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Israeli troops 'withdraw from Gaza'


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It's telling when even Gazans are angry at Hamas and its militants, yet those same Gazans are threatened with physical harm if they speak their minds.  In other words: Hamas heavies and their militant fringe insist on Gazan civilians' compliance - under pain of injury or death.  Not a lot different than N.Korea.  


You been to Gaza ?



I am not sure if he did, but I was multiple times and sadly - he is right on the money, honey.


So the residents of Gaza spoke freely to You, voiced their true ideas about the situation.

Sat with them over a cup of tea and chatted away.

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It's telling when even Gazans are angry at Hamas and its militants, yet those same Gazans are threatened with physical harm if they speak their minds.  In other words: Hamas heavies and their militant fringe insist on Gazan civilians' compliance - under pain of injury or death.  Not a lot different than N.Korea.  


You been to Gaza ?



I am not sure if he did, but I was multiple times and sadly - he is right on the money, honey.


So the residents of Gaza spoke freely to You, voiced their true ideas about the situation.

Sat with them over a cup of tea and chatted away.




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Digging and firing rockets is in defense of being oppressed. The sooner Israel realizes this the better for all. If they don't then a day will come when not only Hamas fights the occupation, but they will be joined by the likes ISIS. It is really only a matter of time cuz gumboot Israhell just don't get it.


You said nothing about peace. What do you suggest? How do you suggest to bring peace exactly?

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Digging and firing rockets is in defense of being oppressed. The sooner Israel realizes this the better for all. If they don't then a day will come when not only Hamas fights the occupation, but they will be joined by the likes ISIS. It is really only a matter of time cuz gumboot Israhell just don't get it.


You said nothing about peace. What do you suggest? How do you suggest to bring peace exactly?


Both sides totally disarm.  Israel withdraws to the 67 borders. UN monitors and responsibility for security . Establish the State of Palestine.

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Digging and firing rockets is in defense of being oppressed. The sooner Israel realizes this the better for all. If they don't then a day will come when not only Hamas fights the occupation, but they will be joined by the likes ISIS. It is really only a matter of time cuz gumboot Israhell just don't get it.


You said nothing about peace. What do you suggest? How do you suggest to bring peace exactly?


Both sides totally disarm.  Israel withdraws to the 67 borders. UN monitors and responsibility for security . Establish the State of Palestine.





Who is both sides? You mean Israel will also need to disarm? Meaning Israel must not have any weapon to protect itself from any possible wars & terror threats made by other countries such as Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Hezbollah, ISIS etc.? Or do you mean these countries & terror organizations will have to disarm also?

How is the UN supposed to be responsible for security when the UN mandate is just to observe? And even if it could and was willing - will the UN be responsible for protecting Israel from attacks made by other countries too?

Did Hamas leadership say that they are willing to accept the 67 borders as their final borders and acknowledge Israel's right to exist? Did Hamas leadership say they will ever accept co-existing with Israel and the 2 states solution? http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/palestinianauthority/9732323/Hamas-leader-Khaled-Meshaal-tells-Gaza-that-Palestinians-cannot-cede-an-inch-to-Israel.html

Did you know that withdrawal to the 67 borders and establishment of the state of Palestine, with minor land exchanges in the west bank, is something that Israel already agreed to do in exchange for peace? http://www.haaretz.com/news/abbas-olmert-offered-pa-land-equaling-100-of-west-bank-1.1747

Edited by dr_lucas
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Digging and firing rockets is in defense of being oppressed. The sooner Israel realizes this the better for all. If they don't then a day will come when not only Hamas fights the occupation, but they will be joined by the likes ISIS. It is really only a matter of time cuz gumboot Israhell just don't get it.


You said nothing about peace. What do you suggest? How do you suggest to bring peace exactly?


Both sides totally disarm.  Israel withdraws to the 67 borders. UN monitors and responsibility for security . Establish the State of Palestine.



What a cunning plan. Israel disarms...and what happens when Hezbollah, IS, or anyone else in the neighborhood wants

to have a go? Not as if Israel's only front is vs. the Hamas.


 Care to re read my post ?


Both sides totally disarm. Israel withdraws to the 67 borders. UN monitors and responsibility for security . Establish the State of Palestine.

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Yeah sure. Israel is going to disarm when it is surrounded by enemies and let the UN protect them. The UN are so reliable. A superior military is the only reason that Israel still exists.  rolleyes.gif

Edited by Ulysses G.
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You said nothing about peace. What do you suggest? How do you suggest to bring peace exactly?


Both sides totally disarm.  Israel withdraws to the 67 borders. UN monitors and responsibility for security . Establish the State of Palestine.



What a cunning plan. Israel disarms...and what happens when Hezbollah, IS, or anyone else in the neighborhood wants

to have a go? Not as if Israel's only front is vs. the Hamas.


