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Visiting Bang Kwang prison - how to?


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Long time lurker, first time poster. There is a lot of misinformation below that I thought I could help clear up. I have been to Bwang Kwang many times over the years and procedures are always changing. Please see my notes below in bold:

"I don't think it's a good idea to 'randomly' visit someone like that..if you know of a specific person that is having a hard time and needs help, particularly needs financial help-ie putting money into their jail account-then you can help that person.. 99.99% of the inmates would welcome a visit. Their days are extremely monotonous and even a 'banana visit' (feeling like they are in a zoo) is much better than the alternative.

bt when you show up randomly like that, not even being a journalist who is writing about the conditions there, you are just clogging the system, the visitation at those prisons is VERY crowded, people are waiting for legal help, they are trying to get a glimpse of a loved one, your putting legitimate visits at an inconvenience so you can gawk at some random prisoner.. The visitation area is not crowded at all. Usually there are about 30 or 40 Thai family members on one side of the visiting area and 5-10 non-Thai volunteers, missionairies, embassy staff, family members 50 meters away on the other side. Gone are the days of everyone shouting through a wire fence trying to communicate across an open space to the prisoners behind a second wire fence. Now, each prisoner and visitor communicates by phone and the volume of noise is at a minimum. NO ONE is waiting for legal help or trying to catch glimpses of anything.

Also you put the inmates themselves at an inconvenience, when you visit someone there-they have to change their personal cloths into this dirty prison garb ( i heard this through the grapevine), possibly miss one of the food handouts, wait in lines and all to see someone that has no business.. You have no business there, it's not a zoo and it's NOT a tourist attraction..just stay away from that place." The inmates definitely do not change their clothes. What they wear to the visit is the exact same clothes they wear back in the yard. They definitely do not miss out on chow time. A visit is 45 minutes long and a prisoner is informed 5 minutes before the visit starts that they have a visitor. They do not wait in any lines and very easily come into the longhouse that holds the phones.

Food cannot be brought for the prisoner nor can it be currently bought at the prison. Previously you could buy various items at the prison store that would be given to the inmate, but those days are over for now. You can however make a deposit into a prisoners account and the prisoner will use that money for canteen purchases and for toiletries etc.

Heather Luna-Rose is doing amazing work and http://thailandprisonersupport.org/the-prisons/ would welcome the chance to arrange a visit with an inmate in need. Please pm me if I can answer any further questions. Lastly, regardless of your intentions, 99.99% of the inmates appreciate a visit and welcome the chance to break up the soul crushing monotony that is their lives at BK.


Thank you for the only informed reply in this thread so far. As aways, there's too many people condemning the OP without know anything about the subject.

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Long time lurker, first time poster. There is a lot of misinformation below that I thought I could help clear up. I have been to Bwang Kwang many times over the years and procedures are always changing. Please see my notes below in bold:

"I don't think it's a good idea to 'randomly' visit someone like that..if you know of a specific person that is having a hard time and needs help, particularly needs financial help-ie putting money into their jail account-then you can help that person.. 99.99% of the inmates would welcome a visit. Their days are extremely monotonous and even a 'banana visit' (feeling like they are in a zoo) is much better than the alternative.

bt when you show up randomly like that, not even being a journalist who is writing about the conditions there, you are just clogging the system, the visitation at those prisons is VERY crowded, people are waiting for legal help, they are trying to get a glimpse of a loved one, your putting legitimate visits at an inconvenience so you can gawk at some random prisoner.. The visitation area is not crowded at all. Usually there are about 30 or 40 Thai family members on one side of the visiting area and 5-10 non-Thai volunteers, missionairies, embassy staff, family members 50 meters away on the other side. Gone are the days of everyone shouting through a wire fence trying to communicate across an open space to the prisoners behind a second wire fence. Now, each prisoner and visitor communicates by phone and the volume of noise is at a minimum. NO ONE is waiting for legal help or trying to catch glimpses of anything.

Also you put the inmates themselves at an inconvenience, when you visit someone there-they have to change their personal cloths into this dirty prison garb ( i heard this through the grapevine), possibly miss one of the food handouts, wait in lines and all to see someone that has no business.. You have no business there, it's not a zoo and it's NOT a tourist attraction..just stay away from that place." The inmates definitely do not change their clothes. What they wear to the visit is the exact same clothes they wear back in the yard. They definitely do not miss out on chow time. A visit is 45 minutes long and a prisoner is informed 5 minutes before the visit starts that they have a visitor. They do not wait in any lines and very easily come into the longhouse that holds the phones.

