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How Did You All Do It? Finding The Ideal Thai Mate Or Girlfriend.


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Well i was at my usual drinking hole (the pavillion) in sydney, i used to drink there on fridays after work with friends for many years but havent been there for awhile now.

i was pissed off my face and saw this little Thai girl who I thought was japanese, when ordering a drink i leaned over and said "konichywa" is a drunk tone, she laughed and said im not japanese im thai, anyways we talked, went and had a dance upstairs, exchanged numbers, tried to take home but she said no (how can anyone resist the Donz is what i was thinking)

But next morning I couldnt really remember what she looked like, but I rang her and we hooked up, its been 5 years since and going strong at the moment.

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I filled out the aplication form on the internet and she arrived in the post 2 weeks later.

Just kidding, We were sat next to eachother on a London to New York flight. She was going back to University there after visiting her brother in London. I was off to broach the subject of a rather large business loan from my Father who was assigned to New York at the time. We got talking, had a good flight and exchanched numbers. Met up in New York every day i was there and it continued from that.

11 years, 2 kids, 1 dog and several mortgages later and were still together.

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there is no real strategy, I have met lots of girls at pubs, shopping centres, street, train, work etc. it doesnt really matter where you met them, I think getting to know them for a long period of time (alteast a few years) will minimise your changes of getting a girl who will use you for money etc

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Well, I'll be honest. Long story, and I'll apologize from the get-go. I met my girl in Pattaya. She was a 38 year old lady, working in a restaurant. She was a hostess. I won't pretend that she didn't "work" some on the side; I know she did. We hit it off and I found out that she had 2 sons at home. I told her that I wanted her to go home and asked how much, she said $500. We had looked at a house book and picked one and everything. I had heard all the horror stories and figured that she was no different. I still wanted to do it, because if she were real, I didn't want to miss the chance. I sent the money for 3 mos all was well, then two weeks later she asked for another $250, the another two weeks another $250. I thought she was scamming. I was transferred to Iraq and couldn't send anything... lost contact with her for 8 months. I figured that just the way it goes.

When I returned to Kuwait, she called me... I went to see her in Thailand. She met me at my hotel in Pattaya and asked me to drive her home to her village. I rented a car and took her home. When we arrived, we met her Mom and then she asked me to go for a walk... She took me down the street and showed me the first phase of our current home. She had bought the land, filled the lot, built the first bedroom, two porches, bathroom, had the driveway poured and had the lot completely walled in. I was shocked to the point of tears. The next day, we walked the neighborhood and everyone knew me. I asked how... she had shown them all my photo and told them that I had built that house. My paltry $1700 wasn't a drop in the bucket of what she spent. She sold her rice farm, sold all of her gold, emptied all of her savings and borrowed to the hilt. All without a dime or message from me in 8 months. I also found out, that she had stayed home the whole time... she was working in a rice field, cooking, washing clothes, she never went back to Pattaya. One of my Brit friend's wife and her knew each other, and his wife said that she had been there the whole time. Needless to say, we've been together ever since and I send her 75,000 to 80,000 bht every month. I have never in my life had a woman do for me like she's done. I never thought that a woman would give up everything she worked for and saved for my dreams. She did... I was lucky. We're 3 years strong now, the house is built, aside for a few things I want to do. We have a shoe store, bought and sold a restaurant and convenience store, have a new Toyota Vigo D3000 pick up. She's amazing...

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It is quite a different story meeting a Thai woman in your country - USA, Europe, Australia, etc, than meeting them in Thailand, particularly if you are also living in Thailand. If the pair are somewhat equal in age, education, income and social class that is likely going to make for a more compatible mix. My reference point come from living in Thailand and dealing with the social structure that exists here, for Farangs such as myself who intend to stay in Thailand. I am not holding out a promise to relocate the locate the lady to the "promised land" (my country) to live out the rest of her natural life on easy street. Excuse the scarcasm, but that's about what some of them think. My point is that there is a wide range of circumstances that can determine the probable sucess of your relationship with a foreign lady. The closer you are as equals, the better. I have not found that an easy thing to locate here in my situation.

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Well, I'll be honest. Long story, and I'll apologize from the get-go. I met my girl in Pattaya. She was a 38 year old lady, working in a restaurant. She was a hostess. I won't pretend that she didn't "work" some on the side; I know she did. We hit it off and I found out that she had 2 sons at home. I told her that I wanted her to go home and asked how much, she said $500. We had looked at a house book and picked one and everything. I had heard all the horror stories and figured that she was no different. I still wanted to do it, because if she were real, I didn't want to miss the chance. I sent the money for 3 mos all was well, then two weeks later she asked for another $250, the another two weeks another $250. I thought she was scamming. I was transferred to Iraq and couldn't send anything... lost contact with her for 8 months. I figured that just the way it goes.

