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Perfect Thai Girl


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Ive been on this forum for about 6 months now and i always reading topic about posting bad things about there wifes/fiancee/TG. Topics like :She eats like a animal, she spends all my money, she doesnt spend my money and shes cheap, she stole my money, she cooks sh1t food, her inlaw's are from hel_l etc etc.

I mean my Thai Fiancee I think is perfect, or very close.

She spends her money on heaps of stuff

She bring me surprise presents eg a polo shirt etc (not fake)

Loves to cook me meals and even more satisfied when I like the meal.

She loves watching Boxing with me

She loves the footy and even has her own favourite team.

She cooks Thai and Aussie food great.

She has more money then me :o

Bed, well lets not get into detail but she is clearly the best ive ever had and i been with quiet a few in my younger days, plus she wants it more then me.

She lets me go out with the boys to get pissed and doesnt complain.

When we go clubbing she lets me try picking up other girls on the dance floor (i have abit of an ego) and she gives me a challenge but Im not allowe3d to touch them, only tease.

She probaly has more brains then me (and we all know that im an einstine)

She has looks that can kill, turns heads, with a great body, with a GREAT personality.

Only fault is that she buys too many shoes/clothes.

Anyone else have a great Thai gf/fiancee/wife??

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People like to complain... Acts as a pressure valve..

My first wife was the best woman I ever met, confident, smart, sexy, capable and caring etc.. RIP.

Current girl is a good girl.. Can be a bit of a ditz sometimes and not as worldly wise but still good personality looks and fun.. Takes care of me 100% and got me over some tough times.

No point staying in a bad relationship.. Plenty of great girls out there.

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Donz it certainly sounds like you have a winner!

I think it all boils down to what suits your tastes. I absolutely adore my wife, for the following reasons:

She gets really excited about buying 50 baht t-shirts and is always looking for a bargain.

She makes me laugh non stop.

She is a good cook and likes to cook what I enjoy.

She doesn't judge friends of mine who are doing their best to lay waste to Thailand and their livers.

She doesn't ask me for money for her parents, and is extreemely grateful when I offer some, often coming up with an option that is cheaper than what I offered.

I find her unbelievably attractive.

She lets me go where I want when I want knowing that I will always come home.

With the footy, she admitted that it bored her, so suggested that I go to the pub with my mates and she would stay in and watch a movie.

She came into my regular go go bar on cowboy and gave two of the dancers there who have been my friends for well over 3 years invites to our wedding!

She can be as lazy as me, so we are comfortable slobbing out together.

She doesn't put up wth any nonsense from me.

She supports me in whatever I do.

She doesn't whine about how poor we are, or comment on other people who have more money.

Basically, like you I have found a perfect mate. She's fun, attractive, loving and loyal. What more could a man ask for?

I wish you a long and happy time together in the future.

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thanks tourleadersi,

Im glad your relationship is going well also, its also sounds like its going strong.

I forgot to mention the future inlaws love me and always buys me nice gifts when i visit.

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I met my thai bride while studying at the same university in the US

I don’t know what is the definition of the word “PERFECT”

But all I know is…..

We can talk all night till one of us falls asleep

She tells me things about her that she tells no one else

The times we spend together seem so natural

Of course….we also often arque and fight……laugh and cry together

When I’m away…. I just closed my eyes and I see her

She loves who I am, which I don't exactly know what she means when she says it

We valued our relationship…. not as husband & wife, or male & female…..but as the best of friends to each other

I guess…. I’m still in love with my bride after all these 20 yrs! And I hope when the time comes calling we will be able to go together…….I definitely can not live without her! :o:D

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I have to say that mine isn't a girl... she's a lady. She's 40 years old and a dream come true. Initially in our relationship, she invested more of her money and heart than I did. I had heard all of those woe stories and thought she was doing the same. I sent $500 a month to get her home. After the 3rd month, she was asking for more money after 2 weeks. I thought she was scamming, it turned out that she was building our dream home, but wanted to surprise me. She sold all that she had and went into debt to build the 1st phase. I was so shocked when I returned to Thailand and she tracked me down.

She bends over backwards to take care of me, she cooks, cleans, works, saves, plans, and she never tells me no when it comes to sex or something else that I want. She's bought us a new pick up truck... She's the best thing that ever happened to me and I make sure that she knows it each and everyday. When I get home, she breaks out the bank book and reciepts and shows me every penny that came in from our businesses and investments and what's she does with it all. Our account is bigger than any one that I've ever had alone. I send her 75,000 to 80,000 Bht each month and she saves every baht; very rarely has she ever dipped into that account and when she has, reciepts, reciepts, reciepts.

There are some special ladies in Thailand, I hope and pray that each of us can find our own special one. I know that I have.

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Its good to hear there are more people with great relationships, I was thinking over the months i been here that everyone hates there wifes/gf etc, which i was thinking why be with her then.

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As in the news..Bad makes more of a headline then good :o

Life has made a very interesting turn when I met my wife on a bus in Thailand on Oct 28th 2000 and 6:30 p.m.

