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Disabled Scot claims he was battered by Thai prison guards after being left starving and penniless

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This story is sick.
Just 10 days overstay man.

Really wird.
They put him with criminals instead overstayers...


'Just ten days' is ten days of law breaking.


He is a criminal.


Don't like it? Go home. 


Lost this and that? Go directly to the Embassy.

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Maybe some missing information in this story. Anybody included disabled persons in problems for what ever reason must report to immigration on time if they are in a situation like this, not doing so will only add to your problems.

The part of ending up in a prison on same row as murderers and similar persons seems to be out of proportions but again the story is maybe missing some facts.... 


Troll posts and a general flame removed

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf

The guy is disabled not a retard. He went to jail yeah there are criminals in jail whats he think it was. Why they crack his head open. For no reason? Dont be the retard and believe anything about this story.

Story  certainly does not add up. He left with 4.000 pound and has been away for 7 months. They say he was robbed and left with nothing. What had he been ding for 7 months? That is certainly living cheap.


Sadly this story will be retold again and again and no doubt each time it will move further and further from the truth.


Truth 1/  A lost ticket will not prevent anyone from flying.


Truth 2/  Persons on overstay when they come into contact with the police may be sent to the immigration detention centre, if he was sent to prison it was not for overstay!


I do feel sorry for the guy, he hit hard times and nobody was there to help him.  I would have thought that with a mental age of 12 he would not be allowed a passport, but im sure I'm wrong on that one.



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Sorry this story sound a bit off.

If you loose your plane ticket you call the airline, (any decent travel agent will do it for you)  if you missed your flight no problem they will issue a new ticket.

If he had no money he would contact his embacy to grant him a loan, they will do that based on guarentees from his home,contact his bank, contact his folkes back home etc...




The repord does not say what his full disabilities are ie. is he deaf & dumb, is he unable to communicate?


Seriously werd.


Brain-damaged foreigner tells an unbelievable tale and it is printed up as fact, nqa. mhm

Stories are printed and I, as a reader, can decide for myself if it is true. No where in the article did it claim, "This is a fact".

The headline says "Disabled Scot claims...". I missed seeing any reference to fact on that point.

Whether it is believable, is at the sole discretion of the reader. The article left me with more questions whether it happened as reported.

The photo of the person, with arms defiantly crossed, did nothing to add to the story.

Sadly this story will be retold again and again and no doubt each time it will move further and further from the truth.
Truth 1/  A lost ticket will not prevent anyone from flying.
Truth 2/  Persons on overstay when they come into contact with the police may be sent to the immigration detention centre, if he was sent to prison it was not for overstay!
I do feel sorry for the guy, he hit hard times and nobody was there to help him.  I would have thought that with a mental age of 12 he would not be allowed a passport, but im sure I'm wrong on that one.

Good points. When I read such stories, I remind myself that often they are more "story" than a factual representation of what happened.

I wasn't there, didn't see what took place and don't have access to the "players". Therefore, I am skeptical on the face value of the article.
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A scot being cheated out of money, rare indeed.

I think there is a lot of crap in his story

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

He lived out of his suitcase until the cork fell out




He had been sleeping rough and living out of his suitcase for months after a cash machine swallowed his bank card and he lost his plane ticket home.

Nice try...
He should never have left Govan methinks.

Why is that?

Should disabled people be caged? All because some Thai are too lazy to do their job?



How is some Thai too lazy to do his job? What job? What Thai?


If this guy is mentally and physically handicapped to the point where he forgets where he put his plane ticket and the ATM swallows his cashcard (wrong pin? no money?) he should probably be accompanied by someone who can handle these things for him. If not, then It would be a darn sight safer staying at home and holidaying in Scotland like thousands of other people do.


The Daily Record is a (deleted) newspaper though. It's a Scottish tabloid- and Scottish tabloid journos, some of whom I count as friends, are infamous for just making up quotes  and changing the story to sensationalise things. I've no doubt the two reports don't add up when placed side by side, it'd be a miracle if they did. 

More to this story than just a 10 day overstay I would have thought while he was in police cells the British consulate would have been informed and visited the guy.

If he had a mental age of 12 years old, why was he allowed to go on holiday, plus meet his Thai Girlfriend ?? Some things just don't add up, maybe a budding Rabbie Burns...


Allowed by who?


Methinks all is not correct with this story.    Air Ticket could have been sorted, just contact Airline with passport.   ATM ate card, family has money, send via Western Union

money delivered same day.   


If his brain damage prevents him doing the above, he should not travel on his own.     


As for Thai prisons, they are not nice places.   There not supposed to be.


I smell Bull poo

Amazing that there are so many so called 'experts' on this site that seem to know what happened. There is even one who says he was in prison and treated with respect so this unfortunates story is therefore false.

So many sanctimonious 'sofa sitters' that voice their expert opinions - perhaps it is they that should be beaten up by Thai guards rather than a person with diminished mentality.
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This story is sick.
Just 10 days overstay man.

Really wird.
They put him with criminals instead overstayers...


Allegedly !


hmmm, his diablility didn't stop him traveling to thailand.  also i question the veracity of the story when he says he was thrown in with 'terrorists'.  i mean how many terrorists would there be in a thai prisons.  good sound bite though.




"how many terrorists would there be in a thai prisons"

Are you not aware of the South Thailand insurgency?  More than 10,000 people have died in the past 10 years, 320 bombs last year, lots of terrorists in prison in Thailand.

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Amazing that there are so many so called 'experts' on this site that seem to know what happened. There is even one who says he was in prison and treated with respect so this unfortunates story is therefore false.

So many sanctimonious 'sofa sitters' that voice their expert opinions - perhaps it is they that should be beaten up by Thai guards rather than a person with diminished mentality.


Yes, but please consider that some members here also seems to have a mental age of 12 years.

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A DISABLED man claims he was beaten bloody by Thai prison guards after he was left starving and penniless on a beach.


Claims but not confirmed!!!



mental  age 12??? but he managed to stay in Thailand for 4 years??


He had lived in Thailand for four years and had flown back to see his girlfriend at New Year.

The British Consulate first tried to help William after he was found burnt and dehydrated on Pattaya beach six weeks ago.



the embassy would have contacted anyone he wanted them to , to arrange $$ for a flight home.

sorry, don't buy it,


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