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I was asked 5,000 Bahts for my one year retirement (first) extension !

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To add insult to injury, this leach does not even offer anything for the 5,000 baht - no relaxing the requirements, or speeding up the process - no, all the checks are completed prior to him serving up the extra fee.

I am convinced others in the office are fully aware of what's going on. Why are they not reporting it?

Edited by PoorSucker
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Looks to me from your attachment that you were, in fact, fined for not submitting a 90-day address report on time. This is a completely separate process from your retirement extension.

Maybe only, for, first he did not mention it, nor did he ask when I moved, my previous report was in time, OK this time the number was not the same, but the two houses are neighbouring, so much so I must admit I hardly realised I had move smile.png

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So for all the Samui old hands out there...what happens if you don't pay the extra?

Do they approve your application anyway, just perhaps a bit more grumpily? Or is it a matter of no 'extra' fee, no visa extension.

Often the 'old hands' get into the Thai ways and know the way to smooth things over with the corrupt officials.

Does anyone have the balls to refuse the 5000 baht in Samui?

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So for all the Samui old hands out there...what happens if you don't pay the extra?

Do they approve your application anyway, just perhaps a bit more grumpily? Or is it a matter of no 'extra' fee, no visa extension.

Personally I rather paid up, but my docs were all in order and I was/am not working illegally and I have never had one day overstay, so I presume everything would have been approved if I had successfully challenged the amount.

However, I live on KP and the last thing I want to face is two or three trips back and forth to provide little extra bits of paper, that would eat up more than half that amount already. For future visits you would most certainly be hassled too.

Nothing over the top will happen, but I am sure you will regret it - you do know how childish this 'face' crap is...

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The 5000 baht fee in Samui is nothing new. The suggestion by others is to put 1900 baht in an envelope and write 1900 baht fee on the outside.

The slip they put in your passport is normal and has your 90 report date on it. The normal fine for late reporting is 2000 baht the 5000 baht is the max fine

So it isn't a fee.

The fee is 1,900 baht.

I suppose a better term would be 'the extra money requested by government officials to do their job is'....

Perhaps make a report of this to the military junta. smile.png

In fact, perhaps thaivisa.com could make a report on behalf of people having such requests for extra money made, and submit it to the ruling military junta which is vowing to crack down on corrupt practices within Thai administrations. smile.png

Hear Here!

A department such as immigration should NOT be as corrupt as it is. Actually, it shouldn't be corrupt AT ALL. Most I know who have been scammed are too scared to say anything. One that did was told that he had to pay more or he'd be thrown out the country!

By allowing these actions is just the same as saying, "we are stupid farang that you can **** up the backside."

If we allow it , we condone it.

Who can we report corrupt officials to?

Would it be better to have a representative?

Who would not be scared of repercussions now AND when the new government is in power?

OP, you could always go back to immigration and ask for your money back or an explanation as to why you were scammed charged 5000 baht.

I doubt you will, if not why? Intimidation?

Yes Neranam, indubitably I could, a few years ago I probably would have run back, now in my sixties, also since 3,000 is not such a big deal, its seems to me taking care of my blood pressure is more important tongue.png it has nothing to do with intimidation (please, I will not let you...wink.png)

Honestly, I simply believe since its done already it would not be "wise" to go back a few days later!

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Its not about knowing how much it costs. Its like me I knew it its 1900. But whaat u can do if she ask 2400...

If i start making problem she will not extend it. And what in future if i have to go there see them agaain?

Or they will ban me from thailand.. its not that simple is it..


It was not in Samui

Is it actually up to the immigration officer that you see to decide if you can legally get an extension based on whether you bribe them or not? NO

There are many things you could do rather than participate in an illegal activity.

First, ask why it is 2400 an not 1900 baht.

Ask to speak to their superior.

Take their photo and do what that twitter guy did - Richard something.

Go with a Thai person or a foreigner who is law -abiding.

Any more things he can do?

What would I Thai do in the UK, for example, if this happened?

How about you come back when it has actually happened to you and tell us how you handled it.

In my case the decision was easy - am I to enter into a conflict over 3,000 baht, which could give me some serious problems and inconvenience me no-end.

Instead I naively believed that by reporting it here on TV, adding to a number of other 'victims' reports of the same person extorting money, someone would actually take action.

The end of this will come from Thais doing something, not foreigners. All we can do is report it.

I would not pay that amount. - I have some integrity and morals.

I have been asked if they could keep the 100 baht as a tip before and I said no, smiling of course.

