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Kim Kardashian thought about adopting Thai orphan during filming in Thailand


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But Kim was undisturbed. She was so motivated to have this girl in her life, she asked the manager of their resort hotel if he thought it was possible to adopt Pink.

No, he said, shattering Kim’s hopes

"...here, have a postcard of the hotel instead...", he added, mending Kim's dreams.

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Puppies and orphans are for Christmas, not just for life ! rolleyes.gif

But to get slightly-more serious, there are surely plenty of worthwhile charities helping third-world orphans, who would welcome Kim's support ?

And Americans are to be applauded, for being more generous than many others, when it comes to charity or food-aid. wai2.gif

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Sounds like the girl had a lucky escape! If the Kardashan creature and her punchy boyfriend really wanted to make things better then a trust fund, properly administered for the orphanage would be the way to go.

Dont suppose that is likely though....

Because it would mean using Kim and thought, they don't go together.

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Despite the fact that most of us love to loath the Kardashians, the little girl would have been lifted into a life of luxury with the best education available to her, the best doctors, etc.

True, maybe. But it is amazing how many kids of celebs like ms K who end up in rehab, gaol or hospital due to drug and alcohol abuse.

Worse still adopted kids could end up married to woody Allen.

I'm not saying I wouldn't like all the benefits of such a lifestyle, as an adult I would, however it does seem to screw kids up.

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Frankly I don't think a lot more of the TV show than the rest of you, however let's face it, she probably does a heap more charity work than all of us put together.

Just saying. So many of you guys are just so negative about every damned topic that comes through this forum.


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She is a headline grabber there is a big difference between Thinking and Doing come back when you have DONE IT vehicular I am sure will be never bet she does not even give any of her millions away unless it is for Tax Reasons !

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Frankly I don't think a lot more of the TV show than the rest of you, however let's face it, she probably does a heap more charity work than all of us put together.

Just saying. So many of you guys are just so negative about every damned topic that comes through this forum.


Please tell me how it would be possible to be positive on a subject like Kim Kardashian...really whistling.gif Pfff

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Frankly I don't think a lot more of the TV show than the rest of you, however let's face it, she probably does a heap more charity work than all of us put together.

Just saying. So many of you guys are just so negative about every damned topic that comes through this forum.


Please tell me how it would be possible to be positive on a subject like Kim Kardashian...really whistling.gif Pfff

I rest my case.


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Kim K thought about adopting Thai orphan, she literally says on TV Tease: 'I would totally adopt her'

By Coconuts Bangkok


After that sweet moment, Kim kept thinking about Pink a lot. Literally.

"Her name was Pink and I literally cannot stop thinking about her," she said the most recent episode of Keeping up with the Kardashians. "I told Kanye; I was like honestly, like this girl is so sweet and so cute; I would totally adopt her."

Her own mother, Kris Jenner, totally spoiled the moment by telling Kim that you can’t just “shop” for a child.

But Kim was undisturbed.


-- Coconuts Bangkok 2014-08-04

The word" Totally."..in this article is totally redundant. .lol

Sent from my SM-N900 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Frankly I don't think a lot more of the TV show than the rest of you, however let's face it, she probably does a heap more charity work than all of us put together.

Just saying. So many of you guys are just so negative about every damned topic that comes through this forum.


"More charity work than all of us put together"

Speak for yourself buddy...but there's a lot of people here who do more charity work than her....they just don't publicise it.

Sent from my SM-N900 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Kim K thought about adopting Thai orphan, she literally says on TV Tease: 'I would totally adopt her'

By Coconuts Bangkok


After that sweet moment, Kim kept thinking about Pink a lot. Literally.

"Her name was Pink and I literally cannot stop thinking about her," she said the most recent episode of Keeping up with the Kardashians. "I told Kanye; I was like honestly, like this girl is so sweet and so cute; I would totally adopt her."

Her own mother, Kris Jenner, totally spoiled the moment by telling Kim that you can’t just “shop” for a child.

But Kim was undisturbed.


-- Coconuts Bangkok 2014-08-04

The word" Totally."..in this article is totally redundant. .lol

Sent from my SM-N900 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

she literally said, like um like like , you know!

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Frankly I don't think a lot more of the TV show than the rest of you, however let's face it, she probably does a heap more charity work than all of us put together.

Just saying. So many of you guys are just so negative about every damned topic that comes through this forum.


"More charity work than all of us put together"

Speak for yourself buddy...but there's a lot of people here who do more charity work than her....they just don't publicise it.

Sent from my SM-N900 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Would that be you, 'buddy'?


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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The fact that this website would find anything regarding the whore Kardashian or her thug, degenerate husband newsworthy is disgusting.

No argument here, but what is really disgusting is that these parasites are making a "reality" show in Thailand in the first place.

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Since when are a Kardashian's thoughts news? She thought about it. She asked someone for advice, and he said it was not possible, and she said ok, I will not do it, because someone told me it is not possible. This is news? Why? Was today one of those days there was no other news available? I heard that a monkey in the forest thought about doing something nice for another monkey. I heard that someone in Boston thought about helping out a beggar. I heard that someone in Manila thought about buying a street person a meal. This is news? No wonder I am finding it harder and harder to relate to contemporary popular culture.

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"Her name was Pink and I literally cannot stop thinking about her," she said the most recent episode of Keeping up with the Kardashians. "I told Kanye; I was like honestly, like this girl is so sweet and so cute; I would totally adopt her."

Her own mother, Kris Jenner, totally spoiled the moment by telling Kim that you can’t just “shop” for a child.


-- Coconuts Bangkok 2014-08-04

She's 33 years old... (I just Googled it)....and she needs to be told by her mother that she can't"shop" for a child.....and TL reckons she is an icon.....oh well. ..

Sent from my SM-N900 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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