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Crackdown on Bangkok taxi drivers who refuse to accept passengers


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You know what.. I'm sick of hearing this...Every year or so I hear about a proposed crackdown on Taxi's who refuse customers and Taxi's who refuse to use the meter.. guess what, NOTHING ever happens.

Stop telling me about proposed changes... I'll wait to see it.

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The problem is exacerbated by the habit of passengers opening the front door to tell drivers their destination. This gives drivers the easy option of declining. I don't know why people just don't get in the back and then tell the driver where they want to go ( probably because of fear of being kicked out with menace? ).

Like I did at the airport on Monday - only to get 15 metres down the road before he says, "No meter - 400 baht" (to Sukhumvit). Needless to say I got out.

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I get refused too, that is why i prefer my motorbike or car. Unfortunately that is not always possible.

A few nights ago they tried to refuse me when i said i need the meter. The guy tried it again when i was in the cab i stayed firm but polite and off we went. But it is not rare at aΔΊl to get refused a few times.

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The problem is exacerbated by the habit of passengers opening the front door to tell drivers their destination. This gives drivers the easy option of declining. I don't know why people just don't get in the back and then tell the driver where they want to go ( probably because of fear of being kicked out with menace? ).

This behavior is pervasive and I've always assumed it's because drivers have always had the ability (right?) to refuse a destination (and probably always will, crackdown or no crackdown)

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Getting into a taxi in Bangkok is "hit or miss." You either get a driver who will take you to your destination at the metered price + tip (of your choice) or you get the "driver from hell" - who has a bad attitude, jacks the price up, tells you what the tip should be, refuses to take you to your destination unless you pay him what he wants, etc. This problem sorely needs to be addressed.

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The problem is exacerbated by the habit of passengers opening the front door to tell drivers their destination. This gives drivers the easy option of declining. I don't know why people just don't get in the back and then tell the driver where they want to go ( probably because of fear of being kicked out with menace? ).

Because when you just get in and tell the driver to go, the same driver who would have refused you in the first place is now refusing you after you are inside his cab.

I have had it happen many times while trying to tell the cab driver it is only a 50 to 60 Baht distance and not far way and the traffic is no more backed up than anywhere else he would be going anyhow....but ...nope ...he does not want to go.

All in Thai language and no misunderstanding.

Then I get out of the cab and someone else asks him to go to another destination and he refuses them also.

About 10 percent of the cabbies come with an attitude, so forget them.

Here is some advice also:

If you are in a cab and the driver does get into an accident ....walk away from the accident.

Pay the guy the fare and or more and do not wait for change...just walk away.

Why...because if you do not, the cab driver ( not all, but most ) will blame you for the accident with the following logic that all the other Thai people will agree upon....including the police.

You instructed the cab driver to go to where the accident happened...so therefor it is your fault.


Edited by gemguy
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The problem is exacerbated by the habit of passengers opening the front door to tell drivers their destination. This gives drivers the easy option of declining. I don't know why people just don't get in the back and then tell the driver where they want to go ( probably because of fear of being kicked out with menace? ).

Having been a cab driver where I come from. I tell the cabbie where I'm going or ask him if he knows where I want to go. When he quotes a fare I request the meter. If he refuses to take a metered fare. I look for another cab. Sometimes it take a couple to get what I want.

I prefer to get a metered fare and know how to make a taxi driver smile. Give a great tip. That "encourages" other drivers to follow suit.

Cabbies are are great way to spread information. I know people in politics in Thailand that 'use' cabbies as a social network to spread rumours.

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All you moaners should be transported back 30 years when there were no meters and no air con..each trip had to be price bargained before leaving. I do occasionally get refused by taxi driver but dont see it as a problem. I have come across 2 taxis in the last 20 years who didnt turn on their meters. Both forgot and suggested i pay whatever i thought was reasonable which i did.

Old timer that things were bad before does not make the current problems right. They are breaking the law.
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start revoking licences ..... this should also be done on Samui etc ..impound the taxi or scrap it......that will soon stop them

What? start revoking licences?,,,,,Did you see how many DON"T have a licence? just pick them up send them to jail for one year and sell their vehicle,that will give them something to think about.

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I use a lot of taxis and generally find them OK. I have tried just getting in and pressuring the guy to take me and didn't like the results of that! I had a surly driver jerking the wheel back and forth and jamming on the brakes - resulting in a very unpleasant ride. These days, for anything more than a short hop, I use the smartphone app for Grabtaxi and I love it. Well worth the extra 25 baht. I also am not afraid to call the hotline and report drivers. They actually seem do something - when they answer the phone.

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Make the fine 10.000 or even more so it really hurts and perhaps will make them think twice. While they are at it, could they please introduce "Map Reading 101" as a lot of them have absolutely no clue of reading a map nor knowing where to go except for the most common places.

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Last week it took me three tries the get a taxi from Mor Chit bus terminal and this was at 5am so traffic to my destination would not have been a problem for the driver. Though I must say I rarely have any issues about the meter any where in Krung Thep.

I must have been lucky as I had trouble at Mor Chit only once (I used to travel through their twice a month). I was front of the taxi queue and the driver didn't want to take me so the dispatcher forced him out without taking being able to take any customers. My good luck that there was a responsible dispatcher handling the customers.

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Crackdown on Bangkok taxi drivers who refuse to accept passengers

Clampdown on taxi drivers who refuse to accept passengers

To crack, or to clamp, that is the question, though a question more at home in a hospital's operating room in my opinion. I do hope they will figure out whether to crack or clamp those taxi drivers, because if they do refuse passengers, they deserve a proper cracking/clamping. Just make sure you don't crack the ones up for a clamping and vice versa, as this could cause a legal backlash resulting in a crackdown or clampdown on the Land Transport Department. tongue.png

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Too many people above can't read correctly. It said the drivers often refuse Thai passengers in favor of Foreigners. There's never been much problem with getting a taxi as a foreigner because foreigners give tips and don't always insist on using the meter. But Thais correctly insist on using the meter and rarely tip so they get rejected by drivers.

The ongoing clampdown is hitting all the right spots.

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plainclothes military and land transport officials will be deployed at eight β€œhigh-risk’’ points

Whats the logic to have plainclothes officials performing the checks if they announce in advance where the checks take place?

Oh I forgot, that's probably adopted from the well established arrest procedure.

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start revoking licences ..... this should also be done on Samui etc ..impound the taxi or scrap it......that will soon stop them

"...impound the taxi or scrap it..."

Doesn't there need to be a law on the statute books to empower the police to do that?

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"The cabbies, he added, must use meters and must not refuse to accept Thai passengers or they will face stern action from the authorities."

So it's ok to reject non-Thai passengers? Got to say prejudice isn't hidden from sight in the LOS

I actually do think cabbies should have a choice in whether or not to accept a fare, but this policy is clearly borne out of paranoia. The perseption being foreigners are never turned down and accept the metre not being used.

It is quite the opposite from what you say about prejudice towards foreigners. The reason they talk about rejection of Thai passengers is because...quote from above.....

"Most of the complaints against taxi drivers deal with their use of rude language with passengers and rejecting passengers in favour of foreign passengers".

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The problem is exacerbated by the habit of passengers opening the front door to tell drivers their destination. This gives drivers the easy option of declining. I don't know why people just don't get in the back and then tell the driver where they want to go ( probably because of fear of being kicked out with menace? ).

Or hacked to death with a machete.

I am in no way condoning what you are referring to but that's only been reported once, when a passenger disputed the metered fare on arrival at the destination and threw a coffee cup in the driver's face. As you know.

Why try to scaremonger?

Edited by Zeegator
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