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Thailand to push for greater ASEAN role in world security issues


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Thailand to push for greater ASEAN role in world security issues
By Digital Content


BANGKOK, Aug 7 -- Thailand wants the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), which becomes the ASEAN Community in 2015 to enhance its roles in regional and global security issues, a senior Thai foreign ministry official said on Thursday.

Sihasak Phuangketkeow, permanent secretary for foreign affairs and acting foreign minister, said that in the 47th ASEAN Foreign Ministers' Meeting in Naypyidaw, Myanmar, tomorrow, Thailand will propose that ASEAN actively campaign for security within its region and adjacent regions, among world powers and among countries worldwide.

He also said that Thailand as a coordinator between ASEAN and China successfully separated security issues in the South China Sea from other issues and convinced concerned countries to proceed with matters of their mutual interest.

Besides, Mr Sihasak said Thailand achieved in starting discussions to work out a code of conduct for the South China Sea, he said.

The acting foreign minister also said that Thailand would explain its political situations in meetings of the East Asia Summit (EAS) and the ASEAN Regional Forum that gathered representatives of 18 and 27 countries respectively. (MCOT online news)


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Thailand will propose that ASEAN actively campaign for security within its region and adjacent regions, among world powers and among countries worldwide.


Or said another way, make statements that warring fractions should reach peaceful settlement on issues.  


Plenty of talk but no boots on the ground.



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Everyday there is a new pro-ASEAN story coming  from the bunker. With 2015 meaning more access to Thailand for others which is what the financiers of this coup dont want, the clever money will be put on Thailand not being ready for full intergration come end of 2015. Now all we need is the reason why...

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Realy hope the ASEAN Economic Community will take place by the end of 2015.

It would benefit us who work in the tourist industry.

I guess a lot of Phillipines will come to Thailand for work.


Well your guess would be wrong unless those Filipinos (or people from any other ASEAN country) are in the seven defined professions that are going to be allowed somewhat more freedom movement for employment when AEC kicks in.


I continue to be "amazed" how little people know about AEC - what it means and who is involved.



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Thailand proposes strategy to cope with regional changes
Supalak Ganjanakhundee
The Nation
Nay Pyi Taw 


BANGKOK: -- Thailand has pushed ahead with a proposal to build up Asean centrality and a strategic approach to regional architecture beyond the 2015 community, Sihasak Phuangketkeow, permanent secretary of the Foreign Ministry, said yesterday.

Asean has positioned itself at the centre of the regional security architecture but such centrality has been challenged. The regional security landscape is changing due to the dichotomy of rising geo-economics and deteriorating geopolitics, he said.

Economic growth in this region is good for Asean centrality but geopolitical change after the competition of regional and global major powers could pose some negative risks to the region.

Thailand has drafted a paper to lay out a strategy for Asean to cope with the new landscape in the regional and international arena. The document would be used as a basic paper for Asean to discuss the future of the group after 2015.

Asean centrality, as proposed by Thailand, comprises five key dimensions - centrality within the group, ability to deal with regional flashpoints, skill to deal with major global powers, centrality of the regional security architecture and an active role in international forums.

Asean must strengthen its organisation and improve its ability and capacity to deal with all challenges from natural disasters to disputes.

There are several flashpoints that would directly hit regional security, such as the South China Sea and Korean Peninsula, which Asean has to deal with.

On the South China Sea, "more time should be allocated to not only discussing that issue but also proposing practical initiatives from Asean", according to the proposed paper seen by The Nation.

"On the Korean Peninsula and East China Sea, Asean should be prepared to be able to facilitate efforts at the bilateral level or among parties when requested," it said.

As competition among powerhouses such as the United States, China and Japan is intensifying, it might be more difficult for Asean, which has good relations with all of them, to remain neutral.

The group is not in a position to take sides since it could lead to divisions among the members of the group.

"So, Asean should take stances on an issue-by-issue basis, in a manner that serves the interests of Asean and the region," it said.

Asean is building up the community by the end of next year, but that should not be the end of it. The group should prepare a post-2015 vision and a strategy for the future.

There would be some new security threat in the future such as transborder crime, environmental problems, trafficking, terrorism and disease.

Asean from now on should benefit ordinary people and be a people-caring organisation, he added.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/Thailand-proposes-strategy-to-cope-with-regional-c-30240526.html


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The last thing the world needs is Thailand getting involved in security.  Geez they can't even prevent violent demonstrations and coups every 2 years in their own backyard.  Slam the door in their face and tell them to bugger off Thailand has absolutely nothing to offer when it come to security.

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Mr Sihasak said Thailand achieved in starting discussions to work out a code of conduct for the South China Sea

A code of conduct with Thai input. Something ethical you should adhere to based on developed moral standards. Makes sense.

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China's bully behavior in the S.China Sea is the by far the biggest security issue for ASEAN. Thailand won't be much of a factor. Thailand won't dynamically side with Philippines (or other countries) because the Chinese-Thais who run Thailand won't stand up to China in any meaningful way. Just one factoid: the majority of Thai corps and most Thai politicians are Chinese-Thai descent (incl. the Shinawatres). They will tell you they're Thai (which they technically are), but they harbor a deep allegiance to their motherland which they won't express openly.
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Thailand will propose that ASEAN actively campaign for security within its region and adjacent regions, among world powers and among countries worldwide.


Or said another way, make statements that warring fractions should reach peaceful settlement on issues.  


Plenty of talk but no boots on the ground.




That's because they don't have submarines. Now is the time, push for a budget rise get those submarines that will scare the Chinese.

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Seriously? WORLD security? This coming from them, who can't even ensure the security of their own people in the deep south? Like one poster here wrote, they have got no more face to lose. How can these people be so detached from reality?

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