When I returned to Kuwait, she called me... I went to see her in Thailand. She met me at my hotel in Pattaya and asked me to drive her home to her village. I rented a car and took her home. When we arrived, we met her Mom and then she asked me to go for a walk... She took me down the street and showed me the first phase of our current home. She had bought the land, filled the lot, built the first bedroom, two porches, bathroom, had the driveway poured and had the lot completely walled in. I was shocked to the point of tears. The next day, we walked the neighborhood and everyone knew me. I asked how... she had shown them all my photo and told them that I had built that house. My paltry $1700 wasn't a drop in the bucket of what she spent. She sold her rice farm, sold all of her gold, emptied all of her savings and borrowed to the hilt. All without a dime or message from me in 8 months. I also found out, that she had stayed home the whole time... she was working in a rice field, cooking, washing clothes, she never went back to Pattaya. One of my Brit friend's wife and her knew each other, and his wife said that she had been there the whole time. Needless to say, we've been together ever since and I send her 75,000 to 80,000 bht every month. I have never in my life had a woman do for me like she's done. I never thought that a woman would give up everything she worked for and saved for my dreams. She did... I was lucky. We're 3 years strong now, the house is built, aside for a few things I want to do. We have a shoe store, bought and sold a restaurant and convenience store, have a new Toyota Vigo D3000 pick up. She's amazing...

You send her 80,000 bht a month!! I would hope she does everything you want for that. That exceeds what some Farang saps are making on thier pensions per month. I presume you are pulling down a hefty salary somewhere outside of Thailand. To compare your situation to the average Farang on retirement here is ridiculous. How much did the house cost, by the way?

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Well, I'll be honest. Long story, and I'll apologize from the get-go. I met my girl in Pattaya. She was a 38 year old lady, working in a restaurant. She was a hostess. I won't pretend that she didn't "work" some on the side; I know she did. We hit it off and I found out that she had 2 sons at home. I told her that I wanted her to go home and asked how much, she said $500. We had looked at a house book and picked one and everything. I had heard all the horror stories and figured that she was no different. I still wanted to do it, because if she were real, I didn't want to miss the chance. I sent the money for 3 mos all was well, then two weeks later she asked for another $250, the another two weeks another $250. I thought she was scamming. I was transferred to Iraq and couldn't send anything... lost contact with her for 8 months. I figured that just the way it goes.

When I returned to Kuwait, she called me... I went to see her in Thailand. She met me at my hotel in Pattaya and asked me to drive her home to her village. I rented a car and took her home. When we arrived, we met her Mom and then she asked me to go for a walk... She took me down the street and showed me the first phase of our current home. She had bought the land, filled the lot, built the first bedroom, two porches, bathroom, had the driveway poured and had the lot completely walled in. I was shocked to the point of tears. The next day, we walked the neighborhood and everyone knew me. I asked how... she had shown them all my photo and told them that I had built that house. My paltry $1700 wasn't a drop in the bucket of what she spent. She sold her rice farm, sold all of her gold, emptied all of her savings and borrowed to the hilt. All without a dime or message from me in 8 months. I also found out, that she had stayed home the whole time... she was working in a rice field, cooking, washing clothes, she never went back to Pattaya. One of my Brit friend's wife and her knew each other, and his wife said that she had been there the whole time. Needless to say, we've been together ever since and I send her 75,000 to 80,000 bht every month. I have never in my life had a woman do for me like she's done. I never thought that a woman would give up everything she worked for and saved for my dreams. She did... I was lucky. We're 3 years strong now, the house is built, aside for a few things I want to do. We have a shoe store, bought and sold a restaurant and convenience store, have a new Toyota Vigo D3000 pick up. She's amazing...

I hope so, SOIC, because you deserve a good woman. Apparently you've found her, and it looks like she's found her good man.

