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Would you Still Enjoy Thailand if You had No Access to the Internet?


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What would life be like for you if you had no access to the internet? It's an observation that the same people seem to spend a lot more time on the internet in Thailand than they do back home where their lives are busier with a more normal routine. It's not that they aren't having a great time in Thailand, but they have more free time, or as I like to say brief period's of sobriety, where the internet fills that void. Sure we do things like go for a swim, go to the gym, have dinner or a coffee with friends, etc., but that kind of stuff, doesn't fill 24 hours of a day. One thing I find the internet doing is providing some well needed intellectual stimulation, I can't live on sanuk alone.

20 years ago you would just be bored half of the day and drinking/oggling girls the rest, yet it couldn't be so bad as old-timers talk about those days as the glory days. So what do you think, could you enjoy Thailand with no access to internet or would you be bored out of your mind?

Edited by Havrum
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Dont need it but it makes life easier.

Since being here I have downloaded about 500 concerts and burned to disc, everyday I ask myself what do I want to listen to, Led Zep or Bob Dylan, Pink Floyd or Genesis.

U Tube is brilliant, like your own personal jukebox.

The mrs loves watching UK crap on U Tube.

Yes makes life easier, but would still be here if we didnt have it.

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Internet is nice but to get info fast but there are a lot of other means to get info.

Try to read a book, get a hobby, play a sport, see a movie, take care of your kids.

Travel and go and see things. There are millions who never heard about internet and they aren't bored.

30 years ago people had fun too.

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short answer from me would be yes, we only got internet in our house for when im away so i can talk to the wife and kids on skype,

but saying that google has tought us loads about pig farming,,lol, i wasnt a pig farmer till thailand


Haha, pigs are easy to raise, can feed them anything. You could of probably figured it out without Google :)

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short answer from me would be yes, we only got internet in our house for when im away so i can talk to the wife and kids on skype,

but saying that google has tought us loads about pig farming,,lol, i wasnt a pig farmer till thailand


Haha, pigs are easy to raise, can feed them anything. You could of probably figured it out without Google smile.png

for your information,

i didnt know about what vacines to give at the correct times,

vitimins to give ect,

then what to do if you have a sow farrowing and in trouble, yes we have a vet but they always cant come at the drop of a hat,

so google has helped us a lot,

and we only feed bagged food as we like to get them to mrkt weight quick,

but thank you for your input


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I grew up, without internet in my life.

I was introduced to the internet about 15 years ago.

How did I live without it before?

How did the whole world live without it before?

We had other things to occupy and enjoy ourselves.

Nowadays, seems to be that people can not live without internet.

So living in Thailand, for me, internet is not so important.

With it or with out it I would be happy.

But have to admit, I enjoy being on it and making myself a fool on TVF.

Very true to a point.

Us old farts were not brought up with the Internet and in my day computers and mobile devices with audio and video communications accessed from anywhere were still something only read about in science fiction books and the only times we got to see computers were in James bond movies and the like, the big things that filled whole rooms making beeping sounds, with reel to reel tapes spinning round on huge metal disks and spewing out information on ticker tape.

When i first plonked myself in Thailand, the only ways of accessing worldwide information was either buying foreign newspapers sold in the town, the Bangkok Post or listening to the world news services on short wave radios.

But I think these days, especially being a foreigner living in a foreign land, I would feel cut off without the Internet. Without it I would not have a clue what is going on in Thailand or anywhere else, including keeping up to date with all my financial and personal affairs, here and abroad and would probably had lost contact with many from my home country long ago. So for me I think it`s a plus. But of course there are those who have become addicted to it. Take them away from their computers for a few hours and they begin to suffer withdrawal symptoms, which is sad.

In answer the OP`s question; yes, I would still enjoy Thailand if I lost access to the Internet, but it would certainly be a big inconvenience without it.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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But of course there are those who have become addicted to it. Take them away from their computers for a few hours and they begin to suffer withdrawal symptoms, which is sad.

Look at your post count and then a long hard look in the mirror.

