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Can anyone explain the anti-American sentiment to me?

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Ok, I'm Aussie, and willing to have a go at this.

To me I have no issue with any of it. I have never been to the states, but would like to, always wanted to see New York city for some reason.

Any American I have ever met has always been really nice. Never met a rude one yet and met plenty.

I even feel like a Big Mac every once in a while.

I will say the accent gets a bit strong after a while,especially in a drinking situation but that's accents, and I'm sure Aussie accents start to get a bit much also after a while.

I don't want to get into politics, that's a never ending debate, so shall not go there.

Time for some music...

I think that was very well stated.

I fortunately don't have any difficulty with Aussie accents,

but British is a problem for me, in some cases.

More importantly though,

I can now see that this wasn't only an issue I felt...

For I had just tended to avoid all invitations for a few beers with British Chaps,

realizing my difficulty beforehand.

I also didn't care for the fact that the British seem to know everything America has done overseas,

and appear to be experts on what was done wrong...?

While I don't care to follow it,

nor do I care to know much about Britians past endeavors.

What I don't like is the guys I meet that are from the U.S.,

wanting to prominently announce several times in a conversation,

that they are from U.S.A.

That was very annoying to me...especially with me also being the the states.

I felt there was no need to remind me.

It was a though they wanted everyone else to know.

The reason I'm here is I had the foresight to realize in 99' that the country

and it's governance were getting way out of control,

and since they haven't gotten any better hence,

it was just best for me to avoid returning.

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Most of the people that are bitching about Americans would love a green card , being rich and powerful makes (some) people jealous .

I like the average American more than I like most other nationalities , I am Canadian and people constantly ask me if I am American because of the similar accent , I tell them no I am Canadian and then they apologize , &lt;deleted&gt; do they have to apologize about .

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My two bits. Lived in the states for 25 years and for the most part enjoyed the country and the people. Did not like the fact that most Americans think it is the only country worth holidaying in and that they were the cream of the crop and no-one nor anyplace could be better. Having said that, I despise the goverment policies and lies they tell to start conflicts but that's the government not the people. As for anti-america sentiment here, I have never seen it,

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Most of the people that are bitching about Americans would love a green card , being rich and powerful makes (some) people jealous .

I like the average American more than I like most other nationalities , I am Canadian and people constantly ask me if I am American because of the similar accent , I tell them no I am Canadian and then they apologize , <deleted> do they have to apologize about .

I think Canadians are fantastic! No apologies needed. biggrin.png

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Reminds me of the English!

"England has contributed more to the well being of the human race than any nation on earth"

As me Dad used to say: "I look forward to someone who is not English saying that!"

Ditto that great Nation of Americans.

As I see it their present claim to fame is to have killed more people on earth than any other nation and to have squandered more resources than any other people.

And it shows no signs of stopping! Who do you think was behind the shooting down of MH17? Well it was not Tamil Tigers (remember them)?, or the German football team was it? US playing with fire in Kiev!

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Every time we have another survey of Thai preferences when it comes to falangs, America is always #1. Thais like us, the rest of the world isn't as pleased. Hey, kiss my...

But I rarely hear it. There aren't enough American's here. There are 3 here in my Phuket beach town.

They only like us when something needs to be done, you know like win wars, break necks, cash checks. I occasionally hear the put down nonsense and consider the source.

I come from the greatest country in the world and continue to pay my American taxes even though I haven't been there in a few years. I know if the dung hits the fan, that American passport is the one to have.

Dung hits the fan.... Your passport probably got you into the trouble !

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Reminds me of the English!

"England has contributed more to the well being of the human race than any nation on earth"

As me Dad used to say: "I look forward to someone who is not English saying that!"

Ditto that great Nation of Americans.

As I see it their present claim to fame is to have killed more people on earth than any other nation and to have squandered more resources than any other people.

And it shows no signs of stopping! Who do you think was behind the shooting down of MH17? Well it was not Tamil Tigers (remember them)?, or the German football team was it? US playing with fire in Kiev!

I think your google is broke.

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First of all, please understand that Fox News is a very right wing organization that does not represent most Americans. I am an American living in Pattaya and very proud of America and proud to be an American. America like every country has it's issues. However, it is the American military and the American taxpayers who sacrifice every day with blood, sweat, and tears to give most of the other countries in the world the freedom they have. If not for America, where would the rest of the world been after World War 1 and 2? If anything America can be accused of trying too hard to help other countries enjoy the freedom a democracy gives to the people. While democracy is a very messy form of government and gets bogged down much of the time, it is still the premier form of government on the planet. Every time there is a crisis in the world, it is America who comes to everyone's aid. American's have shed a lot of blood across the planet to try to help make a positive difference in the lives of the peoples in many countries. Maybe America cares too much about the rest of the world and should pull back and let the evils in the world take over in many places????

