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American beaten by Ladyboy in Central Pattaya

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Americans are well known for being extremely loud and obnoxious but not all. This guy may have been the out of the ordinary.

Another crock from a know it all who has probably never been to the states.

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In all the years I've been coming to LOS, the only times I had any issues were from Katooeys.

If they bother you, be firm and serious while saying you do not attract me. Then walk on. Don't be insulting. They will leave you alone. Using profanity or being rude will get you thumped, as it should be.

This dude just learned the lesson the hard way. Too bad, dumbass!


It's absolutely amazing how many are pretty much blaming the victim of a physical attack,, by a type of person, that NUMEROUS times, have been posted about of this forum over and over,, as ALWAYS being the aggressor,, Please show me a post on here along the lines of, "American tourist, attacks ladyboy for no reason", "Russian tourist pick-pockets ladyboy",,,, "German tourist blamed in ladyboy neckless theft"...... LOLOLOLOL...... I agree, simply smile, No, keep moving,, but that's in the, "normal" tourist laden areas of Sukhumvit in BKK,,, NONE of us were there, and KNOW the story,,, I've seen them in the, "seedier" areas,, get down right PHYSICALLY abusive for VERY little cause,, Sometimes it's only that someone just doesn't acknowledge them,,, BIG FREAKING DEAL!,, So I don't want a SINGLE thing to do with you,, BUT!,, I'm, "required" to smile, acknowledge you, treat you politely, give you and your buddies a chance to get closer, grab, fondle, pick pockets?... REALLY?,,,,, SOOO sorry I wasn't aware I was, "REQUIRED" to treat you differently, than say and Indian tailor, street vendor, etc, etc,,, HEAVEN FORBID if I get aggressive with you because you WON'T BACK OFF!.., I'm not ALLOWED to voice my displeasure, and cause a chick with a dick, to POSSIBLY lose, "face",,,, SOOO sorry,, I wasn't aware,,, From the gist of the responses here,,, (cow down, don't offend, treat this thief with respect, any deviation from these can get your arse kicked,,) I'd bet the ladyboys in question, have bigger balls than most posting here,,, lololol

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If one enters potentially dangerous areas, one should be prepared, more cautious and sensitive... Bet to 50% it's his own fault as he most likely insulted the LB with f words and worse. Being manhandled by a "lady" surely is a new experience for him, the great invincible American man - great! What a whimp!!!

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Maybe if he had simply politely declined the offer, smiled and walked away this wouldn't have happened. It seems he tried to give it the big I am and ended up losing to a ladyboy. Must make him very proud whistling.gif

You are probably right. But sometimes getting away from these people is tough! Some are quite big....

You're both right.

Funny or sad thing, whichever way you want to look at it, I'm laughing.

Maybe I just been here to long.

Guy must be beside himself.

Got beat up by a 'girl'........ clap2.gif

And he even started it from the sounds of it ??????


Yea.. another moralious from the bible belt.laugh.png

Why are Bible Belt people in Pattaya?

People are born transgender,...transphobia is taught.

While in Thailand,...Smile.


Americans are well known for being extremely loud and obnoxious but not all. This guy may have been the out of the ordinary.

Yeah. Maybe the dingo tried to eat his baby.


They are very aggressive and very obnoxious.

Balderdash. I have know countless ladyboys over the decades who were great people. The difference is that I didn't meet them in bars but in the normal course of everyday life. And on the rare occasion I find myself walking past a hostess bar of one persuasion or another, I know better than to get into a verbal altercation with the folks working there. The American did not deserve to be beaten, but someone needs to give him some worldly education.

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Just spent a week 100 meters from this bar. Walked by every day.

Who could get angry?

They're just trying to make a living.

Every night, the massage girls downstairs gave me a quick grope on my way up to the room.

My wife didn't even mind.

Like most of Thailand, Pattaya is practically a ghost town now, and everybody's looking for business.


I bet tourism would go up if there were no ladyboys.

Ladyboys give Thailand a bad image to the rest of the world.

You really think so? I think that is the least of ppl's thoughts as new travelers would just look at them out of curiosity then go on with their business.

Most lady-boys are a good laugh. And he probable didn't know how to handle the situation so become angry too quick.But even if I was in the same situation and judged it all wrong i would still put him (the lady-boy) on his arse the moment one foot left the ground to attach a weapon (stiletto) to his hand.Knowing it was coming for my head.

Still the lady boy in my opinion was wrong,and he should understand many people around the world don't understand his behavior.And tourist don't always know where they are or what to expect from an area.And only a few bars there are lady-boy bars anyway.Unless people really believe he came there just to hit a lady-boy.He was a molested sexually against his will on a night out by a bloke wanting to sook his cook.Most blokes I know (out side Thailand)would have hospitalized the lady boy.Or worse.

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Can we hire 100 lady boys to rent jet skis with us? That would solve that scam. Pissed off lady boys and Mafia drugged scum bags fight to the finish. YouTube number one!


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I bet tourism would go up if there were no ladyboys.

Ladyboys give Thailand a bad image to the rest of the world.

Wrong ! Thats sounds a bit parochial. Tourists has so many options i Thailand, where You woudn't even be close to a ladyboy. As they say "Up to You"


One of the first things I learned is that you never try treat ladyboys different. Don't react strongly to them like you think they are a freak or whatever. It tends to set them off quite easily. I think they want to think that you don't know they are a guy. If you make them think that they don't seem to get pissed at you.


As a matter of fact, there is a code of conduct even in Pattaya.

You just don't walk down Soi Buakao and offend the ladyboys (or the ladies). Why would you do that?


Maybe if he had simply politely declined the offer, smiled and walked away this wouldn't have happened. It seems he tried to give it the big I am and ended up losing to a ladyboy. Must make him very proud whistling.gif

Clearly you are into ladyboys to come up with such an absurd crack. With many of them politely declining just gives them encouragement and prolongs the encounter. They are aggressive and violent- many looking for trouble. A crackdown would be a great idea. I'm certain that you will look out for your own little darlings. giggle.gif

What a load of rubbish!!

In 10 years living in Thailand I have never had a problem with a ladyboy. If I am approached I smile and say "No Thanks". To accuse the poster of being into ladyboys just because he says better to smile and be polite shows that you have a lot of personality problems of your own that need looking at!



Well, I think it would have been better if he instead said No thank´s, with a smile and walked away, insted of starting to yell and make a scene. But maybe he learned something from his encounter. If you are such a homophobic person, Pattaya isn´t the best place to spend a vacation in...


Why do you have to be "in to Ladyboys" just because you don´t think that the American was the victim. If someone would start to insult and yell at me I probably would have punched him to...

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