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Man Boobs.


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If you don't like going to the gym, press ups in the privacy of your own home is an excellent place to start.

Take a look at hundredpushups.com - a good way of challenging yourself.

You'll be turning those moobs into chiselled pecs in no time.

Good luck!

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Actually if not overweight and a real cosmetic concern, yes I would check hormones but also consider looking into cosmetic surgery. My impression is you can good results with that, not especially risky, and probably affordable in Thailand.

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Age? Weight/height? You have insignificant boobs, or they are? I'll start with this:

Depends on where you are in life as to what your hormonal profile does. Hormones are everything. Testosterone breaks down into products that actually can encourage breast growth- gynecomastia (estrogen like). Also, low testosterone can also allow other hormones to influence breast growth- work in balance. But hormone replacement therapy HRT does not have to be the answer. Hard, vigorous exercise can also stimulate testosterone and growth hormone.

Andropause can complicate the issue. I would usually want to know under/over 50? Mixed aerobic but like the other poster said lifting weights does burn mega calories. Lastly, change diet ASAP. There are other steps that can be taken under the guidance of a doctor.

Yes, I agree, but also suggest getting saliva hormones checked. I use ZRT Labs in the US.

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Like robblok said, there is no spot treatment for fat burning. General weight loss may help with gynecomastia, but depending on the size, you may be stuck with fatty tissue there. Some people get surgery for this kind of thing cuz dieting isn't enough to make it as flat as they desire.

As everyone is telling you, high estrogen levels is what causes this. Aside from the BPA we consume, drinking alcohol also results in higher estrogen levels.

If your man boobs have gotten bigger over the last few years, I would definitely check hormone levels. A hormone imbalance doesn't just result i physical changes, it also results in emotional changes, which can suck more than having man boobs. Go get yourself checked out to see what your numbers are.

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actually it is impossible to spot reduce fat from the chest. man boobs (Gynecomastia) are not much different from lady boobs smile.png if a lady goes on a diet - assuming she is quite fat - then of course she will loose some wieght from that area but her boobs will not disappear. if a thin lady with not too much extra fat goes on a diet then obviously her boobs will remain intact.

fact is, if you lost every ounce of fat on your body and got down to 6 stone your man boobs would be the only fat remaining.

there are loads of websites with peoples storys etc. on the net. it is a huge problem especially with younger men/boys these days. it is basically as a result of estrogen in the water supply as a result of the female birth control pill which gets passed in to the water supply when women - pee pee smile.png

if you look at pics of men pre. birth control pill (pror to 1960-ish) you may note that men were very much flat chested.

the only way to get rid of them is by lipo suction.

Edited by jonesthebaker
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Cut out the soy / tofu crap : get some heavy weights and get too it.

My testosterone levels were quite low a few years back - first thing I did was cut out the booze, hit the heavy weights and boom... Not overnight but it made a huge difference - and I am no spring chicken.

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someone mentioned lipo suction i'm all for that

Yes smart move.. without knowing the reason and taking steps to counter it it could come back.

Of course its far to hard to actually do something about it if its too much alcohol (heaven forbid) cut down on it.

If there are other reasons for high estrogen find out what do something about it and then wait a bit.. you can always do liposuction.

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Studies show that some chronic (male) pot smokers develop breasts. Estrogen mimetic foods such as soy, yams, etc. can effect breast development as well. As an aside, breast cancer in males is on the increase. Monitor yourself closely, all you guys.

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Had moobs for years, mainly due to a skeletal malformation of my chest. I was an avid weight lifter, benching 365 pounds at the gym. LOL, hard as rocks, but they were moobs nonetheless. All that benching just built them up bigger. I would do 3 sets of 225 pounds ten to twenty reps.

Not anything to do with hormone levels, in my case.

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someone mentioned lipo suction i'm all for that

Yes smart move.. without knowing the reason and taking steps to counter it it could come back.

Of course its far to hard to actually do something about it if its too much alcohol (heaven forbid) cut down on it.

If there are other reasons for high estrogen find out what do something about it and then wait a bit.. you can always do liposuction.

if he actually has gyno then the surgeon would do tests to confirm and eliminate any other possible causes. as i said the only way to get rid of man boods is lipo suction. so yes it is a smart move.

many people have fatty chests but it is not gyno. a lot of meat heads that take steroids get gymno and even after stopping the man boobs remain so lipo suction is the only option. and like i said ther are loads of sites on the web dealing with this issue.

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You shuldl first undergo hormone level testing, and possibly other medical tests to determine if there is an underlying medical reason.

Exercise, bench presses, pushups won't burn the fat, and that's what moobs are. Exercise will tone, and maybe even build, the underlying muscle, but that's dependent on a lot of factors, including age.

