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You should be able to lean on the front or either side of

the car , with all your weight and be able to get it to bounce up and

down, even new cars can do this.

If you cant, who ever done this job has made a mess of it.

I swapped out the front shocks on a FWD 3 or 4 times.

The only thing i can think is that he has swapped your front springs

with a much harder spring, this is the only way that you wont get moment.

Take it to another mechanic for a second opinion or better one of the major tire and

shock shops around with a lift, then you can see whats what.

Good luck


Shocks stop bounce..

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Just a thought, there could be a rubber bump stop that your compressed spring is hitting, or lack of one, have a look, see if it fitted correctly. Or, perhaps the shock is naff. Push the front wing up and down and feel for resistance and NO bounce.

Wing? blink.png It's a car not an airplane... OP push down on the front fender.. smile.png But seems you've done that already...

Fender? Don't think these had bumpers that you could push down on without them detaching from the body. Best to push down on the wing.

Seriously, the perceived hard ride could be the normal ride, if the poster first experienced this car 10 years ago it would have been 10 years old at that time. Perhaps the dampers were shot then, giving a very soft (undamped) ride compared to what it should have been?

No such thing as a wing on a car..only airplanes..Unless it's on the back at least. They create lift or down force by definition which fenders do not, so time to update your British to proper English terminology..FYI I have no idea what the bumper has to do with anything either? It was never mentioned. A short damper does not give a soft ride it gives a hard ride..Because the springs are compressed already provided they were/are OEM, thus requiring more up force to compress them further, you have a lot of updating to do with your info..


Okay guys ...here are some pics

Make attachicon.gifLabel.jpg

Pt Number Front BC1E-34-700 attachicon.gifPt No Fr.jpg

Suspension Fr attachicon.gifFRSus.jpg

Spring Frontattachicon.gifSpring.jpg

Tyre attachicon.gifTYre.jpg

Part No Rear BC1E-28-700

To me the Front Spring looks new.

As before I can't dip the front ... just can't get any movement .. afraid of denting the front wing!! Rear dips okay and no bounce at all ... just a sit should be.

I've had a small go at google but it doesn't bring anything up on the part No but going to the RICCO site these shocks are for the 323 Astina whatever that is.

If anyone can find anything out please advise

All the tyres are the same make/type. Yep, I know the wheel hole looks a bit big ... could have run loose at some time ... however both rears and the spare look to have about the same size holes.

Astina is a sport package, the Lantis is not, that is likely your problem..

Tried to upload jpegs but the site won't let me so here's a link to an Astina.. http://www.taladrod.com/w20/Search/CarDet40.aspx?cib=1425552

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Just a thought, there could be a rubber bump stop that your compressed spring is hitting, or lack of one, have a look, see if it fitted correctly. Or, perhaps the shock is naff. Push the front wing up and down and feel for resistance and NO bounce.

Wing? blink.png It's a car not an airplane... OP push down on the front fender.. smile.png But seems you've done that already...

Where I come from they are called a wing, a hood is a bonnet, a trunk is a boot, a muffler is a silencer, a hedder is a manifold, a shock is a damper, gas is petrol, sorry if you didn't know that stuff...smile.png

OOOOP's near forgot, a fender is something we put in front of a fire......biggrin.png

Good to see at least you took it as just a bit of banter........

BTW it's still a fender.. Not one of these.......


A bit over done that one.... smile.png

  • Like 1

Ahhh LPG tanks weight in the back that wasn't there 12 years ago ?

Less weight on the front now, for the new dampers to handle ?

Edit: Does the front ride height look higher now than before the strut replacement ?

Why less weight at the front...?

Not, besides more weight in the rear just effects the rears, certainly won't make the front stiffer, like I said it is a sport model replacement, (Astina v Lantis) and if the springs went with it they are definitely higher rate as well. they do look thicker and do look quite new.


Ahhh LPG tanks weight in the back that wasn't there 12 years ago ?

Less weight on the front now, for the new dampers to handle ?

Edit: Does the front ride height look higher now than before the strut replacement ?

Why less weight at the front...?

