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What's wrong with backpackers?

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Really nothing straight up....but some are on shoestring and small spenders.....some comsidered unhygenic...unwashed...other as rastas or druggies seeing/financing the world through a slightly different perspective....any group that is viewed in a bad light usually

has earned it over time....their dressing habits don't help......the truth is somewhere in the middle... I've kind of envied their packing skills since I always seem to over pack....we actually use backpacks for our trips around Thailand...much easier to manage

than wheeled luggage for some of the resorts...our last trip was two + weeks

Haha - 'Nothing, except that they're 'druggies', unclean, deserving of negative judgements, don't dress well...'

You are joking, I hope.

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I have nothing against backpackers, but do not envy them either. I've traveled the world with only a carry-on since I was 20. However, I always had a job; so I always had money, hotel, airfare, and perdiem.

A much better way to see the world.

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I have nothing against backpackers, but do not envy them either. I've traveled the world with only a carry-on since I was 20. However, I always had a job; so I always had money, hotel, airfare, and perdiem.

A much better way to see the world.

You miss the whole point of backpacking. I had a friend who inherited 30 million Aus$ and travelled round asia for 6 months on $3000.

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Nothing - and you're right, it is just jealousy that they are acting out what we would have loved to have done if given the same time again.

im 64 this year and still have my backpack travel round cheap hotels and beach hut i love it i think im still a bit hippy but shame i cant find any other like me to enjoy time with love koh chang

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They come to Samui or Phuket in the old days ask for beer and accommodation then later complain about paradise lost, because of bars, hotels and guesthouses. Years ago one told me how easy and fun it was to skip a bar without paying the check bin.

Seriously I appreciate their wanderlust and not all are unwashed, drunken thieves.

Ten years ago on Koh Phangan I was paying 100 Baht a night at a spot which now charges 15k a night.

On Samui I paid my bills every Monday....gawd the Monday pay up was the biggest piss up of the week rolling along the street all day shelling out for my week long madness.....yet as you say some ruined this innocence for the honest majority sadly....times gone to never return....

Edited by smokie36
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They've all read the Beach and sit around with a bottle of water all day long. They bargain with street food vendors.

But what I *^*%%*%*% hate the most is they are always bumping you with their stupid backpacks.

Many years ago, in Australia, there was a guy called Ivan Milat. He liked backpackers, he use to drive around and pick them up & take them for a drive.


I still think this photo from Wikipaedia is in bad taste.

Of course there was an equivalent here. I am pretty sure one of the girls who stayed in the next room at the Malasia fell into his hands.


Those exact signs are still there to this day. I was there a couple of weeks ago.

Over the years there have been many people injured, clowning around out I. the state forest on bikes and in 4x4's, the signs have nothing to do with the milats.

Of course, just 2 years ago, Ivan Milats nephew hacked one of his school mates to death down that road, as he wanted to be just like his uncle.

There's many more graves down there, many missing backpackers and a few Australians, no doubt......it's just a matter of locating them.

It's a wonderful place to camp, sit by the fire and watch the stars pass by........you just need to ignore the blood curdling screams of e people being hacked to death in the distance ;)

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Love my back pack and always will.

Been doing the hiking thing for 40 years, and I do run into the occasional dork who thinks I am scum by appearance.. Just because of the BackPack..

Sure , I walk around with $1.000 + in cash in my pocket, and have a professional job, credit cards, bank account and all I need.,

BUT when I want to travel, and get away from the hotel, resort, tourist scene, I just go. Easy.

Dragging a suitcase can be a Drag. example : Dealing with Taxi drivers infront of an expensive hotel when I can just walk a block or two and get a driver that does not want to gouge me on price is great.

I spend my $ on what I want & need, not frivolous with cash just because I have it.

I can travel to Thailand with a carry on, avoid baggage claim, and just walk into my destination. Buy clothes and necessities and leave them as I like. It is just stuff. In Thailand it is usually inexpensive as well.

I learned, watch the pennies and the Dollars look after themselves.

Travel to exotic destinations to stay in 4 star and experience nothing of the local life is a waste of time.

Try a Bedouin tent on the beach in Bahrain. Amazing !!!! a Cabin in a Date plantation in Lampang, exquisite. Koh Chang 25 years ago in a bungalow on the beach for 300 Baht, AWESOME.thumbsup.gif

And the beauty is there are no superficial , uppity , holier than thou judges to been seen.

Keep the backpackers coming, and Never judge a book by its cover, One of my buddies I travel with at times , by backpack, owns one of the largest glass companies in the USA.

We were refused entrance to a 5 Star in Chiang Mai , until the security checked our reservations , a private bungalow 3 room suite, It was to funny.

Blend in, fit in and enjoy, OR look like some Rich idiot looking to give their $ away to the first taxi that pulls up and asks 1,000 Baht for the 2 Km trip.

Pave the planet for those roller bags , and sidewalks to keep your shoes clean, sterilize the planet for the Prestigious Traveler and you see how Thailand alone has changed , and not for the better in my opinion.

Just my opinion.