*And by the way: where's Jamman? Tell him to come out here and play - I miss him :o

Edited by kat
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I pull down between 4 and 5 times that a month doing what I do, here in Iraq. Anyway... yes, she takes care of everything. We have about 1.5 million in the house, a new truck, a shoe store, which she supplies the shoes for. Everything we have pays for itself, the money I send either goes for investments that we choose together or for savings. The rental property we have pays the light, water and taxes on both homes, the shoe store pays the lease on it, my truck payment, insurance and living expenses. We just started 4 Ka-shong (mis-spelled) of fish... that will pay, well whatever it will pay or go into savings. I'm also working a line on someother business ventures. I hope that all said, I'll be out of Iraq by year end. I've been over here since before the war. 03-Mar-03, before that I was in the Balkans, 1999 to 2001. I'm ready to ease up. As for the major baht I send her. She has the bank book and reciepts for everything she spends. Everytime I go home, there's more and more in there. Remember, I wrote that we lost contact with each other for 8 months and she spent all she had and more, on faith in me. I feel like the most honest and loving thing I can do is show the same faith in her. It's worked for 3 years now. I would trust her with every penny I make, but I do have commitments in the states. I pay my child support, help my parents, send money to my oldest daughter from time to time, help an uncle with cancer and save... save... save... I've been blessed. I haven't been able to outgive GOD yet. Everytime I feel like I've given my last penny and will be destitute, I find more coming in from somewhere. I'm far from rich, but I'm content, happy and loved, that is the best measure of true wealth for me.

You send her 80,000 bht a month!! I would hope she does everything you want for that. That exceeds what some Farang saps are making on thier pensions per month. I presume you are pulling down a hefty salary somewhere outside of Thailand. To compare your situation to the average Farang on retirement here is ridiculous. How much did the house cost, by the way?

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Thank you! I am truly the lucky one. My wife doesn't ask for a penny beyond what I give her. I gave my ex the same until the divorce was final. If she had to pay $50 for a Dr's visit for our daughter, she would ask me for an additional $25 to pay her back. My wife doesn't ask for anything above or beyond and she's bought and sold everything for the Convenience Store, the Restaurant, and the Shoe Store and everything else. She also saves a ton... I couldn't ask for a better woman...

Where is the jamman, he wanted this thread... and here it is...

Well, I'll be honest. Long story, and I'll apologize from the get-go. I met my girl in Pattaya. She was a 38 year old lady, working in a restaurant. She was a hostess. I won't pretend that she didn't "work" some on the side; I know she did. We hit it off and I found out that she had 2 sons at home. I told her that I wanted her to go home and asked how much, she said $500. We had looked at a house book and picked one and everything. I had heard all the horror stories and figured that she was no different. I still wanted to do it, because if she were real, I didn't want to miss the chance. I sent the money for 3 mos all was well, then two weeks later she asked for another $250, the another two weeks another $250. I thought she was scamming. I was transferred to Iraq and couldn't send anything... lost contact with her for 8 months. I figured that just the way it goes.

When I returned to Kuwait, she called me... I went to see her in Thailand. She met me at my hotel in Pattaya and asked me to drive her home to her village. I rented a car and took her home. When we arrived, we met her Mom and then she asked me to go for a walk... She took me down the street and showed me the first phase of our current home. She had bought the land, filled the lot, built the first bedroom, two porches, bathroom, had the driveway poured and had the lot completely walled in. I was shocked to the point of tears. The next day, we walked the neighborhood and everyone knew me. I asked how... she had shown them all my photo and told them that I had built that house. My paltry $1700 wasn't a drop in the bucket of what she spent. She sold her rice farm, sold all of her gold, emptied all of her savings and borrowed to the hilt. All without a dime or message from me in 8 months. I also found out, that she had stayed home the whole time... she was working in a rice field, cooking, washing clothes, she never went back to Pattaya. One of my Brit friend's wife and her knew each other, and his wife said that she had been there the whole time. Needless to say, we've been together ever since and I send her 75,000 to 80,000 bht every month. I have never in my life had a woman do for me like she's done. I never thought that a woman would give up everything she worked for and saved for my dreams. She did... I was lucky. We're 3 years strong now, the house is built, aside for a few things I want to do. We have a shoe store, bought and sold a restaurant and convenience store, have a new Toyota Vigo D3000 pick up. She's amazing...

I hope so, SOIC, because you deserve a good woman. Apparently you've found her, and it looks like she's found her good man.

*And by the way: where's Jamman? Tell him to come out here and play - I miss him :o

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I was walking on Sukhamvit Road in BKK. I was trying to think of some business idea and was looking at the shops for inspiration. I walked about 3 miles in the heat and I was almost dead with thirst. So I went into a bar and asked for a drink. A pretty lady came and started chatting to me. I said 'Sorry but I actually like small, petite ladies'. So she called over her friend who was small and petitie......

