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Man Boobs.


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I read some were it is quite common it is to do with your jeans not the ones you wear and it said nothing to improve it.

Check it out on Google you may get some positive answers not much to get from the locals on ThaiVisa am afraid mate, they really do not know. Google will be more informative.

I've never seen a thin guy with man boobs!

We need to see a photo.

there a millions - it would take you a second to google so i dont see your point!

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Oh Lord, itch tits. There are two things that quickly come to mind. Turn back the clock. Go under the knife or well disciplined chest related daily vigorous excercises.

Prayer would not hurt,either.Best of luck. Stay in touch.

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Okay, enough monitoring this thread and not spilling the beans. Here is one man's approach to this issue:

The issue that the OP offers is one most men will begin to deal with after 40. We start to metabolize differently, our Growth Hormone decreases its pulsatile ejections while we sleep, our testosterone, which works on negative feedback, starts to decrease- decreased testosterone results in decreased LH Like hormone being released- (negative feedback, one decreases, another increases); but when production is decreased, they all decrease together. You age.

The LH (lutinizing) like hormone that is reduced has the job of targeting the testes to produce (when stimulated normally by low testosterone)... yep! Testosterone. Thus the cycle is now inexorably spiraling down. We will age. We will die, and we will see the metabolic changes along the way. As an end product- metabolite- of testosterone, a estrogen aromatase-like hormone is produced that basically feminizes men- a bit. Certainly in most cases this is what leads to the gynecomastia.

(Other things like tofu, medical conditions, BPA in plastics, etc. also influence man boobs). The circle is complete. There continues to be a loop feedback system of androgenic hormone-pituitary axis but it is all produced with lower and lower levels of the precious hormone that defines us as men. Oh, the nuts may atrophy- shrink, as we age because decreased test (Why does the scrotum then hang to some knees? As test decreases the end product estrogen like metabolites also decrease. More than one of these informs elasticity and plumpness of skin= dry skin, sagging jowls, nuts to knees. I know an Irish fella who liked to brag, and show, how he could wrap his scrotum around a entire 6pack of beer. gross, but i think you see the point).

As we near 50 we do undergo andropause. We do have night sweats and once in a while we get so damn horny we are sure we can fracture a doorknob. It is in these moments of increased libido we become aware how subtly our drive had been decreasing. We don't always note it as the days pass to weeks, unless a partner suggests it. But when we do have increased libido, we see it. This then can lead to depression for men. So, depression, increased storage of body fat (testosterone is the chief architect of how fat and muscle are metabolized), decreased libido, decreased muscle mass, and in some mean increased breast size, unrelated to muscle mass (decreased testosterone decreases muscle mass immediately). Quite a mess.

Add to the mix a man who drinks, eats poorly, and has no appreciable history of exercising and you've a mess to clean up. But it can be cleaned up. I generally hold the body you have at 50 is the one you will keep for the duration. I have just turned 50 but have worked slavishly the past 10 years to actually prepare. I workout most days. I don't use heavy weights because whether muscles can support or not, invariably joints don't fair well. I take BCAA every single day. I take BCAA 6000 two in the AM and two in the PM. I take at least 1 gram per Kg of protein every day, and shy away from excess tofu- an estrogen aromatizing agent. In my case i am 100% vegetarian, and I eat only once a day. Its up to you. eating less subtely informs your body there is a hostile environment and increases immune function, and decreases body fat. Avoid refined sugars as this causes glycation. glycation is basically death. its the equal of iron turning to rust. I hold and assert increased protein intake is vital to all mental and body functions. Our diet does not provide near the recommended Protein gram/KG body weight.

Lastly, there is the issue of HRT Hormone replacement therapy. Many oppose it, few with science to back it up. Aging cannot be avoided, but i believe there is no reason to age fast. There are many formulas for HRT but invariably the replacement goal should be to age slowly, with grace, rather than take hormones equal to a 20 year old man to make up for lazy choices- it will not work. Thailand has easy access to specialists which can advise on this possible choice. As another noted, a hormone test might be the least invasive most informative tool you can employ- and go to a gym.

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can you see the thing that you typed your message on? well it is a pc and if you ask google using the same machine you will have your answer in seconds. amaizing or what!!!!!!!!

