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More than 50 Israeli reservists refuse to fight


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We all know the answer is the guilt propaganda built up from WW2.

The holocaust claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands of Serbs,gypsies,Roma,gay people and the disabled along with Jews.

However Israel supporters are ever ready to trot it out as some sort of defence to the disproportionate discrimination they have inflicted on Palestinians over half a century and especially since 1967.


The holocaust claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands of Serbs, gypsies, Roma, gay people and the disabled along with >>SIX MILLION<< Jews.


And that six million was 37-40% of the entire world Jewish population!


The "final solution" was about the annihilation of the Jews.  That means destruction or genocide (so you won't have to google it...).  You actually think this is/was "guilt propaganda"?   That's very sad.




Indeed. And Hitler had promised the "Palestinian" Grand Mufti of Jerusalem that he would murder ALL of the Jews of Palestine when he could, but then he started losing the war. People who say the Middle Eastern Arabs didn't have anything to do with the Nazi genocide of Jews simply do not know their history. 

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We all know the answer is the guilt propaganda built up from WW2.

The holocaust claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands of Serbs,gypsies,Roma,gay people and the disabled along with Jews.

However Israel supporters are ever ready to trot it out as some sort of defence to the disproportionate discrimination they have inflicted on Palestinians over half a century and especially since 1967.


The holocaust claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands of Serbs, gypsies, Roma, gay people and the disabled along with >>SIX MILLION<< Jews.


And that six million was 37-40% of the entire world Jewish population!


The "final solution" was about the annihilation of the Jews.  That means destruction or genocide (so you won't have to google it...).  You actually think this is/was "guilt propaganda"?   That's very sad.




Indeed. And Hitler had promised the "Palestinian" Grand Mufti of Jerusalem that he would murder ALL of the Jews of Palestine when he could, but then he started losing the war. People who say the Middle Eastern Arabs didn't have anything to do with the Nazi genocide of Jews simply do not know their history. 



Much of the Arab world was in the Nazi corner during WWII, some say as a result of Britain having reneged on certain promises made during WWI (they promised one thing to Arabs & Jews, and something contradictory to France & Russia - all had to do with partitioning of lands which had been part of the former Ottoman Empire; Sykes-Picot Agreement).  Anyway, "lie down with dogs..."

Edited by hawker9000
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