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Tourist arrivals in Thailand drop 10.47 percent to 13.6 million in seven months


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pardon my apparently poor math skills but,







as a Thai I would retort "the typical Western approach of abusing mere figures and tie them to a mean, complicated formula; only to make us look feel bad"



Are you saying that, you prefer to "save face" rather than tell the truth?


Are you saying that the writer and the editor, both cannot do simple math?


Face it, they lie, numbers do not lie, never, unless, it is a Thai doing the counting.



Also, didnt the report imply tourism is rising, rising? with numbers of minus 20%?



you call this making you look bad, or trying to make you feel bad?


I will tell you what feeling bad is.

, my Thai girlfriends brother doesnt know she is a prostitute, and so, he thinks all that money he and his mother wastes comes from generous boyfriends and her business dealings, which, guess what, are a lie


I have lived in many places around the world, there is no place like Thailand

Edited by SteveFong
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This is probably the first and only Topic I've read in a very long time that was not engulfed or torn apart by the Victor Meldrew Brigade (Moaning & Groaning old Men) who enjoy telling people to leave Thailand because they can't afford to live here or take complete pleasure in ridiculing everyone at the drop of a hat about their visa issues. Its common-sense that this latest Post is the result of a recent attack manifested directly at Farangs and the in/outs exempt runs that for quite a lot of travellers/businessmen/backpackers/oilmen and so felt was a convenient way for them to stay in Thailand.

The other topics, like telling tv members a 20,000 Baht fine or 2 years jail could be imposed on anyone not carrying their passports everywhere with them on a 24/7 basis - was another cog in the works. Okay, I knew this was a loada bull however, the people on here giving OP's and tv members a hard time on a daily basis spreads rumours like wildfire and helps ignite the flame no doubt to their friends and family who would put off any visits to a place where they felt unwelcome.


I wouldn't be surprised if the visas became more relaxed again in weeks to come given that its detrimental to the livelihood of the Thai people at large. All the big-mouths spouting venomous verbiage has caused more carnage than one can stomach. Time these so-called high posters gave sound advice other than the third-degree to all and sundry.

Anyway, enough said.






a post,


that says nothing


White people are indeed being harassed on the street by police,


to say otherwise, is detrimental, deceitful, and, moronic, 


Scott bkk

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Listen to all you experts in this forum. It is very clear that only very few of you want to do any good for the Thai's or Thailand. I've listened to wet newspapers that had higher IQ than any of you. So how about if you do something good for a change? Start by Shutting the F#*& Up! 


Cutting the branch you sit on??? What! Did your local bar close so you didn't know where to go today?

Thailand's BNP on tourism is less than 8% so cleaning up in the corruption YOU have helped create will not leave anyone starving, let me re-phrase, will only leave YOU starving because now you can't cheat with your visas anymore, it is time to become legit or move on.


Look at me I can calculate!!! 1 country minus YOU = Happiness

You morons think you are so useful to everything in your little narrow-minded universe when facts are that you can't even make it in your home country. You have all the solutions sorted behind your beercondoms and you are doing the same as what you would do in your home country but you can't afford it there, can you?


Please do us all a favor...MOVE! There are good reasons to why no-one likes you here cheesy.gif


Who are you I ask myself ? So you assume that everyone or anybody sits about all day drinking in Bars thinking of ways to cheat the system since they've got money problems. I suggest your way out your depth my friend. Many people who used the in/out exempt scheme, was an easier way to help them stay longer in Thailand and not for any devious intent as you so describe. Ok, a few defaulters but don't tar everyone with the same brush. You must be one of these PERFECT PEOPLE that write vile contemptuous garbage on here with what they regard is factual BS because THEY SAID SO !!!

Get a life my friend and try to find some compassion for others in this tough life.



I used the 30 day Visa, back to back, 4 times,


the reason?


