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What makes 'Thai-style democracy' globally palatable?


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Thai style democracy means reversing all the political reforms and human rights of the common people and giving complete power back to the ruling elites.Simple really :)

So are you describing thai style democracy before the coup or after the coup? Your description could fit both periods.

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Thai style democracy means reversing all the political reforms and human rights of the common people and giving complete power back to the ruling elites. Simple really smile.png

Most probably after the next elections the Shins will do exactly that.

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Military rule is hardly democracy, people have been appointed by coup leaders and not elected. people don't have a voice so you can hardly call that democracy.

no can't be called democracy, but does it matter if it is democracy or not? Other countries don't have democracy and do well. China, Saudi Arabia, Vietnam....a lot more are on the edge with just a 2 party system....

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whistling.gif My idea of "Thai style Democracy" is what we who live here saw from November to May.

M-79 rounds being fired into crowds of people, hand grenades being thrown at groups of people you didn't like, and violence in the streets. Crowds of people screaming, shooting at each other; that's what represented "Thai style Democracy" for 6 months.

All started by self-serving politicians for the own self-gratification and profit.

That went on daily until the Junta came in and stopped all that "Thai style Democracy" nonsense.

As far as I am concerned I much prefer the Junta than the "Thai style Democracy" I saw for those 6 months.

Sorry General I much prefer the order of the Junta than the disorder of those 6 months.

That's just my opinion, but I prefer the military rule than "Thai style Democracy: as we saw it then.

As my Thai wife said; "See I told you, it's always better when the army comes out"

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I am not sure what I read, is it an easy explanation from the Junta that things at the end of the day will remain the same, this Thai Democracy is a Democracy that can be manipulated, ever need proof look at the Thaskin and Yingluck administration and to a lesser degree the democrat party, the former all ended up with a coup, all I am saying is either improve Thailand's lot or stop wasting peoples time General Prayuth , the country is looking for leadership not same same, same , I rest my case.bah.gif

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Thai style democracy = dictatorship

Only those approved by the military will be able to compete for any kind of election. Any person that has any kind of "different thinking" will be banned from politics. Yes, this is political reform; yes, this is Thai democracy.

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Military rule is hardly democracy, people have been appointed by coup leaders and not elected. people don't have a voice so you can hardly call that democracy.

You're getting confused.

True, military rule is not democracy, however appointments should be based on qualifications and ability, not popular choice. The junta is correct in making appointments in this way.

We should all keep in mind, too, that the word "democracy" carries a magical connotation that if it is not democratic, it's wrong. That is not always the case.

Edited by Seastallion
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Nice word play by the general "Thai style democracy".

The answer is fairly simple as to what it is.

It's a style of democracy foreigners don't understand (thus foreigners should keep their noses out of Thai business).

'They' can call it what they like - but if other countries call it what it is, Thailand can enjoy being more and more isolated. The rich will get richer and the poor will........well you know.

History has a strange way of repeating itself. People should try and learn from it.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Now tell me, does anyone think the US is a "democracy"? Hmm, dead silence....

The same can be said for most Democracy's if you like to pick the eye's out of it , just be thankful you are not under Chinese or Nth Korea or Syria Democracy and just remember that if you step outside the law in Thailand where there is a Thai involved, you're not going to get far, the Thai will always come first.

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