Food cannot be brought for the prisoner nor can it be currently bought at the prison. Previously you could buy various items at the prison store that would be given to the inmate, but those days are over for now. You can however make a deposit into a prisoners account and the prisoner will use that money for canteen purchases and for toiletries etc.

Heather Luna-Rose is doing amazing work and http://thailandprisonersupport.org/the-prisons/ would welcome the chance to arrange a visit with an inmate in need. Please pm me if I can answer any further questions. Lastly, regardless of your intentions, 99.99% of the inmates appreciate a visit and welcome the chance to break up the soul crushing monotony that is their lives at BK.


Thank you for the only informed reply in this thread so far. As aways, there's too many people condemning the OP without know anything about the subject.

Informed reply, hmmm… right.

If you've seen it on Thai Visa, then it must certainly be an "informed reply". The words of complete strangers on internet forums are such reliable sources of all things truthful and accurate… whistling.gif

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Long time lurker, first time poster. There is a lot of misinformation below that I thought I could help clear up. I have been to Bwang Kwang many times over the years and procedures are always changing. Please see my notes below in bold:

"I don't think it's a good idea to 'randomly' visit someone like that..if you know of a specific person that is having a hard time and needs help, particularly needs financial help-ie putting money into their jail account-then you can help that person.. 99.99% of the inmates would welcome a visit. Their days are extremely monotonous and even a 'banana visit' (feeling like they are in a zoo) is much better than the alternative.

bt when you show up randomly like that, not even being a journalist who is writing about the conditions there, you are just clogging the system, the visitation at those prisons is VERY crowded, people are waiting for legal help, they are trying to get a glimpse of a loved one, your putting legitimate visits at an inconvenience so you can gawk at some random prisoner.. The visitation area is not crowded at all. Usually there are about 30 or 40 Thai family members on one side of the visiting area and 5-10 non-Thai volunteers, missionairies, embassy staff, family members 50 meters away on the other side. Gone are the days of everyone shouting through a wire fence trying to communicate across an open space to the prisoners behind a second wire fence. Now, each prisoner and visitor communicates by phone and the volume of noise is at a minimum. NO ONE is waiting for legal help or trying to catch glimpses of anything.

Also you put the inmates themselves at an inconvenience, when you visit someone there-they have to change their personal cloths into this dirty prison garb ( i heard this through the grapevine), possibly miss one of the food handouts, wait in lines and all to see someone that has no business.. You have no business there, it's not a zoo and it's NOT a tourist attraction..just stay away from that place." The inmates definitely do not change their clothes. What they wear to the visit is the exact same clothes they wear back in the yard. They definitely do not miss out on chow time. A visit is 45 minutes long and a prisoner is informed 5 minutes before the visit starts that they have a visitor. They do not wait in any lines and very easily come into the longhouse that holds the phones.

Food cannot be brought for the prisoner nor can it be currently bought at the prison. Previously you could buy various items at the prison store that would be given to the inmate, but those days are over for now. You can however make a deposit into a prisoners account and the prisoner will use that money for canteen purchases and for toiletries etc.

Heather Luna-Rose is doing amazing work and http://thailandprisonersupport.org/the-prisons/ would welcome the chance to arrange a visit with an inmate in need. Please pm me if I can answer any further questions. Lastly, regardless of your intentions, 99.99% of the inmates appreciate a visit and welcome the chance to break up the soul crushing monotony that is their lives at BK.


Absolutely agreed 100%... and well done for making it clear and a positive things to do (Sorry, don't mean that to sound as patronising as it does!). A visit can be a real highlight for a lot of inmates, and an opportunity to make a 'penpal' if deemed appropriate. Just remember that that not all inmates are murderers and rapists etc... some have just made dumb/stupid/wrong decisions or choices! Prisoners abroad has a website that is worth visiting. As far as I am aware you WILL need the name of the person you are going to visit... can't just turn up on-spec.Ignore the negative crap from people... the world needs more 'do-gooders'... just please don't treat it as a freak show. Good on'yer!

I am conscious of the point you raise re. 'freak show' - That's not why i'm doing it. I am obsessed about seeing the prison itself (just even being on the premesis), and visiting an inmate is a way to see (a small section of) the prison. While i'm there I may aswell try to brighten up someone's day and provide them with supplies... sure why not? It's 1 hour out of my 1 month holiday and the few baht i'll put into their account would be as easily spent on a few beers.