Now I am married to that small and petite lady, with a lovely baby son and several good businesses together. Never any problems and she insists that company profits go into my bank account:)

Just luck I guess!


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Well….I didn’t look for one but found one anyway

I met my wife (Thai) while we're studying at the same university in the US.

I was a junior and she’s a freshmen at the time and we were happened to be living in the same dormitory on campus – room across from each other. It’s such a coincidence that my assigned roommate happened to be her best friend in Japanese class. I didn’t meet her through my roommate though but actually in front of the elevator during the mid-quarter, while both of us were trying to do our laundries. Love at the first sight for both of us :o:D . We got married through the judge ($35 only :D )– no wedding – didn’t tell both of our parents until 4 yrs later and no sinsot was paid. We were very afraid to tell our parents because we’re quite young and still in school and NO..she’s not pregnant at the time. After her double degrees she then went on to work as a planner for the city of Seattle and was supporting me financially throughout my master degree. Now with 20 yrs marriage under my belt (just had the anniversary on July 5), a couple houses & cars later, and still no kids in sight yet…..sigh :D . We’re similar in age, education, and we owned our engineering firm together here in the US for the last 14 yrs and getting ready to relocate to Thailand in a few months (waiting for the sale of our home).

I guess I was lucky to have met her quite early in my life…..she’s the most incredible woman, and my best & only trusted friend. We get along together so well, both at home and at work. She’s intelligent, also funny, very very creative and also thrifty, not cheap,…but knowing what is the good expense and bad expense, doesn’t like to wear/have any jewelries except for a watch and wedding ring. She hates the idea of having a wedding and said the money should be used in setting up some type of scholarship for the needy children instead and that what we will do once we’re in Thailand.

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.....Just luck I guess!


Yep and, truth be told, that is the whole secret to it.

I know it doesn't help anyone who is struggling to say so, but I've always thought that luck is a far more important factor in life than most of us are willing to admit. We like to claim that we're in control of our lives, that we 'make our own luck,' but that's rubbish. We do the best we can with the cards we are dealt and we just keeping hoping to pull better cards. That's called L-U-C-K, my friends.

Remember Woody Allen's Postulate: 'Eighty percent of life is just about showing up.' So keep showing up and hope for the best.

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The best way to meet a partner is through mutual friends. People who know you, and also know your potential partner, with mutual trust all round the several friendships.

That's how I met my wife, and she is the most wonderful, trustworthy, beautiful person I have ever known.

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Thanks Mighty Mouse! I've been blessed and I know it. As one fellow said, you really don't find love, it finds you. When I went to Thailand the first time, it was to fullfill an overdue obligation to a lost friend. My best friend tried for years to get me to go to Thailand and I refused, I had heard all the stories. I was happily married during those years. 3 years ago he was killed by a land mine over here. I later divorced and decided to finally see what was so special to him about Thailand. I fell in love with the place, just like he did. Now I think almost everyday I wonder what life would have been like had we conquered Thailand together, like we did the Balkans, Kuwait and Iraq. I fell in love with Thailand, and then love found me there... I darn sure wasn't looking to find it. I was too busy touring Thailand with a ghost and memories.

Nice story Soic. You've done well. Good luck to both of you for the future.

In my case I was just sitting there, she saw me and couldn't resist me.

It happens. :o

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My story

A mix of Fate and luck

I had been to Thailand 4 times. It was Oct 2000 my 5th trip and I was not looking for a g/f and infact the very thought of a relationship with a Thai girl scared the hel_l out of me after hearing all the horror stories of Bar girls and such.

I was bored and it was late in the day after a week of relaxing on Koh Samet I was staying the night in Jomtien. So I got on a song-Thao to go bowling(I know I know what what a party animal) Anyways I got in the back of the truck by the hotel on Soi 13 and off I went. 2 Stops later 2 ladies got on on with a small boy. It was 6:30 p.m Oct 28th 2000.

So I tried my Thai on the little kid and one of the girls(She looked so young to me then) Thought that was cute and asked me if I had a girl friend or wife. I said no and she then said "I will make you dinner when you get back to Bangkok" I told her I would call then my job back in Canada started to fall apart. I got an e-mail to come home as lay offs were happening. So I returned to Bangkok to get on the first flight home. I called from the hotel to tell this person I met I had to go back right away and I was sorry we could not go for dinner. ( I thought this was the end of the story but I was wrong)

I got home and was laid off but I moved to keep my job. 2 Months later my brother called to say I had a post card from Thailand. The postcard was from the girl. She was sorry but she had lost my number I had left for her and could I call. She had gotten my old address from the hotel from the passport information I had given them.

