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'Let the poor tap rubber at reclaimed plantations'

Lite Beer

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'Let the poor tap rubber at reclaimed plantations'
The Sunday Nation

BANGKOK: -- With the Army and related agencies looking to reclaim at least 3,000 rai from groups which had encroached on state forest in Phu Phan district in Sakhon Nakhon, officials have suggested that the province should let poor people tap rubber at reclaimed plantations.

Lt-General Jarukiat Chaiwong, who led the Army Region 2 working team to tackle deforestation, said an inspection yesterday of Phu Phan's 402 hill showed that some 5,000 rai were cleared and burned for growing rubber trees. He urged police to arrest the encroachers as soon as possible.

Jarukiat said he had also suggested to province officials an idea from the junta - that, rather than cutting down rubber trees, they could let the poor tap rubber there without having land ownership rights. Provincial police have launched 24 lawsuits over encroachment in Phu Phan forest so far, including 12 cases against people involved at 402 hill.


Sorry, but the whole of the above is completely <deleted>ked up! ....."an idea from the junta - that, rather than cutting down rubber trees, they could let the poor tap rubber there without having land ownership rights..." is also incredibly immoral. Would they be permitted to build homes on such land, and then in future be thrown off, when the trees are not producing, purely because of encroachment themselves. It stinks!!

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They should send bulldozers in there and rip the trees out by the roots. They should let "the poor" harvest the wood. They should then pile the stumps to dry for burning. The ash would fertilize the ground and the forest would return to nature.

In 1988 there was a major forest fire in Yellowstone National Park in the US. Because it is a "wilderness - nature" area it was left to nature after the fire. Even experts were amazed at how quickly it recovered.

Thailand needs fewer, not more rubber tappers and it needs to preserve its natural forests.

What ever they should do is up to them, but please for the love of GOD dont burn it. you then need potasium in the soil and are forced to either start plant potasium fixating plants. Better to plough it gently and then leave it for a year and at the same time plant legumes. and then you can start work a very good soil. BUT PLEASE DONT BURN ...stop the madness

from a Permaculture gardener

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Confiscating farms and letting the poor take them over make this country sound more like Zimbabwe or Pol Pot everyday.

Do these poor actually know how to farm or have any experience cutting the trees? Wasn't the point of confiscating the plantations to protect the national forests and not to give selected people the chance to hack away at trees as they see fit?

This is another example how out of touch the military is with the modern world. Other countries, as they have developed, have sought some kind of welfare for the poor. In Thailand, the elite lecture the poor about "sufficiency economy" and tell them just to be happy with what little you have, you don't deserve anything more.

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Confiscating farms and letting the poor take them over make this country sound more like Zimbabwe or Pol Pot everyday.

Do these poor actually know how to farm or have any experience cutting the trees? Wasn't the point of confiscating the plantations to protect the national forests and not to give selected people the chance to hack away at trees as they see fit?

This is another example how out of touch the military is with the modern world. Other countries, as they have developed, have sought some kind of welfare for the poor. In Thailand, the elite lecture the poor about "sufficiency economy" and tell them just to be happy with what little you have, you don't deserve anything more.

Reclaiming illegaly aquired land and confiscating land are not the same thing. Research Uncle Bob's style of democracy then look at Thai governments for the past ten years and you might start to find some similarities. :rolleyes:

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Let them eat cake.

Rubber prices are 50 Baht per kilo and it costs 50 Baht per kilo to produce.

That is for a sheet, just the khee yang is 25 per kilo.

Last week we got just 22.5, not even worth buying pui at that price.

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