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Thai Met Department information or LACK OF IT


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The Department presents a graphic statistical record of each provinces weather averages

The question is WHY are the average records displayed in the 30 year chart dated from 1961 to 1960

Three times I have emailed the webmaster on 3 occasions, and have not even received the courtesy of a response

What use is the information that has not been updated for 24 years??

As a new farmer I am interested in weather patterns for forward planning.

Is there an effect of Global Warming in Thailand??

It is not good enough really.

The experienced locals just fly by the seat of their pants,and forecast by looking out the window.

For an agricultural country, I feel that is not good enough. Comment please

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Over the years, I have seen the weather vary a great deal from year to year. A 30 year average would be near worthless for planning crops. In addition, I get drastically different amounts of rainfall from 30 Km away. I recommend having a good supply of water for irrigation. Look at what grows in you area and go from there.

Specifically what are you trying to plan for?

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You will probably find that it is the last 30 years statistics and the Met office have not changed the title bar.

I live in Khampaeng Phet province and the only weather station seems to be in the city 65km away.

Hoprefully I will buy my own weather station in December and send the data to the Met office and also Weather Underground.

I am looking at 3 so far and the most expensive is around 12,500 thb plus postage.

Complete Weather Station WMR88.doc

Complete Weather Station Irox Pro X2.doc

Complete Weather Station WS2350.doc

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Sure this is Thailand The MET SERVICE has a system, so why not use it.

From my perspective the figures for this area are well out of kilter

For the last 3 years I have been here rainfall has increased from the 30 year average. Nationally it would probably be fair to say the number and magnitude of floods has increased. This year the rainy season started 5 weeks late,and it appears to be more short lived than usual

Cropping is a seroius business, plant to early and young plants get washed away. Plant to late maturing fruits get COOKED by excessive heat.

Next the temperatures have increased similarly.My Hygrometer gives me average

minimum and maximum temps in real time, and also humidity.My baromoter is helpful for predicting also.

The information I seek is that of trending in fluctuations.

I do not intend to start a Global Warming debate, If you want that informaation GOOGLE Mt Ken Ring

He has it sussed.Thailand has NO OPINION it seems. Any body home??!!

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I have a rain guage and have been recording rainfall data for over 9 years which gives me a fair idea of where the dry spells will be in the months.

But that is only good for my location.

Ask your local people,that look out the window has been happening for centuries.

You cannot rely on forecasts here,yesterday i was forecast to get 2mm but i got 28mm.

This year is well below average for rainfall.(in my area)thumbsup.gif .

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