I didnt know I was staying 6 months


had I known, I would have gotten a proper visa at the us embassy, and not had to do "visa runs"


people use the 30 day, for a variety of reasons,


failure to plan, as was my case, is chief among them,


I am sure I am  not the only person who came to Thailand for a few weeks, and found a reason to stay a few weeks more, and then a few weeks more,


what kept me here,


a 32 year old thai girl, of course

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I am sure I am  not the only person who came to Thailand for a few weeks, and found a reason to stay a few weeks more, and then a few weeks more,

what kept me here,

a 32 year old thai girl, of course------------SteveFong


No your far from being the only one Steve....I came over for a few months break.....15 years ago

They can be addictive Steve, (TG) but like most addictions----people still want the fix even when they don't have the money for it.....I am not saying this is your predicament, but you do see this situation of people not going home...A thread yesterday--the guy selling Sausages in Issan---the youtubes videos of the guys sleeping rough on Pattaya beach, how do you sort those things out if not by just enforcing the rules that were here for that---"you want to stay & have enough money to do so,-- show us, OK---do an elite card do an investment---&   stay"

I do hope you can sort your problem out or can take your lady back to whatever country....saying that Steve unless you are a Scandi (who are still quite lax) you will find out what Visa rules mean when they put her through the system.


Good luck mate..........coffee1.gif

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lol how much of your GDP gets made up by tourist? 


Doing a great job to helping sink the ship.. just retiree like you should have. 




tourists to thailand are feeding A VAST amount of people and thus thai families in the underground economy,


or did you think those street vendors throughout the big cities re counted in the GDP?

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I am sure I am  not the only person who came to Thailand for a few weeks, and found a reason to stay a few weeks more, and then a few weeks more,

what kept me here,

a 32 year old thai girl, of course------------SteveFong


No your far from being the only one Steve....I came over for a few months break.....15 years ago

They can be addictive Steve, (TG) but like most addictions----people still want the fix even when they don't have the money for it.....I am not saying this is your predicament, but you do see this situation of people not going home...A thread yesterday--the guy selling Sausages in Issan---the youtubes videos of the guys sleeping rough on Pattaya beach, how do you sort those things out if not by just enforcing the rules that were here for that---"you want to stay & have enough money to do so,-- show us, OK---do an elite card do an investment---&   stay"

I do hope you can sort your problem out or can take your lady back to whatever country....saying that Steve unless you are a Scandi (who are still quite lax) you will find out what Visa rules mean when they put her through the system.


Good luck mate..........coffee1.gif


I agree, those sleeping on the beaches should be ut on airplanes back to their home countries


I was giving an example of a less than nefarious reason, as to why I renewed the 30 day, back to back, three times, before finally going to Ventianne to get the Double


this particular thai girl, is not getting a visa to the usa, ever

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this particular thai girl, is not getting a visa to the usa, ever---SteveFong
Can I quote you on that in 1 year Steve....when she 's really under your skin.....................w00t.gif

Given he is referring to the USCIS I would infer it is out of his control.

All the moaning and complaining about visa policy in Thailand are mere footnotes to US policy.
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this particular thai girl, is not getting a visa to the usa, ever---SteveFong
Can I quote you on that in 1 year Steve....when she 's really under your skin.....................w00t.gif

Given he is referring to the USCIS I would infer it is out of his control.

All the moaning and complaining about visa policy in Thailand are mere footnotes to US policy.
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this particular thai girl, is not getting a visa to the usa, ever---SteveFong
Can I quote you on that in 1 year Steve....when she 's really under your skin.....................w00t.gif

Given he is referring to the USCIS I would infer it is out of his control.

All the moaning and complaining about visa policy in Thailand are mere footnotes to US policy.



As much as I like her, i between the time I wrote the first comment, until now, she has probably been with another 5-7 "customers"


No, the girls from the soap houses aren't "easily" getting Visa's to the US,


she can't pass the interview and she knows it


apparently Bahrain doesn't create this issue, as per todays news

Edited by SteveFong
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I didnt want to bother pointing out that their numbers, show a massive drop pf 20% in Chinese tourists, so,
They have shot even their bread and butter in the foot,
Thailand can forget Jewish and Americans now as well, with their permission of demonstrations at the US Embassy and the burning of the flags, even while there is a demonstration edict out there
No one ever expected fair treatment frrom Thailand,
Now they are  certain

