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Air hosts/hostesses...


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Or flight attendants for the PC :)

I was wondering about those that work the domestic LCC routes. They always seem much more helpful and a lot happier than their international carrier counterparts..!!

So I can only presume that they are not working domestic because they failed to make it onto the international scene, rather they chose that career path.

I can see the benefits of both jobs but for some reason, always equated the domestic staff with racing drivers that never quite got that F1 seat :)

I'm flying domestic today, hence the post :)

Any thoughts on the in flight attendants..?

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I find them all about the same. I have had an issue with Air Asia once, but they were just young kids, and lacked any real service quality. I can't speak highly enough of the service by Singapore Air, lovely staff they are. Since travelling with our young daughter these days, I have found all airlines always try their best to help make your trip as comfortable as possible which is really nice.

I think maybe working on the shorter domestic runs would be less tiring than the long hauls. Maybe that has something to do with it? I know I get grumpy after an 8 hour flight.

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My daughter is a ( Trolly Dolly ) laugh.png only I can can call her that, my daughter works for British Airways and sticks with domestic and european routes rather than apply for long haul.

She was thinking about it at one time but she would have to change contracts just to please the management and greedy share holders.

After training in european flights or in other countries local flights forget for how long they can apply for long haul.

There is fierce competition within airlines and they are always trying to cut costs and upsetting staff so I guess some attendance have a bad day just like anyone else.

Most airlines I guess like BA get new staff on these contracts which they can pull them on and off whenever they choose to, my daughter is one of the lucky ones and was employed before this type of contract change.

BA are constantly trying to get staff off the old contracts and on to the new contract.

Both get generous concession on flights and my daughter can bring my other sons, daughters and grandchildren to Thailand very cheap. thumbsup.gif

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Agreed, I also get a bit grumpy after 8hrs flying, but some staff seem to be grumpy after 5mins smile.png

Its a tough job for sure but they choose to do it and should therefore keep it together IMO..

Pretty sure they don't have immediate turn arounds on long haul?

They did choose as it is a good job, however they overlooked something.Have you any idea how hard it is for a middle-class Thai girl to serve farmgirls with tattoos?

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I too have found that the local route attendants seem to like being domesticated.

Ahhhhhh, "domesticated" I like that word.

On the subject now.

Always found that male flight attendants are more helpful than the female.

Never got any bitchines or got ignored ever from them.

Although, I have to say that I met excellent female assistants on my trips.

I do understand that being a Victor Meldrew doesn't help at all.

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My cousin is a FA. She detests long-haul as she says once she's taken a dislike to a passenger it's a form of torture trying to maintain being polite to them. On the short-hauls, they're off before you know it. She says it's rare for their not to be an idiotic, drunken, or obnoxious passenger on any long haul flight - although it's not always her that catches the brunt of it.

Her two main gripes are - drunks, often causing disputes with other passengers - which multiplies the stress rate.

Obnoxious - people that regard her as a maid, and treat her with contempt.

She says that drink on board should be banned - or at the very least limited to one drink per meal service. She also says that her colleagues dread the Manchester flights as the passengers seem to set out to get the value of the fare back from the free bar. In that case, even if the people are perfectly friendly, the staff get worn out running up and down the aisles.

I think she should stop moaning and get another job of she can't hack it

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Flew with Thai Smile recently and agree with post #2.

They are all young and new to the businnes, flying domestic mostly with well tempered Thais.

Not that many alcoholics, exhausted or bad mannered people as on long haul.

Maybe they will "wear out" after a couple of years.

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just a note

flight attendants pay(time on clock) starts after door shut and wheels up

off clock when wheels on ground

its a tuff job with little pay

In Thailand, (THAI Anyway) it is awesome pay and every girls dream job, in western countries it is absolutely terrible pay.

I think you actually meant, off chocks on chocks.......... thumbsup.gif

Often paid a min flight hours each month as base pay, (often 60) then an hourly rate on top of that plus "expenses" which ranges heaps between companies.

Also scab companies like JetStar pay a commission on coffee and water they sell.