Newer is not necessarily better. Try Windows 8 for example , But that is another Rant. cheesy.gif

You got it nailed.

It is not the backpack that makes the man, but rather, the reverse.

Backpacker is a misnomer. There are people of all backgrounds that prefer backpacks. What people generalize on are a certain set of backpackers.....I would say those that stay in Youth Hostels/share rooms/live outside...etc. These, for the most part, are students...just trying to budget within their means and have a good time. As many others did, I was a student traveller in the mid 1970.s. Applied for a student EurRail Pass and did the whole thing. Slept outside, climbed mountains in Switzerland, shared train compartment beds with strangers, hitch hiked, walked 20 kilos or more a day, ate bread and fruit, stayed in budget hostels and slept on pool chairs. Best time of my life. Made it North, South, East and West over England and walked the lenght of Hadrian's Wall. Slept outside haunted castles, walked the lake country, was taken in homes by several families, Sweden in particular.

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If you think normal people are scum,it's good you are doing some retrospective thinking in your dotage,maybe a visit to a shrink also to help you adjust your attitude.If backpackers are as you descrbe them,what do you call rapists,pedo's,terrorists,corrupt pollies etc.Just because people dont fit "your"idea of the perfect human reflected in your image means nothing in my eyes.Give me a true backpacker with independant thinking anytime.

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When it comes to some of the older backpapers hygiene, I blame the parents. From a very young age they were getting a bath once a week. You don't expect them to change after all these years do you?

Too true Boycie,decades ago was staying in the finacial capital of Europe,3 to a room,and had the bathroom to myself Mon-Fri.Come Saturday night,i was taking my time as usual,when there was a knock at the door and told to hurry up.When i went outside there were 5 people in the line up.It was December and you didnt sweat so maybe a lick and a promise was ok.On Monday it was back to long baths again.

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Yes, they certainly don't mind inconveniencing their fellow passengers on the MRT and BTS because their too freaking cheap to get a taxi.

Chill out man,it is pubic transport after all.It is a chance to perv on western women for a change.Some travel with so much they have a pack on the front as well hiding the good bits.I travel with a 1/3 of that and still look for ways to cut down.

Is that... "They certainly don't mind inconveniencing the other passengers on the MRT and BTS who are also too freaking cheap to take a taxi"?

I don't see the other passengers being rude and bumping, getting in the way, with their oversized backpacks. If one has very much of a load, do the world a favor, and spend a couple of hundred Baht for a taxi.

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As an old hippie backpacker from the 70's who roamed around the world some of my very best memories and experiences came from those trips.

I am always somewhat amazed at how many of todays version carry a monster backpack on the back and ANOTHER backpack on their front plus yet another carry bag in their hand.....what the hell have they got in there? Ever hear of travelling light ? There are laundries all over Thailand that will wash your clothes for a few baht...there are also cheap stores available everywhere if you should suddenly decide you need to buy a sweater without lugging it around for six months just in case you get cold once.

Thailand has to be about the easiest place on the planet to backpack/travel cheaply...there are always lots of cheapie bungalows and hotels most everywhere....there are nearly always cheap buses, trains, songtaeows etc that will pick you and your ton of luggage up and take you right to your doorstep cheaply. There are ATM's and free wifi everywhere. Most everywhere you can find someone who speaks at least a bit of English. You can call home on your cell phone, travel with a computer device that does everything but wash your hair. There are parties and bars everywhere that cater to backpackers. Food is cheap beyond belief and the weather rarely requires more than shorts and tee shirts....and mostly the Thai people will smile and treat you nicely.

I could go on and on about what it was like to backpack in the late 60's or early 70's in the days of no cell phones, no computer, no ATM's, no wifi, little if any English anywhere, very limited public transport, and going through places like Afghanistan and Iran etc where you were lucky not to get your throat slashed....but then of course I would come off as a grumpy old man claiming he walked ten miles a day to school.

Oh to be young and backpacking around Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia etc.....I do hope that at least a few of todays young folks have some clue that these are likely some of the best days of their lives and not spend the time sitting around posting selfies on facebook or whining because the battery on their android died.

Can only concur with everything you said,except i found Iranians and Afganis very accommadating.Was trapped in snow for a month in Af.Best hash i ever smoked.I was rich as a kid,i had a hoop and stick to hit on my 10 mile trek to school.

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Yes, they certainly don't mind inconveniencing their fellow passengers on the MRT and BTS because their too freaking cheap to get a taxi.

Is that... "They certainly don't mind inconveniencing the other passengers on the MRT and BTS who are also too freaking cheap to take a taxi"?

When I'm in Bangkok I always take the BTS or MRT, unless it's late at night when they don't run and there's no traffic. The reason is not because I'm cheap, there really isn't that much cost difference, but because they are quicker than taxis during traffic time. The backpackers are smart enough to know this. Besides there are usually more than one backpacker traveling and in that case taxis could be cheaper.

Could be cheaper if they go on the meter, but how many will try on 300 baht for any journey when they see backpackers ?

I think the problem is they might have to communicate with a Thai person, and yes,scared they might get ripped.just another hassel.Would rather lug packs up those bloody stairs.