I am not happy with these developments

Peaceful demonstration is a human right.A flag is just a rag with a few colours on it.If you are so hung up on flag burning,you have a poor perception of your own country.It shows more about you than the flag burners who are only doing it to incite.You bite,you lose.My countries flag is rarely burnt because we dont respond to petty demonstrations,therefore they dont burn it,waste of time.
I could never understand at some Middle East,Sub continent demos against the USA,with flag burning,they then proceed to riot and kill their own citizens,this is the mentality you are dealing with,so why respond,ignore and they will go away.
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I gotta figure the Thai Government will wake up in a few months/years and be more accepting of us Farangs that try our best to follow the rules. We  have a hard time keeping up when they change the rules at the whim of those in power ie:The guy with the stamp.

Rules have only been tweaked to eradicate fake tourists who have been rorting for decades.Real tourists are not effected and either am i.Bring it on,i say.
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We can only hope this drop in tourism holds, 
while Immigration debates on their changes.
They claim they wish to make it easier for true tourist and a start would be to match their neighboring countries with a ninety day entry stamp upon arrival, and a wallet sized visa card for expats to carry around in their wallets.
Now before anyone goes on the perpetual attack,
the later (visa card) isn't currently in place at any of the neighboring countries, 
but it sure would be useful if it was.
Since at the end of the day,
what countries truly care about is for foreigners having the proper visa...
I'm not expecting Thailand to change to suit my needs, 
so you get out of Thailand responses can shut your traps, 
we've heard you all before, and it's long over due for a new approach/response.
Changes in Immigration would be nice if they were somehow truly for the better, 
and not just intended to wipe out most of the competition for these older guys, 
wanting this to be their land,
as it would appear the days to obtain PR are all but a pipe dream these days.
As is the life time drivers license and work permits.
I just missed the life time drivers license scheme, 
before they changed it to maximum five years per renewal, 
but I had to get through the 1 year license, then the 3 year license, 
to get to the 5 year one, and then the next would of been the life time license.
Anyways back on topic, tourism can only be expected to drop, 
when things are constantly changing, and apparently in the eyes of the tourist, 
it's not for the better.
Certainly the accommodations aren't improving, nor is the dining.
Just perhaps more of the same styles, competing for the same crowds.

What Thailand is trying to wipe out is people rorting the job market with wrong or no visa.Old codgers will always be superior here due to our experience,greater knowledge and spending power.Rooms and dining are just fine for oldies due to the above statement.If you cant stand the heat,get outa the kitchen!
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Chinese tourist are not big spender. They came for free tour, free food, free bus, free concert, free protest. They visit places like public park, chiang mai uni etc that pay no entrance fee. Some even paid to come under the Zero Baht Tour scheme organised by shopping gang who make money out of them thru the sales of fake gems and fake bird nest and have Sex with fake ladies.


Chinese tourists represented the biggest arrivals during the seven months of this year with 2.2 million arrivals or a decline by 21.19 percent; 1.04 million Malaysians or a drop by 18.91 percent; 1.02 million Russians
Thailand is going to find that an influx of Chinese tourist will not cover the income generated by foreigner tourists not belonging to Asia. 
Their increase in arrivals would not affect the tourism industry other than airline sales and hotel bookings with which both are probably taking a loss with their promotions. Chinese tourist groups walk around taking pictures. They don't stop for a beer at a watering hole. They don't buy knickknacks and look for the cheapest products they can get. Not exactly generating income for anyone. Then there is there rudeness, aggressive nature and loud speech. All of these equals the best in a tourist any country would be looking for their tourism industry