Once I was asked by Udon Thani Immigration for 1000 baht to help process a 'marriage' visa. I said no and was given the run around for a couple of months. Then I went with a family friend who was director of a vocational school. He was in his gov. uniform as he was going to a funeral in Nong Kai. The guy at Nong Kai immigration was extremely pissed off when I walked up to him with this guy and 3 others in their uniforms. He asked them to speak to me alone and told me to come back the following month. He then asked me to come back the next month. This may have gone on forever but I contacted a commander in the Royal Thai Police, who I'd recently met, who 'sorted it out'.

3000 baht is a lot of money for most Thais.

I suggest you report it to some senior official.

What good will reporting it here do?

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Its not about knowing how much it costs. Its like me I knew it its 1900. But whaat u can do if she ask 2400...

If i start making problem she will not extend it. And what in future if i have to go there see them agaain?

Or they will ban me from thailand.. its not that simple is it..


It was not in Samui

Is it actually up to the immigration officer that you see to decide if you can legally get an extension based on whether you bribe them or not? NO

There are many things you could do rather than participate in an illegal activity.

First, ask why it is 2400 an not 1900 baht.

Ask to speak to their superior.

Take their photo and do what that twitter guy did - Richard something.

Go with a Thai person or a foreigner who is law -abiding.

Any more things he can do?

What would I Thai do in the UK, for example, if this happened?

If he took the immigration officer to task he could have made it worse by levying the full 5000 baht late fee. At the very least the officer might have explained that he was lucky and got away with a reduced 'late new address reporting fine' of only 3100 baht.

If the OP asked for a receipt, the officer could have said he was given a receipt - his word against the OP's with plenty of colleagues to back him up.

They know they've got foreigners over a barrel. I can't see them admitting fault. It would most likely have ended up worse. They probably would have feigned anger to scare him off.

Sucking up the 3100 and taking a marked envelope with 1,900 for his next extension is probably the best advice here.

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It's a hard lesson, but it's up to you to know how much things cost before giving your money.

I agree smile.png . Rather easy before any trip to Immigration or Administration Office

to check first on the Internet to know last news about:

- the documents you need to bring

- the price you have to pay

Always wait (or ask) for a receipt, at least for main fees. They have to give you one.

And in places like Samui who have a strong reputation of corruption, you could do like I read on a Phuket forum:

Write on a paper the serial number of the notes you pay with.

It can help in case it finish like: "No I'm sorry, you only give me 2'000, not 5'000..." wink.png

And what would you suggest he do if they say they DID give him a receipt? Call them liars?

Sometimes it better to admit that you've been screwed and walk away. You will not win here.

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I would not pay that amount. - I have some integrity and morals.

So, do I now take it that I must offer to remove a few of your teeth for suggesting i don't have integrity and morals?

I do not stand for ignorant people taking liberties with my character...

Maybe I also have a Hi-so friend who I can report you to?

You are being childish and postulating like a blowhard - very easy to do on an anonymous forum...

In the real world one does not always have to change things they don't like, but if you want to continue strutting around and puffing your big chest to impress everyone - go right ahead, we're all laughing...

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I would not pay that amount. - I have some integrity and morals.

So, do I now take it that I must offer to remove a few of your teeth for suggesting i don't have integrity and morals?

I do not stand for ignorant people taking liberties with my character...

Maybe I also have a Hi-so friend who I can report you to?

You are being childish and postulating like a blowhard - very easy to do on an anonymous forum...

In the real world one does not always have to change things they don't like, but if you want to continue strutting around and puffing your big chest to impress everyone - go right ahead, we're all laughing...

Firstly, I did not suggest anything about you, I was simply explaining why I didn't do it. Already had them knocked out anyway smile.png

I've a good mind to report you for flaming untruths about me. I'm just sharing my experience.

Perhaps changing your aggressive attitude in this country of non- confrontation would help you get by. Thais are very perceptive to others state of mind.

You obviously condone corruption as you DID have options.

If you were scared, that's understandable, but I doubt the consequences would have been that serious.

Edited by Neeranam
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Thaivisa.com with its connections to the Dept. of Immigration should report that a number of members are reporting that they are being charged 5,000 baht for a 1,900b service.

They should ask for clarification from the head of the Dept. of Immigration of the real cost, and ask that all officers at the office are made aware of the correct price, which should also be highlighted by an official poster at the immigration office so everyone can see what the official price is.

Thank you thaivisa for doing this and taking care of your members, if you do.

If you don't, can we ask why?

What about the anti-corruption commission.


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I would not pay that amount. - I have some integrity and morals.

So, do I now take it that I must offer to remove a few of your teeth for suggesting i don't have integrity and morals?

I do not stand for ignorant people taking liberties with my character...

