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Big money offered to 'intelligent' and 'beautiful' cell and sperm donors: Surrogacy


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"while medical students are paid up to Bt50,000 for their sperm."

Does that include the Thai doctor who killed his wife, chopped her up, and dumped the pieces in a cess pool?

Some of the prettiest people I know are some of the most daft.

Ever since I've known about Thailand, I've realized that, for them, appearances count for more than substance.

True story: I knew a rich Swiss count who married a beautiful young blonde woman. He authored hyper-intellectual thick hardback books, she designed jewelry for Cher and other A-list celebrities. Their son was autistic and problematic.

Another true story: I knew a US senator with a showcase wife: They had a son who wanted a sex change at age 20. Father berated him. Son committed suicide next day.

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I bet they are selling any old drunks pattaya sperm as the good stuff.....like you could rely on thais to be so legit with it.....copy sperm.

I do my best you know, at my age it takes time to raise a gallop.

After I take off my false leg , take my false left eye out, remove wig, roll out 6 packets of Viagra, a bottle of scotch, dam forgot the walking frame , now where was I?????Ah yes swimming classes.

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Big money offered to 'intelligent' and 'beautiful' cell and sperm donors? Seems that I have to found another way to get rich, then! tongue.png

I was thinking of that then I realised the requirements: 'intelligent', I am slightly lower than an amoeba - 'beautiful', I make Quasimodo look like God's gift to women without a full set of teeth. Perhaps I could pay to make a donation depending on who the recipient is, or more to the point, how she looks. There again I do live near to Pattaya so perhaps I should stick with 1000 bahts and I make the choice. Mods, please delete if this is not appropriate.post-94862-0-08136400-1408987993_thumb.jpost-94862-0-08136400-1408987993_thumb.j

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Big money is that all that is important in Thailand money forget everything else no morals or scruples only greed and money counts in Thailand.

Yep, I'm afraid so

and anybody who thinks differently is fooling themselves

been living here ten years all over Thailand and it has been my experience everywhere

if you have spare cash Thailand is a great fun and interesting place to live and spend your retirement years

No spare money forget it stay where you are

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All the dozen or so Thai and Burmese chicks I've been steady with have made it clear to me: They want a farang baby. They want a baby with light skin, tall (and other attributes, you know 'em). Why not cut to the chase, and have the sperm donors be farang - the whiter the skin, the better. Also: nearly all TV stars in Thailand are 'luk-krung' (half falang). as are nearly all the models in their fashion/gossip mags, unless they're all-farang. And yes, I know some light skinned people who are complete jerks, but again, this thread is about Thai women making babies, ...they're going for appearances, not substance.

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