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Whew - Caused Myself 3 Nervous Days


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(I was worried about being 120+ days...the form and photocopies are easy - CM immigration is like a 6 hour chaotic free for all starting with 4AM risings to fight for a place in line to grab a number when they open the door)
I've been in Chiang Mai for 3 years and on a retirement visa for 2 years. Have never spent more than 15 minutes at Chiang Mai Immigration doing 90-day report. And I always go at 1 P.M.


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Glad it worked out for you but cant understand why the service, if its only a 90 day report, 1 form/photocopies, post it and done. How hard is that ?

No form needed for 90 day report now, they just scan your passport and a form is printed out.
They rip the bottom piece off the form and staple it to the passport, thank you see you in 90 days.

Hah, dream on. The OP is in Chiang Mai. They LOVE paper. Hubby just did our 90 day reports on Friday. They wanted the TM 47 forms, copies of our passport photo pages, our visa extensions, and departure cards. That was four pieces of paper that had to be turned in for each 90 day report.

He showed up and initially gave the officer just the passports and the TM 47 forms. The offier asked for the other stuff like he was "catching" Hubby -- making him go to the back of the line after he made copies. Hah, Hubby had the last laugh as he opened his folder and whipped out the copies he'd already made (and had signed in advance).

It's no wonder it takes over 2 hours to do a 90 day report in Chiang Mai.
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(I was worried about being 120+ days...the form and photocopies are easy - CM immigration is like a 6 hour chaotic free for all starting with 4AM risings to fight for a place in line to grab a number when they open the door)
I've been in Chiang Mai for 3 years and on a retirement visa for 2 years. Have never spent more than 15 minutes at Chiang Mai Immigration doing 90-day report. And I always go at 1 P.M.




Glad you found a system - now you might have harpooned it.....some swear that 3:30 is the best time......many early rising mornings invested and the pulled numbers didn't come up until after the lunch break .....some afternoons were tried and ended up having to drive back in the following day.....a few years ago I was lucky to make some of the appointments online but those are booked many months in advance.....I've found it easier this way for me.......per people I've spoken with immigration actually prefers when a service handles it as the paperwork (visa, 90 day, other) is streamlined, sorted, and correct, it allows an officer to process many in a short time over the ebb and flow, emotions, poor manners, demands, and chaos that is the CM office....I've always felt badly for the counter people - by afternoon it's clear the day has taken a heavy toll....maybe it's better now that they've split off some of their services.....

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I can't work out what the big deal is. You missed your report date by about 30 days. You go in, they fine you 2000B, no problem, unless you make a habit of doing it, this is all that ever happens. This is what I did - completely painless.


The extension of the period you are permitted to stay on your visa, and all the conditions of your  stay are completely unaffected by whether you have done your 90-day reports or not.  


What were you afraid might happen?




I wasn't sure since I'd never miss-stepped - but it didn't cost 1B......zip - nada.....


Doing the 90day renewal of your address notification is another job for your Thai wife.  Your system seems overly complex.  After the first one, this is a five min job.... and for wife.   You have to go in for the ONE YEAR RENEWAL permit, but that is no problem also.  Don't make simple things difficult.

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I understood the OP's message to be 'better to be safe than sorry' not an invitation for second guessing - shoulda - coulda - woulda... which is not really helpful for what has already happened.  


Maybe it was just telepathic but only yesterday I took out my passport - double checked the dates ... marked the calendar ... then mapped out dates into the future... probable dates for a border run just before the final 90 day period was up... Therefore I am not mentally relying on a glance I took of my pages the last time a Border IO stamped my passport.  


I say 'Bravo OP' thanks for the reminder to be conscious on one's due dates.  

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Who does your visa? My lawyer chsrges 10k per year.


Info sent to you.....


Do they do your visa for you?


Surely not for 1000 baht a year.


They don't pay the fine as they are 'friends' of one of the immigration officers. 


 Don't want to give you 90 more nervous days but aren't these services illegal?