 Care to re read my post ?


Both sides totally disarm. Israel withdraws to the 67 borders. UN monitors and responsibility for security . Establish the State of Palestine.



Post removed to permit response.


Care to provide a definition for "totally disarm", do you mean demilitarise Gaza / West Bank? Who would protect the 400k plus settlers in the West Bank or are you suggesting Israeli governement would be prepared to force their withdrawal as was the case in Gaza; don't think so as would be political suicide. In anycase, believe there is a general concensus that with the current political players a Two State solution is not acheivable.


The role of UN Peacekeepers is agreed by the Security Council and it's for the parties involved in the conflict to provide security for UN Peacekeepers, not the other way round. Do you remember in Lebanon 250+ UN Peacekeepers were killed? Take a look at the policy issues that need to be addressed prior to the Security Council agreeing to deploy UN member country peacekeepers; currently do you believe requirements can be met?



Edited by simple1
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You, me and every other poster on T.Visa has opinions about people and places they haven't visited.  You and I have some opinions about the moon and mars also, though neither of  us have visited there.   


Incidentally, if half the amount of money spent on the world's weapons and security had been put towards setting up colonies on the Moon and Mars, our a few members of our species (and a slew of bacteria, fungi, virus) ....would be on the way to settling there, however precariously.

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You said nothing about peace. What do you suggest? How do you suggest to bring peace exactly?


Both sides totally disarm.  Israel withdraws to the 67 borders. UN monitors and responsibility for security . Establish the State of Palestine.



What a cunning plan. Israel disarms...and what happens when Hezbollah, IS, or anyone else in the neighborhood wants

to have a go? Not as if Israel's only front is vs. the Hamas.


 Care to re read my post ?


Both sides totally disarm. Israel withdraws to the 67 borders. UN monitors and responsibility for security . Establish the State of Palestine.



Care to explain how Hamas is the same side as Hezbollah, or Syria, or IS, or AQ, or Iran? That's without counting less

probable candidate who might be tempted to have a go if there was no risk involved.


How can the UN guarantee security? It's not even in their mandate, rather the sides involved are responsible for the UN

personnel's security.


Establishing the state of Palestine is all very nice and proper. Who runs it? And what makes you think that Hamas is go

for the 1967 arrangement at a final border?

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Both sides totally disarm.  Israel withdraws to the 67 borders. UN monitors and responsibility for security . Establish the State of Palestine.






What a cunning plan. Israel disarms...and what happens when Hezbollah, IS, or anyone else in the neighborhood wants

to have a go? Not as if Israel's only front is vs. the Hamas.


 Care to re read my post ?


Both sides totally disarm. Israel withdraws to the 67 borders. UN monitors and responsibility for security . Establish the State of Palestine.




Care to provide a definition for "totally disarm", do you mean demilitarise Gaza / West Bank? Who would protect the 400k plus settlers in the West Bank or are you suggesting Israeli governement would be prepared to force their withdrawal as was the case in Gaza; don't think so as would be political suicide. In anycase, believe there is a general concensus that with the current political players a Two State solution is not acheivable.


The role of UN Peacekeepers is agreed by the Security Council and it's for the parties involved in the conflict to provide security for UN Peacekeepers, not the other way round. Do you remember in Lebanon 250+ UN Peacekeepers were killed? Take a look at the policy issues that need to be addressed prior to the Security Council agreeing to deploy UN member country peacekeepers; currently do you believe requirements can be met?





Post removed to permit response.


Agree with most of your post, except for the part in bold.

There was a proposal by Israel's former PM Ehud Olmert to PA's president Mahmoud Abbas just a few years ago, to exchange territories - Israel will annex the large West Bank settlements and a few other small parts of lands needed to maintain security, and give equal size land in Gaza in return: http://www.haaretz.com/news/abbas-olmert-offered-pa-land-equaling-100-of-west-bank-1.1747

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What a cunning plan. Israel disarms...and what happens when Hezbollah, IS, or anyone else in the neighborhood wants

to have a go? Not as if Israel's only front is vs. the Hamas.


 Care to re read my post ?


Both sides totally disarm. Israel withdraws to the 67 borders. UN monitors and responsibility for security . Establish the State of Palestine.




Care to provide a definition for "totally disarm", do you mean demilitarise Gaza / West Bank? Who would protect the 400k plus settlers in the West Bank or are you suggesting Israeli governement would be prepared to force their withdrawal as was the case in Gaza; don't think so as would be political suicide. In anycase, believe there is a general concensus that with the current political players a Two State solution is not acheivable.


The role of UN Peacekeepers is agreed by the Security Council and it's for the parties involved in the conflict to provide security for UN Peacekeepers, not the other way round. Do you remember in Lebanon 250+ UN Peacekeepers were killed? Take a look at the policy issues that need to be addressed prior to the Security Council agreeing to deploy UN member country peacekeepers; currently do you believe requirements can be met?