As I have told others. She was the best thing to happen to me. Perfect no but what is. With her it is close. And we have a beatiful baby girl and one on the way. They say Sept 9th for the next but I will let you stay tuned on that.


Perfect for me :D

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my thai wife is the perfect woman for me.

she is independent, works hard and is very intelligent

she is quiet, considered and speaks the truth (she isn't afraid to slam thailand if its called for) and i respect her enormously for that.

she is feminine, beautiful and has an amazing body

like donz's mrs, she also enjoys the boxing now (and she translates thai boxing magazine Muay Lok for me every Thursday)

she watches the footy and comes out with on-the-button analysis. she knows who the good players and teams are.

her family are superb. her dad is a war hero and treats me like a son. her mum is as hard as nails but has a soft centre when you get to know her.

my wife is five months pregnant now with a son and i know i could never find a better woman to have a child with. i'm a very lucky man to have found her.

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Well done Donz for starting a thread that gives everyone a chance to be postitive. I agree there you read an awful lot of bad stuff about Thai people on this forum. Like most of the others posting here, my wife is everything in my life and is an absolutely remarkable woman. She is a fantastic mother to our beautiful daughter and the best wife I could possibly hope for. We live in the UK and she has adapted to life here incredibly well. I could list all the things I love about her, but they have all been listed already. I think it is great to go into your wedding being aware of all the "negative" outcomes that others talk about, but only you will know your fiance' and it seems you are making a rational choice and have your head switched on. Nothing in life is guarenteed, but I reckon for every horror story there is more than one success.

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It is a nice change to read about positive relationships when the other half is Thai. I have had my ear bent on several times from friends moaning, she does this, she does that! Its good to go into the relationship being aware of the horror stories, but also going into the relationship understanding each others cultures is important too.

I have a friend who has a Thai wife, but neither of them are making any effort to understand each others languages, so they have this barrier and he wonders why he is miserable!

Just a shout for us English gals as well! We can make pretty ###### good wives as well! I like football and me and my boyf always watch it together. I let him go out with his mates and do anything he likes! We have a great relationship and we have had comments from people saying 'I wish I had what you have!'

Its a very equal relationship mine, and I think thats the secret to most relationships.

With the buying shoes thing, that is very normal in all females in all countries. I think its in our genetic make-up! :o

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If it helps... I'm not in love with my wife's Thai-ness, I'm in love with her. She's the woman that she is. If she would have been English, American, African, Chinese or even Iraqi, I would love her just the same. I didn't fall in love with her nationality, I fell in love with her. There are positives and negatives about all nationalities, Eastern and Western. I believe that most of here have fallen love with their hearts and for me, the rest of my wife's attributes are benefits.

It is a nice change to read about positive relationships when the other half is Thai. I have had my ear bent on several times from friends moaning, she does this, she does that! Its good to go into the relationship being aware of the horror stories, but also going into the relationship understanding each others cultures is important too.

I have a friend who has a Thai wife, but neither of them are making any effort to understand each others languages, so they have this barrier and he wonders why he is miserable!

Just a shout for us English gals as well! We can make pretty ###### good wives as well! I like football and me and my boyf always watch it together. I let him go out with his mates and do anything he likes! We have a great relationship and we have had comments from people saying 'I wish I had what you have!'

Its a very equal relationship mine, and I think thats the secret to most relationships.

With the buying shoes thing, that is very normal in all females in all countries. I think its in our genetic make-up! :o

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WOW!! What a lucky guy, with such a dreamboat wife. If I were a cynic I'd accuse you of being a troll in reverse. I didn't think there were two Thailands in the same universe, but there must be, since I don't live in the same one you do. It is quite amazing that your lady has more money thn you do. Any Thai lady I know, who has sufficient money & is higher on the social scale, wouldn't touch a Farang with a 10 foot pole. But, of course there are exceptions. What is the age difference between you two, might i ask? I presume you are one young & handsome guy to land such a catch.

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The negative just had to come out... a positive thread just can't be maintained. To whom were you referring? I mean, exactly which one of us was it that has a story that is simply too good to be true based on your personal experience? I'm sure that we are all sitting on the edge of our seats waiting to hear about our bad experience and how bad thailand is and how unbelievable we are.... well...?

WOW!! What a lucky guy, with such a dreamboat wife. If I were a cynic I'd accuse you of being a troll in reverse. I didn't think there were two Thailands in the same universe, but there must be, since I don't live in the same one you do. It is quite amazing that your lady has more money thn you do. Any Thai lady I know, who has sufficient money & is higher on the social scale, wouldn't touch a Farang with a 10 foot pole. But, of course there are exceptions. What is the age difference between you two, might i ask? I presume you are one young & handsome guy to land such a catch.
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The negative just had to come out... a positive thread just can't be maintained. To whom were you referring? I mean, exactly which one of us was it that has a story that is simply too good to be true based on your personal experience? I'm sure that we are all sitting on the edge of our seats waiting to hear about our bad experience and how bad thailand is and how unbelievable we are.... well...?