Edited by Harold G
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But of course there are those who have become addicted to it. Take them away from their computers for a few hours and they begin to suffer withdrawal symptoms, which is sad.

Look at your post count and then a long hard look in the mirror.

I tried sitting in front of my mirror, but it doesn`t have facebook.

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In 2012 I was working in Yangon, Myanmar - the international internet was slower than very slow treacle:

- It could take 10 minutes to download a simple web-page

- Using Skype or YouTube was a non-starter after 7am - I used to go into school early to download video/audio clips for my classes

- There was no international text messaging or phone-calls, so one had to use VOIP to call home to Thailand - the internet café resounded to shouts of 'can u hear me? can u hear me?'

- Every weekend, I treated myself to a $5 cappuccino at the Trader's hotel so that I could use their 'fast' (well faster than anywhere else) internet

- Trying to manage my hotel businesses/servers via online was almost impossible

But I got used to the lack of modern internet and modern amenities - Yangon is changing rapidly and the lack of things that we take for granted will soon be a thing of the past.

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If Benjamin Franklin hadn't invented electricity things would be so much better - I blame him for progress and all its pitfalls.

And as for the person who invented fire............well don't get me started !

We occupy ourselves with distractions, survival for most people in developed nations is accepted - without the internet we couldn't see and hear live feeds from people who are starving or having their homes bombed.

Life is about priorities, for me the internet is just another one of the "and,s" in life, the same applies to cell phones and TV.

Information is power though but I really don't need to know that someone has bought a new pairs of shoes on the other side of the world.

In answer to the Op,s question a resounding "YES"

Edited for grammatical errors - well most of them.

Edited by Likener1
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If Benjamin Franklin hadn't invented electricity things would be so much better - I blame him for progress and all its pitfalls.

And as for the person who invented fire............well don't get me started !

We occupy ourselves with distractions, survival for most people in developed nations is accepted - without the internet we couldn't see and hear live feeds from people who are starving or having their homes bombed.

Life is about priorities, for me the internet is just another one of the "and,s" in life, the same applies to cell phones and TV.

Information is power though but I really don't need to know that someone has bought a new pairs of shoes on the other side of the world.

In answer to the Op,s question a resounding "YES"

Edited for grammatical errors - well most of them.

ben franklin "discovered electricity"? let me guess, youre an american?

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If Benjamin Franklin hadn't invented electricity things would be so much better - I blame him for progress and all its pitfalls.

And as for the person who invented fire............well don't get me started !

We occupy ourselves with distractions, survival for most people in developed nations is accepted - without the internet we couldn't see and hear live feeds from people who are starving or having their homes bombed.

Life is about priorities, for me the internet is just another one of the "and,s" in life, the same applies to cell phones and TV.

Information is power though but I really don't need to know that someone has bought a new pairs of shoes on the other side of the world.

In answer to the Op,s question a resounding "YES"

Edited for grammatical errors - well most of them.

ben franklin "discovered electricity"? let me guess, youre an american?

Oh, sorry I thought he did, well tell me this then who invented fire ? biggrin.png

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Internet is nice but to get info fast but there are a lot of other means to get info.

Try to read a book, get a hobby, play a sport, see a movie, take care of your kids.

Travel and go and see things. There are millions who never heard about internet and they aren't bored.

30 years ago people had fun too.

Wrong.. I googled it, they are bored :)

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If Benjamin Franklin hadn't invented electricity things would be so much better - I blame him for progress and all its pitfalls.

And as for the person who invented fire............well don't get me started !

We occupy ourselves with distractions, survival for most people in developed nations is accepted - without the internet we couldn't see and hear live feeds from people who are starving or having their homes bombed.

Life is about priorities, for me the internet is just another one of the "and,s" in life, the same applies to cell phones and TV.

Information is power though but I really don't need to know that someone has bought a new pairs of shoes on the other side of the world.

In answer to the Op,s question a resounding "YES"

Edited for grammatical errors - well most of them.

ben franklin "discovered electricity"? let me guess, youre an american?

Well, at least an American invented air conditioning, without which there would be far fewer Europeans in Thailand.

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