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start working without work permit

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I'm on a tourist visa but I would like to work in Thailand, I got an interview and the company is ready to process to make a business visa and work permit but they want me to start now.

If I start working without work permit for let say a month and then get my work permit, once I got it could I still be in trouble if someone inform the police that I started without it?

And if ever I'm not satisfy by the company and want to leave could they blackmail me because I didn't have the WP?

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I think people shouldn't do it but I also know that people need to work when they find a job.

The schools / various employers who employ foreigners need to be forced to comply with the regulations. That promise of a work permit might never come to fruition.

The risk should never be placed on the employee, however the system is stacked against the employee at the moment especially when offers to 'start tomorrow' are presented.

In an ideal world you would apply for a job, pop down to the local office and collect a work permit to start within a few days or maybe a week at most. How often does that happen ?

Edit : I wouldn't be surprised if some of these job offers are entrapments so arrests can be made and bribes collected.

Edited by ukrules
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@ Lemon40.

It is not a nice position to be in for sure. IMHO, it is not worth it to even entertain working on a tourist visa if it is your intention to remain in Thailand for any length of time.

My advice would be to not sign any contract until:

a/ The paperwork has been compiled by the company and the Non-B visa issued.

b/ The paperwork has been submitted and receipt received for the work permit application (which you will likely need for your non-B anyway).

Make this clear to the company that wants to employ you. If they need you that badly, they will get their fingers out and take steps to make it legal. If they still make excuses, then they probably never planned to get the work permit in the first place.

Too many of these companies rely on the excuse that this is a time consuming exercise, it is not!

The big thing, especially at the minute, is that you get the correct visa.

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Most people here start on a tourist visa, not uncommon here. Once you've got a contract and the educational area XXX of that school is informed, you won't have any problems.

Start to work, let them get the documents in order, then leave to Laos for a Non-B visa, come back on a 90 day visa. That gives you enough time to apply for a provisional teacher's license.

I'm living here for 12 years, teaching for 10 and I've never ever heard of somebody having troubles starting to work on a tourist visa.

But the bar stool stories might differ.....facepalm.gif

P.S. If you start to work for a company, doing something else, I'd want my documents to obtain a work permit first, then change my visa status.

Edited by lostinisaan
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Thanks for all of your answers but still my question is once I got the work permit am I still in danger because I started without it?

Once you've got your work permit, you'll also change your visa status. No problem what was before, once you've got your work permit.

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In the past it has been very common to start a job while the paper work for the WP was being filed.

In many cases the employer would require a 1 year "probation" period before even starting the process to obtain the WP.

With recent talk of the Immigration Dept. ( not the Labor Dept???) investigating farangs who may be working with a WP, this will probably change.

The employer could be fined if a violation is discovered, but the employee could be fined and possibly deported and blacklisted as well!

I would be very careful!

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@ Lemon40.

It is not a nice position to be in for sure. IMHO, it is not worth it to even entertain working on a tourist visa if it is your intention to remain in Thailand for any length of time.

My advice would be to not sign any contract until:

a/ The paperwork has been compiled by the company and the Non-B visa issued.

b/ The paperwork has been submitted and receipt received for the work permit application (which you will likely need for your non-B anyway).

Make this clear to the company that wants to employ you. If they need you that badly, they will get their fingers out and take steps to make it legal. If they still make excuses, then they probably never planned to get the work permit in the first place.

Too many of these companies rely on the excuse that this is a time consuming exercise, it is not!

The big thing, especially at the minute, is that you get the correct visa.


Note to that some TOURIST visas state clearly , "Work is not allowed" or maybe "Employment Prohibited" on them.

That is because you are not supposed to work on a tourist visa.

That is why they should give you paperwork with which you leave country and get a 90 day Non O or Non B and you apply for the working permit and get that receipt for the application from the Labor department to cover yourself until the work permit is finished.