Amazing eh?

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As others have said, you cannot spot burn fat, you have to lose fat by general diet and excercise and it'll come off from every place in your body, if you are unlucky then your chest may be the last place you burn fat, most men it's the hips to go last (even with exposed abs). Just keep going, look into intermittent fasting for best results with your training.

If you are already slim with a very low bodyfat % (if you have exposed abs and tight everywhere else etc) then you have gyno and need to have surgery to get the fat removed via lipo. It's not an uncommon condition, most just live with it if it's not too extreme as they don't give a shit about their appearance, others with proper man boobs do go for surgery after all diet and training has been exhausted

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Okay, enough monitoring this thread and not spilling the beans. Here is one man's approach to this issue:

The issue that the OP offers is one most men will begin to deal with after 40. We start to metabolize differently, our Growth Hormone decreases its pulsatile ejections while we sleep, our testosterone, which works on negative feedback, starts to decrease- decreased testosterone results in decreased LH Like hormone being released- (negative feedback, one decreases, another increases); but when production is decreased, they all decrease together. You age.

The LH (lutinizing) like hormone that is reduced has the job of targeting the testes to produce (when stimulated normally by low testosterone)... yep! Testosterone. Thus the cycle is now inexorably spiraling down. We will age. We will die, and we will see the metabolic changes along the way. As an end product- metabolite- of testosterone, a estrogen aromatase-like hormone is produced that basically feminizes men- a bit. Certainly in most cases this is what leads to the gynecomastia.

(Other things like tofu, medical conditions, BPA in plastics, etc. also influence man boobs). The circle is complete. There continues to be a loop feedback system of androgenic hormone-pituitary axis but it is all produced with lower and lower levels of the precious hormone that defines us as men. Oh, the nuts may atrophy- shrink, as we age because decreased test (Why does the scrotum then hang to some knees? As test decreases the end product estrogen like metabolites also decrease. More than one of these informs elasticity and plumpness of skin= dry skin, sagging jowls, nuts to knees. I know an Irish fella who liked to brag, and show, how he could wrap his scrotum around a entire 6pack of beer. gross, but i think you see the point).

As we near 50 we do undergo andropause. We do have night sweats and once in a while we get so damn horny we are sure we can fracture a doorknob. It is in these moments of increased libido we become aware how subtly our drive had been decreasing. We don't always note it as the days pass to weeks, unless a partner suggests it. But when we do have increased libido, we see it. This then can lead to depression for men. So, depression, increased storage of body fat (testosterone is the chief architect of how fat and muscle are metabolized), decreased libido, decreased muscle mass, and in some mean increased breast size, unrelated to muscle mass (decreased testosterone decreases muscle mass immediately). Quite a mess.

Add to the mix a man who drinks, eats poorly, and has no appreciable history of exercising and you've a mess to clean up. But it can be cleaned up. I generally hold the body you have at 50 is the one you will keep for the duration. I have just turned 50 but have worked slavishly the past 10 years to actually prepare. I workout most days. I don't use heavy weights because whether muscles can support or not, invariably joints don't fair well. I take BCAA every single day. I take BCAA 6000 two in the AM and two in the PM. I take at least 1 gram per Kg of protein every day, and shy away from excess tofu- an estrogen aromatizing agent. In my case i am 100% vegetarian, and I eat only once a day. Its up to you. eating less subtely informs your body there is a hostile environment and increases immune function, and decreases body fat. Avoid refined sugars as this causes glycation. glycation is basically death. its the equal of iron turning to rust. I hold and assert increased protein intake is vital to all mental and body functions. Our diet does not provide near the recommended Protein gram/KG body weight.

