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Why aren't you in Mexico?


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Guzman’s abduction is one of 1,205 kidnappings that had been reported this year in Mexico through the end of September, marking a sharp rise in such crimes. But since the vast majority of Mexican families refuse to report abductions to authorities – in part due to fear of police involvement or dread that criminals will exact revenge for reporting the crime – experts believe the reality is far worse than the official tally.

I'm not there cause kidnapping and being shot sucks.

Most glorious my ass.

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That would be because of the daily gun battles between rival drug lords, and the constant kidnappings of foreigners.

Ai, but you are a gringo - your opinion doesn't matter.

Then again I feel sorry for you. You're missing out on the soothing sound of the mariachi bands, the plenitude of hot spicy burritos, and the gorgeous Mexican mamacitas.

Edited by Fellini
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That would be because of the daily gun battles between rival drug lords, and the constant kidnappings of foreigners.

Ai, but you are a gringo - your opinion doesn't matter.

But then again I feel sorry for you. You're missing out on the soothing sound of the mariachi bands, the plenitude of hot spicy burritos, and the gorgeous Mexican mamacitas.

Been snorting or what

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That would be because of the daily gun battles between rival drug lords, and the constant kidnappings of foreigners.

Ai, but you are a gringo - your opinion doesn't matter.

Then again I feel sorry for you. You're missing out on the soothing sound of the mariachi bands, the plenitude of hot spicy burritos, and the gorgeous Mexican mamacitas.

All that, and safer, in San Antonio, TX.

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Here we go again promoting your own agenda of controversial subjects.

Why don't you ask all the people swimming across the Rio Grande why they don't want to live there?

Hopefully your visa will be up soon and adios burro.

Edited by ATF
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My understanding is there isn't much drug cartel violence in Puerto Vallarta. There are a number of places not heavily effected and some very effected.

We were in a private house in Mexico city years ago when some "Cops" searched the place for drugs........and the Mom worked for the Puerto Vallarta government....

but like everywhere it is very isolated , makes good news , much the same as BKK

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Two dogs meet at the US / Mexican border. The US dog headed to Mexico and the Mexican dog headed to the US.

The US dog ask why the Mexican dog is going to the US? The Mexican dog answers "It is my dream to walk on clean streets, where food is plentiful and everything is wonderful" Then he ask the US dog why he is going to Mexico? Which the US dog replies "To bark all I want".

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That would be because of the daily gun battles between rival drug lords, and the constant kidnappings of foreigners.

Ai, but you are a gringo - your opinion doesn't matter.

Then again I feel sorry for you. You're missing out on the soothing sound of the mariachi bands, the plenitude of hot spicy burritos, and the gorgeous Mexican mamacitas.

Not a gringo

Or a farang

Not white.

Like Mexican food, like Mariachi, not keen on Mexican girls (too squat), don't like being shot or kidnapped.


All your movies were pretentious <deleted>!

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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Been there done that for 10 yrs. Living there is like World War 2 all over again. At least once a week rockets start at 5.00 a.m. and continue till 11.00 a.m. When you hear that Whoooshing sound cover your ears. Street dogs are more plentiful and more aggressive. Mexican homes are built with flat roofs and there are usually 2 or more roof dogs living there 24/7 sleeping all day and barking all night. Mexicans love your money but not you. The lawyers are mostly scammers and the kops are on the dole especially around Christmas time. I have been stopped in Guad and told I was driving to slow and the hand came thru the open window looking for peso's. You always carry a very small amount in one special pocket. They are jealous of their women including mistresses. One American became involved with a young Chakita and one night after leaving the legion post in Lake Chapala was told he had 24 hrs. to leave the country. He was on the next bus to the border. The cost of living is more there and the roads are mainly cobblestone. When it comes to accidents the gringo is always guilty. Beggars are more frequent there looking for money and one my favorite always had 6 or 7 kids with her. The church has an iron grip on the country. I often wished I had skipped Mexico and came directly to the LOS.

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My sister Belinda, she opened her winda.......My friends who have been there, albiet many moons ago said that Mexico City was the best place in the world to live........and they are Ozies!!! thumbsup.gifwai.gif

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Here we go again promoting your own agenda of controversial subjects.

Why don't you ask all the people swimming across the Rio Grande why they don't want to live there?

Hopefully your visa will be up soon and adios burro.

I don't have an agenda. To the contrary, I thought you did.

Mexico is a member of the OECD. It is a prosperous industrialized nation. By 2050, it will be the world's fifth largest economy. In most statistical factors that are used to gauge the standard of living of a society - education, public health, and economic output, etc. - it outranks the Kingdom. Our social inequality is as high as that of most Latin American states anyway.

If you buy into all the ridiculous negative cliches of Latin America that are held by xenophobic gringos, and believe that any non-Western country with an income per capita of less than $30,000 is an uncivilized Third World s***hole that should be subjugated by Aryans and annihilated Turner Diaries-style, then you're ethnocentric and small-minded, to say the least. If you think you're better than everyone, please go think so among white people in the USA, or wherever you hail from. I hear David Duke likes it in Austria - maybe you should go there.

Not a gringo

Or a farang

Not white.

Like Mexican food, like Mariachi, not keen on Mexican girls (too squat), don't like being shot or kidnapped.


All your movies were pretentious <deleted>!

Oh, sorry. I thought you were white.

My movies? I never said exploitation cinema was for everyone. Try Bo Widerberg:


"So why don't you live in the greatest, most glorious country in the history of the world? I want some answers." I used but learnt some 40 years ago that England is too cold and gray.

Britain is a lovely country too. But since I spend the vast majority of my time indoors, I don't care much for external weather conditions.

Fellatio would be better off living I n one of the Scandinavian countries, for obvious reasons

Obvious reasons? They aren't obvious to me. Why do you happen to think so?

It's funny, but for reasons I can't figure out, I bother most Anglo-Saxons and tend to make friends with Dutch and Swedish people. It's like they're the only people who can stand me, except for a few odd Brits and Americans.

Living in Copenhagen, Gothenburg or Stockholm would be cool though. I understand that the Swedish like Asians also.


Edited by Fellini
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