While I personally dislike the Chinese tourists as well, I think that some of you have allowed your prejudice and bias to blind you to other facts.
The "real" Western tourist tends to come on an FIT basis, staying in maybe 3,4 or 5 stars hotel. They spend money on some shopping and F&B of course but also a lot of their time lying by the pool or on the beach. So primarily, they benefit some hotels and some pubs, which I would imagine are mostly owned by "foreign" parties.
Chinese tourists on the other hand come in tour groups. As such, they require the services of an inbound ground operator - Thai owned. They require the services of tour coaches - Thai owned. They visit "attractions" like the Pattaya Floating market (Thb 200 entrance per person) or Mimosa (Thb 150 entrance per person) - both Thai owned. They eat at local and roadside restaurants - Thai owned. They go for massages and soapies - Thai owned.
See the whole picture?
I can also tell you for a fact that Chinese tourists to Europe today constitutes the biggest spending in many places, including LV, Printemps, Galleries Lafeyette in Paris, diamonds in Amsterdam etc etc.
Don't be so quick to pass judgement based on your lack or experience and knowledge of such matters.
My wife and i poped into the floating market some time ago ,while i was in the toilet ,the attendant told my wife that she hated the Chinese tourists ,if they were not trying to go to the loo for a reduced price they were trying to sneak in ,quality tourists ,my arse.

I have always hated paying to piss,espcially in some bars.So you pay for entrance to the market and have to pay for a piss as well.I go Indian style as much as possible.
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Well, everything started nicely, didn't it? Crawckdown on taxi mafia, corrupt politicians, the fascist Bkk troublemakers, beach cleanup, a deeper look (not more I fear) into the deep south... But then they started frightening foreign workers to an extend that they would run and leave in sheer panic (Cambodian workers' story) to finally kill western tourism in an overdose of "now we do everything by the book" by enforcing and tightening visa and documentation requirements to an extend where not only expats, but Thai loving tourists, who returned year after year (some for decades) are now worried about all these visa bu!!$#it so much that they won't come this season and perhaps never return.
Three of our befriended couples won't come back 2014/15 and several friends of mine along the west coast have cancellations for their bungalows and guest houses raining in on a daily basis, especially after the passport fines story. We see in our little business cancellations as well. It's not looking good for this coming season.
I was always the one to stand in for the Thais in any discussion and tried to ease tension whenever it came to Thai bashing or over the top ranting at officials, police, etc. But by now, I personally have had it folks!!! Thailand certainly is number one in the world when it comes to the ability of shooting oneself in the leg. Thailand wouldn't use a pistol, they would use a pump gun to make sure the leg is off for good. Time to hit the brakes now, otherwise this country might tip over the cliff... I currently put selling everything and leaving in consideration, so do friends and business associtaes of mine. Thais might think their country is the greatest in the world and people will stay and invest here whatever harsh rules and regulations they might imply, but be warned Thailand - obviously not only expats, but millions of westerners who loved to visit this country, have been put off by your anti-foreign policies and your anti-foreign, nationalist stances. Enough is enough!!!!

Media and farang paranoia reign supreme on TVF as per usual.If you are a bonafide tourist and get the correct visa you will have no probs.As this is effecting you finacially,nothing like self interest to sharpen the mind,why dont you be pro active and explain the visa regulations to your friends,put it on your website maybe.Your knee jerk reaction to sell may backfire because of paranoia,who is going to buy?
Don't worry about expats,most of us have the right visa or visa extension.I know tourist operations that have been on the market for years due to unrealistic asking price.Tourist industry is always up and down,and true the govt must play a role attracting any tourists,but self help is the answer here.Time for "another"Amazing Thailand or Visit Thailand 2015 promotion,that always works.
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Chinese tourist are not big spender. They came for free tour, free food, free bus, free concert, free protest. They visit places like public park, chiang mai uni etc that pay no entrance fee. Some even paid to come under the Zero Baht Tour scheme organised by shopping gang who make money out of them thru the sales of fake gems and fake bird nest and have Sex with fake ladies.


Chinese tourists represented the biggest arrivals during the seven months of this year with 2.2 million arrivals or a decline by 21.19 percent; 1.04 million Malaysians or a drop by 18.91 percent; 1.02 million Russians
Thailand is going to find that an influx of Chinese tourist will not cover the income generated by foreigner tourists not belonging to Asia. 
Their increase in arrivals would not affect the tourism industry other than airline sales and hotel bookings with which both are probably taking a loss with their promotions. Chinese tourist groups walk around taking pictures. They don't stop for a beer at a watering hole. They don't buy knickknacks and look for the cheapest products they can get. Not exactly generating income for anyone. Then there is there rudeness, aggressive nature and loud speech. All of these equals the best in a tourist any country would be looking for their tourism industry

