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The Thai name of this structure


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Is that in Japan?

No this is not Japan, this is Koh Pah Ngan (Koh Samui)

Thank you guys for trying to help, but I would like to know the corespondent Thai name to the Eghlish: Shed, Shack, Hut, etc

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Thank you guys for trying to help, but I would like to know the corespondent Thai name to the Eghlish: Shed, Shack, Hut, etc

You've already been told twice, it's a sala (sǎaˑ​laa).

A sala is an open-sided pavillion.

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Thank you guys for trying to help, but I would like to know the corespondent Thai name to the Eghlish: Shed, Shack, Hut, etc

You've already been told twice, it's a sala (sǎaˑ​laa).

A sala is an open-sided pavillion.

Yes, good comment, reminded me that all pavillons are open sided, otherwise they aren't pavillons. (eh?)

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Thank you guys for trying to help, but I would like to know the corespondent Thai name to the Eghlish: Shed, Shack, Hut, etc

You've already been told twice, it's a sala (sǎaˑ​laa).

A sala is an open-sided pavillion.

Yes, good comment, reminded me that all pavillons are open sided, otherwise they aren't pavillons. (eh?)

Not necessarily. Cricket pavillions are usually enclosed.

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Is that in Japan?

No this is not Japan, this is Koh Pah Ngan (Koh Samui)

Thank you guys for trying to help, but I would like to know the corespondent Thai name to the Eghlish: Shed, Shack, Hut, etc

You might add "gazebo" to your list of English synonyms for sala.

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I think there is nothing much better than "sala".

I find lots of occurences of ศาลานวด (sala nuad), massage pavillion.

Picture search for ศาลานวด: http://goo.gl/7aeMrN

One example of a ศาลานวด:

(from http://www.bloggang.com/viewblog.php?id=prittyguide&date=28-11-2012&group=3&gblog=101 )


Edited by KhunBENQ
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Thais might refer to this as ปะรำ , although this often is a temporary structure.[/size]

ปะรำ is always a temporary structure. It's usually translated into English as "marquee".

Dictionary definition: สิ่งปลูกสร้างชั่วคราว มีเสา หลังคาแบนดาดด้วยผ้าหรือใบไม้

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