Maybe I also have a Hi-so friend who I can report you to?

You are being childish and postulating like a blowhard - very easy to do on an anonymous forum...

In the real world one does not always have to change things they don't like, but if you want to continue strutting around and puffing your big chest to impress everyone - go right ahead, we're all laughing...

Firstly, I did not suggest anything about you, I was simply explaining why I didn't do it. Already had them knocked out anyway smile.png

I've a good mind to report you for flaming untruths about me. I'm just sharing my experience.

Perhaps changing your aggressive attitude in this country of non- confrontation would help you get by. Thais are very perceptive to others state of mind.

You obviously condone corruption as you DID have options.

"Perhaps changing your aggressive attitude in this country of non- confrontation would help you get by" cheesy.gif

So which is it - confront the officials or not? My choice was to avoid confrontation and try to make the information public.

And as for aggression - I was merely following your example of not taking it from anyone...

And when you claim your morals and integrity are too good to do what I have done then you are most certainly calling them into question. Or do you prefer to back down now? Bit out of character?

Anyway, these comments are sure to be deleted but I hope you get to read this and in future think carefully before insulting entire groups of people just because they don't see things through the bottom of your beer bottle...

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Sometimes it better to admit that you've been screwed and walk away.

You will not win here.

Sometimes, certainly, but think about it: the officer has a lot of more to lost that you! The last thing he wants he someone making "noise" about it and them some superior officer coming look more closely at his small "business".

Many people explained that a firm but polite attitude leads to a good result. The officer will not get any "bonus" from you, but he will be able to continue to get some from following people... Everyone happy smile.png

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Its not about knowing how much it costs. Its like me I knew it its 1900. But whaat u can do if she ask 2400...

If i start making problem she will not extend it. And what in future if i have to go there see them agaain?

Or they will ban me from thailand.. its not that simple is it..


It was not in Samui

Easy, you ask her what the 2400 baht is for. If she says for the extension, then you tell her that extensions have been charged at 1900 Bt, why the extra 500 ?

She may be grumpy make you wait another hour then give the extension for 1900 Bt. Or she may be are hard a$$ed B*t and demand the extra money. You have her name and can lodge a complaint about her, but ultimately is it worth the hassle for 500 Bt, - Maybe, maybe not.

Never question anything and you will always be paying whatever any corrupt official requests.

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Sometimes it better to admit that you've been screwed and walk away.

You will not win here.

Sometimes, certainly, but think about it: the officer has a lot of more to lost that you! The last thing he wants he someone making "noise" about it and them some superior officer coming look more closely at his small "business".

Many people explained that a firm but polite attitude leads to a good result. The officer will not get any "bonus" from you, but he will be able to continue to get some from following people... Everyone happy smile.png

I'm specifically referring to action taken AFTER the event i.e another day. If it happened to me I would have inquired about the extra charge and a receipt there and then.

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There was a discussion thread on the Samui local forum about the Corruption Hotline. Click HERE.

You could give them a ring and tell them what happened. See what they say and whether they can do anything to help you. You never know!

My own experience of Samui Immigration has been when I have applied for an extension of stay on my tourist visa for an extra 30 days. The fee is 1900 THB, but they charge everybody 1920 THB. From memory, they have even printed 1920 THB on the reverse side of the TM7 form, in the bottom right hand corner. When asked, the official explanation is that the extra sum is to cover photocopying expenses. I think that there may even be a sign on the wall to that effect.

I am not aware of other Immigration Offices elsewhere charging the extra 20 baht; at least not from reading other TV member posts who live elsewhere in Thailand anyway. Presumably, as we say in British English, they regard it as "a nice little earner."

Anyway, I am really sorry to hear about your bad experience. Thank you for sharing it with us.

Edited for typos.

Edited by silver sea
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Thaivisa.com with its connections to the Dept. of Immigration should report that a number of members are reporting that they are being charged 5,000 baht for a 1,900b service.

They should ask for clarification from the head of the Dept. of Immigration of the real cost, and ask that all officers at the office are made aware of the correct price, which should also be highlighted by an official poster at the immigration office so everyone can see what the official price is.

Thank you thaivisa for doing this and taking care of your members, if you do.

If you don't, can we ask why?

TVF is a public forum, not a public service.

Pretty simple.

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My own experience of Samui Immigration has been when I have applied for an extension of stay on my tourist visa for an extra 30 days. The fee is 1900 THB, but they charge everybody 1920 THB. From memory, they have even printed 1920 THB on the reverse side of the TM7 form, in the bottom right hand corner. When asked, the official explanation is that the extra sum is to cover photocopying expenses. I think that there may even be a sign on the wall to that effect.

