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Central Pattaya knife attack leaves American seriously injured

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Some guys hail from countries where explosive bursts of anger are recognized as a legitimate release of tension. "John is a good guy, he gets pissed off sometimes, yet he means well." is a very common observation in said countries. However, such outbursts are viewed quite differntly in LoS. Hopefully, this will serve as a warning to the uninformed.

Incidently, the victim could have picked up his bicycle to defend against the knife.

Was he on a pushbike then??? AT 10.30PM Too

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So let me get this straight. The Thai was in the wrong breaking the law (going the wrong way), CAUSED the accident. Yet its ok to cut someone because they got upset? Yes blame the Americans who all have hot tempers and no manners.

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I cant see the article, was the attacker arrested? one thing I have noticed about thailand is that attacks like this seem to be accepted by both the public and the police


What bothers me is the number of posters who seem to be implying the Thai was somehow justified in his actions. Whilst we may not know all the facts anybody who pulls a knife and inflicts that kind of damage is guilty of attempted murder and should spend a very long time behind bars.

If you or your loved ones are in danger then this may be acceptable, but this ridiculous bullshit Thai idea of loss of face is not sufficient justification for trying to kill someone.

Thais are 'CHILDREN WITH GUNS'. They are mostly dim and unable to process their emotions, they will never be able to compete with the other ASEAN nations, I worry for the future of this country.

Have to agrree, about the attempted murder bit, but rest of the post is quite frankly ridiculous

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If you're a newbie reading this thread don't let the doom and gloom merchants put you off. These incidents are few and far between., 99.99999% of us live and play here and never ever encounter stuff like this

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If you're a newbie reading this thread don't let the doom and gloom merchants put you off. These incidents are few and far between., 99.99999% of us live and play here and never ever encounter stuff like this

I have been attacked randomly a couple of times, it does happen, but most Thais are nice people

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The American chap was extremely lucky he was only cut and not shot, there will be just as many people carrying guns beneath the seat of their bikes as there are carrying knives!

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How bad is this, the guy was carrying. A knife, ??? Who in there right mind would carry a knife ???

I know a few things annoy us here, but it ain't worth confronting any of them, you just never know.....

Hope the guy makes a full recovery....

Knife seems to go well with a butcher.

Perhaps a butcher on meth?

The meth problem has blown out world wide.

I have been assaulted by someone on meth in Australia

You're right. The Asian way, and this goes for most Asian countries is to apologise for everything, even when you know what you did

was deliberate.

Its just the way it is.

Add "ice" or coke or meth or steroids and alcohol and pride to people as tough and independent as the Thais

We farangs should know what to do.

Lying in a pool of blood, you look up at them and say "I'm so sorry." Saving their face can save your arse.


How bad is this, the guy was carrying. A knife, ??? Who in there right mind would carry a knife ???

I know a few things annoy us here, but it ain't worth confronting any of them, you just never know.....

Hope the guy makes a full recovery....

tHIS is very bad. why oh why dont the thais act like americans, brits, italians

What? You want Thais to start shooting kids in school? And bombing innocent civilians in countries far away? Thais kill and injure a lot less people than Americans.

The difference is the whack jobs in the US who shoot all the kids in a school are just that-psychos. The Thais here who stab people for no reason are the norm.

I remember one day on Huey Keaw rd near Kad Suan Keaw I honked one time at a red truck who had blocked the bike lane. The driver got out with a foot long machete and threatened me. This was during the day at a light in full view of traffic and maybe couple hundred feet from where the cop sits in his hut. I was petrified.

Another time I had a raincoat got stuck in the chain on my motorbike. I could not pull it out. A nice Thai person stopped and produced another foot long knife from under his bike seat and cut it off for me. I suspect they all carry a knife or a gun here. I'm just surprised they guy got caught.

This is not a country of common sense. They what they do because they can with no repercussions. I'm surprised the American didn't get arrested or maybe he did. Thai justice at it's best. What happened to the cap driver who killed the guy in Bangkok with a Samurai sword?

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"How bad is this, the guy was carrying. A knife, ??? Who in there right mind would carry a knife ???"

A chef or a butcher would carry a knife, which is what he did for his full time job

Nonsense, unless he was looking for road kill


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"How bad is this, the guy was carrying. A knife, ??? Who in there right mind would carry a knife ???"