Lastly, there is the issue of HRT Hormone replacement therapy. Many oppose it, few with science to back it up. Aging cannot be avoided, but i believe there is no reason to age fast. There are many formulas for HRT but invariably the replacement goal should be to age slowly, with grace, rather than take hormones equal to a 20 year old man to make up for lazy choices- it will not work. Thailand has easy access to specialists which can advise on this possible choice. As another noted, a hormone test might be the least invasive most informative tool you can employ- and go to a gym.

couldn't have said it better myself smile.png

out of simple curiosity - why do yu consider that the body we have at 50 is the one you will keep. if that is the case then personally i would be quite happy. people often say that i am in good shape for my age (early 50s) and how come. i just explain that i have been a regular at the gym for more than 36 years :)

most people would guess my age as being between 5 and 10 years younger. so a life time in the gym has its benefits :)

I remember when i first went to a gym. i asked the trainer how long it would take to get fit. he said about 6 weeks so i joined for 6 weeks and though that would be the job done :)

Edited by jonesthebaker
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Assuming this post is real, the best exercise to do any weight lifting. Every pound of muscle built means that your body will need to burn extra calories in order to sustain the muscle. Don't just focus on your chest, as another poster mentioned, because this will only build muscle in the area and most likely make your man boobs look bigger.

A lot of people think theycan get by with only cardio, and this is wrong because the first 30-45 minutes of cardio you are just burning off the body's sugar. If you build the muscle first not only will you increase your metabolism and burn extra calories, but the excess sugar will be burnt off and the cardio will actually burn off the fat instead of the sugar.

And remember, when it comes to weight loss the first weight to go will be from the neck and work it's way down, so it may take a while to reach your man boobs, several weeks in fact.

And also keep in mind that diet is more important than exercise. 1500-1600 calories a day with a good 1 hour workout should do the trick to lose weight. Good luck.

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Assuming this post is real, the best exercise to do any weight lifting. Every pound of muscle built means that your body will need to burn extra calories in order to sustain the muscle. Don't just focus on your chest, as another poster mentioned, because this will only build muscle in the area and most likely make your man boobs look bigger.

A lot of people think theycan get by with only cardio, and this is wrong because the first 30-45 minutes of cardio you are just burning off the body's sugar. If you build the muscle first not only will you increase your metabolism and burn extra calories, but the excess sugar will be burnt off and the cardio will actually burn off the fat instead of the sugar.

And remember, when it comes to weight loss the first weight to go will be from the neck and work it's way down, so it may take a while to reach your man boobs, several weeks in fact.

And also keep in mind that diet is more important than exercise. 1500-1600 calories a day with a good 1 hour workout should do the trick to lose weight. Good luck.

it is impossible to lose man boobs (gyno) through excersize. fact!

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No amount of exercise will reduce your man-boobs if your hormone levels are out of whack.... Have your Estradiol levels checked as this is one of the primary reasons men get man-boobs... If your Estradiol levels are high, then a short series of Arimidex will get your Estradiol levels in check and your man-boobs will go away... BTW, Estradiol levels rise if you are testosterone replacement therapy...

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search on that and also, I think called "bitch tits" on bodybuilder forums. It is common there when doing mistakes on eating steroids. So they are a great resource on how to reverse that.

Which is in some cases possible with medication, if worse it need surgery.

Light cases (from just drinking too much beer and eating Thai chicken) can be reversed by hard training and a clean diet. If it is a real hormone problem it will need the doc.

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I think the move to rid yourself of them is move out of Thailand. I guess it depends on your activity level, but I personally just can't be active here. I step outside and I am done, I want to head back in. It is so grimy and disgusting. I hate gyms so that is out. The answer is to just be active, and that is very difficult in thailand for many.

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You know that famous golfer Colin Montgomerie has large man boobs, very prominent under the sweaty golf shirt. But he's a multimillionaire so doesn't give a darn about his boobs. At least he says nothing about them.

Some women have mustaches.

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Provided it isn't hormonal, then it's about calories in vs calories used. Everyone stores fat differently, just because you may not have a big belly doesn't mean mean you don't have a high body fat percentage. Wan't to get rid of those moobs? Sorry my friend, it means two things:

1) diet; and,

2) exercise.

Pick up a gym membership. Everyone thinks they will be judged in a gym, but that's not true. Everyone there is in it together, and I have more respect for that big guy/girl that gets off their butt and in to the gym to make a difference. It's quite admirable.

Watch your diet. Even if you're working out every day, if you are using less calories then you are taking in, your body will store fat. I suggest using a website called fitday or my fitness planner (I think that is what it is called). They have calculators to help you track your intake and targets.

