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Total Farang Idiots


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Nothing to do with who is tougher than who. there are exceptions, but I'm just making the point that in general, real hard "street boxers" are not loudmouths.

No, that's not what you said, you said you know who would win 9 times out of 10 without knowing anything about the guy I mentioned. You are also generalising about loudmouths, some tough guys are, some aren't. End of.

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the OP sounds like he has a serious problem. if you really feel so violent towards a 70 year old man by his words then the problem is all yours. if you 'smacked him up and down the road' then you would cause him serious injury at least. obviously you're psychotic if you do not understand that whatever he says this would be totally wrong on so many levels.

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the OP sounds like he has a serious problem. if you really feel so violent towards a 70 year old man by his words then the problem is all yours.

First line in the OP is the dead giveaway. He forgot the recommended cooling off (and sobering up) period before hitting the keyboard.

He's probably not such a bad guy.

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Reminds me of he young Thai in Oz who went to town on the 69-year old in the holding cell,

"On the trial's opening day on Friday, the jury in the NSW Supreme Court saw footage of Kaewklom in a white, hooded jumper pacing back and forth before throwing his cellmate to the ground and stomping and kicking him in the head about 20 times.

"The last action ... was to then step back and forcefully kick the deceased's head area as if his head was a soccer ball,'' crown prosecutor Gina O'Rourke told the jury on Friday.

McGregor died at Liverpool Hospital 10 days after the February 25 attack, when his life support was switched off.

The 69-year-old had been taken into custody the day before, after breaching his bail conditions."



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Reminds me of he young Thai in Oz who went to town on the 69-year old in the holding cell,

"On the trial's opening day on Friday, the jury in the NSW Supreme Court saw footage of Kaewklom in a white, hooded jumper pacing back and forth before throwing his cellmate to the ground and stomping and kicking him in the head about 20 times.

"The last action ... was to then step back and forcefully kick the deceased's head area as if his head was a soccer ball,'' crown prosecutor Gina O'Rourke told the jury on Friday.

McGregor died at Liverpool Hospital 10 days after the February 25 attack, when his life support was switched off.

The 69-year-old had been taken into custody the day before, after breaching his bail conditions."



Bit stupid of the police to put two guys into the same holding cell.

Wouldn't happen in the UK - the screw in charge that day should be on a charge too.

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Did the bar have no doors that you could have walked out of? Is there only one bar in Korat?

Why should I leave?

I was in waiting for my wife to pick me up.

When my wife turned up, he turned all coy.

He had been insulting her beforehand.

For those thinking I am just as much to blame as this guy.... I have been in that bar and talked to many farang, and we are all good mates.

I have nothing bad to say about anyone.

If you sat and had a beer with me, there would be nothing negative between us.... But this guy just wanted trouble from the word go.

If this had happened in a bar in the UK... this idiot would have been put down in seconds.

His entire motivation was that anyone who has not lived in Thailand as long as him is a <deleted> and everyone in their home country are no better..

He clearly got under your skin. Maybe try to adopt a bit of your adopted country and recognise that his karma means he will probably come back as a cockroach for the next 1000 lives. Then a few calming breaths and avoid the tosser forever - so you don't have to come back in the same garbage bin as him for being violent with bitter and twisted old pensioners.

Thais do seem to be good at reminding themselves of the visitation of karma for the odd idiot who crosses their path (unless they lose face, when they then want to inflict instant karma).

Edited by CBR250
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BTW..... I have never met a Thai like this idiot

...but they have met you. Thais talk down about Farangs all the time. Almost never around Farangs though. They can be very Xenophobic.

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Two idiots in a bar, a 50 y.o wannabe street fighter and a grumpy 70 y.o wannabe know it all. Seems like a good match to me.

I pity you low life grubs that sit around bars all day tryin to see how high you can piiisssss up the wall.

Talk about losers.

God you still alivetongue.png

If this guy is 70 plus he's probably miserable cos of the price of a chang..............he can probably remember the days of a 20baht chang. and 50 baht barfine and an all nighter for 200 baht.Then again maybe thats still the going rate in Korat!