Aerobic exercise will burn fat, so you will need to get your heart rate up to about 70% of its 'theoretical maximum' which is calculated by 220 minus your age x 70%, so if you're 50, it's 220 - 50 = 170 x 7/10 = 119. Use 120 for practical purposes, so when checking your pulse, it's 30 beats in 15 seconds. You need to increase it to 120 over 10 minutes and maintain it for at least 30 minutes a day, building up to an hour a day.

You also need to cut down on sugars and fats, as well as booze, so no junk food. Thai food uses a lot of coconut 'cream' so that needs to be controlled. Steamed food is better than fried.

It may be that they still don't disappear, or even change much, so if you feel strongly enough, surgery may be necessary.

In spite of what others have said about a woman's breasts not disappearing if she loses a lot of weight, most female marathon runners have very flat chests!!

Edited by F4UCorsair
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As you say your not overweight it would suggest to me you've already looked at your body mass index(Bmi).

I would suggest if you could visit a practitioner and get them to measure your boy fat levels,this can be a little uncomfortable but is a good starting point for starting any exercise plan as they could check your overall health aswell.

Failing this by a set of scales that measure body fat (not so intrusive).

I would start off with postural exercises, ideally working your back.

Just when sitting down keep your belly button pulled in which will contract your stomach muscles put your shoulders down and back.

Remember what you were told at school haha

Add to this a little sensible eating and a bit more walking, jogging etc......

Good luck

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someone mentioned lipo suction i'm all for that

Yes smart move.. without knowing the reason and taking steps to counter it it could come back.

Of course its far to hard to actually do something about it if its too much alcohol (heaven forbid) cut down on it.

If there are other reasons for high estrogen find out what do something about it and then wait a bit.. you can always do liposuction.

if he actually has gyno then the surgeon would do tests to confirm and eliminate any other possible causes. as i said the only way to get rid of man boods is lipo suction. so yes it is a smart move.

many people have fatty chests but it is not gyno. a lot of meat heads that take steroids get gymno and even after stopping the man boobs remain so lipo suction is the only option. and like i said ther are loads of sites on the web dealing with this issue.

Liposuction is a smart move.. but not without tests and eliminating the cause.

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Assuming you don't have any underlying medical condition I would suggest a combination of resistance (weight) training and cardio exercise. I find I lose a lot of body fat when I combine weights with interval training - short bouts of intense exercise. And of course a healthy diet.

I think the most important thing to do is find a type of exercise that you enjoy so it is less of a chore.

I enjoy cycling up Doi Suthip which I feel is a good way of combining cardio and resistance training,

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I read some were it is quite common it is to do with your jeans not the ones you wear and it said nothing to improve it.

Check it out on Google you may get some positive answers not much to get from the locals on ThaiVisa am afraid mate, they really do not know. Google will be more informative.

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someone mentioned lipo suction i'm all for that

Yes smart move.. without knowing the reason and taking steps to counter it it could come back.

Of course its far to hard to actually do something about it if its too much alcohol (heaven forbid) cut down on it.

If there are other reasons for high estrogen find out what do something about it and then wait a bit.. you can always do liposuction.

if he actually has gyno then the surgeon would do tests to confirm and eliminate any other possible causes. as i said the only way to get rid of man boods is lipo suction. so yes it is a smart move.

many people have fatty chests but it is not gyno. a lot of meat heads that take steroids get gymno and even after stopping the man boobs remain so lipo suction is the only option. and like i said ther are loads of sites on the web dealing with this issue.

Liposuction is a smart move.. but not without tests and eliminating the cause.

quote from my above post: 'if he actually has gyno then the surgeon would do tests to confirm and eliminate any other possible causes.'

so i think i said that :)

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I read some were it is quite common it is to do with your jeans not the ones you wear and it said nothing to improve it.

Check it out on Google you may get some positive answers not much to get from the locals on ThaiVisa am afraid mate, they really do not know. Google will be more informative.

I've never seen a thin guy with man boobs!

We need to see a photo.

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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someone mentioned lipo suction i'm all for that

Yes smart move.. without knowing the reason and taking steps to counter it it could come back.

Of course its far to hard to actually do something about it if its too much alcohol (heaven forbid) cut down on it.

If there are other reasons for high estrogen find out what do something about it and then wait a bit.. you can always do liposuction.

if he actually has gyno then the surgeon would do tests to confirm and eliminate any other possible causes. as i said the only way to get rid of man boods is lipo suction. so yes it is a smart move.

many people have fatty chests but it is not gyno. a lot of meat heads that take steroids get gymno and even after stopping the man boobs remain so lipo suction is the only option. and like i said ther are loads of sites on the web dealing with this issue.

Liposuction is a smart move.. but not without tests and eliminating the cause.

I will look into liposuction, Thanks

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