics have no effect on viruses but if given often and indiscriminately have heaps of negative side effects.

We're talking about allergies here. OP is referring to cold-like symptoms, I think. People with allergies will often feel they have a cold year-round, it never ends. Constant sneezing, running rose, etc.

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Cost wise, I may not suggest getting the tests done. As most of us are adults, I'm pretty sure we had many years to experience and know what we are generally allergic to. The exceptions to this, is children.

I had a test done, where you could choose what factors to test against. So they would take your blood sample, and you have a list of options to test to. Dusts/pollen, milk, seafood, chocolate, etc. They don't test all as a package, it's like ticking your options. Each would cost about 2,000 to 3,000, so it really adds up. Not cheap at all. And the end result would usually be "duh, I knew that. So how do we fix it."

Allergies work in a way that it either gets progressively better or worst. By eliminating your contacts with those allergy causing substances, your system builds up where you won't be affected by them. For my case, it was crabs and shrimps, but lobsters are okay. I used to take anti-histamines such as oral loratadine, allergy eyedrops, nasal pumps. However, it's not permanent. We need to rely on it. It's not the solution for me.

At worst times, I suggest putting a cold wet towel over your eyes, it will relieve the swelling and itching. You can even add an ice cube to it. Never ever rub.

Do not eat anything you are not supposed to eat. Just completely cut it off. I love crabs and shrimps, eat them everyday when I was a child, but you gotta do what you gotta do.

Wash your bed sheets atleast once in 2 weeks, and keep dusts in your room to a minimum.

Exercise, and sleep on time.

Last, I find this rather powerful. It's all in your mind. Even if your eyes start to feel irritating and itchy, use all your concentrated mind effort and keep telling yourself nothing is wrong and keep blinking. It goes away. I started trying this in recent years. It's like that itch you have on your skin from a bite, if you scratch it, you lose, it gets worse and red. However, if you could just tell yourself, everything is fine, it goes away faster. I would lie to myself that I have dropped a disinfectant eyedrop into my eye, and things are getting better second by second. All the bad stuff is being "killed".

Hope these advices can help you, and that you won't be dependent on the drugs like I once have.

I don't take any medications as of now and I had one of the worst allergies most people can have. Constant sneezing, running nose, itchy nose, itchy eyes that enlarge in size lol. Now I just have a minor irritation once in a month, and I use the above advices to fix them. Mostly the mental part to keep it under control.

Like I've said, the immunity is progressive. Just because you are all strong now, doesn't mean you can start going to dusty areas or start eating those food. It will go down, and once it's down, it takes time to get back up. Sure I can touch and play with a cat now without any problems, but it will drop from 100 to 95, to 90, and so on. Till 50, I start getting itchy symptoms again. So refrain from all, and you will have a 100 happy allergic free life.

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For the last four months or so I have hives every night. I have changed, varied my diet, my soap, but still have to take an antihistamine when I go to bed to avoid extreme itching and welts. Any ideas anyone? Docs here just prescribe antihistamines. I don't like them much.

If this condition has only occurred since 4 months back I would try and eliminate any every day things you may have been doing/using since then.Washing powder cleaning products first of all spring to mind...have you changed brands in that 4 months?Any personal toiletries you now use you didn't then...eating patterns...any different cereal dairy products tinned foods(additives..colouring..preservatives)The blooming obvious...the sheeting on your bed..could this be the culprit?

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for the doctors here, it is easier to blame everything on allergies and sell you expensive overprices pills than to find out what you actually have

allergy pills and maybe some antibiotics...

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for the doctors here, it is easier to blame everything on allergies and sell you expensive overprices pills than to find out what you actually have

allergy pills and maybe some antibiotics...

You are so wrong ! :-) People are explaining here in this thread that we can trust allergy doctors, anywhere in the world and especially in this country with strong ethics !

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