Howdee SBC,

I was surprised to see u were still alive and kicking.....good to see you :)

I feel miserable EVERYTIME I look at some of these scums gathering in Thailand now, place is really going down the gurgla. It's got nothing to do with the price of the JIMMYHISS.

I'd like,to see somebody set up a shooting tower outside Suvarnabhumi A/P and sniper these grubs as they step off their planes.....be fun and I'd even thrown in towards the cost of building the tower.

Anyway, I digress. In a nutshell, I summarise.......please low life, proceed to Bali or Nigeria or just stay home & keep breeding with ur sisters. Grubs.

Edited by neverdie
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Why do you foreigner keep thinking you are born here?

I think you must expand on that comment.............thumbsup.gif

I must add, I am glad I was born where I was born, not here..........smile.png

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I've had this before - few times in fact. First time I got steamed up (mostly due to the anti-Thai rhetoric and "all Thai women are whores" BS) - and was rescued by friends that could see where it was going to end (right about when he said that all Thai women are gold digging prostitutes, to which I replied that I a married to a Thai women and she most definitively is no whore, and he responded something like "yeah, that's what she'll have you believe") - that time the guy was perhaps late 40s early 50s and I was late 30s. Since then I simply turn my back to them and ignore them/chat to the bar staff or other customers - they usually just pick on someone else then. With out a word, just turn away blatantly and cut them off. One guy tapped me on the shoulder to get my attention, he got a warning glare and I turned back.

I had it once in the No.1 bar in CM (the old one - this was years back). He joined me at a table I say alone at having a cold one and watching the news headlines/sport on TV (an old past time of mine back them after a trip to town to pay regular a bill). Pleasant at first, but got more and more bigoted (anti gay - when two likely gay chaps entered the bar briefly - anti-non-white, very anti-Thai and anti-women). I showed my distaste politely at first, and eventually got up and went to the bar and sat down instead. He stayed sitting and started a conversation with a young black guy (which I thought was interesting given his earlier views) - the guy walked after about ten minutes of his diatribe. Later still, whilst I was chatting with some of the serving girls and barman (mostly in Thai) - one of the girls came over and said, in English, "Your friend is not a very nice man" (or something similar) - I explained in Thai that he was not my friend - and she said simply, in English again "&lt;deleted&gt;" which I had to agree with. She told the other staff, speaking too fast for me to keep up with, and no one wanted to serve him - the barman had to!

It doesn't take long to earn a bad reputation - this old geezer you had a run in with will not last long at the bar and will move on. My advice: Just sit away from him, or blank him if not possible, until then.

Oh and I have met a Thai guy like this once - raving about Thai women are whores (not racist stuff - purely sexist - but he was talking to a white dude 1,5 times his size and at least twice his body mass). Talking in Thai with him, it turned out his wife was currently sitting in the bar with her sister, and friend and their farang tourist lovers - the sister and friend had talked her into it to earn cash - as a temporary thing - he had tried to stop her, but she thought the money was more important. He snapped twice that night and the cops came and calmed it down (very professionally as it happens). I explained it to the farang guy, and he sneered shrugged and overtly wrapped his arm around the guy's wife. I could perhaps see the Thai guys point - and would not blame him if he felt that way about farangs too!

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the OP sounds like he has a serious problem. if you really feel so violent towards a 70 year old man by his words then the problem is all yours. if you 'smacked him up and down the road' then you would cause him serious injury at least. obviously you're psychotic if you do not understand that whatever he says this would be totally wrong on so many levels.

I disagree. Anyone can be wound up by a bigot - especially when they are insulting a family member. That he showed control, and only "wanted" to smack him in the chops, but didn't speaks volumes about him. The very opposite of someone with a problem. Sociopaths are the people that do not get wound up about loved ones being insulted as they have no emotions, and people with anger problems lash out first without thinking and control. I would say he is about as normal a s a person can be from his story. That he can come on here and rant and get it out of his system, all the better, as now he will not harbour animosity and strike out on seeing the guy at some later date.

