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Most Thais blame LINE, Facebook for wrong usage of Thai language

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...having the internet special dates should be a given.........

...as for the 'blame'......nonsense...blame anyone or anything but themselves........

...what about before all these services ever existed....not too long ago.......

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No one uses ANY language correctly on social media platforms, so what's the big deal It's all about making your point with the least amount of characters.

That would be the "least number" of characters, of course. It is proper to use "fewer" rather than "less" when describing countable items even though "fewer" has more characters than "less" - an example of the text-warping of English.

Wrong! 'least amount' is perfectly correct.


Line,whatsapp , Facebook and others, are the sum of most Thai people life centers around now days,

the hell with real knowledge, real learning, world's events, Nope, it's all about gossip,

frivolous, mindless information exchange, I feel sorry for this generation's dependency on these

gadgets for every aspect of their life...

I don't know "most Thai people". I can't speak for most of anything and haven't a clue what most think, know or feel.

The only thing I am sure of, is my limited knowledge of all things and my insignificance in the whole scheme of intellect.


"Most Thais blame LINE, Facebook for wrong usage of Thai language" why not, most of the falangs blame Thais for wrong usage of English language.


"Most Thais blame LINE, Facebook for wrong usage of Thai language" why not, most of the falangs blame Thais for wrong usage of English language.

That is not the same thing.


Clearly in The New World Order the unintelligible Thai writing system should be abolished. Once Siam has an alphabet there will be no problems. Even the Russians are having to give up on Cyrillic script, the Balkan nations having done it already, and one day Pin Yin will conquer the Celestial Empire. Try reading and writing Vietnamese..no problem.


Well it is interesting that so many people think theres a right way and a wrong way for any language, it just IS and it is certain bodies that decide on spelling, new words and such, people decide how it evolves.

Try reading original Shakespeare or something from your own history original text, thats if you have a written history or official language longer than a couple of hundred years. Its hugely different and go back further it becomes more and more difficult to understand.

Thailand i believe has neither.

Language evolves over time and its part of the human process to adapt things to suit and mould it into what is required.

Thais use their language to suit their needs the same as any other nation, blame is a great thing, perhaps they should look at the education system so its retained and learned properly and more widely, a bit like we have, English literature and English language.


No one uses ANY language correctly on social media platforms, so what's the big deal It's all about making your point with the least amount of characters.

That would be the "least number" of characters, of course. It is proper to use "fewer" rather than "less" when describing countable items even though "fewer" has more characters than "less" - an example of the text-warping of English.

Wrong! 'least amount' is perfectly correct.

Amount vs Number - English Grammar


I read a book whilst in Vietnam last year which spoke about many languages and their differences.

It certainly helped me understand something.

I'd assumed that most Asian countries spoke differently in terms of reference - they tend to speak "object subject verb" - Shop Sister mama drive where most english speaking countries use "subject verb object" - Mama's sister drives to shop.

I also dislike bing translations - They certainly change the wording around also and, at times, the article then doesn't make sense.

Here's one from BMW about their new motorbike production plant in Rayong.

People who like blue propeller camp .... Please give bag preparation ready ... don't wait too long. Of course!!! (Translated by Bing)

Philippines is interesting also because they speak about future tense in past tense and visa versa.

Will haved 555 to clarify at times wondering whether will actually did something or have intend to.


The English language has been abused for longer than Facebook or LINE have been in existence; and if anything, it's going downhill.

I think it's the people that are "going downhill" and taking the English language with them on that path.

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I read a book whilst in Vietnam last year which spoke about many languages and their differences.

It certainly helped me understand something.

'whilst' and 'which spoke' - This is what happens when you post right after a series of grammar corrections.

Who the hell ever speaks English like this other than the pompous?


I read a book whilst in Vietnam last year which spoke about many languages and their differences.

It certainly helped me understand something.

'whilst' and 'which spoke' - This is what happens when you post right after a series of grammar corrections.

Who the hell ever speaks English like this other than the pompous?

Me - I failed English in high school.

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The English language has been abused for longer than Facebook or LINE have been in existence; and if anything, it's going downhill.

hmmm, I also peddled back to the above Post, onwards...