They are perfectly within their rights to give you a stern look :)

Edited by Neeranam
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I can't work out what the big deal is. You missed your report date by about 30 days. You go in, they fine you 2000B, no problem, unless you make a habit of doing it, this is all that ever happens. This is what I did - completely painless.


The extension of the period you are permitted to stay on your visa, and all the conditions of your  stay are completely unaffected by whether you have done your 90-day reports or not.  


What were you afraid might happen?





Maybe he's confusing this with the over-stay issue.


I am here on a retirement visa which runs May to May



No, you're here on an extension of stay based on retirement. Not a visa.


Realize that CM is different from the rest of the world, but at most immigrations offices you do the 90 day report in a matter of minutes. Can't really see why dropping off the passport and collecting it again is such a big convenience.

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Who does your visa? My lawyer chsrges 10k per year.


Info sent to you.....


Do they do your visa for you?


Surely not for 1000 baht a year.


They don't pay the fine as they are 'friends' of one of the immigration officers. 


 Don't want to give you 90 more nervous days but aren't these services illegal?


They are perfectly within their rights to give you a stern look smile.png



Yes - they handle my once a year visa for me.....I posted 3 scenarios about the possible fine of which any could apply.....they run the 90 day reports for 1000 baht a year.....when I lived way out of town the diesel cost that much.....


No - these services are not illegal - the nervous days I created myself - didn't need your help for that - it was more about taking 3 days when it usually takes 1/2 to 1 day.....yep - every once in awhile a stern look is in order.....

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"You remember, you do it, and providing you are not a continual and habitual offender there are no implications or consequences whatsoever."

What are the consequences if you are a continual and habitual offender?

The fine can go up to the legal maximum, which, as stated at the bottom of every 90-day report receipt form, is 5000B.
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»...renewed the visa in May thinking May to August = 90 days...«
To my knowledge the 90 days counts from the date your “renewed” Visa-extension, as you have been given your address at that time. So they count at the Immigration office I use.
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No, a visa "renewel" -- more properly "extension" doesn't reset the 90-day clock. The two are independent.

Is it any wonder that people pay a visa agent 1000 baht a year to do their 90 day reports for them?

You may be very correct NancyL, but some Immigration Offices seems to have own rules.
At the Immigration I use they do not accept renewal of Visa extension more than a week before the old extension expire, even the “rules” says 30 days. And when doing a new extension they staple a new 90-days paper slip into the passport with due date 90 days after the Visa extension date, earlier they just told that I have to come and report address in 90 days. If doing an address confirmation say a month before the extension expire, the slip will be dated with the expiry date. That’s how it has worked for several years. But I’ll see if they have changed their rules when I am going to ask for a new extension in a couple of month…
Always best to check what your local Immigration Office require…
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»...renewed the visa in May thinking May to August = 90 days...«
To my knowledge the 90 days counts from the date your “renewed” Visa-extension, as you have been given your address at that time. So they count at the Immigration office I use.




No, a visa "renewel" -- more properly "extension" doesn't reset the 90-day clock. The two are independent.

Is it any wonder that people pay a visa agent 1000 baht a year to do their 90 day reports for them?


This is where it gets skewed - even of you didn't go out of the country the math does not work out to keep the two the same....they would have to be in essence 92 day reports........


If someone were to stay 5+ years they could be 25 days off ......some offices might help with alert policies and personnel to make it a little more user friendly. CM is under-staffed and under sized + inundated most of the time....some of the staff are patient - others are not and it's a roll of the dice.....


Nancy is right - the two are independent of one another...two different processes with overlapping purposes and consequences.....


That's why I wanted to urge folks to double check - just in case.....sometimes the static makes it hard to concentrate on the message.....some like to strut - others are cock sure - still others don't deserve to have the sure part applied to them left on the sentence the way they portray/present themselves....but we're basically all in this together and all of us help to make the world a little more interesting.....wai.gif

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Moral of the story should be "keep your business to yourself"  It's an indexed public forum that Thai officials are welcome to read and crack down upon.

I agree.....I posted to hopefully be of benefit to others to double check.....just in case....

Dude, I think you suffer from catastrophic thinking.
I can recommend a good therapist if you want.