While I personally dislike the Chinese tourists as well, I think that some of you have allowed your prejudice and bias to blind you to other facts.
The "real" Western tourist tends to come on an FIT basis, staying in maybe 3,4 or 5 stars hotel. They spend money on some shopping and F&B of course but also a lot of their time lying by the pool or on the beach. So primarily, they benefit some hotels and some pubs, which I would imagine are mostly owned by "foreign" parties.
Chinese tourists on the other hand come in tour groups. As such, they require the services of an inbound ground operator - Thai owned. They require the services of tour coaches - Thai owned. They visit "attractions" like the Pattaya Floating market (Thb 200 entrance per person) or Mimosa (Thb 150 entrance per person) - both Thai owned. They eat at local and roadside restaurants - Thai owned. They go for massages and soapies - Thai owned.
See the whole picture?
I can also tell you for a fact that Chinese tourists to Europe today constitutes the biggest spending in many places, including LV, Printemps, Galleries Lafeyette in Paris, diamonds in Amsterdam etc etc.
Don't be so quick to pass judgement based on your lack or experience and knowledge of such matters.
Yes, I think what some people are trying to say is, is that the up-market Chinese tourists go to London and Paris. But the down-market ones are turning up in Thailand !

Actually, let's look at this in a different way. We have a football stadium, and yes, there's plenty more room. The number of spectators is actually falling. Now, a lot of those spectators buy the cheaper tickets, but still, those spectators are still paying for those tickets. By all means, try to attract back the spectators who were buying the expensive tickets, but what's the point of refusing to attract the ones who are buying the cheaper tickets ? If those who are buying the cheaper tickets are going to be restricted, well, that's not going to help or boost ticket revenue !!

And how many tourists from Europe and America are refusing to turn up in Thailand because of the Chinese tourists ? Surely, very few ? The American and European tourists are turning up in fewer numbers because of stuff that is nothing to do with the Chinese tourists. And I agree, people massively exaggerate the problems that Chinese tourists create.

How many Chinese tourists do you see, pissed out of there minds, walking back to there hotels ? Hardly ever. Now, European and American ones, yes. And yes, sometimes in Pattaya, you do see people pissing onto the street, late at night, when walking back to their hotel, or puking onto the street. But they're not Chinese though, are they ? They're from Europe or America !   :)

Yes, Thailand needs all tourists, Chinese and Europeans. And when Thailand is packed solid, when there's no more room left, then, only then, should Thailand restrict certain tourists. Restrict the  Chinese ones who are rude, and restrict the European ones who get pissed out of their minds and are a nuisance. Outside of Pattaya, does Thailand actually want people who are drunk, and walking the streets back to their hotel ??


To take your analogy further Thailand'stadium is only rejecting people with no ticket,wrong ticket or last weeks ticket which is out of date.Anybody with the right ticket are welcome and allowed in.Apparently in a few years there will be 100 million Chinese tourists outbound from China,standback and lookout.
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hopeless romanticism,



Thailand peaked,


China, is less interested in Bangkok, and most interested in cutting a wide hole in  the country to create the new canal


Chinese tourists will play, until they dont


Western tourists are primarily interested in the girls


everything else, is cheaper elsewhere



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Listen to all you experts in this forum. It is very clear that only very few of you want to do any good for the Thai's or Thailand. I've listened to wet newspapers that had higher IQ than any of you. So how about if you do something good for a change? Start by Shutting the F#*& Up! 
Cutting the branch you sit on??? What! Did your local bar close so you didn't know where to go today?
Thailand's BNP on tourism is less than 8% so cleaning up in the corruption YOU have helped create will not leave anyone starving, let me re-phrase, will only leave YOU starving because now you can't cheat with your visas anymore, it is time to become legit or move on.
Look at me I can calculate!!! 1 country minus YOU = Happiness
You morons think you are so useful to everything in your little narrow-minded universe when facts are that you can't even make it in your home country. You have all the solutions sorted behind your beercondoms and you are doing the same as what you would do in your home country but you can't afford it there, can you?
Please do us all a favor...MOVE! There are good reasons to why no-one likes you here cheesy.gif

And are you Thai?