A chef or a butcher would carry a knife, which is what he did for his full time job

Didn't know he would take his work home with him, so to speak. Also note, however, he was returning from his job as a masseur...

As a Chef I took my knife bag home with me on public transport every night (and fly with it for overseas jobs) as it's contained a large investment crucial to my employment. He could have gone from one job or the next, of course I don't know if this was the case in this matter nor if a butcher knife was used as the weapon but I was just answering the other posters question.

In the American culture yelling is common in such an incident (there is no proof of physical attack as suggested above). In Thai culture a resulting very bloody ending is common to. Both could have easily happened the other way around too but what did happen is more in line of how I understand the two countries.


I cant see the article, was the attacker arrested? one thing I have noticed about thailand is that attacks like this seem to be accepted by both the public and the police (ie tax collectors)

From the original report in Pattaya One:

Khun Prasit was charged with assault and awaits further legal procedures while Mr. O’Neill remains in Hospital for now as he recuperates following the violent attack.


Hmmmm....more or less a difficult situation to make judgment on.

*** Going by what is said in the article...if true.****

Although the best advice always is and always will be, is to not get angry and compose yourself when such incidents do happen.

On the other hand how do you know the Thai person in question is carrying a knife or a gun for that matter.....and are you not allowed to be upset and let the person know you are upset about what they just did to cause you bodily harm.

Apparently not.

You do have that right, so to speak, while it is human nature for anyone to be upset when you are injured or impacted by another person doing something they should not be doing while you are on the harmful receiving end of someone else's thoughtless and reckless conduct.

So the guy gets angry ( 90 % of the other people would also get angry to a degree ) and the end result is the Thai moron can not take the criticism or responsibility for his reckless actions and ends up knifing another person...in this case a person who is a foreigner.

I have had several altercations with Thai people over the 25 years I have lived here while there is always the chance that it could turn nasty but sometimes the bullshit just angers you enough that you speak out or react in an angry way to what just happened to you....or has been perpetrated upon you .....sometimes.

What should the guy do.

In theory, we all know the man should vigorously pursue justice and penalize the Thai guy for his actions....but ......this is Thailand and we all know there is a 90 % chance the Foreigner will be wasting his time and effort and money trying to obtain any kind of compensation or even an apology.

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"When in Rome"... people make mistakes, nothing bad happened and because of this the Thai would have thought it a personal attack from the American. If the opposite had happened and the American had been at fault and put his hands together and said ka toot kap the Thai very most likely would have given the same "polite" gesture and moved on. When in a country that has a "polite particle" in their language for both male and female, even if you are in the right a display of anger is considered very impolite.

Did Khun Prasit apologize? I highly doubt it, since most people who would somehow manage to ride a motorbike and hit a bicycle aren't the apologizing type. I'll keep it in mind that if someone gets upset with me, I have the - shall we say, cultural duty? - to attack with a knife.

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Hmmmm....more or less a difficult situation to make judgment on.

*** Going by what is said in the article...if true.****

Although the best advice always is and always will be, is to not get angry and compose yourself when such incidents do happen.

On the other hand how do you know the Thai person in question is carrying a knife or a gun for that matter.....and are you not allowed to be upset and let the person know you are upset about what they just did to cause you bodily harm.

Apparently not.

You do have that right, so to speak, while it is human nature for anyone to be upset when you are injured or impacted by another person doing something they should not be doing while you are on the harmful receiving end of someone else's thoughtless and reckless conduct.

So the guy gets angry ( 90 % of the other people would also get angry to a degree ) and the end result is the Thai moron can not take the criticism or responsibility for his reckless actions and ends up knifing another person...in this case a person who is a foreigner.

I have had several altercations with Thai people over the 25 years I have lived here while there is always the chance that it could turn nasty but sometimes the bullshit just angers you enough that you speak out or react in an angry way to what just happened to you....or has been perpetrated upon you .....sometimes.

What should the guy do.

In theory, we all know the man should vigorously pursue justice and penalize the Thai guy for his actions....but ......this is Thailand and we all know there is a 90 % chance the Foreigner will be wasting his time and effort and money trying to obtain any kind of compensation or even an apology.