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Thats what happens when a Traveler, "either way" becomes a "Expat" the know everything


Dare i say,a lot of people on this forum,have never "travelled"in their lives,just home airport to Bangkok.I know people that go straight to Pattaya and stay for 6 weeks,then straight home.Even Bangers is a trip for them,they think i am so brave living in the far NE.If only they knew how easy it is,especially these days with tech.

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I host fairly often through couchsurfing.org. I've had some really great and super-considerate people on amazing adventures. Also some who treated my house as the cheapest guesthouse ever, without an ounce of regard. Now I'm pretty selective.

There are some patterns that amuse me, though. 'Lonely Planet' travelers all clutching the same guidebook, hitting the same guesthouses and refusing to venture anywhere not in the book. People who travel halfway around the world to watch a movie they've seen before on a tiny screen with inaudible sound. 'Gap year' couples with matching backpacks into which they've squeezed their entire dorm room...

And the penny-pinching negotiation can get on the nerves or worse. Also, I personally don't mind techno except that it leaks and destroys the peace for hundreds of yards in any direction.

There. I've had my inane comment on this matter.

The upside is,a least they left home,and will be better people for the experience.I have seen racists come back from 2 weeks in Bali and were surprised how "nice"the Balanese are.Changed their outlook on people of different culture and colour.

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^^^^^^^^^ - ?????????

What on earth are you people on about? Stealing ... undies ... shower? Some of you need to take feet, and place firmly on the ground. The use of negative generalizations and wrongful stereotypes to tar every backpacker is appalling behaviour and an insult to the overwhelming majority who are good people.

Put me on a bus from Phon Cheroen to Bueng Khan with a bunch of freshly bathed Thais over a bunch of backpackers from Bangkok to Kanchanaburi on a day-trip anytime. I agree, backpackers rarely steal. Just saying...

But do the Thais appreciate a smelly farang on their bus,just saying.

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Many seem to forget...it was backpackers who as good as discovered Thailand back in the 70's they made place's like Samui,Krabii,Phuket etc ...when I 1st went to Samui it was a desert island..through backpackers many people have discovered these place & put them on the map...I was one who spread the word....SO DONT KNOCK BACKPACKERS

Werent the Thais here in the 70's.I saw plenty on Samui in early part of that decade. They actually took good care of me on that deserted island!Why i why did you spread the word,Smai,Phuket,Pattaya,Chaing Mai,its all your fault.

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Of course not. Have some dignity.

^^^^^^^^^ - ?????????

What on earth are you people on about? Stealing ... undies ... shower? Some of you need to take feet, and place firmly on the ground. The use of negative generalizations and wrongful stereotypes to tar every backpacker is appalling behaviour and an insult to the overwhelming majority who are good people.

Put me on a bus from Phon Cheroen to Bueng Khan with a bunch of freshly bathed Thais over a bunch of backpackers from Bangkok to Kanchanaburi on a day-trip anytime. I agree, backpackers rarely steal. Just saying...

But do the Thais appreciate a smelly farang on their bus,just saying.
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Nothing wrong with backpackers. In my young days, I travelled like that for 2 years.

Without parents to fund my travel, I worked my way through several countries, before I finally decided to make my way back home to study. If I ever get feed up with my life here, I would do the same again.

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Nothing wrong with backpackers.... in fact Thais have a name for backpackers that shows how much they respect them too.... ฝรั่งขี้นก (Farang khi nok) which translates into bird-sh*t farang..... :o

That word is definetly not for backpackers only,it is pointed at all of us.I can be just as rude if i hear it,watch the Thais laugh at their friend.

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Farang tight shit/Farang bird shit ?

Because they are tight with their cash ?

Says a lot for the northern Thais doesent it.

All Thais, not just Northern..

What about when a family of 10 fit into a room and bring everything but the sink,what do you call that.

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I met some backpackers on the bus and I went for. dinner with four others all quibbling about the price of a glass of water but when missed the VIP a/c bus the next day two of the girls booked a taxi for 6,000 baht! I suppose ppl save money s opp they can lash out...

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Now Thais have become more affluent they want

you to have bags of gold too. It was Ms Shinawatra who said they want to attract the High end tourist so everyone just raised their prices...and looked down their noses at their bread and butter backpackers.

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Yes, they certainly don't mind inconveniencing their fellow passengers on the MRT and BTS because their too freaking cheap to get a taxi.

Your post makes no sense, Thai taxis are are cheap but there are many reasons to get the BTS

What they could do however is drop the pack to the floor when on board

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It was backpackers who discovered first all these exotic places that the rich and famous then develop and despoil.

They are bored with Thailand and now going to Laos, Burma, the hoi polloi will follow after 10 more years

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I use a backpack most of the times I travel but I don't consider myself as a backpacker. I just want to make it easy for myself to move around, I don't want to rely on others or get a taxi all the time and with a backpack it's easier than with a suitcase.

It's more than one time I have chosen to walk to BTS or MRT instead of going by taxi while in Bangkok because of traffic jams and try to walk a kilometer with a suitcase ... .

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