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Bank Interest Refund Cheque, how is it send?

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I am waiting already a couple of months for the cheque from the Revenue department Jomtiem.

They have send it twice they say and the first time it came back to them but the second time it's still

underway or the mailman dropped it somewhere.

(7 weeks now!)

So i am wondering do they send it in the way that somebody has to sign for the letter with the cheque

for receiving or is it just a regular post item.


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comes by carrier pidgeon ,no just ordinary post ,gets lost or delivered to the wrong address ,ilke lots of letters here, i get some womans mail all the time ,have told the postman stacks of times ,next time i will tell next doors dog ,i think he will take more notice..

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Came through the regular Thai mail for me...didn't have to sign for it. You might want to go to your local post office to see if they have it.

Thx for the reply.

Well when it is regular Thai mail and my local postoffice seems to be Banglamung, what can i ask them when i am there? It seems to me when they have it, it will be a needle in a haystack to find it ... or do i miss something?

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All you can do is give them your address and see what they say.

Ok thx,

Btw, the RD promised the second time that they will send an SMS when they send the cheque. Is that the normal procedure or was it because they wanted to send it cuz it was the 2nd time?

I never got an SMS btw. :-)

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