Not, besides more weight in the rear just effects the rears, certainly won't make the front stiffer, like I said it is a sport model replacement, (Astina v Lantis) and if the springs went with it they are definitely higher rate as well. they do look thicker and do look quite new.

OP is not listening warby I give up already.laugh.png


Ahhh LPG tanks weight in the back that wasn't there 12 years ago ?

Less weight on the front now, for the new dampers to handle ?

Edit: Does the front ride height look higher now than before the strut replacement ?

Why less weight at the front...?

If the clever tank installation was to the rear of the rear axle, there would be less weight on the front axle.


Just a thought, there could be a rubber bump stop that your compressed spring is hitting, or lack of one, have a look, see if it fitted correctly. Or, perhaps the shock is naff. Push the front wing up and down and feel for resistance and NO bounce.

Wing? blink.png It's a car not an airplane... OP push down on the front fender.. smile.png But seems you've done that already...

Where I come from they are called a wing, a hood is a bonnet, a trunk is a boot, a muffler is a silencer, a hedder is a manifold, a shock is a damper, gas is petrol, sorry if you didn't know that stuff...smile.png

OOOOP's near forgot, a fender is something we put in front of a fire......biggrin.png

Good to see at least you took it as just a bit of banter........

BTW it's still a fender.. Not one of these.......


A bit over done that one.... smile.png

WS - I think you need to learn how the English language operates.


Nope, the other way around, it's been modified to world wide standards since most of the old codgers here were born. Get with it, the empire is no longer..


Nope, the other way around, it's been modified to world wide standards since most of the old codgers here were born. Get with it, the empire is no longer..

cheesy.gif ...........facepalm.gif


Ahhh LPG tanks weight in the back that wasn't there 12 years ago ?

Less weight on the front now, for the new dampers to handle ?

Edit: Does the front ride height look higher now than before the strut replacement ?

Why less weight at the front...?

Not, besides more weight in the rear just effects the rears, certainly won't make the front stiffer, like I said it is a sport model replacement, (Astina v Lantis) and if the springs went with it they are definitely higher rate as well. they do look thicker and do look quite new.

OP is not listening warby I give up already.laugh.png

Mr Kawasaki, may I respectfully suggest if that is your opinion then you 'sex and travel' to another topic.

Warpee and Trans please feel free to carry on you 'friendly' discussions. Always entertaining. No more from me until 500Kms+

So we are here ... Madam has spent sometime talking to RICCO Thailand. Madam is now somewhat up on shock absorbers. The outcome is leave it for 500Kms (as someone advised earlier) this gives them chance to 'bed in', after all they have travelled many miles and probably been in stock for quite a period .. They did tell her where to get new springs ... but to wait.

The Lantis is actually heavier than the Astina, RICCO didn't want to make two different shocks so they compromised to an in between setting. You experts will understand how that affects the Lantis suspension ... well I hope, that you can.

So, for a while the driver will 'sit on a cushion'

Thanks guys


Nope, the other way around, it's been modified to world wide standards since most of the old codgers here were born. Get with it, the empire is no longer..

QED! - you have no idea of how English works..... on top of that you seem to be making assumptions about the "modern-ness" of American English?

  • Like 1

Yeah I know not being English it's hard for me to be as pompous as you thinking you're gods gift to the language we've been refining since our country's Independence.. It's still not a wing, it's a fender teflr. Look up the definition of a wing and try to figure out how it applies to a fender, maybe you'll catch on..


Yeah I know not being English it's hard for me to be as pompous as you thinking you're gods gift to the language we've been refining since our country's Independence.. It's still not a wing, it's a fender teflr. Look up the definition of a wing and try to figure out how it applies to a fender, maybe you'll catch on..

Fender is the American English term for the part of an automobile, motorcycle or other vehicle body that frames a wheel well (the fender underside). In British English, the fender is called the wing (this usually only refers to the panels over the front wheel arches, in modern cars, since the rear 'fenders' are more an integral part of the car's body shape). ( from Wikipedia)

Wikipedia and Google are your friends. Try googling "car panel wings" or similar. You might also try googling netiquette while you're at it.