May be the moral of this story is that those seeking extensions of stay at Samui Immigration should download a TM7 form from the Immigration Bureau website at http://www.immigration.go.th/nov2004/en/base.php?page=download for completion instead of using one of their forms - and highlight in an extremely vivid colour the bit that says that the cost is 1,900 THB!

I thank my lucky stars that I don't live within the catchment area of this bent and corrupt immigration office!

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My own experience of Samui Immigration has been when I have applied for an extension of stay on my tourist visa for an extra 30 days. The fee is 1900 THB, but they charge everybody 1920 THB. From memory, they have even printed 1920 THB on the reverse side of the TM7 form, in the bottom right hand corner. When asked, the official explanation is that the extra sum is to cover photocopying expenses. I think that there may even be a sign on the wall to that effect.

I am not aware of other Immigration Offices elsewhere charging the extra 20 baht; at least not from reading other TV member posts who live elsewhere in Thailand anyway. Presumably, as we say in British English, they regard it as "a nice little earner."


Point of info. There has been at least one report of extra money being asked for copying etc - 50 baht at Sisaket (meuang) Immigration Office. I myself have been asked to give an ex-gratia payment there.

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My problem is this......

Whenever there is a visa related issue, the Thai Law states....'up to the discretion of the officer in charge' but leaves out our ability to address issues related to

IN-discrete officers in charge, WITHOUT getting formally 'blacklisted' when calling for the supervisor!!

Consistency is to be invented by immigration!

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My own experience of Samui Immigration has been when I have applied for an extension of stay on my tourist visa for an extra 30 days. The fee is 1900 THB, but they charge everybody 1920 THB. From memory, they have even printed 1920 THB on the reverse side of the TM7 form, in the bottom right hand corner. When asked, the official explanation is that the extra sum is to cover photocopying expenses. I think that there may even be a sign on the wall to that effect.

I am not aware of other Immigration Offices elsewhere charging the extra 20 baht; at least not from reading other TV member posts who live elsewhere in Thailand anyway. Presumably, as we say in British English, they regard it as "a nice little earner."


Point of info. There has been at least one report of extra money being asked for copying etc - 50 baht at Sisaket (meuang) Immigration Office. I myself have been asked to give an ex-gratia payment there.

Xero aint free

Even i copy myself i still have to pay for it...

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My own experience of Samui Immigration has been when I have applied for an extension of stay on my tourist visa for an extra 30 days. The fee is 1900 THB, but they charge everybody 1920 THB. From memory, they have even printed 1920 THB on the reverse side of the TM7 form, in the bottom right hand corner. When asked, the official explanation is that the extra sum is to cover photocopying expenses. I think that there may even be a sign on the wall to that effect.

I am not aware of other Immigration Offices elsewhere charging the extra 20 baht; at least not from reading other TV member posts who live elsewhere in Thailand anyway. Presumably, as we say in British English, they regard it as "a nice little earner."


Point of info. There has been at least one report of extra money being asked for copying etc - 50 baht at Sisaket (meuang) Immigration Office. I myself have been asked to give an ex-gratia payment there.

Copying what? I've never heard of an immigration office that copies documents for you. they only send you away to copy by yourself if the right number of documents is not handed to them

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I've never had to ask for a receipt or change at the Jomtien office as they are always given. Don't they give out receipts at the Samui office? If they don't, what about asking for one. If they receipted 5000 baht for an extension, then you'd have some physical evidence of profiteering to show to higher authorities in Bangkok. With the military "government" actively seeking out corruption in all areas of government, this could be prime time to get something done.

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My own experience of Samui Immigration has been when I have applied for an extension of stay on my tourist visa for an extra 30 days. The fee is 1900 THB, but they charge everybody 1920 THB. From memory, they have even printed 1920 THB on the reverse side of the TM7 form, in the bottom right hand corner. When asked, the official explanation is that the extra sum is to cover photocopying expenses. I think that there may even be a sign on the wall to that effect.

I am not aware of other Immigration Offices elsewhere charging the extra 20 baht; at least not from reading other TV member posts who live elsewhere in Thailand anyway. Presumably, as we say in British English, they regard it as "a nice little earner."


Point of info. There has been at least one report of extra money being asked for copying etc - 50 baht at Sisaket (meuang) Immigration Office. I myself have been asked to give an ex-gratia payment there.

Copying what? I've never heard of an immigration office that copies documents for you. they only send you away to copy by yourself if the right number of documents is not handed to them

Nakhon Sawan will copy the documents for you but they will ask for 20 baht for doing so. The alternative is to go outside and get it done and then probably take a new number.

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