You are right about having to know the inmates name / building etc. - The independent person I got in contact with is going to provide me with this before I arrive. Thus, the inmate will know I am arriving, and will want a visitor.

To the trolls; thanks for taking some time out of your obviously otherwise busy day to entertain me :D

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I don't think it's a good idea to 'randomly' visit someone like that..if you know of a specific person that is having a hard time and needs help, particularly needs financial help-ie putting money into their jail account-then you can help that person..

bt when you show up randomly like that, not even being a journalist who is writing about the conditions there, you are just clogging the system, the visitation at those prisons is VERY crowded, people are waiting for legal help, they are trying to get a glimpse of a loved one, your putting legitimate visits at an inconvenience so you can gawk at some random prisoner..

Also you put the inmates themselves at an inconvenience, when you visit someone there-they have to change their personal cloths into this dirty prison garb ( i heard this through the grapevine), possibly miss one of the food handouts, wait in lines and all to see someone that has no business.. You have no business there, it's not a zoo and it's NOT a tourist attraction..just stay away from that place.

What rubbish.

No doubt there are busy times at prisons. I have visited a prison twice in Thailand and have not been in a queue of any significance.

Ignore the above, go have a look, its an education.

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yes absolutly, thinking now about my outburst..obviously it effected me more than I have admitted to myself..and that's one thing for sure, when i got out i couldn't beleive 'only' a month had gone by..the 'court' was not at the prison, so going to it was a pain in the ass, once called up-you waited in one place-in the heat..then they took us out of out 'den' we were in the men's 'short stay' den.. that means people with sentences 6 years or less..then you had to get shakled with these guys pounding metal rings around your ancles, THEN into that crowded cage van and to the 'court' so we never saw the guys that were in the serious offenders den- a den is walled off from the other den and there was a 3rd womens den, but people said it wasn't as crowded as the one we were in-i doubted that..everyday like 15 new guys would come in but only 3 would be let out..it was like constantly getting worse.. i asked like doesn't it eventually reach like critical-and they have to take us all to gas chambers or something.. because it really did seem like a concentration camp with a soccer field..laughing, they said every once in a while there is a big 'amnesty' where they just ship out a bunch of visa offenders and some drug users..

Sacriest part was when i was first checked in they had this thai-american guy do my paperwork.. at first i thought he worked there but then he said he was a prisoner.. i asked him what he had done-he said he was doing like 4-6 years because he got caught with 15 yaba pills.. I was like OMG! you got 6 years just for that! Then I was really scarred, I didn't think what i did was that bad but if he got 4 i would surly get atleast 1!.. and 1 would be terrible! It wasn't until about a week later when I talked to the lawyer that he told me i'd very likly be in there for more than a month but not more than 3.. I was like 'please make it 1!' because if my visa expired while i was inside, they'd have to send me to another prison to be deported (i think) and they couldn't just let me out the front gate.. fortunantly he did a great job and my GF was very helpful taking care of my money..it could have been as long as 6 months with the immigration stuff.. when i got out after 1 month i had contracted skin disease(scabies) and I had bronchitus and went into the hospital the next day.. the medical care inside the prison was essentially non-existant , just a guy that comes by and hands out tylenol.. i didn't know what i had i just knew i was caughing up alot along with some other people..

when you get disease in THAT thai prison (dunno about bangkwang) there is no cure and they won't let you get medical care even if you pay for it, they wouldn't let you bring in basic meds that would kill stuff like scabies.. you just have to live with scabies and bronchitus until maybe your natural immune system cures you..

If I was sentenced to 50 years i'd be a rapist or a murderer, or i would have done something insane like bringing a kilo of yaba into the airport.. your damn right i'm gonna laugh about it-you bleeding heart douch..

lemme tell you this other funny prison story, when they transferred me from the jail to the prison, first they sent me to this 'police station' or so I thought, inside was a very scummy jail cell, we had to sit in it all day until the evening when they crowded us into this caged van that went to the prison.. there was this little window and every so often it would open and there was this young woman on the other side and she would read something off a document or call on someone.. every 2 weeks everyone was being sent back to that place and then back to the prison in the evening..it sucked when your name was called over the loud speaker because that was you court day, youd go there and they'd like give you some peice of paper youd sit there all day and then go back to prison.. the day i got released i saw my GF waiting outside when the van arrived, she said i was going to court that day and she thinks they got my case done, so i sat in there all day, and then at the end i got called up to that little window and that Girl read some stuff to me, my lawyer came in and had me sign some docs, he left and i saw my GF, I said it's almost time to go back, I thought i was going to court today.. she said THIS IS the court.. I said OMG this is a court?.. a scummy dirty jail cell with a small window and this girl on the other side that reads stuff.. this is the court.. they took me back to prison along with everyone else, only this time i didn't go up to the crowded cell, i appeared first before a prison warden of some sort, and out i went with about 2 other guys.. it was like pitch dark outside, they just the door behind us and my GF was there with her brother to drive me home..happy day that was..