To the OP. Do you still have the original springs at hand? (My mechanic always gives back to me the replaced parts which I keep for future reference.) If so, it should be easy enough to change them back and see if there is any difference.

  • Like 1


4 British A raised part of the body of a car or other vehicle above the wheel.

Yeah I know not being English it's hard for me to be as pompous as you thinking you're gods gift to the language we've been refining since our country's Independence.. It's still not a wing, it's a fender teflr. Look up the definition of a wing and try to figure out how it applies to a fender, maybe you'll catch on..


Wing? blink.png It's a car not an airplane... OP push down on the front fender.. smile.png But seems you've done that already...

Fender? Don't think these had bumpers that you could push down on without them detaching from the body. Best to push down on the wing.

Seriously, the perceived hard ride could be the normal ride, if the poster first experienced this car 10 years ago it would have been 10 years old at that time. Perhaps the dampers were shot then, giving a very soft (undamped) ride compared to what it should have been?

No such thing as a wing on a car..only airplanes..Unless it's on the back at least. They create lift or down force by definition which fenders do not, so time to update your British to proper English terminology..FYI I have no idea what the bumper has to do with anything either? It was never mentioned. A short damper does not give a soft ride it gives a hard ride..Because the springs are compressed already provided they were/are OEM, thus requiring more up force to compress them further, you have a lot of updating to do with your info..

I know you are just being your normal, humourlessly pompous, pedantically best-informed-on-the-motoring-forum-self but regardless...

"No such thing as a wing on a car..only airplanes."

Normal, traditionally designed road cars all have wings, they enclose the wheels usually, even American cars. You are right though, wings are found on airborne transportation that are called aeroplanes. But not only aeroplanes as you stated; interestingly, birds, for example, also have wings, as do some insects and mammals.

"I have no idea what the bumper has to do with anything either. It was never mentioned."

A fender is a bumper in proper English and I mentioned it and most of us here do understand that you "have no idea".

"A short damper does not give a soft ride..."

I referred to a shot damper, not a short one, "shot" means worn out, like your eyesight. But just to correct you again, the stiffness of a damper is controlled by it's oil and valving, not necessarily by it's length.

I do not need to do any "updating of my info", thank you very much, you plum, but you do need to ease off a little and find a bloody sense of humour.

Toodle-pip! (vernacular English for "Bye!")

  • Like 2

Yeah I know not being English it's hard for me to be as pompous as you thinking you're gods gift to the language we've been refining since our country's Independence.. It's still not a wing, it's a fender teflr. Look up the definition of a wing and try to figure out how it applies to a fender, maybe you'll catch on..

Fender is the American English term for the part of an automobile, motorcycle or other vehicle body that frames a wheel well (the fender underside). In British English, the fender is called the wing (this usually only refers to the panels over the front wheel arches, in modern cars, since the rear 'fenders' are more an integral part of the car's body shape). ( from Wikipedia)

Wikipedia and Google are your friends. Try googling "car panel wings" or similar. You might also try googling netiquette while you're at it.

To the OP. Do you still have the original springs at hand? (My mechanic always gives back to me the replaced parts which I keep for future reference.) If so, it should be easy enough to change them back and see if there is any difference.

I knew this probably before you were born, but correctly termed it is a fender, not a wing, Google is your friend.. Just because it was incorrectly termed a wing by the British and that has now been corrected for decades long before the British were building junkers, doesn't mean it's still not incorrectly referred to as a wing. That's why it's time for you all to move in to the 21st century out of the 19th and begin using world wide English instead of old world, outdated British English.. For your part it's like trying to change the internet terminology that currently exists, it is what it is, in a modern day vernacular and just because you wish to hold onto antiquated terms that never caught on outside of your tiny island anyway is no reason to continue to be uninformed on the world terminology or to continue to stubbornly resist the change when it's not common vernacular.

Do you still speak the same as in the days of Shakespeare? Rhetorical, now get with it, and get caught up with the rest of the world, instead of trying to insist the rest of world step back in time with you crusty old codgers..

OP The spring idea is a good one, may not have been any reason to change them in the first place..


Ahhh LPG tanks weight in the back that wasn't there 12 years ago ?