WOW!! What a lucky guy, with such a dreamboat wife. If I were a cynic I'd accuse you of being a troll in reverse. I didn't think there were two Thailands in the same universe, but there must be, since I don't live in the same one you do. It is quite amazing that your lady has more money thn you do. Any Thai lady I know, who has sufficient money & is higher on the social scale, wouldn't touch a Farang with a 10 foot pole. But, of course there are exceptions. What is the age difference between you two, might i ask? I presume you are one young & handsome guy to land such a catch.

Sorry to rain on your parade. I just state my experiences here as I find them. They are my reality and I have been accused of "trolling", which is not true. My many negative posts can be found elsewhere on this forum, so I won't trouble you any further with them here. It is fine to post everyones experiences good and bad, so we all may able to benefit by such information.

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I've seen many of your posts and know that you have had many bad experiences, at least from your point of view. This thread while sympathetic wasn't going along those lines or looking to go along those lines. It was nice to be in a thread where it was upbeat, it doesn't happen often.

You might want to start a thread that leans towards the Oh Woe is me! and I've been poo poo'd on my Thai ladies thread... I'm sure you could get a long string to follow suit.

I don't mean to sound unsympathetic, but do we always have to infuse all threads with the negative?

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If it helps... I'm not in love with my wife's Thai-ness, I'm in love with her.

Same here mate although because of her Thai-ness it took a couple of years before we really understood eachother :o

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If it helps... I'm not in love with my wife's Thai-ness, I'm in love with her. She's the woman that she is. If she would have been English, American, African, Chinese or even Iraqi, I would love her just the same. I didn't fall in love with her nationality, I fell in love with her. There are positives and negatives about all nationalities, Eastern and Western. I believe that most of here have fallen love with their hearts and for me, the rest of my wife's attributes are benefits.

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to suggest that anyone fell in love with their ladies because they are Thai. Anyone who did though, I wouldn't blame you as I can see the attraction as I spend alot of time tanning myself, trying to look exotic! But, before anyone says anything, there is more to looks and other reasons for you all to fall for your ladies.

Its nice to have positive threads on this subject as on other websites, you very rarely read something like this.

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I would hazard a guess that many guys have bad experiences because they are looking in the wrong places or looking for the wrong type of girl.

I have had a bad experience but I didnt let it deter me...after re-evaluating what I wanted and a few false starts, I am now very happy with the lady I have found.

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Hi Luna, I didn't mean for it to sound like I took offense, I was trying to relate to you, I'm sure that there are many many wonderful English gals. That's why I said that we didn't fall in love with the Thai-ness, we fell for the heart. She could have been anybody any nationality. I didn't want you to feel that we excluded any nationality, at least I didn't. I fell for the lady inside, and was blessed by recieving the extra qualities that she has as well.

If it helps... I'm not in love with my wife's Thai-ness, I'm in love with her. She's the woman that she is. If she would have been English, American, African, Chinese or even Iraqi, I would love her just the same. I didn't fall in love with her nationality, I fell in love with her. There are positives and negatives about all nationalities, Eastern and Western. I believe that most of here have fallen love with their hearts and for me, the rest of my wife's attributes are benefits.

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to suggest that anyone fell in love with their ladies because they are Thai. Anyone who did though, I wouldn't blame you as I can see the attraction as I spend alot of time tanning myself, trying to look exotic! But, before anyone says anything, there is more to looks and other reasons for you all to fall for your ladies.

Its nice to have positive threads on this subject as on other websites, you very rarely read something like this.

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Hi Luna, I didn't mean for it to sound like I took offense, I was trying to relate to you, I'm sure that there are many many wonderful English gals. That's why I said that we didn't fall in love with the Thai-ness, we fell for the heart. She could have been anybody any nationality. I didn't want you to feel that we excluded any nationality, at least I didn't. I fell for the lady inside, and was blessed by recieving the extra qualities that she has as well.

no probs! I'm just being extra careful until I understand people on here, don't want to cause any waves!

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Rest easy and welcome to the forum. Most of us are pretty easy going. I wouldn't worry too much. You'll come to know the trolls. Say what you think and roll with the flow. The mods are fair and for the most part, everyone has a great sense of humor and many are wise beyond their years. Though I'd never tell any of them that... the egos.... Oh my gosh the egos, TV would never be the same again.

Once again, welcome aboard!

Hi Luna, I didn't mean for it to sound like I took offense, I was trying to relate to you, I'm sure that there are many many wonderful English gals. That's why I said that we didn't fall in love with the Thai-ness, we fell for the heart. She could have been anybody any nationality. I didn't want you to feel that we excluded any nationality, at least I didn't. I fell for the lady inside, and was blessed by recieving the extra qualities that she has as well.

no probs! I'm just being extra careful until I understand people on here, don't want to cause any waves!

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Cheers to the OP for this one. Many times I had found myself defending Thai women on this forum. My GF was nothing like the horror stories others were telling, or was she??? :o Maybe all the negatives were true. Maybe she was a master thief, an evil little ...... NAAAAHHHHH. She really was as honestly sweet and kind as anyone I had every met. And her family and friends took me in to their circle day 1. I couldn't be happier :D

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