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If the 'ídiot' was a 30 year old 6 foot tall street boxer, I doubt the OP would have felt so physically enraged about the insults directed at him.

Bravado is often very selective.

So true. resorting to violence to prove a point shows you no better than him. I would have floored him with words of kindness he wouldnt expect. He said it to get a reaction and sounds like it nearly worked. Next time buy the guy a drink and congratulate him on being the worst person you have ever met and that you understand he has the views he has because he is lonely. Who knows you may even a nice person under all that BS. If not then walk away and wish him well. Then life your life

He didn't resort to violence though did he. What you say you would do is not relevant because it is easy to say such, not so easy to put that into action when they are laying into your wife/GF.

To Radar501. Disagree. Bravado is only selective when in the cold light of day and premeditated. Insults, especially when aimed at loved ones directly and not at you personally, anger any normal person, regardless of the stature of the person speaking. Once that level is reached, one can either reign it in and control it, or snaps - and though they may end up the worse for it, it will not stop that right hook being throw.

I have seen it a hundred time back in the UK - some little guy being picked on or bullied by some bruiser - only to come unstuck when the worm turns! Some mother laying into a guy twice her size to protect her kid from his ire.

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I don't mix much now as I cannot stand listening to the inevitable crap.

Remember, even old guys may have been a tough guy in his younger days. Don't dismiss that, cos one doesn't lose that with age, it is still in the background...........thumbsup.gif

This reminds my of an old guy I used to know, "Shiner". He was well in his upper sixties when I last saw him, he had once been a professional boxer, and before that had boxed for the Royal Navy (RNBA as it is now). This was back in the 80s and I was a cadet at the time. We had had a little trouble with a few of the local lowlife teens (group of kids who frequented a local green aged between 16 and early 20s). One night they decided they were going to attack cadets leaving for the night and turned up en masse at the end of the road. Unfortunately for them they chose the annual inspection day to do it - so the place was chock full of ex and serving military and parent as well as cadets in full force.

First we heard was when a few younger cadets (12) came running in saying there was a group of teens blocking them in and intimidating them. A few of the ex-military and dads (and some of us older cadets) walked up there (the serving military guys held back but watched - this was decided on the fly by some of the ex-military as they could end up in trouble and probably wasn't needed). Anyway, this "hard nut" early 20 something kid is facing off with Shiner, calling him all sorts of names and threatening him. Shiner's chin is level with this kid's collar bone, but it doesn't worry him. He simply said, "son if you're gonna take a swing, do it now - or piss off" (most I ever heard him say actually). The kids made more threats and eventually, egged on from behind, took a swing at Shiner.

Shiner danced around the punch like a pro, and put him on his back with a single blow. Dived on top of the kid and had to be held back from mashing him into the pavement by the others. Then all hell broke lose as other kids steamed in - they were younger, fitter, taller in many cases, but lasted very short time against those old soldiers and dad (mine included - brought up in London's East End through the Cray era - ex lorry driver, and even now in his mid 70s, would be a handful to take on - still works six days a week at a Chicken Shack because he could never be idle).

A young fighter is likely going to take an old fighter - but outside of that, it isn't so straight forward - assumptions can be costly!

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Another Farang bashing thread coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJ.gif alt=coffee1.gif width=32 height=24>

Nearly but not quite. I think the OP just wanted to bash him.


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The best way I have found to deal with people like that is to turn the tables on them. A bit of a brain game.

The very fact that he had you wound up so tight that you wanted to use physical force against a 70 yo shows, that in his mind, he has won the day.

Reverse the roles and become the windup artist, humiliate him.

That would give you a lot more satisfaction than slapping him.

I like this post the most. biggrin.png

OP, while I understand your anger, which I may also easily resort to violence myself. But as we age, we understand, the only reason we use violence is when all others have failed. I think that's where the old man got you there. He picks on people like you everyday, not its not personally to you. But from what happen that day, that old fart is satisfied, he won. Even more so when you wanted to smack his face and the owner pulled you back, he was in joy.