I have never heard quite such a Thai wanabee rant in all my life. The Thais are changing their laws. The Thais are managing their tourism business.

Every decision is 100% up to them. Foreigners have no influence on visas, marketing or positioning of the resorts. It is 100% in the hands of Thais.

If tourism numbers are down it largely effects Thais. Good luck to them.
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>


I didnt want to bother pointing out that their numbers, show a massive drop pf 20% in Chinese tourists, so,


They have shot even their bread and butter in the foot,


Thailand can forget Jewish and Americans now as well, with their permission of demonstrations at the US Embassy and the burning of the flags, even while there is a demonstration edict out there


No one ever expected fair treatment frrom Thailand,


Now they are  certain


I am not happy with these developments

Nobody is happy with these developments, I have been here since 2000 (on a 2 week vacation) have learned to speak Thai but sadly it looks like I have to learn Cambodian or perhaps Myanmar language in the near future. Only wish I was 20 years younger, my learning skills isn't what they use to be.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>


Listen to all you experts in this forum. It is very clear that only very few of you want to do any good for the Thai's or Thailand. I've listened to wet newspapers that had higher IQ than any of you. So how about if you do something good for a change? Start by Shutting the F#*& Up! 


Cutting the branch you sit on??? What! Did your local bar close so you didn't know where to go today?

Thailand's BNP on tourism is less than 8% so cleaning up in the corruption YOU have helped create will not leave anyone starving, let me re-phrase, will only leave YOU starving because now you can't cheat with your visas anymore, it is time to become legit or move on.


Look at me I can calculate!!! 1 country minus YOU = Happiness

You morons think you are so useful to everything in your little narrow-minded universe when facts are that you can't even make it in your home country. You have all the solutions sorted behind your beercondoms and you are doing the same as what you would do in your home country but you can't afford it there, can you?


Please do us all a favor...MOVE! There are good reasons to why no-one likes you here cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif alt=cheesy.gif width=32 height=20>

Anders is a Scandinavian name so please do all of us a favor, go back to your farmer village up there and keep on banging your cheeps, nobody need you and your insults here clap2.gif

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hopeless romanticism,



Thailand peaked,


China, is less interested in Bangkok, and most interested in cutting a wide hole in  the country to create the new canal


Chinese tourists will play, until they dont


Western tourists are primarily interested in the girls


everything else, is cheaper elsewhere




You still don't get it.


Western tourists have been coming here for the past 50 years or so and yes, in that respect, Thailand may have peaked for them. However, Chinese tourists only really started travelling the past 10 years. If you can imagine the demographics, the rising number of young urban professionals, these will total in the millions for Thailand over the next 20 years. 


Thailand is still a cheap destination. Cheap food, cheap accommodation but still at an acceptable level. There aren't many places in the world where US$15 gets you a nice, clean air-conditioned room with breakfast. Couple that with the ease of doing whatever you want, whether it be bar hopping, mongering or visiting tourist attractions, Thailand is going to be a hot tourist destination for many, many more years.

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hopeless romanticism,



Thailand peaked,


China, is less interested in Bangkok, and most interested in cutting a wide hole in  the country to create the new canal


Chinese tourists will play, until they dont


Western tourists are primarily interested in the girls


everything else, is cheaper elsewhere




You still don't get it.


Western tourists have been coming here for the past 50 years or so and yes, in that respect, Thailand may have peaked for them. However, Chinese tourists only really started travelling the past 10 years. If you can imagine the demographics, the rising number of young urban professionals, these will total in the millions for Thailand over the next 20 years. 


Thailand is still a cheap destination. Cheap food, cheap accommodation but still at an acceptable level. There aren't many places in the world where US$15 gets you a nice, clean air-conditioned room with breakfast. Couple that with the ease of doing whatever you want, whether it be bar hopping, mongering or visiting tourist attractions, Thailand is going to be a hot tourist destination for many, many more years.






Ease of what? two hours in traffic to go nowhere in BKK?


You have go to be kidding me?


What Thailand offers can be found anywhere, and for the same or less, depending on what you refer too.