Freedom.... You said the word! There are a lot more countries in the world that 'Murica doesn't give a flying F about if there're no oil there.

Sorry guys, no oil - no freedom... whistling.gif

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In Thailand, I've mostly experienced anti-Americanism from people from the UK and the Euro continent. I mean direct in your face irrational disdain to my face just because I'm American. I find this funny because the feeling I get is that they think they are smarter and more sophisticated than Americans. They seem to think all Americans are hicks with no "culture" who are Fox News zombies and think exotic cuisine is a hamburger with an avocado. Basically, to make that assumption about any random American they meet is simple BIGOTRY.

Also sometimes I've experienced random people coming up to me and going into an anti-American rant to my face assuming I am not American. These are priceless moments when I speak back to them in my ... American accent. I actually don't confront them. Just the look on their faces is payback enough.

It's ironic because many Americans (who can't afford to travel outside the U.S. ) are crazy about people from the U.K., Australia and New Zealand, especially because of their accents, music and actors.

I've been to the UK. So, I know the people there are nice. However, I've always wanted to go to Australia and New Zealand. But, after hearing their venom towards Americans, I'm not so sure.

Edited by rijb
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They do it mostly out of ignorance....

It is not only ignorance,but mostly JEALOUSY, in my honest opinion. - This is, no doubt, based on the "picture of Life in America' which thee people retain after watching some of the best motion-pictures produced on earth. The often "lavish" lifestyles depicted, get people's "jealousy-gauges" going.

I am a Dutchman, and I for one am extremely grateful to the Americans for 'helping us out' with the horrible WW-2; if it wasn't for the US of A, I (and all of my European counterparts) would be speaking German now ! ! ! !

Then; American young lives (millions of them) have been the difference between "Freedom" and "Oppression" ever since WW-2 - and I, for one, am nothing but grateful to the Americans ! !

Whenever & wherever there is a 'hot-spot' caused by callous governments, dictator or natural disaster: who jumps-up and rushes to take the required action ? ? ? It's always the USA !

Also; I have to laugh when I read here that Kiwis & Aussies are believing they can score point with regards to the American's Language ? ? ? ? - That is a classic case of the Pot calling the Kettle black ! ! ! !

Last but not least; America has spawned some magnificent authors - and for all of you Yankee-Haters I have some advice: pick-up any Louis L'Amour novel and read it - then let the world know how you feel about the good ol' US of A !


How old are You?

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Being a Brit offshore worker I work with a lot of Americans especially those from the south. I like working with you guys, I like talking with you guys.

It's your government that pisses a lot of people off which reflects on the every day American.....which is wrong.

Who voted the Government in? Just asking.

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On a personal perspective i have alot of american friends in Thailand and those that are outside of the US have a good outlook.

On a business perspective i have worked with US companies and they cannot believe that the rest of the world operates differently to the USA. This can be a little frustrating at times

On a government perspective, I don't agree with US foreign policy on occasion, but I also don't agree with UK government foreign policy on occasion

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being rich and powerful makes (some) people jealous .

Here's another one...

You better stop watching Hollywood movies and get out more... A lot of american's live on gov't subsidies and a lot more live from pay cheque to pay cheque with debts they won't be able to dig themselves out of in decades. rolleyes.gif

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Being a Brit offshore worker I work with a lot of Americans especially those from the south. I like working with you guys, I like talking with you guys.

It's your government that pisses a lot of people off which reflects on the every day American.....which is wrong.

Who voted the Government in? Just asking.

Big business and special interest groups buy the votes.

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I've been to the UK. So, I know the people there are nice. However, I've always wanted to go to Australia and New Zealand. But, after hearing their venom towards Americans, I'm not so sure.

Great, stay home then. There're not a better country in the world than the USofA anyways.thumbsup.gif

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I am an American. It is govt. policy, and the extent to which the US Govt. is compromised. Run by $35 street whores from Obama right on down. Bone headed foreign policy. Tremendous arrogance and hubris. And an unwillingness on the part of the listless, incompetent US govt. to acknowledge how much less relevant they are, at this stage. And lastly, there is tremendous resentment due to the useless wars we keep getting ourselves involved in, and the problems they create for the planet. So, basically I can sum up the problem by saying US Govt hubris, arrogance, carelessness, incompetence, poor foreign policy, and recklessness. I do not think it is about most American people. Yes, some are loud and clumsy. But, most are decent folks, and most people I meet seem to hate our super corrupt govt. whores, not us.


Agreed, on that count. I travel to the US frequently with work, I enjoy it immensely and have in general found the people to be very nice - immigration are a bit odd though. Although, as in all countries there are the ones that give it a bad name.

The main thing is the arrogance of The US government, which pisses people off. Things like Fox News perpetuate that as well. A close work colleague of mine was totality confused the first time he spent an afternoon with a bunch of Brits in a pub, making fun out of just about everybody. He had no real idea what was being said. 2 years later he's able to hold his own pretty well.

