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The use of crash helmets will be discouraged in Deep South

Lite Beer

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How would this improve security??  You can see the face of the person with the gun so now security has improved? Just don't get it.



Its supposed to be a deterrent because they now think people won't commit terrorists acts as they could be recognised and caught,,, dohhh!!

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Next, top-down roadsters only.


They will limit the percentage of window tint down to 20 or 30%.  No 80% tint. 

And no helmets ROTFLMAO.  I can see it now. BIB roadblock in the South.  Motorcyclist pulled over and fined 400 baht for wearing a helmet. 


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I guess the next time one rents a motorbike, not only do you rent a helmet, but also a rental-backpack/zipperbag to hide the helmet away.


At roadblock:


"can I see your licence please?"


"yes, it's in my bag"


"can I see your helmet please?"


"yes it's in my bag"


"oh dear, it still has fish in it"

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I'm assuming they are talking about helmets with visors that cover your entire head: Thai people can be odd, but they're not retarded...no one would encourage people to break a safety law to ensure safety. Anyway...continue with the bashing :rolleyes:
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All over the world, behind the crash helmet laws (and so many other laws), are the insurance companies. It's not about saving lives, individual safety etc, it's about making more money. Everywhere, the elected politicians who vote these laws are lobbied in a million different ways, coerced into doing it. Clever 'communication' then does the make-up job and turns it into another 'we care for you, we're doing this for your own good' measure.


Insurance companies, along with oil companies, banks and pharmaceutical labs, are among the financial giants who are in fact dictating the rules (almost) all over the world because we have (almost) all been brainwhashed into thinking that democracy and capitalism are one and the same thing. Only in a regime such as we have now in this country can rules like the one described in the OP come into effect. In any 'democracy' it would simply not happen because it would cost too much money to the insurance giants, so they'd find a way to kill it in the womb.


Here's the frustrating paradox ... everyone in his right mind longs for democracy, but everywhere you look, democracies are in fact hijacked by commercial/industrial/financial powers who care not a bit about ethics, morals, justice, freedom, equality etc. The creepy factor is that the very nature of democracy allows that to happen.

Edited by Yann55
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How would this improve security??  You can see the face of the person with the gun so now security has improved? Just don't get it.



Its supposed to be a deterrent because they now think people won't commit terrorists acts as they could be recognised and caught,,, dohhh!!



But most of the helmets worn are not full face helmets - although some do have pull down visor.


Following this logic then sunglasses and baseball caps will also be banned given they cover parts of the face. And don't even get me started about fake comedy beards!!


Not really sure if being recognised is a deterrent to a person who is happy to martyr themselves for the cause. 

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Kind of reminds me of a Transport Minister a few years back who, during an interview, stated: "Thai don't really need to wear motorbike helmets as are heads are naturally harder than those of other people."  I laughed till I had tears in my eyes at the twisted "truth" of his illogical statement.

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Authority discourages wearing of crash helmets for motorcyclists? Speechless!


Yes, they are grasping at straws because the are not addressing the root causes. The bad guys will simply temporarily don ski-masks as do the typically Islamist terrorists everywhere else.



Didn't think of that...

Back to the drawing board...


They've got to get serious and come up with an acronym for a new committee.

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"BANGKOK: -- The forward command of the Internal Security Operations Command is to ask motorcyclists and pillion riders in the restive three southernmost provinces not to wear crash helmets as part of a preventive security measure, said Colonel Banpote Poonpien, spokesman of the ISOC, on Friday."


Now if he were to have said "...not to wear crash helmets that effectively act to disguise the wearer as part....." I would have no problem in agreeing with such a ban.  Wearers of full face helmets with tinted face protectors are cloaked in anonymity.  Then again, so are the wearers of the burka and to a slightly lesser extent, the niqab.  I am in total agreement that the police and military, especially with the unrest that currently exists in the deep south, MUST be able to identify persons moving about, especially in those provinces.  Actually should be able to anywhere.....so ban the use of crash helmets that act as a disguise, intentional or unintentional, but also ban, at the very least,  the use of a burka while operating any motor vehicle.  I know of several cases in the past in my native country where males have used the burka to disguise themselves and thus were able to move about freely despite being wanted by the authorities.  Just how many Muslim women would be affected by such a ban?  I have never seen a vehicle or motorcycle being operated by anyone wearing a burka....nor a niqab for that matter, in the more northern areas of Thailand.  Is it different in the southern provinces...i.e. the deep South?  I have been through those areas briefly and can't recall ever seeing such garb on any motorcylist.

Edited by Tingtau
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"BANGKOK: -- The forward command of the Internal Security Operations Command is to ask motorcyclists and pillion riders in the restive three southernmost provinces not to wear crash helmets as part of a preventive security measure, said Colonel Banpote Poonpien, spokesman of the ISOC, on Friday."


Now if he were to have said "...not to wear crash helmets that effectively act to disguise the wearer as part....." I would have no problem in agreeing with such a ban.  Wearers of full face helmets with tinted face protectors are cloaked in anonymity.  Then again, so are the wearers of the burka and to a slightly lesser extent, the niqab.  I am in total agreement that the police and military, especially with the unrest that currently exists in the deep south, MUST be able to identify persons moving about, especially in those provinces.  Actually should be able to anywhere.....so ban the use of crash helmets that act as a disguise, intentional or unintentional, but also ban, at the very least,  the use of a burka while operating any motor vehicle.  I know of several cases in the past in my native country where males have used the burka to disguise themselves and thus were able to move about freely despite being wanted by the authorities.  Just how many Muslim women would be affected by such a ban?  I have never seen a vehicle or motorcycle being operated by anyone wearing a burka....nor a niqab for that matter, in the more northern areas of Thailand.  Is it different in the southern provinces...i.e. the deep South?  I have been through those areas briefly and can't recall ever seeing such garb on any motorcylist.


May be limiting the speed on motor bikes to less than 15Km/Hr too?

Edited by Basil B
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Without crashhelmet and modern camera equipment they can use "face recognition" So somebody that is on a wanted list can be spot more easily , somebody hiding his or her face can be stopped and checked . Think that is why they do this .
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Restive: (of a person) unable to remain still, silent, or submissive, especially because of boredom or dissatisfaction.   What a great description for terrorists "restive"... There's a lot of restiveness in Gaza right now...

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Wearing of Crash Helmets should never be a legal requirement as it does not increase any danger to other people only yourself.  Laws are supposed to be to protect others form your stupidity or wickedness and this law only protects you from yourself as though you were a child.  Sorry but scrap Crash Helmet laws and let the police spend the gained misspent effort on catching the real dangerous idiots without lights, riding down the wrong side of the road, jumping red lights and 3 or more on one bike. Now that would save lives and that of other innocent folk too.  


Now having said that I am not such an idiot to not wear a decent crash helmet always when riding a motorbike as I value and enjoy my life, and even a cycling helmet when riding a push bike too.  BUT that is entirely my choice as a free adult as I am not affecting anyone other than myself if I choose to be stupid and not wear one.  Same for all adults, as they say here it should be up to them.  I do not want to have to put up wit a nanny state anywhere as I respect freedom to do what you want as long as that does not risk or impinge adversely on others unnecessarily..

Edited by rayw
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So the terrorists who have made it unsafe have persuaded the Thai government to make the streets even more unsafe. I know how to shorten the justice system. Take terrorists out onto the street and execute them. Do not publish their names. Terrorism would stop after 20 militants are dead. 

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