I will pay $5 more er plate to know the food isnt full of pesticides, and there is true food quality,


I will pay double to not have to sit in a hot taxi with no a/c going about as fast as a snail can crawl,


I will pay triple for the massage, because it is on a clean table, and not the floor where someone just got their shoes blown, and lord have mercy, doesnt have 12 ugly Isaan girls crackling out the words, ma aaaaaaaaaaaaaa ggggge...................ma.....sagggggggggggggggggeeeeeeeeeeeee like they are ducks caught in a trap,


and, the alcohol is garbage in Thailand, absolute low grade shit, and watered down everywhere because they think we are all idiots




there is only one thing about Thailand I liked, and she can't get a visa

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Ease of what? two hours in traffic to go nowhere in BKK?


You have go to be kidding me?


What Thailand offers can be found anywhere, and for the same or less, depending on what you refer too.


I will pay $5 more er plate to know the food isnt full of pesticides, and there is true food quality,


I will pay double to not have to sit in a hot taxi with no a/c going about as fast as a snail can crawl,


I will pay triple for the massage, because it is on a clean table, and not the floor where someone just got their shoes blown, and lord have mercy, doesnt have 12 ugly Isaan girls crackling out the words, ma aaaaaaaaaaaaaa ggggge...................ma.....sagggggggggggggggggeeeeeeeeeeeee like they are ducks caught in a trap,


and, the alcohol is garbage in Thailand, absolute low grade shit, and watered down everywhere because they think we are all idiots




there is only one thing about Thailand I liked, and she can't get a visa



And what a lucky girl she must be to find a tourist whit such much respect for her country.

Maybe she is better off staying in this shit country?

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Ease of what? two hours in traffic to go nowhere in BKK?


You have go to be kidding me?


What Thailand offers can be found anywhere, and for the same or less, depending on what you refer too.


I will pay $5 more er plate to know the food isnt full of pesticides, and there is true food quality,


I will pay double to not have to sit in a hot taxi with no a/c going about as fast as a snail can crawl,


I will pay triple for the massage, because it is on a clean table, and not the floor where someone just got their shoes blown, and lord have mercy, doesnt have 12 ugly Isaan girls crackling out the words, ma aaaaaaaaaaaaaa ggggge...................ma.....sagggggggggggggggggeeeeeeeeeeeee like they are ducks caught in a trap,


and, the alcohol is garbage in Thailand, absolute low grade shit, and watered down everywhere because they think we are all idiots




there is only one thing about Thailand I liked, and she can't get a visa



And what a lucky girl she must be to find a tourist whit such much respect for her country.

Maybe she is better off staying in this shit country?


I agree wholeheartedly. This guy is a picnic short of a few sandwiches.. Defo: a NUTTER !!!!


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Ease of what? two hours in traffic to go nowhere in BKK?


You have go to be kidding me?


What Thailand offers can be found anywhere, and for the same or less, depending on what you refer too.


I will pay $5 more er plate to know the food isnt full of pesticides, and there is true food quality,


I will pay double to not have to sit in a hot taxi with no a/c going about as fast as a snail can crawl,


I will pay triple for the massage, because it is on a clean table, and not the floor where someone just got their shoes blown, and lord have mercy, doesnt have 12 ugly Isaan girls crackling out the words, ma aaaaaaaaaaaaaa ggggge...................ma.....sagggggggggggggggggeeeeeeeeeeeee like they are ducks caught in a trap,


and, the alcohol is garbage in Thailand, absolute low grade shit, and watered down everywhere because they think we are all idiots




there is only one thing about Thailand I liked, and she can't get a visa



And what a lucky girl she must be to find a tourist whit such much respect for her country.

Maybe she is better off staying in this shit country?


No respect for her country, which is full of pimps, and allows people to throw other people off balconies, as long as they are from cambodia, russia, japan, or elsewhere, with no expectations of prosecution, or even a night of questioning


and no respect for her mother, who allows her daughter to continue to be a whore, even after she bought her a house a car and a rental property,


its all ok, because she is the family whore,


no, I dont respect people like this,


if you do,


go lick their KFC leftovers

Edited by SteveFong
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