^^ Thankfully, you don't speak for the majority of inmates. As said, I have gotten in touch with an independent who visits the prison regularly and they are going to arrange a visit with someone who WANTS a visitor. Doubt they'll object to a few baht being put into their account either so they can actually survive in there.

You say you were in there for 1 month, fair enough. If you were sentenced to 50 years I doub't you have the same attitude about not wanting to have visitors.

ok... fair enough... that was YOUR experience... in THAT particular prison... but Bang Kwang is NOT like that! NO 'dirty' prison clothes... and the court is a 'proper' court... pretty similar to a UK court in some respects... so, in a nutshell... not everyone feels the same as you about visits... not everyone in prison had the same experience or attitude as you... and not every prison is the same as the one you were in. Glad you are out though mate... sounds like you had a bit of a rough time, and a month can feel like a year in that kind of situation I reckon.

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Honestly what a really nice thing to to do, after reading your post, it motivated me to enquire about visiting a prisoner , as I am now I.n Bangkok for three weeks, and have loads of time on my hands, also I speak fluent French, so who knows I might brighten up some French Persons day.

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I am obsessed about seeing the prison itself (just even being on the premesis),

A very odd obsession, it seems to me you are seeking a thrill out of other people's misery. Why not get obsessed with some more deserving people?

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Tried to visit a friend at Klong Prem Prison, only direct family members are allowed, even relatives are not allowed. You may get in if you get permission from the guy 2nd in command with his signature. Other than that you will have to fake your way in as a volunteer worker, or give the guy 2nd in command a little "gift".

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Come to think of it, that's how the one i was in was, the visiting processed was rushed for us,and all the visitors were family or 1st person.. they had to fill out forms first.. maybe they make the visits easier for the long stayers-

apologies for my outburst sad.png was joking

Tried to visit a friend at Klong Prem Prison, only direct family members are allowed, even relatives are not allowed. You may get in if you get permission from the guy 2nd in command with his signature. Other than that you will have to fake your way in as a volunteer worker, or give the guy 2nd in command a little "gift".

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Why would you want to? You have to assume that the residents have done something very wrong so why would you mess with seeing them. All you will hear is how unfair it is that I got 50 years for getting caught with 2 kilos of cocaine.......bla bla.

Watch the Discovery Channel film BANGKOK HILTON and call it your "Visit".

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Why would you want to? You have to assume that the residents have done something very wrong so why would you mess with seeing them. All you will hear is how unfair it is that I got 50 years for getting caught with 2 kilos of cocaine.......bla bla.

Watch the Discovery Channel film BANGKOK HILTON and call it your "Visit".

I think the TAT should offer 1 month stays for eager tourists like the OP.....charge them extra for the odd beating or " special visit".....

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thank you for your kind concern.

I have been a visitor for many years.

I would suggest you decide which nationality you would like to see and call the relevent embassy.

The european one's are the best and will welcome your inquiry.

Others may just try and brush you off. The majority of european/american will be for drug offences.

Other's may include sex offences and if this bothers you please make sure you mention it before hand.

Some prisoners are very positive and make an interesting day.

The condition in which they are kept is nothing short of disgusting and inhumane. The whole system regarding drugs and the punishment of these people quite absurd-as it is everywhere else on this planet.

For now all we can do is bring a little lightness into these poor peoples lifes.


You will have to get their name, from embassy, give yours, bring ID, and show it and agree to surrender to body check at times.The guards are very nice who deal with this.

There is a shop where you can buy some food- always wellcome.

It is very easy to reach and a worthwhile investment of time.

