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Does Britain have a jihadi problem?

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YES!!! Over the past several years in England the militants etc. have hidden behind the protection of the governments "politically correct" agenda. "Do not say anything to offend them", we are multicultural, why is it though that in their country there is no such thing as multicultural? well, it is too late, they have taken over I am sad to say. sad.png

p.s. It is a well known fact that by the year 2021 their will be enough muslims in the uk to vote in an islamic government....facepalm.gif

that's the trouble with the uk and most other non muslim countries, they don't have the <deleted> to say anything because then they hide behind the racist card which pisses me off, to many do gooders stuck up there <deleted>. why did we have 2 world wars if we don't have a say anymore


It's not solely a British problem. These jihadis and wannabe terrorists are being recruited all over the world, including various muslim countries. Their claims of needing to "defend the muslim faith" are false justification to commit all manner of crimes and atrocities against anyone they don't like.

Westerners, minorities, other muslim faiths. All can be valid targets by simply declaring that they are heretics, or apostates or false believers. Doesn't matter if it's true or not, as long as they claim they are committing their atrocities in the name of their particular version of their faith, it's permissible.

Who needs courts, lawyers or a legal system when you (and your friends) have loads of weapons and little or no control over your actions ?

What we are seeing today in many ways mirrors what the world sat back and allowed to happen in the 30's. While Hitler was building his war machine and preparing for the "final solution" the rest of the world did little but try to appease him and hope that by granting concessions or overlooking transgressions, maybe he'd settle down and play nice.

Didn't work out so well then, and won't work out this time either. When one's goal is the conversion (or slaughter) of any and everyone that doesn't think exactly the same way as you do, there is no room for compromise or "appeasement".

so very very true


And more recently reported a U.S. citizen KIA while fighting for ISIS. It ain't all G.B.'s problem, it's a world problem.

Other countries don't allow sharia law, they also protect their own citizens who are brutalized by these fanatics

UK does not

Don't be fooled; some of us are aeare of who REALLY pulls the srings in UK

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And more recently reported a U.S. citizen KIA while fighting for ISIS. It ain't all G.B.'s problem, it's a world problem.

Other countries don't allow sharia law, they also protect their own citizens who are brutalized by these fanatics

UK does not

Don't be fooled; some of us are aeare of who REALLY pulls the srings in UK

Please please tell: WHO?


...koran 8;12 cut of the heads and the finger tips of those who disbileve in allah....these people are savages,they are born to war and die to war...the end...time for the A-BOMB.....a is for assh^&le....

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Does Britain have a jihadi problem? I guess the best way to answer that is to invite the reader to visit the city of Leicester, particularly on a Friday afternoon and evening. One would find it extremely difficult to hear English spoken or see a white face. Walk into a shop and ask for something in English and be refused service. This is some of the evidence of the failings of multiculturalism and the absurdity of former British governments issuing British passports to former colonial non-British citizens. The rise of fascism and the far right is a certainty. Now does Britain have a jihadi problem - oh! yes, and it can only get worse.

Nonsense. I grew up in Leicester and remember the first Asians arriving in numbers in the 60's. They own and operate many shops and small businesses and I can never ever remember being refused. Just the opposite. They thrived on providing better customer service, longer opening hours and would do anything for a customer. The numbers swelled again in the 70's as many arrived from Kenya and Uganda. When I was 18 80% of the Belgrave district population were of Indian ethnicity - many via East Africa.

That explains the difference. The Moslems from Pakistan and Bangladesh were a much smaller number in comparison. They do not wish to integrate like the Indians, Hindu and Sikh, have. They want their own culture, customs and laws. Yes, the feeling was uncomfortable in one of their shops, but again never refused service.

The places that have problems with "no go areas" for whites today and somewhat soft policing areas are the ones with large number of Pakistani or Bangladeshi who want their own rule. These are the dangerous breeding grounds for the extremists encouraged by the idiot loony left PC liberals who think they can do no wrong.

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The only people who dont know the UK has a MUSLIM PROBLEM is the liberal left retards

When was the left in power? And please do not mention Blair in this context.

In a considerable number of councils for a considerable time, that control the local police authority, that controls the local constabulary and controls local government and schools.

With or without Blair and whiz kid Brown.


Nonsense. I grew up in Leicester

Ah yes that multicultural heaven where Hindus live mainly in the Belgrave and Rushey mead areas, Sikhs in Narborough Rd and Welford rd/ Clarendon Park and neither of them wanting to be anywhere near Muslims who live predominantly in Highfields. What a glorious example of integration and community cohesion. Somalis of course live in 'liitle Somalia' St Peters and St Andrews. Most do integrate though, even if they do not live in the same areas, with one very stark exception and it's not necessary to name them.