Thank you for showing some sense rather than just blaming the guy for getting angry.


The American may be the world's biggest a*sehole and the world's worst cyclist, but that doesn't excuse the Thai guy for pulling a knife and using it on an unarmed man who apparently wasn't even attacking him.

...well said KK. I find the focus on this thread amazing, as many people seem to be implying that the American got his just desserts for being too loud...!

The two guys had a minor collision which caused no major damage or injury, and it could have been dealt with very easily by a simple apology from the person in the wrong, which in this case appeared to be the Thai motorcyclist. The American guy is clearly a bit of a dick for creating a mountain out of a molehill and should learn from this to keep his cool in any future incidents.

However, there is no reason whatsoever for the Thai guy to pull a knife on him and leave him with significant loss of blood. No one, not even a butcher, has any need to carry a knife with him on the street, and that, in itself, should warrant severe criminal penalties. For his actions against the American guy, the assailant should face severe criminal penalties and damages, with the penalties including a lengthy period in jail so as start to get the message out to everyone that this kind of behaviour will not be tolerated.


agree with everything you say.Some seem to think if he is a butcher, then he has a right to carry the knife with him, no way.Devils Advocate THOUGHT, maybe he didnt have a light on his bike, and the thai didnt see him.


How bad is this, the guy was carrying. A knife, ??? Who in there right mind would carry a knife ???

I know a few things annoy us here, but it ain't worth confronting any of them, you just never know.....

Hope the guy makes a full recovery....

tHIS is very bad. why oh why dont the thais act like americans, brits, italians

really stupid comment. I would be saying the same if it were a crazy lunatic in any country,, seems you want to condone his actions because "it can happen anywhere". Really tired of hearing these pathetic arguments, as soon as something bad happens here and people comment you get the boring responses "well its just as bad everywhere else". Well, it isn't, it is worse for a lot of things here. People should be aware of it so they can be prepared and take precautions where necessary, then hopefully the foreigners like me working and living here can live a relatively peaceful life.

Hope the American gentleman recovers and I hope that that knife carrying lunatic gets banged up for GBH and spends a good while behind bars.

  • Like 2

How bad is this, the guy was carrying. A knife, ??? Who in there right mind would carry a knife ???

I know a few things annoy us here, but it ain't worth confronting any of them, you just never know.....

Hope the guy makes a full recovery....

tHIS is very bad. why oh why dont the thais act like americans, brits, italians

Thank God it was only a knife. If the guy acted like American, Brit, Italian, it would have been a gun...game over!

In my home country of America, the guy would have pulled out a gun instead of a knife. Lucky he was in Thailand.

No, Americans don't go killing people when they screw up and get it pointed out to them.

  • Like 1

How bad is this, the guy was carrying. A knife, ??? Who in there right mind would carry a knife ???

I know a few things annoy us here, but it ain't worth confronting any of them, you just never know.....

Hope the guy makes a full recovery....

tHIS is very bad. why oh why dont the thais act like americans, brits, italians

What? You want Thais to start shooting kids in school? And bombing innocent civilians in countries far away? Thais kill and injure a lot less people than Americans.

Why don't you stop comparing our countries to Thailand pal, what just happened to that American guy is just unacceptable in any country you fool grow up.


Troll posts, racist posts and replies removed,

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


How bad is this, the guy was carrying. A knife, ??? Who in there right mind would carry a knife ???

I know a few things annoy us here, but it ain't worth confronting any of them, you just never know.....

Hope the guy makes a full recovery....

tHIS is very bad. why oh why dont the thais act like americans, brits, italians

really stupid comment. I would be saying the same if it were a crazy lunatic in any country,, seems you want to condone his actions because "it can happen anywhere". Really tired of hearing these pathetic arguments, as soon as something bad happens here and people comment you get the boring responses "well its just as bad everywhere else". Well, it isn't, it is worse for a lot of things here. People should be aware of it so they can be prepared and take precautions where necessary, then hopefully the foreigners like me working and living here can live a relatively peaceful life.

Hope the American gentleman recovers and I hope that that knife carrying lunatic gets banged up for GBH and spends a good while behind bars.


chill out, have another spliff and dont be silly,this was a light hearted post, a joke, u remember them do you.

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