So I called her and that was the start. I flew back may 8th 2001(her birthday and she took me for dinner)

Now 6 years 23 trips later to see her in Thailand we are married with one baby and one on the way it has been an amazing. Not perfect but I would not change any thing.

If I had left 15 minutes earlier or later I would never have met this fantastic women who has made my life complete.

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The secret is to stop looking for love. As soon as you stop, it seems to drop into your lap.

I wish... i'm still waiting!

Yeah I know what you mean. I waited 3 years following that advice and finally thought 'sod it'. Got myself out there and found a girlfriend a week later.

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Hi all. Lots of varied and random events here. It's always great when people really click. My Dad's first marriage, to my Mom was rather rocky, and it wasn't until he met his new wife when I was 25 that I ever saw close up a really good marriage. I'd always assumed that most partnerships didn't do very well after the all the love hormones wore out sometime in the 2nd year.

But such good partnerships are a rarity. Less than 10% of couples who are still married after 10 years say that it is because of love. I hope I recalled that statistic accurately, but if not, the point is still that the chances are not in our favor for a long lasting loving marriage.

I'm 40, and have had some long term relationships, and met people in many varied ways. At a meditation retreat, at a healing arts class, on the airplane, in an internet cafe, several by internet forums or chat rooms or dating sites, at a massage joint, in an elevator, introduced by a friend, etc. I can't say that sharing common interests is the main factor for good chemistry. Nor similar age, nor even really similar background and education, though I'm sure all of those can help.

I read that successfull partnerships can be accurately predicted from the get go based on partners reactions to each other during stressful discussion. Those that are the most diplomatic and generously kind in their words have marriages that last longest, and the converse.

My theory is that love is very similar to bandwith. The more you are able to share with each other, the greater the connection. But it also seems that people should be complementary, and not too similar, such that there is a dynamic tension between polar opposites.

I've met a few keepers, but unfortunately was not able to keep them. I'm at a strange place now though, as it isn't always easy to meet people in Bali - language barriers, lack of social clubs, and a large percentage of the cuter younger ones are in some way on the game. I'm thinking of getting back together with my last Flipina girlfriend, the one with Borderline Personality Disorder. I have serious misgivings about that, but she is still very in love with me, misses me like crazy, and we have a nearly unbelievably intense physical chemistry. I've never gotten enough of her, and never had anyone like her, nor do I expect to. But I'd never be able to describe her as my perfect woman. The way I see it is that getting back together with her may on balance be unwise, but there are heavy weights on both sides of the balance, and that is better than just a feather on the side of wisdom. She is so so horribly terrible, and so so very good.

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Just tell me that your filipina girlfriend's name isn't Joe Joe!

Hi all. Lots of varied and random events here. It's always great when people really click. My Dad's first marriage, to my Mom was rather rocky, and it wasn't until he met his new wife when I was 25 that I ever saw close up a really good marriage. I'd always assumed that most partnerships didn't do very well after the all the love hormones wore out sometime in the 2nd year.

But such good partnerships are a rarity. Less than 10% of couples who are still married after 10 years say that it is because of love. I hope I recalled that statistic accurately, but if not, the point is still that the chances are not in our favor for a long lasting loving marriage.

I'm 40, and have had some long term relationships, and met people in many varied ways. At a meditation retreat, at a healing arts class, on the airplane, in an internet cafe, several by internet forums or chat rooms or dating sites, at a massage joint, in an elevator, introduced by a friend, etc. I can't say that sharing common interests is the main factor for good chemistry. Nor similar age, nor even really similar background and education, though I'm sure all of those can help.

I read that successfull partnerships can be accurately predicted from the get go based on partners reactions to each other during stressful discussion. Those that are the most diplomatic and generously kind in their words have marriages that last longest, and the converse.

My theory is that love is very similar to bandwith. The more you are able to share with each other, the greater the connection. But it also seems that people should be complementary, and not too similar, such that there is a dynamic tension between polar opposites.

