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I tried a lot of things but really depends of how hot is the weather, in hot hours If is not possible feel good walking under the trees shadow, I will look for a Central or Lotus or wherever of that shopping centers with fresh air, in the afternoon the most effective in my case is just walk on the beach and if I am really piss of I will go to swimming or just floating drifting away in the ocean per hours and sometimes late in the night.


Sometimes just driving my motorcycle in what I called "secret roads" do the trick I choose the most green roads far away from everything, sometimes so remote that is normal to find a monitor crossing the road or that big snakes, stop to buy or eat something in wherever family business in that areas, I really meet so nice people in that "adventures" that childs that look at you like the most interesting thing that they see in all the week smiling and saying hello many times rolleyes.gif carry with you almonds or another dry fruit is good to have some extra smiles with everyone.

I usually go to swimming or snorkeling to some places far away from the crowd and those are my preferred places to get "emotionally cleaned", there was some magic moments drifting away, few times a shoal of very small fishes was following me swimming in my shadow, I don't know how describe the sensation but in that moment I feel so connected with the nature that all the problems just lose sense.

I love that small things from Thailand wai.gif

Thank you for your on topic and helpful reply smile.png . If only all replies were so annoyed.gif.pagespeed.ce.EWbqpZ7s0b.gif

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