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Zidane's "header" And Red Card


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To go back on topic is a pleasure. and thanks for keeping the thread open.

Comments in all situations are welcome when they are reasonable but as in Z.Z,s case the guy went over the top and went beyond reason, winding him up beyond what is part and parcel of the game.

This refers to all international players as well as national ones who do this.

In my humble opinion Z.Z is a victim in this incident who chose to stop it going any futher up the insult ladder.

He admits himself he was wrong to do what he did but who with your hand on their heart would not you have done the same.

He did by the way walk away twice but it kept on until he got the desired reaction.

When you think what his last game meant i think a bit more respect was due and had been earned over the years.

Shame on you Matterazi, you haven,t done no one any favours apart from highlighting how out of hand these comments ( called gamesmanship ? ) are getting.

I do not think alledged comes into the equasion either as you admitted insulting him.


Nope, I would have laughed in his faceand tried to get him back later.(Without getting caught) If you react to any insult in the game, then you are not doing your job.You have lost the contest already.The headbutt was a way of telling the Italian gentleman that he had won the verbal jousting. ZZ showed a lack of mental toughness.

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To go back on topic is a pleasure. and thanks for keeping the thread open.

Comments in all situations are welcome when they are reasonable but as in Z.Z,s case the guy went over the top and went beyond reason, winding him up beyond what is part and parcel of the game.

This refers to all international players as well as national ones who do this.

In my humble opinion Z.Z is a victim in this incident who chose to stop it going any futher up the insult ladder.

He admits himself he was wrong to do what he did but who with your hand on their heart would not you have done the same.

He did by the way walk away twice but it kept on until he got the desired reaction.

When you think what his last game meant i think a bit more respect was due and had been earned over the years.

Shame on you Matterazi, you haven,t done no one any favours apart from highlighting how out of hand these comments ( called gamesmanship ? ) are getting.

I do not think alledged comes into the equasion either as you admitted insulting him.


Nope, I would have laughed in his faceand tried to get him back later.(Without getting caught) If you react to any insult in the game, then you are not doing your job.You have lost the contest already.The headbutt was a way of telling the Italian gentleman that he had won the verbal jousting. ZZ showed a lack of mental toughness.



I reckon Z.Z had a quick observation while hesitating and thought he was safe to let Matterazi

know he,d overstepped the mark.

All the old pros do this in off the ball incidents ,but sometimes their judgemnet gets clouded by anger.

What a shame it ended like this my personal thoughts are very sad indeed, for everyone effected by the incident.

marshbags :o

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aaaaaaaaaa - relax, mate. There are far more offensive people on this board than the WC manipulator of scores, aka Chonabot.

Exactly. Like those who call others a$$holes and jerks and then ride their two-legged horse to the mods when they get some back. :o

Zizou was spot-on with his retaliation on the Spaghetti muncher (I can say that as I have a ounce of Eye Tie blood :D )... better to burn out than fade away. :D

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aaaaaaaaaa - relax, mate. There are far more offensive people on this board than the WC manipulator of scores, aka Chonabot.

Exactly. Like those who call others a$$holes and jerks and then ride their two-legged horse to the mods when they get some back. :o

Zizou was spot-on with his retaliation on the Spaghetti muncher (I can say that as I have a ounce of Eye Tie blood :D )... better to burn out than fade away. :D

Look what the cat dragged in, our 'Oi'll fump youse' man! Can't quite get your facts straight, sweetherat? No matter, bad story all better now, diddums! Peace, mate!

Why would no-one be surprised by your stance on this . . . . but then I guess advocating violence is what one does when one's reservoir of options has run out :D:D

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aaaaaaaaaa - relax, mate. There are far more offensive people on this board than the WC manipulator of scores, aka Chonabot.

Exactly. Like those who call others a$$holes and jerks and then ride their two-legged horse to the mods when they get some back. :o

Zizou was spot-on with his retaliation on the Spaghetti muncher (I can say that as I have a ounce of Eye Tie blood :D )... better to burn out than fade away. :D

Look what the cat dragged in, our 'Oi'll fump youse' man! Can't quite get your facts straight, sweetherat? No matter, bad story all better now, diddums! Peace, mate!

Why would no-one be surprised by your stance on this . . . . but then I guess advocating violence is what one does when one's reservoir of options has run out :D:D

:D reread your old posts.

Too right! People need to take responsibility for their actions and expect a good thumping at times as is the case with ole Zizou and Materazzi. ZZ's no doubt heard it all and had to put up with this <deleted> for years, as with the other greats, which is all part of the game to a certain extent. He probably thought <deleted> to it, why not, I'm finishing in 10 minutes anyway and this nob has gone too far by calling my mother a terrorist whore blah blah. Of course Zizou played right into Materazzi's hand, but the Eye Tie certainly deserved the knock, and Zidane would probably now have bad karma for letting it pass.

Possibly a reason why so many Thai's just explode as they are taught to surpress their anger and emotion - "face saving" - for years, and then suddenly let it all out in one helping. Not advocating everyone go around punching the crap out of everyone, but sometimes people need to have it if they've gone too far. :D

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Engage brain before typing silly remarks ********

That,s right by the way do your usual stuff and enlist the back up between you.

That,s all you are capable of and it,s pathetic while summing up your mentalities.

The way i see it, is that you, tigerbeer and aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa are actually ganging up on Chon.

I personally find your "I'm holier than thou" preaching attitude irritating, to be quite honest

nope, mrbojangles, you're wrong

I've stoped already long time ago. in fact there were only 2 or max 3 my posts at all, of which only 1 in this thread adressed to him directly - in anyone seriously botheres to check out. what crusades you are talking about here? perhaps because he's blown this thing up out of proportions?

I'm surpised and perplexed to login few days later and find my nickname quoted almost in every second post here - I thought this thread was about Zidane, not about me ? 2 of my previous 3 posts here were about ZZ - you can re-read them !

about humor - oh, yeh , I understand it well enough. however the thing is: if such humor replied with exactly same sort of humor, reaction it cuases at very least very unhumorous. strange, huh - those who claims to be simply humoring others, suppose to react in light way too , huh?

alrtight, let me try this humor : F*** you, man ! :D (no offense, nothing personal - merely joking ! this is how we joke in where I'm from ! :o ) don't quote me again in relation to him, ok ? I came to this thread to read and comment about ZZ and his red card. you can convey this FY humor to all concerned people, including those whom I ignore for a while already.

I hope that was realy hillariously funy ! :D after all we are here just a bucnh of merry humorous people on this hillarious Forum, hey !

no crusades, nothing. peace, friendship and chewing gum ! :D

(sh1t ! :D what a waste of time - explaining myself for something usless and what I'm not gulity of - trying to prove that "I'm not a camel" )

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