I've met a few keepers, but unfortunately was not able to keep them. I'm at a strange place now though, as it isn't always easy to meet people in Bali - language barriers, lack of social clubs, and a large percentage of the cuter younger ones are in some way on the game. I'm thinking of getting back together with my last Flipina girlfriend, the one with Borderline Personality Disorder. I have serious misgivings about that, but she is still very in love with me, misses me like crazy, and we have a nearly unbelievably intense physical chemistry. I've never gotten enough of her, and never had anyone like her, nor do I expect to. But I'd never be able to describe her as my perfect woman. The way I see it is that getting back together with her may on balance be unwise, but there are heavy weights on both sides of the balance, and that is better than just a feather on the side of wisdom. She is so so horribly terrible, and so so very good.

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.....Just luck I guess!


Yep and, truth be told, that is the whole secret to it.

I know it doesn't help anyone who is struggling to say so, but I've always thought that luck is a far more important factor in life than most of us are willing to admit. We like to claim that we're in control of our lives, that we 'make our own luck,' but that's rubbish. We do the best we can with the cards we are dealt and we just keeping hoping to pull better cards. That's called L-U-C-K, my friends.

Remember Woody Allen's Postulate: 'Eighty percent of life is just about showing up.' So keep showing up and hope for the best.

Yep. Find myself agreeing with OldAsiaHand, thats a new one! Good Luck.

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The secret is to stop looking for love. As soon as you stop, it seems to drop into your lap.

Very true - that happened to me.

I went up to this beautiful girl and said(in ot very good Thai) - "kor thawt na khrap, cheuay pom dai mai?"(excuse me can you help me please?)

To which she replied, after pondering the question, "ka".

I said, "pom tham ber thorasap haai, kor yeum ber khong koon."(I've lost my telephone number, can I borrow yours?)

She wrote it down and here we are 6 years later happily married.

Learning Thai makes it so much easier, as 95% of Thai girls don't speak English.

Edited by Neeranam
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The secret is to stop looking for love. As soon as you stop, it seems to drop into your lap.

I doubt Truer words could be spoken Burr. I lived in Thailand for 3 years, granted the vast majority of that time was in Pattaya, but still 3 years. And in that time have had the pleasure of the company of soooo many Thai Ladies, some Hoes, some normal Thai girls, some that were somewere in bettween. But not once had I ever found any that I would consider even a remotely serious relationship with.

Sure there were many girls that were awsome in bed. Many that just wanted to be near me, no money involved. A few that ernestly yearned to be my wife, some that just wanted to have my baby, good times bad times and everything in between. But none of them, expecialy the hoes (I think of bar girls like guy friends that you can screw and not feel icky about...give them the same leeway and trust as you would some guy ya know and it saves alot of problems) touched my heart.

Then one day I sold off my shops and took a job in Iraq with the intention to go off and make some serious dough, come back and do something bigger. So here I am in Iraq wasting away time inbetween bunker calls, when I see I got a email from some girl frome www.Thailandfriends.com I had forgot I placed my profile there like ages ago. So I checked out this girl and she looked retarted something about the way she was posing and the poor choice of dress, tiger striped looking goofy thing. I ignored her request to chat and went on about my buissness.

A few months later it was time for me to get my Vacation so I figured what the heck let me chat with this goofy looking girl at the very least I can see if she is freaky and into chicks or something. Well I emailed her again and she remembered me and was very happy to chat with me. ALSO she sent me her new pics and WHOA she was hot, I mean I would not say beautiful in the way a Thai man or some gay fashion desginer would describe a woman as beautiful. She is just a head shorter than me and I'm 6'3, she's probably about 150-160lbs cinnimon complected and Sooo curvey, very feminine hips and backside like a Black Woman. Like she had stepped out of some adolecent wet dream I had forggotten about so many years ago.... I don't know why I thought she looked goofy.

So we chatted online for several weeks, turns out she had a Thai boyfriend before me, no serious relationships with any farang guys, comes from a very nice family (proffessional well to do even by American or Euro standards everyone speaks English, even the 78 yr old Grand ma!, who cooks for me every time YummY!)) and we share almost every thing in common when it comes to our likes and dislikes, Role Playing and Video Games, Music, polotics, Ambition, humor...all that.

When we first met in person I knew I would do what I needed to to be with this woman, we took it slow and it was worth it. That will be a year ago next week, and next year we intend to wed.

Sometimes it just drops in your Lap...

(PS I know I have bookoo spelling and gramatical errors in this one, to Kikeeyet to fix them at the moment :o )

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"The secret is to stop looking for love. "

Well, if you are acting obviously hungry, yes, that will lower your appeal. But making efforts to be social and to play the game, to actively look, enhances chances.

In reading how people found their mate, I don't hear people saying that they were at home watching TV when she knocked on the door.

Edited by jamman
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