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Radio Stations - Local


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Bit reluctant to post on this item, but I cannot get an answer.

Are the local FM stations banned forever?. I was in the UK for a few weeks for the world cup, just after the coup. I expected the stations to be back on the air but I can't seem to get them (103 FM is an example).

Were they, or are they, considered subversive by the military?. I know they broadcast on line, but I am an old fogey who has the computer in my study and I liked to listen to the radio in the kitchen living room etc.

Sorry to be a pest, but any info would be welcome. I even e mailed the radion station but they have not replied.

Tks a lot.

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The community radio stations have a few new hoops. They are still working out how to jump through all the new hoops.

No doubt the folk will advise when they are allowed to turn the transmitters on again.

(Is Tommy D back from the home planet yet?)

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