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Thanks for all of your answers but still my question is once I got the work permit am I still in danger because I started without it?

Just don't piss anyone off.

It is common to start teaching with no WP but if they do not start the process right away. Run. Some schools will drag their feet to make sure they like you. It does not take long. If they make excuses. Run.

Non teaching jobs I do not know the norm.

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In the past it has been very common to start a job while the paper work for the WP was being filed.

In many cases the employer would require a 1 year "probation" period before even starting the process to obtain the WP.

With recent talk of the Immigration Dept. ( not the Labor Dept???) investigating farangs who may be working with a WP, this will probably change.

The employer could be fined if a violation is discovered, but the employee could be fined and possibly deported and blacklisted as well!

I would be very careful!

I year probation? No, that has never been common. Maybe you mean 1 month?

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Working without a WP is agianst the law.

But labour will normally not make much problems if people have applied for the work permit and start working while the application is till being processed.

What would the piece of paper be that would verify that a WP application has been made? What's the name for the document, or code?

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A WP3 form normally signafies that.

It is a half A4 format form, not the WP3 form you can download from the labour office site.


I agree it is illegal to work without a WP, however I think that having a WP under consideration would be substantial compliance if the worker's visa allows employment. Tourist visas and retirement extensions/visas are "Employment Prohibited."

This half A4 format form. Who issues it? Is there a link to an image of one we can see?

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@ Lemon40.

It is not a nice position to be in for sure. IMHO, it is not worth it to even entertain working on a tourist visa if it is your intention to remain in Thailand for any length of time.

My advice would be to not sign any contract until:

a/ The paperwork has been compiled by the company and the Non-B visa issued.

b/ The paperwork has been submitted and receipt received for the work permit application (which you will likely need for your non-B anyway).

Make this clear to the company that wants to employ you. If they need you that badly, they will get their fingers out and take steps to make it legal. If they still make excuses, then they probably never planned to get the work permit in the first place.

Too many of these companies rely on the excuse that this is a time consuming exercise, it is not!

The big thing, especially at the minute, is that you get the correct visa.


Note to that some TOURIST visas state clearly , "Work is not allowed" or maybe "Employment Prohibited" on them.

That is because you are not supposed to work on a tourist visa.

That is why they should give you paperwork with which you leave country and get a 90 day Non O or Non B and you apply for the working permit and get that receipt for the application from the Labor department to cover yourself until the work permit is finished.

Yep, I think all Tourist visas clearly state working is not permitted. Main reason for a/ above in my last post.

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Maybe you can open another topic, would be very nice to come back on my topic.

lemon40, I think mario2008 answered your question.
You also need to be here working on the correct visa, one that allows for employment. I was asking about the WP3 reciept from the Labor department because you may need that to get a Non-imm "B" visa that does allow employment. I'm not sure.
"It's not for teaching. Once I got the work permit am I still in danger? or if I start and leave shortly after?"
Look at it this way, if you leave your job before the WP and visa are ready you will no longer be working. How are they going to catch you working if you are not?
Likewise, they can't catch you for working without a WP if you already have one. It would be extremely unusual if they would charge you, knowing full well that you have a valid WP, for having worked previously without a WP for a short period for the same employer. Technically they could but in Thailand the rules are seldom interpreted so strictly.
If it ever went to court I think a Thai judge would toss it out, and complain to the police that his time was being wasted.
That's my best answer.
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Thanks for all of your answers but still my question is once I got the work permit am I still in danger because I started without it?

It is highly unlikely. It would be to no advantage for the company to report you as they would be admitting to employing you without the correct documentation. If someone is threatening you with disclosure, that is another matter, but 9 out of 10 times threats like this are hot air.

What I would be concerned about is working on a tourist visa, especially with the clampdown that is going on at the moment.

Edit: As it is a non-educational job (your post #5) if the labour department decide to check the premises you will be working at, they will likely come down harder on yourself & the company employing.

Edited by chrisinth
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