Post removed to permit response.


Agree with most of your post, except for the part in bold.

There was a proposal by Israel's former PM Ehud Olmert to PA's president Mahmoud Abbas just a few years ago, to exchange territories - Israel will annex the large West Bank settlements and a few other small parts of lands needed to maintain security, and give equal size land in Gaza in return: http://www.haaretz.com/news/abbas-olmert-offered-pa-land-equaling-100-of-west-bank-1.1747




Post removed to permit response.


Is the offer, in principal, still on the table as a number of posters claim currently Two State Solution is politically unviable.  I guess the settlements have expanded considerably since 2009, map below, is that correct?



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 Care to re read my post ?



Both sides totally disarm. Israel withdraws to the 67 borders. UN monitors and responsibility for security . Establish the State of Palestine.




Care to provide a definition for "totally disarm", do you mean demilitarise Gaza / West Bank? Who would protect the 400k plus settlers in the West Bank or are you suggesting Israeli governement would be prepared to force their withdrawal as was the case in Gaza; don't think so as would be political suicide. In anycase, believe there is a general concensus that with the current political players a Two State solution is not acheivable.


The role of UN Peacekeepers is agreed by the Security Council and it's for the parties involved in the conflict to provide security for UN Peacekeepers, not the other way round. Do you remember in Lebanon 250+ UN Peacekeepers were killed? Take a look at the policy issues that need to be addressed prior to the Security Council agreeing to deploy UN member country peacekeepers; currently do you believe requirements can be met?





Post removed to permit response.


Agree with most of your post, except for the part in bold.

There was a proposal by Israel's former PM Ehud Olmert to PA's president Mahmoud Abbas just a few years ago, to exchange territories - Israel will annex the large West Bank settlements and a few other small parts of lands needed to maintain security, and give equal size land in Gaza in return: http://www.haaretz.com/news/abbas-olmert-offered-pa-land-equaling-100-of-west-bank-1.1747




Post removed to permit response.


OK, mis-read the situation, is the offer, in principal, still on the table as a number of posters claim currently Two State Solution is politically unviable.  I guess the settlements have expanded considerably since 2009, map below, is that correct?





Post removed to permit response.


I am not sure if it is still on the table, as the PA is not in a state to make such decisions right now with Hamas controlling Gaza, but I believe that eventually the final borders will be very similar to this map.

The settlements did expand since 2009, not considerably at all tho.

In any case, I believe that (according to that proposal), any compensation for such minimal expansions can be easily agreed upon by exchanging a few additional lands.

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 Care to re read my post ?


Both sides totally disarm. Israel withdraws to the 67 borders. UN monitors and responsibility for security . Establish the State of Palestine.




Care to provide a definition for "totally disarm", do you mean demilitarise Gaza / West Bank? Who would protect the 400k plus settlers in the West Bank or are you suggesting Israeli governement would be prepared to force their withdrawal as was the case in Gaza; don't think so as would be political suicide. In anycase, believe there is a general concensus that with the current political players a Two State solution is not acheivable.


The role of UN Peacekeepers is agreed by the Security Council and it's for the parties involved in the conflict to provide security for UN Peacekeepers, not the other way round. Do you remember in Lebanon 250+ UN Peacekeepers were killed? Take a look at the policy issues that need to be addressed prior to the Security Council agreeing to deploy UN member country peacekeepers; currently do you believe requirements can be met?





Post removed to permit response.


Agree with most of your post, except for the part in bold.

There was a proposal by Israel's former PM Ehud Olmert to PA's president Mahmoud Abbas just a few years ago, to exchange territories - Israel will annex the large West Bank settlements and a few other small parts of lands needed to maintain security, and give equal size land in Gaza in return: http://www.haaretz.com/news/abbas-olmert-offered-pa-land-equaling-100-of-west-bank-1.1747




Post removed to permit response.


Is the offer, in principal, still on the table as a number of posters claim currently Two State Solution is politically unviable.  I guess the settlements have expanded considerably since 2009, map below, is that correct?





I am hardly sure the offer could have made it past Israeli parliament and public opinion at the time. Same goes for the

prospects of getting massive Palestinian support on the other side. These issues were among the factors that led to

the whole effort being scraped.


The illegal settlements expanded more in terms of population than land area, I think. Certain issues are more to do with

the security barrier, but they are relatively easy to handle.


Other than the Hamas issue, the land trade off can be quite tricky on the Palestinian side. The concept of losing some

land near one city, and getting some land in return in another part, may seem reasonable on paper, but with Palestinian

society being based on local spheres of influence this might not be all that palatable for some.


As you pointed out in another post, taking off illegal settlements and relocating settlers are a huge domestic political

hurdle for any Israeli party or politician, for various reasons. Much harder to accomplish than the previous times this was


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