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can a Thai get dinged for accepting too much money in Paypal account ?

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Paypal account is in a Thai name / address ./ Id card , same name etc as Ebay account

will they get in any trouble if they accept too much $$$ into the Paypal account ?

it is not that much by western standards , lets say $10,000 US in a year

Will Paypal shut it down , restrict it etc ?

We would like to try and sell higher priced items , but if that works we could hit $1000 a month,

And we all know how Paypal seems to run by its own rules and freeze your account for breaking rules you were never told about !

thanks for your ideas

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At only a grand a month I would doubt it, but don't leave lots in the account, withdraw on a regular basis.

As you say PayPal can be a law unto themselves so minimise the risk of having loads of cash locked up..

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I can answer specifically for what you have asked, I have a lot of experience with them as a high volume in user and business in the past. I guess PM me if you wanna talk details.

However your should read their policy first, and investigate the finance ministries directives on the matter.

But if you are keeping records for the transfers and you can show legitimacy I doubt there will problems

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

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Paypal accounts can get automatically flagged and restricted if there is a sudden surge in payments. It can also get flagged if you sell certain high risk items. Also, every country has it's own anti money laundering laws - when you exceed a certain amount in total, you will be asked to provide proof of id and address. The problem in Thailand is that proof of addresses are usually in Thai and they do not accept them - they have to be in english - so once your account is restricted, it can be impossible to get the restriction removed. If you sell high risk items, you will also be asked to provide proof of where you got your stock, and others have found it impossible to get the required proof.

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