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My hat is off to the modern day FA. I am always polite and ask very little from them.

If I had to deal with some of the stupid, entitled, arrogant and obnoxious people I see on flights I would quit. But, for the most part I don't see too much of it on my long haul flights.

But, the constant babysitting of adults would drive me nuts.

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My daughter is a ( Trolly Dolly ) laugh.png only I can can call her that, my daughter works for British Airways and sticks with domestic and european routes rather than apply for long haul.

She was thinking about it at one time but she would have to change contracts just to please the management and greedy share holders.

After training in european flights or in other countries local flights forget for how long they can apply for long haul.

There is fierce competition within airlines and they are always trying to cut costs and upsetting staff so I guess some attendance have a bad day just like anyone else.

Most airlines I guess like BA get new staff on these contracts which they can pull them on and off whenever they choose to, my daughter is one of the lucky ones and was employed before this type of contract change.

BA are constantly trying to get staff off the old contracts and on to the new contract.

Both get generous concession on flights and my daughter can bring my other sons, daughters and grandchildren to Thailand very cheap. thumbsup.gif

Both get generous concession on flights and my daughter can bring my other sons, daughters and grandchildren to Thailand very cheap

About time they stopped these extras - all it does is push up the price of other peoples tickets

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My daughter is a ( Trolly Dolly ) laugh.png only I can can call her that, my daughter works for British Airways and sticks with domestic and european routes rather than apply for long haul.

She was thinking about it at one time but she would have to change contracts just to please the management and greedy share holders.

After training in european flights or in other countries local flights forget for how long they can apply for long haul.

There is fierce competition within airlines and they are always trying to cut costs and upsetting staff so I guess some attendance have a bad day just like anyone else.

Most airlines I guess like BA get new staff on these contracts which they can pull them on and off whenever they choose to, my daughter is one of the lucky ones and was employed before this type of contract change.

BA are constantly trying to get staff off the old contracts and on to the new contract.

Both get generous concession on flights and my daughter can bring my other sons, daughters and grandchildren to Thailand very cheap. thumbsup.gif

Both get generous concession on flights and my daughter can bring my other sons, daughters and grandchildren to Thailand very cheap

About time they stopped these extras - all it does is push up the price of other peoples tickets

I think we have established that both domestic and international attendants work hard, so therefore I believe they have every right to concession flights.

If you don't like that, then maybe get yourself a job as a "trolly dolly" and take advantage of the super extras :)

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Both get generous concession on flights and my daughter can bring my other sons, daughters and grandchildren to Thailand very cheap

About time they stopped these extras - all it does is push up the price of other peoples tickets

I think we have established that both domestic and international attendants work hard, so therefore I believe they have every right to concession flights.

If you don't like that, then maybe get yourself a job as a "trolly dolly" and take advantage of the super extras smile.png

In the big scheme of things, its not really the staff travel that's pushing up the prices of everyone else's tickets.

Generally airline staff get a limited number of freebies per year and the remainder of the time they can use an ID90 fare for themselves and nominated family members (90% off the full rate IATA published fare, no guarantee of confirmed travel). The amount they pay for an ID90 fare helps offset the basic seat and admin costs.

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Agreed, I also get a bit grumpy after 8hrs flying, but some staff seem to be grumpy after 5mins smile.png

Its a tough job for sure but they choose to do it and should therefore keep it together IMO..

Pretty sure they don't have immediate turn arounds on long haul?

They did choose as it is a good job, however they overlooked something.Have you any idea how hard it is for a middle-class Thai girl to serve farmgirls with tattoos?

That says a lot about Thai middle-class attitudes to people that they perceive as lower class and therefore not as good as themselves.

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My cousin is a FA. She detests long-haul as she says once she's taken a dislike to a passenger it's a form of torture trying to maintain being polite to them. On the short-hauls, they're off before you know it. She says it's rare for their not to be an idiotic, drunken, or obnoxious passenger on any long haul flight - although it's not always her that catches the brunt of it.

Her two main gripes are - drunks, often causing disputes with other passengers - which multiplies the stress rate.