Less weight on the front now, for the new dampers to handle ?

Edit: Does the front ride height look higher now than before the strut replacement ?

Why less weight at the front...?

Not, besides more weight in the rear just effects the rears, certainly won't make the front stiffer, like I said it is a sport model replacement, (Astina v Lantis) and if the springs went with it they are definitely higher rate as well. they do look thicker and do look quite new.


Don't get what point your making? Is it supportive or argumentative? If argumentative see my post quoted above about not making the front stiffer with added weight in the rear. Not to mention that is way over the rear and not as closely mounted to the rear axle location. take off the back 30 guys hanging over the rear axle and it would ride much different. Just one of those guys equals as much or more than a gas tank in loaded weight depending on the tanks size. Little difference than adding a single adult passenger, negligible difference on the suspension geometry..


Nope, the other way around, it's been modified to world wide standards since most of the old codgers here were born. Get with it, the empire is no longer..

No, it's been modified to American (low) standards and only by Americans!

I'm not arguing your silly trolling posts anymore, just get with it and catch up on your education there's more people world wide speaking proper American English than Briglish.. Just based on Americans alone outnumbering Brits and even the Canadians speak 21st century American English these days to add to the numbers. But the mere fact that a wing is a wing and a fender is fender is good enough reason to update and expand your vocabulary.


You should be able to lean on the front or either side of

the car , with all your weight and be able to get it to bounce up and

down, even new cars can do this.

If you cant, who ever done this job has made a mess of it.

I swapped out the front shocks on a FWD 3 or 4 times.

The only thing i can think is that he has swapped your front springs

with a much harder spring, this is the only way that you wont get moment.

Take it to another mechanic for a second opinion or better one of the major tire and

shock shops around with a lift, then you can see whats what.

Good luck


Shocks stop bounce..

Yes, your right it should be ridget with no movement.....NOT!

Its funny understands what im saying and you dont, you knowing all that is.




I have been convinced all along that the springs are wrong, You should be able to dip the front as you say. As the car has been with her daughter for a number of years it might have been like this for a long time ... only drove it recently to get the Head overhauled. I did ask my wife to take it to a Gooru place BUT instead she phoned them up and got a long speal. Now she says he did say change the springs!!! I need a second opinion from a suspension place ............

Going out !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I would have bet on it being the wrong springs, too!

It's a shame you can't get the O.E. front end specs for your Lantis from Mazda service centers here in LOS, even if it means they would have to check with their corporate files in Japan. Hopefully you can find a knowledgeable repair person.


I have been convinced all along that the springs are wrong, You should be able to dip the front as you say. As the car has been with her daughter for a number of years it might have been like this for a long time ... only drove it recently to get the Head overhauled. I did ask my wife to take it to a Gooru place BUT instead she phoned them up and got a long speal. Now she says he did say change the springs!!! I need a second opinion from a suspension place ............

Going out !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I would have bet on it being the wrong springs, too!

It's a shame you can't get the O.E. front end specs for your Lantis from Mazda service centers here in LOS, even if it means they would have to check with their corporate files in Japan. Hopefully you can find a knowledgeable repair person.

Can't see many manufacturers keeping parts for a low volume model (by Thai standards ) that went out of production/sales 17 years ago.


Would the springs be solely made for that particular model?

I often find that parts made for a particular car are often used on another or even by different manufactures.

i would avve thought once the spring is ID'd then a replacement used on a different model could be found too.


Nope, the other way around, it's been modified to world wide standards since most of the old codgers here were born. Get with it, the empire is no longer..

No, it's been modified to American (low) standards and only by Americans!

I'm not arguing your silly trolling posts anymore, just get with it and catch up on your education there's more people world wide speaking proper American English than Briglish.. Just based on Americans alone outnumbering Brits and even the Canadians speak 21st century American English these days to add to the numbers. But the mere fact that a wing is a wing and a fender is fender is good enough reason to update and expand your vocabulary.