To me it prove the totally flawed international justice system and way we deal with these "criminals"


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well said Hermes, in my den.. i never met any 'mean' or 'bad' people.. there was this one guy the other prisoners warned me about..i would see him walking around with a pissed off look on his face, so i stayed away from him, other than that, the other prisoners were nice..its not like on the american tv shows where your in there with a bunch of narcissists crazies who are constantly trying to kill each other, the Thai's were in mostly for being caught with small amounts of hard drugs, the foreigners were all caught with fake visas and passports(they would get 1-2 years for that offence) although there was 1 time where there was a fight.. and WE ALL got punished for it..sent up to our cells early w/o dinner.. it was just abunch of government spending money to damage people and call it correction.. i guess they feel that this is the only way to deter crime..

so there you have it, don't visit any bad-mean people, murderers, rapists , child abusers.. etc.. I did meet this one guy in there who was in for violent crime.. he said his daughters boyfriend had abused her, so he retaliated by beating the shit outa the lad.. he seemed like a genuinely decent person and I had sympathy for him..he was doing 2 years so i assumed the damage to the boy must have been severe.. if you donate money make sure its not being stolen in some round about way, like put in one prisoners account and then converted back into money for some scamming racket..like i said what i witnessed was people like me who had family/friend support would help the other prisoners who had no money or support with food, soap,flipflops, baby powder, mats..anything to increase the sanitation of the place..

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

But why would anyone want to visit a rapist, child abuser, murderer or more likely, Nigerian drug trafficker?

Because, whatever they have done, they are still human beings and the sentence is worse for a Farang or a Nigerian being away form their home country.

"The quality of mercy is not strained; It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven"

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If this were simply a case of a bleeding heart goody-two-shoes type looking to bring some sunshine into an otherwise dark life, out of human compassion, it could be understandable.

The fact that he has admitted some sort of fixation with visiting this particular prison, due to its infamous reputation from TV documentaries, suggests some sort of abnormal obsession.

Why not just visit a similarly unfortunate soul in your own country if you're looking to brighten someone's life?

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Sorry you have been flamed here!

I think what you want to do is simply a good deed for somebody less fortunate than you, and good on you.

I read the embassies used to be quite proactive in supplying willing inmates, maybe this has changed?

But in reality those most in need are not going to be found on google.

If you have enjoyed reading about Bangkwang etc.. the visit experience itself will be quite sterile, somewhat picturesque and beautifully manicured, the true horrors are inside and you won't get to see that..

But a carton of cigarettes would change somebodies life in there - so choose wisely.

Good luck.

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The fact that he has admitted some sort of fixation with visiting this particular prison, due to its infamous reputation from TV documentaries, suggests some sort of abnormal obsession.

So what, it's a notorious hellhole of a prison (so they say) which makes it a curiosity, the prisoner will get some edible food out of it so who cares what his motives are ?

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Why would you want to? You have to assume that the residents have done something very wrong so why would you mess with seeing them. All you will hear is how unfair it is that I got 50 years for getting caught with 2 kilos of cocaine.......bla bla.

Watch the Discovery Channel film BANGKOK HILTON and call it your "Visit".

why would you want to? A really DUM question. Errr.. because its a good thing to do. Apart from the pathetic failed hypocrasy of the whole world's way of dealing with something that YOU/I pay for .

50 years-out in apx 6-8, straight back at it, the chances of ever seeing the inside of a jail, facing " justice" ( what a joke- we're all technically guilty of this ' crime") are so minscule that all prison is,is truly a university of crime.

WE, you/I, for supporting such a stupid veiwpoint pay a huge sum for this.We have to pay for their keep.We give them a free education and network they avail themselves to and vastly promote the very 'crime" we are supposed to be stopping.

It will never work.

And, FYI, there are plently of poor souls who should not be there.Either innocent, set up ( as i once was) or suffering some other gross injustice ( recently I heard of case where a nice gentleman decided to split with his hi-so girlfriend. For that she had him arrested and sentenced to 6 months for stealing her hair dryer!

Justice is never equal anywhere, here its a tragic joke.

So, stop being a fool, and do something nice, it makes a differnce.

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I'd much rather give 'death' to people who tell other people how to live their lives.. i don't know why priks like you 'care' so much what other people put into their bodies, that you think they deserve death because they decided to get 'high' off something that's not alcohol-which is legal and has been proven to be just as if not more destructive than these other drugs that are supposedly so terrible .. They need to end the war on drugs garbage.. ok there has to be laws and there has to be penalty for breaking them, but ruining the life of this nice Thai-American guy who got caught with a personal use amount of speed-4 years for that! and then life or death penalty for someone that's dealing it.. if you havn't hurt someone or directly damaged someone like a rapist or murderer-those are the people that deserve harsh sentences..and they often do less time that someone who got high--, THATs what i call injustice.