Obnoxious - people that regard her as a maid, and treat her with contempt.

She says that drink on board should be banned - or at the very least limited to one drink per meal service. She also says that her colleagues dread the Manchester flights as the passengers seem to set out to get the value of the fare back from the free bar. In that case, even if the people are perfectly friendly, the staff get worn out running up and down the aisles.

I think she should stop moaning and get another job of she can't hack it

Manchester flights??? Is that United or City?

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My daughter is a ( Trolly Dolly ) laugh.png only I can can call her that, my daughter works for British Airways and sticks with domestic and european routes rather than apply for long haul.

She was thinking about it at one time but she would have to change contracts just to please the management and greedy share holders.

After training in european flights or in other countries local flights forget for how long they can apply for long haul.

There is fierce competition within airlines and they are always trying to cut costs and upsetting staff so I guess some attendance have a bad day just like anyone else.

Most airlines I guess like BA get new staff on these contracts which they can pull them on and off whenever they choose to, my daughter is one of the lucky ones and was employed before this type of contract change.

BA are constantly trying to get staff off the old contracts and on to the new contract.

Both get generous concession on flights and my daughter can bring my other sons, daughters and grandchildren to Thailand very cheap. thumbsup.gif

Both get generous concession on flights and my daughter can bring my other sons, daughters and grandchildren to Thailand very cheap

About time they stopped these extras - all it does is push up the price of other peoples tickets

Other jealous ...Been flying 20+ years with those tickets. You can use em' if there are seats available and they have nothing to do with other peoples ticket prices.

Bus,train,food etc.companies have free tickets for family members or factory shops where staff can shop cheaper. You want to ban these too to get cheaper food and tranportation?

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My daughter is a ( Trolly Dolly ) laugh.png only I can can call her that, my daughter works for British Airways and sticks with domestic and european routes rather than apply for long haul.

She was thinking about it at one time but she would have to change contracts just to please the management and greedy share holders.

After training in european flights or in other countries local flights forget for how long they can apply for long haul.

There is fierce competition within airlines and they are always trying to cut costs and upsetting staff so I guess some attendance have a bad day just like anyone else.

Most airlines I guess like BA get new staff on these contracts which they can pull them on and off whenever they choose to, my daughter is one of the lucky ones and was employed before this type of contract change.

BA are constantly trying to get staff off the old contracts and on to the new contract.

Both get generous concession on flights and my daughter can bring my other sons, daughters and grandchildren to Thailand very cheap. thumbsup.gif

Both get generous concession on flights and my daughter can bring my other sons, daughters and grandchildren to Thailand very cheap

About time they stopped these extras - all it does is push up the price of other peoples tickets

Other jealous ...Been flying 20+ years with those tickets. You can use em' if there are seats available and they have nothing to do with other peoples ticket prices.

Bus,train,food etc.companies have free tickets for family members or factory shops where staff can shop cheaper. You want to ban these too to get cheaper food and tranportation?

Many years ago one of my sisters was a FA for BA, and as I understood it, no paying passenger would be bumped for someone on a concessionary ticket. If there was an empty seat, you were in luck. If not, you waited for the next flight.

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My cousin is a FA. She detests long-haul as she says once she's taken a dislike to a passenger it's a form of torture trying to maintain being polite to them. On the short-hauls, they're off before you know it. She says it's rare for their not to be an idiotic, drunken, or obnoxious passenger on any long haul flight - although it's not always her that catches the brunt of it.

Her two main gripes are - drunks, often causing disputes with other passengers - which multiplies the stress rate.

Obnoxious - people that regard her as a maid, and treat her with contempt.

She says that drink on board should be banned - or at the very least limited to one drink per meal service. She also says that her colleagues dread the Manchester flights as the passengers seem to set out to get the value of the fare back from the free bar. In that case, even if the people are perfectly friendly, the staff get worn out running up and down the aisles.

I think she should stop moaning and get another job of she can't hack it

Manchester flights??? Is that United or City?

Everyone knows there's no United fans in Manchester.

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