WS - "proper American English than Briglish" this shows you have absolutely no idea how English Language works, why bother to make comments in the first place. I'd suggest you stick to cars but on past performance you're not much use on that topic either.
P. S. - the word "fender" on cars is OLDER than the word "wing"
  • Like 1

Yeah I could really give a toss Wilco, (how's that for Britglish vernacular?) it hurts you guys more than it does me, That's obvious by the whining, moaning and fanny slapping you're all giving each other, just learn the modern language eh??


You should be able to lean on the front or either side of

the car , with all your weight and be able to get it to bounce up and

down, even new cars can do this.

If you cant, who ever done this job has made a mess of it.

I swapped out the front shocks on a FWD 3 or 4 times.

The only thing i can think is that he has swapped your front springs

with a much harder spring, this is the only way that you wont get moment.

Take it to another mechanic for a second opinion or better one of the major tire and

shock shops around with a lift, then you can see whats what.

Good luck


Shocks stop bounce..

Yes, your right it should be ridget with no movement.....NOT!

Its funny understands what im saying and you dont, you knowing all that is.



You want to insult Mr.___- for brains.

A shock is fitted to sprung suspension to stop bounce, if you had no shock the spring would not stop bouncing and you would "kangaroo" down the black top.

PS. Stay out my way newbie....facepalm.gif

  • Like 1

You should be able to lean on the front or either side of

the car , with all your weight and be able to get it to bounce up and

down, even new cars can do this.

If you cant, who ever done this job has made a mess of it.

I swapped out the front shocks on a FWD 3 or 4 times.

The only thing i can think is that he has swapped your front springs

with a much harder spring, this is the only way that you wont get moment.

Take it to another mechanic for a second opinion or better one of the major tire and

shock shops around with a lift, then you can see whats what.

Good luck


Thanks Charlie

I have been convinced all along that the springs are wrong, You should be able to dip the front as you say. As the car has been with her daughter for a number of years it might have been like this for a long time ... only drove it recently to get the Head overhauled. I did ask my wife to take it to a Gooru place BUT instead she phoned them up and got a long speal. Now she says he did say change the springs!!! I need a second opinion from a suspension place ............

Going out !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

it not unusual to hear about a garage to swap parts on cars they are repairing.

i had it happen to me. a drunk hit my parked car and it needed some panel work

and a respray,

After hearing said rumors i singed with a felt tip pen my gear box, motor, stater.condenser

battery and many other parts

ok insurance send me to a (recommended garage )they kept my car for 10 days for a 2 day job.

when i went to collect the car they had only panel and spray done,

the bumper was still hanging off (this is a insurance recommended garage )

when i question said repair, there was a little running around,removed the bumper

and they show me some broken catches for the bumper to attach to the car

im looking at them, there looking at me, So, when will my car be ready ?, 2 days.

2 days later i collected my car,

it was parked in a covered area, i had a look and all seemed well,so off home.

on the way home i noticed while in for repair my my car had traveled 650 km

later that day i noticed that my almost new head lights had been swaped

for a set of dull faded and cracked headlights, (forgot to sing them)

i did nt even bother to report this, like to who do you report it

the garage owner who i told my car was not to be used outside of

the workshop or his buddy in the insurance company who was singing

his praises, just put it down to experience.

so you could have happen to you too.



You should be able to lean on the front or either side of

the car , with all your weight and be able to get it to bounce up and

down, even new cars can do this.

If you cant, who ever done this job has made a mess of it.

I swapped out the front shocks on a FWD 3 or 4 times.

The only thing i can think is that he has swapped your front springs

with a much harder spring, this is the only way that you wont get moment.

Take it to another mechanic for a second opinion or better one of the major tire and

shock shops around with a lift, then you can see whats what.

Good luck


Shocks stop bounce..

Yes, your right it should be ridget with no movement.....NOT!

Its funny understands what im saying and you dont, you knowing all that is.



You want to insult Mr.___- for brains.

A shock is fitted to sprung suspension to stop bounce, if you had no shock the spring would not stop bouncing and you would "kangaroo" down the black top.

PS. Stay out my way newbie....facepalm.gif

No, a shock it fitted to reduce bounce.

I would like nothing more, never having to converse with you again.

All you have to do is rot reply to what i post

Later Knower !


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