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Yingluck's visit to Singapore 'not listed on itinerary'


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She's back, doing her job, which currently is making the haters and oppressors look like the fools they are. She will still be standing tall when this big Right Turn is a footnote to history.


This too shall pass.


If by job, you mean shopping, housecleaning, taking the kid to school and watching Thai soap operas...then I concur.


...she is now irrelevant. 

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She shows amazing resilience and fortitude and deserves less harassment as Thailand's first female PM (now ex). Frankly all this bullying makes me puke.


She deserves everything she gets and "we" deserve some answers as to where all the wasted monies have gone to . . .



assuming "you" are not a Thai citizen "you" deserve NOTHING but "you" still seek to bully the ex-elected PM 


Hilarious, I assume then that no tax payer has any right to make any criticism of how her and her cronies wasted billions of taxpayer monies? 


i bet hes no taxpayer and like many forang just lives of his investments here without paying any tax worst kind of hypocrite but with luck jot will come back to bite him when they start investigating forang ownership of many condos properly. Maybe thats why he's so pro Taksin and red shirts since with them plundering country they wont bother with a few forang like him doing same 

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the source claimed is a ' junta source ' so that's not NCPO ?


Oh, my good grief!


No, it's not. The NCPO has a chain of command. It has recognised, official spokespersons. None of them, not one of them commented about Yingluck's trip following the slap-down of the rumour-mongers. If they had, the newspaper would have (should have) quoted them. The NCPO has not uttered a word about Yingluck since last week - not about Singapore, not about her return, not about her "duty" right now.... nothing.


Someone (might have) given his/her opinion of the Yingluck case to a reporter. Maybe. But (s)he was not speaking for the NCPO or we would know about it just like we know about the rumour-mongers - because a top official of the NCPO spoke about it.


A top NCPO official, Lt Gen Kampanat Ruddit, and the senior NCPO spokesman Col Winthai Suwaree both spoke about Yingluck last week, on the record, denying she had asked for an extension of her trip. They spoke in the name of the NCPO. We know who they are. They are authorised to speak for the NCPO and they did so. Their word is official. They spoke, and are authorised to speak, for the NCPO. Since then, "the NCPO" has said nothing about Yingluck.
I don't have to say you are free to (dis)believe all or part of every newspaper story in existence. But you are not free to throw around allegations of what are and aren't official NCPO policy and statements. When the NCPO wants to speak about Yingluck, it will do that.





You are correct, AFAIK. We have the Nation's report quoting an "unnamed source" at NCPO or the BP report. One says she didn't seek permission first the other says she told them first (asking or told could be due to translation).


As you say, we will have to wait until the NCPO makes an official statement and then see if Yingluck agrees or not. 

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Thanks Alwyn, so as a taxpayer here (amongst other things) I have no rights at all to know or to criticise where my tax monies are being spent/wasted?


Or is it just cos I'm a foreigner here that you think I should have no rights? Does a Thai "deserve" to know where their tax monies are being spent/wasted?


Yes Thais deserve to know, that why I said "If you are a Thai, that's a fair comment". No, you don't deserve to know where your taxes go. It might be of interest to you, as it is to me, but we're transient, we're privileged to be working and living here and part of that privilege is paying your taxes. Go for citizenship if you want to "deserve" to know the inner workings of the Thai government.  


Yes, you are spot on.


I am surprised to see that people asssume they actually do have rights in Thailand just because they pay taxes. Not saying this is necessarily the right approach, but it is what it is.


One must also remark, that although there might be exceptions, I would assume not many expats the world over would be allowed to vote, just because they are working and paying taxes in a certain country.

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She was seen having lunch with her brother at a famous eating place where thaksin eats often. In Singapore,

Maybe he flew in with her. And is here now. Nobody checked. Look at her while he does his magic act with smoke and mirrors...
If HE was really seen with her in Singapore yesterday...I would bet the farm he's here.
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Yingluck is Thailand's equivalent of Aung San Suu Kyi. The military Junta are trying their best to fabricate/invent some reason to keep her under house arrest of sorts. Like Aung San, Yingluck is Thailand's only hope in their fight for democracy.

I think it's shameful of you to even suggest such a thing. Aung San Suu Kyi was incarcerated for her fight for democracy and against the corrupt practices of the junta in Myanmar, whereas Yingluck and her party were avid practitioners of the very things that Aung San stood against...!!

Let's see, what has happened and what is perceived after, oh I don't know, three years of junta rule?
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She's back, doing her job, which currently is making the haters and oppressors look like the fools they are. She will still be standing tall when this big Right Turn is a footnote to history.
This too shall pass.

What job???

Winding you up?
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So that's two traps she's firmly set foot in . . . going somewhere that wasn't agreed to and not knowing the basics about rice.
A serious "PM" or "leader" really needs to be a bit more aware of what they are doing and the world around them.

Didnt david cameron make a similar gaff about bread in a supermkt? Just shows how out of touch with reality the elite are...
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So that's two traps she's firmly set foot in . . . going somewhere that wasn't agreed to and not knowing the basics about rice.
A serious "PM" or "leader" really needs to be a bit more aware of what they are doing and the world around them.

Didnt david cameron make a similar gaff about bread in a supermkt? Just shows how out of touch with reality the elite are...



It wasn't this but similar to "they have bread ready sliced and wrapped now"cheesy.gif cheesy.gif

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"It's unbelievable we have this kind of rice that is ready to eat," without re-heating required, she said in the clip.



Ready-to-eat means it stays warm on the shelf?

Also apparently easily confused about rice marketing which she seems to not know much about.   That is strange, is it not?

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