The other point is that when people criticise American Foreign policy or American politicians, the Fox News Lovers are straight on TVF claiming that people are anti-American. Absolute BS.

Many of us watch fox news for comedy effect. Hard to take any of those guys seriously. The only other news outlet that is equally biased is RT, as they famously promote King Vlad's position, though it is a fun network to watch. Most of the people who anchor on Fox, and most of the highly vetted guests are small minded, bigoted, ignorant, crazy conservative, xenophobic, blind supporters of America the Great. Hard to take that seriously.


I take it you don't watch RT, truth hurts eh?

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Who's louder and more obnoxious, Chinese or Americans?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Chinese on a group tour probably wouldn't sing their national anthem in a church in a foreign country.

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Has anyone noticed the degree of swagger tiny Barry Obama is exhibiting these days? A bit arrogant, no? I always thought world leaders went out of the way to play down their power. Well, except perhaps Putin. The man struts around like Hugh Hefner. Weird. Has that always been the case, and I just started noticing? He is giving the world one more reason to be displeased with America. And I am not even referring to his terribly poor leadership skills.


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In Thailand, I've mostly experienced anti-Americanism from people from the UK and the Euro continent. I mean direct in your face irrational disdain to my face just because I'm American. I find this funny because the feeling I get is that they think they are smarter and more sophisticated than Americans. They seem to think all Americans are hicks with no "culture" who are Fox News zombies and think exotic cuisine is a hamburger with an avocado. Basically, to make that assumption about any random American they meet is simple BIGOTRY.

Also sometimes I've experienced random people coming up to me and going into an anti-American rant to my face assuming I am not American. These are priceless moments when I speak back to them in my ... American accent. I actually don't confront them. Just the look on their faces is payback enough.

It's ironic because many Americans (who can't afford to travel outside the U.S. ) are crazy about people from the U.K., Australia and New Zealand, especially because of their accents, music and actors.

I've been to the UK. So, I know the people there are nice. However, I've always wanted to go to Australia and New Zealand. But, after hearing their venom towards Americans, I'm not so sure.

You know what?

Nobody really has any venom towards a really nice American fellow who is travelling.

Just don't tell them how shitty their country is, how great the US is, or, "if it weren't for us you'd be speaking German"

My god! Why didn't I think of that! rolleyes.gif

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In Thailand, I've mostly experienced anti-Americanism from people from the UK and the Euro continent. I mean direct in your face irrational disdain to my face just because I'm American. I find this funny because the feeling I get is that they think they are smarter and more sophisticated than Americans. They seem to think all Americans are hicks with no "culture" who are Fox News zombies and think exotic cuisine is a hamburger with an avocado. Basically, to make that assumption about any random American they meet is simple BIGOTRY.

Also sometimes I've experienced random people coming up to me and going into an anti-American rant to my face assuming I am not American. These are priceless moments when I speak back to them in my ... American accent. I actually don't confront them. Just the look on their faces is payback enough.

It's ironic because many Americans (who can't afford to travel outside the U.S. ) are crazy about people from the U.K., Australia and New Zealand, especially because of their accents, music and actors.

I've been to the UK. So, I know the people there are nice. However, I've always wanted to go to Australia and New Zealand. But, after hearing their venom towards Americans, I'm not so sure.

You know what?

Nobody really has any venom towards a really nice American fellow who is travelling.

Just don't tell them how shitty their country is, how great the US is, or, "if it weren't for us you'd be speaking German"

My god! Why didn't I think of that! rolleyes.gif

If it wasn't for us, they might not be speaking at all.

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In Thailand, I've mostly experienced anti-Americanism from people from the UK and the Euro continent. I mean direct in your face irrational disdain to my face just because I'm American. I find this funny because the feeling I get is that they think they are smarter and more sophisticated than Americans. They seem to think all Americans are hicks with no "culture" who are Fox News zombies and think exotic cuisine is a hamburger with an avocado. Basically, to make that assumption about any random American they meet is simple BIGOTRY.

Also sometimes I've experienced random people coming up to me and going into an anti-American rant to my face assuming I am not American. These are priceless moments when I speak back to them in my ... American accent. I actually don't confront them. Just the look on their faces is payback enough.

It's ironic because many Americans (who can't afford to travel outside the U.S. ) are crazy about people from the U.K., Australia and New Zealand, especially because of their accents, music and actors.

I've been to the UK. So, I know the people there are nice. However, I've always wanted to go to Australia and New Zealand. But, after hearing their venom towards Americans, I'm not so sure.

"Venom towards Americans" Where did you get that one from?

As a New Zealand citizen, living in and also being a citizen of Australia, where it is common sport to "wind" each other up and for both of us countries to "wind up" Americans is simply an enjoyable game to play. Hardly rates as venomous!

Edit: Spelling error.

Edited by lvr181
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