If you're looking for a program, Jim Wendler's 5/3/1 is great, as you can hit the weights 2x per week,and focus on the conditioning work as an accessory.

Hope this helps. Whatever you decide to do, is what you do. All we can do is offer encouragement!

Edited by bp832
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Go see an endocrinologist and get a physical. If you check out ok, develop an exercise plan. Google Bill Phillips and "Body for Life". It is one method for getting in shape using a combination of aerobics and resistance training (other methods abound). Caveat: Bill sells supplements. If you're interested, cool. If not, cool. The information on training routines is free. Personally, the only supplement I use is Creatine that I buy locally in Thailand, and I only use it when I'm doing intensive weight training, which I haven't done for about 3 years. And I should probably take my own advice. Lol.

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I read some were it is quite common it is to do with your jeans not the ones you wear and it said nothing to improve it.

Check it out on Google you may get some positive answers not much to get from the locals on ThaiVisa am afraid mate, they really do not know. Google will be more informative.

my first response was very informative. i do know because i actually had the treatment. so how stupid are you to say such a thing.

i made myself an expert before i had the surgery. nothing works but surgery. full stop!

Liposuction with local anaesthetic sounds reasonable, but general anaesthetic sounds like an unacceptable risk unless your life is being ruined by moobs...

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I think the move to rid yourself of them is move out of Thailand. I guess it depends on your activity level, but I personally just can't be active here. I step outside and I am done, I want to head back in. It is so grimy and disgusting. I hate gyms so that is out. The answer is to just be active, and that is very difficult in thailand for many.

I'm very active and exercise most days, and not overweight. I have no intention of leaving Thailand, and I'm sorry you feel the way you do, but good luck to you anyway.

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actually it is impossible to spot reduce fat from the chest. man boobs (Gynecomastia) are not much different from lady boobs smile.png if a lady goes on a diet - assuming she is quite fat - then of course she will loose some wieght from that area but her boobs will not disappear. if a thin lady with not too much extra fat goes on a diet then obviously her boobs will remain intact.

fact is, if you lost every ounce of fat on your body and got down to 6 stone your man boobs would be the only fat remaining.

there are loads of websites with peoples storys etc. on the net. it is a huge problem especially with younger men/boys these days. it is basically as a result of estrogen in the water supply as a result of the female birth control pill which gets passed in to the water supply when women - pee pee smile.png

if you look at pics of men pre. birth control pill (pror to 1960-ish) you may note that men were very much flat chested.

the only way to get rid of them is by lipo suction.

" it is a huge problem especially with younger men/boys these days. it is basically as a result of estrogen in the water supply as a result of the female birth control pill which gets passed in to the water supply when women - pee pee smile.png"

Is this for real?? Are there enough women peeing birth-control byproducts into the water supply to change the hormonal balance of the population? If the amounts are so large as to affect male physiology, as you say, wouldn't they also be having a dramatic impact on female fertility?

What is the science behind this claim... the sources?

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If you are not overweight and lose weight, you will only get smaller man boobs. Try checking Web MD. You can sometimes talk to a doctor on line

I have big man boobs and an hour day on the exercise bike seems to be working on reducing my substantial boobs but it is a ver long process and shen I am done, all the local girls will be sorely disappointed. LOL

bench press+ flies flat, incline and decline.

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I disagree. You have to be MOTIVATED to exercise; why blame yur lack of that on grimy Thailand? You should leave the country if you hate it so mesh; Your excuse is just that.

I think the move to rid yourself of them is move out of Thailand. I guess it depends on your activity level, but I personally just can't be active here. I step outside and I am done, I want to head back in. It is so grimy and disgusting. I hate gyms so that is out. The answer is to just be active, and that is very difficult in thailand for many.

I'm very active and exercise most days, and not overweight. I have no intention of leaving Thailand, and I'm sorry you feel the way you do, but good luck to you anyway.

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Well, I will risk saying - a course of Femara (Letrozole) or Arimidex (Anastrozole) pills. But 1st go and check and make sure it's hormonal...

Yes both of those are used for the OP his problem and available in some pharmacies, but as you said an others check if its hormonal. Just pop into a small clinic do a bloodiest for estodial and wait for the results.

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