Return another day to that same bar, go sit right next to him. Don't use the serious face, use a crazy smiley face.

"Hey old fart, what are you doing here? Aren't you in the wrong place? The senior caretaker house is in the other soi."

Start continuously insulting him with a cheesy smile. You want to piss him off as much as possible. Remember his only cards is verbal communication. If you use physical, you have lost. Play him at his own game and make him lose. He won't show up at the bar again cheesy.gif

If he starts to talk, cut him off immediately, and continue your pressure.

End it with your hand up high almost smacking his face but you are actually looking at your watch for the time, and also invading his "safety personal space". (But don't actually hit him lol, just make him feel uncomfortable) "Okay old wingly animal, your bed times up, I'll stop wasting my time talking to you and go find some real interesting people."


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One can only apologise, on behalf of the UK, and point out that most Brits aren't like this one. wai2.gif

It's probably stating the obvious to say that, for some of our former-colonies to have plonkers as citizens, we necessarily had some to export there, whether as convicts or free-emmigrants.

Unfortunately not all of them went !

So we still produce these types, and in this modern age, some still escape Border-Control & settle elsewhere, including Thailand.

One makes allowances for age/mental-condition/sad-life-experiences, and the fact that older generations were less-well-educated/globally-oriented/politically-correct, than our own.

And even we aren't perfect, although obviously present company comes close to it. rolleyes.gif

My own particular favourite, is the typical-expat who sits (often but not exclusively in Pattaya) & bemoans the prevalence of immigrants 'back home', seemingly oblivious of the fact the he himself is now an immigrant or economic-migrant, here in LOS. facepalm.gif

Having a read at the nonsense you wrote above gives me the impression that you are related to the 70 year-old bloke that the OP is complaining about.

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One can only apologise, on behalf of the UK, and point out that most Brits aren't like this one. wai2.gif

It's probably stating the obvious to say that, for some of our former-colonies to have plonkers as citizens, we necessarily had some to export there, whether as convicts or free-emmigrants.

Unfortunately not all of them went !

So we still produce these types, and in this modern age, some still escape Border-Control & settle elsewhere, including Thailand.

One makes allowances for age/mental-condition/sad-life-experiences, and the fact that older generations were less-well-educated/globally-oriented/politically-correct, than our own.

And even we aren't perfect, although obviously present company comes close to it. rolleyes.gif

My own particular favourite, is the typical-expat who sits (often but not exclusively in Pattaya) & bemoans the prevalence of immigrants 'back home', seemingly oblivious of the fact the he himself is now an immigrant or economic-migrant, here in LOS. facepalm.gif

Having a read at the nonsense you wrote above gives me the impression that you are related to the 70 year-old bloke that the OP is complaining about.

Noooo, he is the bloke...........

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One can only apologise, on behalf of the UK, and point out that most Brits aren't like this one. wai2.gif

It's probably stating the obvious to say that, for some of our former-colonies to have plonkers as citizens, we necessarily had some to export there, whether as convicts or free-emmigrants.

Unfortunately not all of them went !

So we still produce these types, and in this modern age, some still escape Border-Control & settle elsewhere, including Thailand.

One makes allowances for age/mental-condition/sad-life-experiences, and the fact that older generations were less-well-educated/globally-oriented/politically-correct, than our own.

And even we aren't perfect, although obviously present company comes close to it. rolleyes.gif

My own particular favourite, is the typical-expat who sits (often but not exclusively in Pattaya) & bemoans the prevalence of immigrants 'back home', seemingly oblivious of the fact the he himself is now an immigrant or economic-migrant, here in LOS. facepalm.gif

Having a read at the nonsense you wrote above gives me the impression that you are related to the 70 year-old bloke that the OP is complaining about.

Noooo, he is the bloke...........

Friday nights are turning into a laugh again I see......

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  • 3 weeks later...

Best response to any Thailand bashing conversation is "yea it sucks here, I think we should go back home. Much better back there". Usually snaps people out of it and shuts them up.

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