...where did the OP bring the up the link between Thai and English?

yes, we know Thainess usually always finds some way to blame farang for any shortcomings that lead to face loss, But the article doesn't say the Thais blame English for the problem.

I see for myself every waking moment around me, thai wimmen with faces buried into facebook, Line, Sanook, Kapook or whatever. Most of the written chatter is being done in Thai script.

No matter the language of the chatter, the respective language being typed is being cut down to the abbreviations or acronysms akin to SMS.

Isn't that what the OP article is on about?


let's pick on 555 - well, that again is SMS acronism speak - for LOL (Oh! okay - Laugh Out Loud) - the 'ha ha ha' connection connotation.

If it was a Chinese, the result would have been something like wu wu wu, interpretation from the Thai, Ha Ha Ha; for which kleeof has pointed out the 555 origins.

The joke goes on about 555: Go to P.N.G. and the other coincidence is found in the supermarket, where cans of 'yuck' 555 Brand seafood can be bought, and

In Singapore again, there is the Ha Ha Ha Thai Seafood outlet. I now wonder if they are going 555's (LOL), at serving customers with 555 mackerel?


And 99% of foreigners blame the Thai Ministry of Education for wrong usage of English. The other 1% of foreigners work as consultants for the Ministry of Education...

Details available everywhere in the Kingdom.


while were on the subject of language w t f is 555,I See often on TV but can not fathom it facepalm.gif

The Thai word for 5 is ha -- so 555 is ha ha ha -- an acronym for laughing.


Will this mean the Junta will establish a committee to watch over the messages to assure proper usage of the Thai language as part of its protection of national security in the media? Actually that might be a good idea to employ thousands of Thais to eavedrop on messages to watch for improper usage of Thai - help with the unemployment and boost th economy.


Too much an easy short cut way to put the blame on social medias when the thai spoken is by all means unchanged since bubbling first years baby talking everyone seems happy to understand and to carry on with unabling them all to be avoiding any teaching efforts.


Line,whatsapp , Facebook and others, are the sum of most Thai people life centers around now days,

the hell with real knowledge, real learning, world's events, Nope, it's all about gossip,

frivolous, mindless information exchange, I feel sorry for this generation's dependency on these

gadgets for every aspect of their life...

Let me tell you it is not just Thailand. Every country I travel is the same way. I agree with everything you say and you have to feel sorry for the younger generation. All their information will come from Facebook and the like. They will accept whatever they are told by "friends" on Facebook and the like. If I see another picture of food I will go nuts. Even the news here in the USA has to constantly mention twitter comments on some of the programs. Who cares what other idiots say. The younger generation is so hooked on social networking they are completely lost without it. Of course I have a 70 year old friend living in Thailand that can't stop posting constantly. I have basically given Facebook a rest as it has become so filled with crap that no one in their right mind would want to stay tuned in.


Folks, language is a vital part of a national identity. And being able to use your mother tongue well is a skill you can enjoy all your life. That ABR (abbreviation nonsense)is not much different from using "cool slang" words, and ABRs are an American language usage issue. This 'slang only' language is awful, when the people can't talk a decent language as taught in school.

I mean, who enjoys reading a book/ebook, that consists only (!) of slang and ABRs?


Line,whatsapp , Facebook and others, are the sum of most Thai people life centers around now days,

the hell with real knowledge, real learning, world's events, Nope, it's all about gossip,

frivolous, mindless information exchange, I feel sorry for this generation's dependency on these

gadgets for every aspect of their life...

What makes me wonder: why nobody starts a campaign to diss these shit things like Facebook etc. I could imagine, that a movement to show, how un-cool this virtual world versus the real world is could gather momentum around the world. People are wasting time of their life in order to make the Suckerbugs et al richer than ever...

What the fig they mean with wrong usage? Is it the gibberish translation from Google & Fb or Bling or any other? They translate words not a sentence ,doesn't make a difference if they translate Thai or English you never can make sense from the translation crazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gif angry.gif


The human race as a whole managed just dandy to live their lives, and develop all kinds of social skills ( many good and some bad ) as well as inventing some truly wonderful things like Electrocity and fire, for many centurys before the advent of " Line and Facebook "

Mans evolution !!!!!!! What next ?

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