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New Airport?


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I am due to fly into bangkok on the 1st of october, and i have been told that the new airport will be open then??

I usually get the airport bus into kao san road for 100 baht ( yes i am a cheap backpacker no taxis for me)

My question is how can i get into bangkok from this new airport (by bus?) because it is a lot further away from bangkok than the old airport??

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I am due to fly into bangkok on the 1st of october, and i have been told that the new airport will be open then??

I usually get the airport bus into kao san road for 100 baht ( yes i am a cheap backpacker no taxis for me)

My question is how can i get into bangkok from this new airport (by bus?) because it is a lot further away from bangkok than the old airport??

:o No worries, you'll be arriving at the same airport as usual. I tell you what, I'll pay for your taxi ride if you'll arrive at the new one :D

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I am due to fly into bangkok on the 1st of october, and i have been told that the new airport will be open then??

I usually get the airport bus into kao san road for 100 baht ( yes i am a cheap backpacker no taxis for me)

My question is how can i get into bangkok from this new airport (by bus?) because it is a lot further away from bangkok than the old airport??

:o No worries, you'll be arriving at the same airport as usual. I tell you what, I'll pay for your taxi ride if you'll arrive at the new one :D

The new airport was scheduled to open for business in June - of course it missed that deadline. They are now testing it and promises are being made that it will be open for September - Just which year hasn't been stated !

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To reply to your actual inquiry....the infrastructure for getting to and from the new airport has not been formulated yet. Any claims made up to now should be considered hearsay at best...I'm sure there will be taxi's and buses....ask again about a month before you fly....and then about two weeks before you fly...and then the day before you fly...and then when you land you will probably find out that everything you have heard is wrong anyway.....but then you'll make it to that crazy place regardless...won't you...what an adventure!!!!!

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I am due to fly into bangkok on the 1st of october, and i have been told that the new airport will be open then??

I usually get the airport bus into kao san road for 100 baht ( yes i am a cheap backpacker no taxis for me)

My question is how can i get into bangkok from this new airport (by bus?) because it is a lot further away from bangkok than the old airport??

A taxi would cost you what? 300 baht maximum? If you spend 3x the amount on everything you will go over budget. But spending an extra 200 baht for an airport taxi, when you just paid a very large sum for your airplane flight shouldn't break your budget. If 200 baht is going to make or break your whole trip, you shouldn't be going in the first place. Emergencies often happen which require you to have extra funds. Just consider this to be one of those emergencies, and if you arrive and there's a bus there, then consdier yourself lucky.

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As a matter of fact the new airport IS in Bangkok. I'm sure taxi fare from the new airport to Khoa Sarn Rd is less than from Don Muang to that place since there are freeways to go to downtown for just 20 minutes drive.

And yeah, ask again just before you board the flight.

Edited by Thai-Aust
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To make it a little cheaper, you could have the taxi take you to Onnut Skytrain Station, then get on the Skytrain and ride west to Siam Station. Exit on the south side ( left side of the station in your direction of travel). Get on a # 15 bus to Sanam Luang (close to Khaosan Road).

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