YES!!! Over the past several years in England the militants etc. have hidden behind the protection of the governments "politically correct" agenda. "Do not say anything to offend them", we are multicultural, why is it though that in their country there is no such thing as multicultural? well, it is too late, they have taken over I am sad to say. sad.png

p.s. It is a well known fact that by the year 2021 their will be enough muslims in the uk to vote in an islamic government....facepalm.gif

Actually it's well known fiction. Another claim that there will be a majority by 2050 has been peddled around but, of course, is also fiction. Currently Muslims make up 4.8% of the population which is almost double the amount 10 years ago. The question is why? Are there more Muslims or are more Muslims identifying themselves as such following the recent wars? The answer is a bit of both and looking at recent trends in immigration and assuming things stay the same, by 2030 Muslims will make up 8.3% of the population.

"in their country there is no such thing as multicultural", is a ridiculous generalisation. In Indonesia, the worlds biggest Muslim country, there are all five of the major religions and although there have been religiously motivated problems there is multiculturalism like nowhere on earth; 300 distinct ethnic groups and 706 languages spoken.

so it doubled in 10 years to around 5% Its possible it could double every ten years so by 2024 possibly 10% and 2034 20% and so on Its not going to get better thats for sure./

they simply dont belong in UK IMO few of them share our values our culture our way some (to many) are fanatic extremists and they will never ever integrate properly so before its to late:-

throw out any extremists or those perching any form of rasism towards non muslims. If they only have Uk citizenship but them in prison period.

throw out ants who try and bring their own form of justice schooling etc into our schools councils and public bodies

ban any sectarian schools except christion ones (we are a christian nation)

Allow those who remain to practice their religion privately but not publicly but do allow those muslims who accept this to live peacefully

Totally ban any further slims from entering to live here even relatives. Other cultures which do not cause mayhem these muslims cause can still come since most of them integrate peacefully and dont try and push their reed onto others.

time for action but i fear its to late and by the time most realise its gone to far their will be mass violence against all muslims innocent and fanatics

Everyone I know hates them with a vengeance and most now stopped differentiating between good muslims and fanatics.

UK has welcomed manes people here and almost all except muslims have integrated well or at least not tried to impose their culture way of life ideas onto the UK natives.

MYself i happy with almost any immigrants of whatever culture but not muslims since they have shown themselves to be not worthy to be allowed to stay.

No one here would dream of trying to impose western Christianity onto thew Thais (except missionaries who id also throw out of Thailand)

Can you imagine a group of forang insisting Thailand adopt christian schools christian values (well some del but they are strupid) and even had members openly advocating death to non christians.

My This wife just can't understand why Uk allows these people and even gives them money etc


Why were these people ever allowed back into Gt Britain ? Are they being persued and questioned, or do the British just leave them alone.


So it's different voters that vote the national right wing governments in? Different from the voters that vote the left wing local councils in?

That explains it.

Nope, local gov issues perhaps are different to national issues for the voter.


Mohammed is now the most common christian name in Britain.

Fancy naming your son after a man who married a six year old girl!

While there is an abundance of appropriate good old English names: Garry, Jimmy, Cliff, .....


So it's different voters that vote the national right wing governments in? Different from the voters that vote the left wing local councils in?

That explains it.

Nope, local gov issues perhaps are different to national issues for the voter.

So the local leftwingers vote conservative nationally?


The challenge is a balance of religious or other beliefs, immigration, intergation and freedom.

The peaceful elements are invisible, but at the same time, the extremists cloaked in those groups take full advantage of the weaknesses of a "free" society that embraces diversity.

Unfortunately, those that govern are often ill prepared to deal with reality of the threat, in denial or collaborative with the growing radical groups.

The radicals seem to be determined to undermine the very governments that afford them the freedoms to conduct their destruction and, if unchecked, might well succeed.

I have no fear or dislike of any group. However, when they kidnap me, or board my bus/aircraft, take me hostage and behead me, fear or dislike is moot.

I don't have any answers. Neither do the dead, be they western, middle eastern or others.

It remains to be seen whether the birthrate does decrease over time, however political Islam advocates a high birth rate as a means of colonization by stealth and whilst the benefits system provides it is open to doubt. As for fixating on a Muslim majority being problematic let's just say Jews are leaving France in their droves due to persecution from French Muslims, who constitute about 9% of the population. By the time figure of 20% is reached sectarian voting and intimidation will make the lives of much of the population pretty miserable.