Nope - but thanks for the offer.....when reading of the litany of regulation/visa/border/enforcements/enhancements/explanations and resulting fears voiced/penned by others I sat back nice and smug thinking - OK - everything's covered. Got the timing right for the next year while everything settles into place - or at least a more certain position/understanding/permanent/settled state.....
Then I head in for my 90 day and find out I'm 30+ days over - over half of which I'd been on the road away from "home ground" CM.....so it came as an unpleasant surprise as I try to be a good guest here.
Wife aside - all I can ever be in LOS is a good guest and do the things that are required and do them correctly.....so, yes, as a matter of fact - it was a shock to discover otherwise.....
In my mind I knew everything should be OK - but when the passport did not come back the 1st or the 2nd day it did cause me to pause and second guess the possible reasons.....
As more than a few people have noted it only takes one person in the wrong mood at the wrong time to create a whole bunch of trouble.....especially when they are as uncertain as we lately....
Luckily all was OK.......

Why are you giving your passport to a service?
I stupidly missed my report by a couple of weeks and went in as usual.
They gave me the fine, reminded me not to be late again, and we all chuckled at my stupidity.
Total time, ten minutes. Non issue totally.
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Nope - but thanks for the offer.....when reading of the litany of regulation/visa/border/enforcements/enhancements/explanations and resulting fears voiced/penned by others I sat back nice and smug thinking - OK - everything's covered. Got the timing right for the next year while everything settles into place - or at least a more certain position/understanding/permanent/settled state.....
Then I head in for my 90 day and find out I'm 30+ days over - over half of which I'd been on the road away from "home ground" CM.....so it came as an unpleasant surprise as I try to be a good guest here.
Wife aside - all I can ever be in LOS is a good guest and do the things that are required and do them correctly.....so, yes, as a matter of fact - it was a shock to discover otherwise.....
In my mind I knew everything should be OK - but when the passport did not come back the 1st or the 2nd day it did cause me to pause and second guess the possible reasons.....
As more than a few people have noted it only takes one person in the wrong mood at the wrong time to create a whole bunch of trouble.....especially when they are as uncertain as we lately....
Luckily all was OK.......


Why are you giving your passport to a service?
I stupidly missed my report by a couple of weeks and went in as usual.
They gave me the fine, reminded me not to be late again, and we all chuckled at my stupidity.
Total time, ten minutes. Non issue totally.



I believe that it is now mandatory for the passport to be present at immigration - before all the changes they just took copies and had me sign them......

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Nope - but thanks for the offer.....when reading of the litany of regulation/visa/border/enforcements/enhancements/explanations and resulting fears voiced/penned by others I sat back nice and smug thinking - OK - everything's covered. Got the timing right for the next year while everything settles into place - or at least a more certain position/understanding/permanent/settled state.....
Then I head in for my 90 day and find out I'm 30+ days over - over half of which I'd been on the road away from "home ground" CM.....so it came as an unpleasant surprise as I try to be a good guest here.
Wife aside - all I can ever be in LOS is a good guest and do the things that are required and do them correctly.....so, yes, as a matter of fact - it was a shock to discover otherwise.....
In my mind I knew everything should be OK - but when the passport did not come back the 1st or the 2nd day it did cause me to pause and second guess the possible reasons.....
As more than a few people have noted it only takes one person in the wrong mood at the wrong time to create a whole bunch of trouble.....especially when they are as uncertain as we lately....
Luckily all was OK.......
Why are you giving your passport to a service?
I stupidly missed my report by a couple of weeks and went in as usual.
They gave me the fine, reminded me not to be late again, and we all chuckled at my stupidity.
Total time, ten minutes. Non issue totally.

I believe that it is now mandatory for the passport to be present at immigration - before all the changes they just took copies and had me sign them......

You said you use a service to deliver your passport. I just take mine in myself.
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The 90 day report is such a no brainer, requiring no money and no effort,
that there should have never been an original post about it, let alone all us idiots replying to it.

Hard to fault a man that knows how to speak for himself so appropriately.....I think any/all the useful information in this topic has been mined out......
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