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And, FYI, there are plently of poor souls who should not be there.Either innocent, set up ( as i once was) or suffering some other gross injustice ( recently I heard of case where a nice gentleman decided to split with his hi-so girlfriend. For that she had him arrested and sentenced to 6 months for stealing her hair dryer!

Justice is never equal anywhere, here its a tragic joke.

So, stop being a fool, and do something nice, it makes a differnce.

There are some who have been fitted up, probably not plenty. However, you cannot arrange a visit with an innocent party or victim of Thai injustice. Unless you know somebody you are likely to get a drug trafficker, sex offender murderer or other undeserving case. In my view if you have time and a bit of money it's far better to help the real deserving like Schools, the poor or even Wats, than some criminal Nigerian drug traffiker or dodgy sex offender.

Edited by jacky54
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Give drug offenders death and it solves the cost issue

such total and utter brainless stupidity. Amazing that one can say that. Okay, lets look at what you said and destroy it step by step

1- we are all drug offenders. You probably do not even know that.That fact speaks for itself. You have both possesed, comnsumed and transported illegal drugs. On a regular basis. So, you will happily put your own head in the nose will you? Probably a good thing.

So, how shall we handle this little dilema? in your logic- we all die.

2- drugs,,,,and do you include smoking, drinking in area's, countrys,etc that forbid it.That deserve death does it?

How about some medicines.

Many meds that one can get in west are unobtainable here and technically illegal.

Death? Oh dear....

3- Solve the issue?.

You obvioulsy have no idea.

Why bother even making a comment? If I was to get death for certain for eg- taking adderal, which is illegal here I would up the ante.

Stop I would not do.

I will never allow any goverment in the world to dictate what i choose to take not take.

And this one- what a hypocrital joke that would be.

If necessary I would carry means to escape , eg gun, I would run, and probably take hostages. create merry fxx, go quitely i would not.

I would, and almost all prisoners I speak to agree , make so much trouble it would cost YOU so much more. Yes, you. Happy with that? I thought not. Well, it would not cost you because you said ' all drug offenders should die and technically you are one too.

Plus, many prisoners tell me they are so bitter in what they term unfair sentencing they leave hell bent on revenge when they leave.

Tell them they are getting death and you would have a war on you hands.

Even i would start a whole range of things that really fxx up a goverment which was so dumb it would cost that society a fortune, i would totally support acts of terrorism specifly targeted at those who endorsed such laws ( which death pentaly also is)

Want that on your hands? I tell you what, you better go and rethink this one.

For one, its never going to happen. for two, looked at how it can never work and how hypocritical it is.

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And, FYI, there are plently of poor souls who should not be there.Either innocent, set up ( as i once was) or suffering some other gross injustice ( recently I heard of case where a nice gentleman decided to split with his hi-so girlfriend. For that she had him arrested and sentenced to 6 months for stealing her hair dryer!

Justice is never equal anywhere, here its a tragic joke.

So, stop being a fool, and do something nice, it makes a differnce.

There are some who have been fitted up, probably not plenty. However, you cannot arrange a visit with an innocent party or victim of Thai injustice. Unless you know somebody you are likely to get a drug trafficker, sex offender murderer or other undeserving case. In my view if you have time and a bit of money it's far better to help the real deserving like Schools, the poor or even Wats, than some criminal Nigerian drug traffiker or dodgy sex offender.

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I'd much rather give 'death' to people who tell other people how to live their lives.. i don't know why priks like you 'care' so much what other people put into their bodies, that you think they deserve death because they decided to get 'high' off something that's not alcohol-which is legal and has been proven to be just as if not more destructive than these other drugs that are supposedly so terrible .. They need to end the war on drugs garbage.. ok there has to be laws and there has to be penalty for breaking them, but ruining the life of this nice Thai-American guy who got caught with a personal use amount of speed-4 years for that! and then life or death penalty for someone that's dealing it.. if you havn't hurt someone or directly damaged someone like a rapist or murderer-those are the people that deserve harsh sentences..and they often do less time that someone who got high--, THATs what i call injustice.

OMG a human with sense.

Its nobody business what someone chooses to do in this regard.

And, look where we are, a nation that will happily sell its daughters, who top brasses bread and butter is just that and where if you have $$$ you will never go to jail.

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