Very few people are aware of the broad spectrum to which Jihad is applied. Lawfare is a valid facet of Jihad as jihad advocates using what tools are available to you to further Islam (look at CAIR in USA). This also includs encouraging the highest amount of births among women (this is a frequent admonishment from UK mosques), and relying on the social safety net to fund their lives. Indeed, in UK, there have been advocates for this type of lawfare who assert the social monies paid to muslims are indeed a tax, and they are entitled to it- this already inculcates in the upcoming generation dhimmitude of others and paying muslims the jiyza tax. What is immensely horrifying regarding the deceptive numbers and significance of the threat is that the results of this policy will be felt in our lifetimes. We cannot even rationalize that our grandchildren will be dealing with this... later! It will be happening soon.

I had previously noted what I believe to be a very brilliant book by Malcolm Gladwell, "The Tipping Point." In this book he discussed the gravity of fads, trends, ideologies, etc., and how they reach a critical mass and then... pooof! Everyone is doing it/believing it. This formula, IMO, hold true for modern western radical islam. IMO the genie's bottle is opened and there is no getting the monster of the current and next generation of muslim immigrants back in the assimilation bottle. UK does have a jihadi problem, but then so do a number of EU nations.

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It remains to be seen whether the birthrate does decrease over time, however political Islam advocates a high birth rate as a means of colonization by stealth and whilst the benefits system provides it is open to doubt. As for fixating on a Muslim majority being problematic let's just say Jews are leaving France in their droves due to persecution from French Muslims, who constitute about 9% of the population. By the time figure of 20% is reached sectarian voting and intimidation will make the lives of much of the population pretty miserable.

Very few people are aware of the broad spectrum to which Jihad is applied. Lawfare is a valid facet of Jihad as jihad advocates using what tools are available to you to further Islam (look at CAIR in USA). This also includs encouraging the highest amount of births among women (this is a frequent admonishment from UK mosques), and relying on the social safety net to fund their lives. Indeed, in UK, there have been advocates for this type of lawfare who assert the social monies paid to muslims are indeed a tax, and they are entitled to it- this already inculcates in the upcoming generation dhimmitude of others and paying muslims the jiyza tax. What is immensely horrifying regarding the deceptive numbers and significance of the threat is that the results of this policy will be felt in our lifetimes. We cannot even rationalize that our grandchildren will be dealing with this... later! It will be happening soon.

I had previously noted what I believe to be a very brilliant book by Malcolm Gladwell, "The Tipping Point." In this book he discussed the gravity of fads, trends, ideologies, etc., and how they reach a critical mass and then... pooof! Everyone is doing it/believing it. This formula, IMO, hold true for modern western radical islam. IMO the genie's bottle is opened and there is no getting the monster of the current and next generation of muslim immigrants back in the assimilation bottle. UK does have a jihadi problem, but then so do a number of EU nations.

Thanks for the post Sir.

Valid, informative and distressing at the same time.


Perhaps the extremists read this quote, as well as others.

If you want to rebel, rebel from inside the system.That's much more powerful than rebelling outside the system.

― Marie Lu, Legend


Why were these people ever allowed back into Gt Britain ? Are they being persued and questioned, or do the British just leave them alone.

Cos it would be against their 'human rights' not to let them back in and not to allow them to sign back on the dole

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Why were these people ever allowed back into Gt Britain ? Are they being persued and questioned, or do the British just leave them alone.

Good question!!

If they know who they are then at least arrest and interrogate them.

If they are fighting against the British forces or British allies then it is treason

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Does Britain have a jihadi problem?


YES!!! Over the past several years in England the militants etc. have hidden behind the protection of the governments "politically correct" agenda. "Do not say anything to offend them", we are multicultural, why is it though that in their country there is no such thing as multicultural? well, it is too late, they have taken over I am sad to say.

p.s. It is a well known fact that by the year 2021 their will be enough muslims in the uk to vote in an islamic government....

Current Muslim population of all ages in the UK is around 5%, so how will their be sufficient numbers of eligable Muslim voters by 2021 to vote in an 'Islamic government'.

It has been estimated Muslims in the UK will grow to approx 10% of the population by 2050.

A Muslim community likely has a % of radicals. Even if that % is small, those few will exert influence waaaaay beyond their numbers. They will cow other Muslims into toeing their Sharia extremist line. In other words, you believe in all things exactly the way I tell you to believe or I will browbeat you. If browbeating doesn't work, I will use more extreme measures. They are very effective at coercing others, Muslims and non-Muslims over to their side. They aim to take over and they will, unless there's awareness and dynamic action to stem the tide.
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