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Here's one for you ...

Define 'Living in Thailand'

It's probably many things to many people.

Is it defined as ...

I've sold up in the West and I'm 'all in' in Thailand and live here ... but I rent.

I own a home in both places, the West and Thailand and split my time between the two.

I still have a place in the West, but my passport says I spend more time in Thailand then in the West (that's how most Governments define your place of domicile).

An 'off-shore' oil worker, who has a month on month off (or similar) and takes 5 of those months back into Thailand where he has a condo, but takes one of those months and heads back to the West

Not limiting it to the above choices, how do you define 'Living in Thailand' ?


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how do you define 'Living in Thailand' ?

i will tell you my definition after receiving your answer on my question "how do you define ambient temperature in Thailand?"

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Depending entirely on which of the 3 seasons you are in in Thailand, the definition would probably be Hot, Hotter and Hot & Wet...............thumbsup.gif


to fill out the 2555 form for the IRS and classified as living outside the us

You must be out of the us for 330 days/year

having a 1 year non b, o extension

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Hot sticky cheap food I have been lucky to have the same thai lady for the last 10 years and she does not want to live in New Zealand ( neither do I ) I have money in both countries and a home in n.z. that my 95 year old father lives in.

Not sure if I will sell it or rnet it out when the time comes


how do you define 'Living in Thailand' ?

i will tell you my definition after receiving your answer on my question "how do you define ambient temperature in Thailand?"


Any day that doesn't begin with a J.....


Someone living in Thailand full time on a Residential Visa, and goes "home" to visit the family occasionally. I have a Thai wife and son (both duel-citizens), a house in Thailand and Australia. We visit family in Thailand every year on extended visits. However I work in Australia, and that is where we spend most time. I would never say we are "living in Thailand" until it is permanent and formal.


how do you define 'Living in Thailand' ?

i will tell you my definition after receiving your answer on my question "how do you define ambient temperature in Thailand?"


I bet the word "hot" comes into play...


I just realized I have spent more than half my working career working in Thailand. Maybe I'm not living in Thailand but sure am working here. biggrin.png


I just realized I have spent more than half my working career working in Thailand. Maybe I'm not living in Thailand but sure am working here. biggrin.png

Somebody's got to do it old boy & it may as well be you. Think of all the millions your are making.


how do you define 'Living in Thailand' ?

i will tell you my definition after receiving your answer on my question "how do you define ambient temperature in Thailand?"


When somebody wants to send me something in the post . The address

I give them is in Thailand...... That's how I define "living in Thailand"


For many foreigner men, it's having sex with much younger (or prettier) women than they could normally get.

Not sure about foreigner women, but apparently many like massage a lot too.

this was a big bonus, i did ok in my own country,uk,

but would i find a lady as nice as my wife,,,,,,,?????

i dought it,,


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Hot sticky cheap food I have been lucky to have the same thai lady for the last 10 years and she does not want to live in New Zealand ( neither do I ) I have money in both countries and a home in n.z. that my 95 year old father lives in.

Not sure if I will sell it or rnet it out when the time comes

Read this a few times whilst trying to work out what hot sticky cheap food might be, then it hit me, temperature, climate, cost of living and diet.

But, I am with you, and good luck against the Aussies tomorrow!!thumbsup.gif


my definition is the same as in the old world: wake up- going to work- coming home to my family- drink a beer- read and write crap on TV- chat with wifey- play with the dogs- love my days off- do gardening,eating and drinking and define this as life....and now waiting for my first born.


I would describe living in thailand as 'DANGEROUS"

You have to keep your wits about you.Its dangerous on the roads.The ladies are dangerous,always ready to suck you dry(no pun intended) for the sake of their family.Yes they will love you for(taking care) but thats all.

Posted by a bitter and twisted old man with no where to go!facepalm.gif

My definition of living in Thailand:

I agree with you 100% "DANGEROUS" especially regarding the ladies; I have lived with ladies from different backgrounds Bar Girls, Bank Girls, Girls that work in hotels my Dentist and they are all lovely; but at the end of the day the reality check is they all want your "money honey", and they are all under pressure from their family's - Mum, Dad (if he's about) big sisters and big brothers that don't want to work but stay at home "looking after mum" can put a lot of pressure on younger siblings to get as much money as possible by whatever means possible and it's not only Bar Girls the family's seem to turn a blind eye to the ways money is obtained.

I must say though possibly we created this problem by feeling sorry for them and giving them too muck for many years, like most humans the more you get the more you want.

As you say keep your wits about you, keep a check on your wallet, stay away from the holiday idiots, obey the laws, and you we will be OK and can have a great life for small money.

Posted by another bitter and twisted grumpy middle aged man! BUT when I really think about it I can honestly say I am actually enjoying every minute of my life living in Thailand.

I live Thailand nine months which I now call my home and two/three months in the country where my family live this works well for me and every time I travel I just can't wait to get back to my home in Thailand we are all very fortunate to be able to live and play like we want to.

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I would describe living in thailand as 'DANGEROUS"

You have to keep your wits about you.Its dangerous on the roads.The ladies are dangerous,always ready to suck you dry(no pun intended) for the sake of their family.Yes they will love you for(taking care) but thats all.

Posted by a bitter and twisted old man with no where to go!facepalm.gif

After a life of SSDD in the west, I don't view it as dangerous, more of an adventure where you learn the rules as you go along... Most punters that get fleeced by Thais don't know the game, thus fall for the con and wind up getting stung... The old rule applies, if you are in a card game and haven't figured out who the mark is in the first 5 minutes, guess what...

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