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Sometimes The Days Just Get Brighter !


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I'm sitting in the living room watching baseball on my phone while the wife is out tending to her roses and orchids.....

In she walks through the front door with the shy Thai smile.....takes her hand out from behind her back and gives me a beautiful Red Rose - a big smile and a kiss ...... another big smile and back to her Rose garden.......

Anyone that pays enough attention, is patient enough, and lucky enough to find the right Thai woman is a very lucky and blessed man.....402.gif.pagespeed.ce.HNbqXbHGas.gifbiggrin.png

Edited by pgrahmm
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Please report back later OP after you get asked to buy a new............laugh.png

Marlene's normally like Mrs pgrahmm and 96tehtarp and doing nice things for me, so I try and give back a little. I was giving Marlene a foot massage one evening and she started shouting out in pain with cramp and asked me to pull her big toe, so i did......and she broke wind, followed by giggle.gif

I know i'm a lucky man.biggrin.png

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Please report back later OP after you get asked to buy a new............laugh.png

Yes, you are right there with that one. My alarms go off whenever the wife prepares me a full breakfast with all the fixings.... she's going to be "fixing" for one thing or another. Either that or about to announce the latest faux paw.

I too am a lucky man, even with all the fixings.

Edited by 96tehtarp
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Please report back later OP after you get asked to buy a new............laugh.png

Marlene's normally like Mrs pgrahmm and 96tehtarp and doing nice things for me, so I try and give back a little. I was giving Marlene a foot massage one evening and she started shouting out in pain with cramp and asked me to pull her big toe, so i did......and she broke wind, followed by giggle.gif

I know i'm a lucky man.biggrin.png

Basically she asks for very little...a littlr bit later she was reconciling the monthly budget and chastising herself for some little personal things she'd gotten herself ....we sailed through the month just fine....only thing it looks like we nerd more of is clothes hangers...

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i have had the same GF for just over 20 yrs. she does not let me help with anything. if we go shopping she carries all the bags. if i fold towels she takes them all out to the line again and says they are not dry. i just try to help sometimes. oh sure she watched me cook spaghetti, french toast etc [all kinds of western foods] and then one day just kicked me out of the kitchen. she does all of that now. she cleans the pool, takes care of the garden, washes the car, and even shines my shoes. i do squat.

i have worked here for almost 30 yrs. i would say i don't work too hard. she says she doesn't care. she wants to take care of me. i would give her any thing she asked for but she never asks. when i try to buy her nicer brand name things she gets upset and goes for cheapie things. now and then i get my way and get her things i want to get for her.

a few yrs ago we were out driving around and i asked her if she wanted to learn to drive a car. and she said no. we were driving past a driver ed biz so i just went in and asked how much. they told me and i told her she was going to sign up. she was freaking out! she took her lessons and got her license and i bought her a new Nissan march. the first 2 or 3 months she said her heart was about to pop out of her chest she was so excited.

i complained once to a close Thai friend that she was doing everything and i wasn't doing anything and he just said, 'so. you are a lucky guy' hmmm i guess i am.

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not only finding a smart Thai lady to become your wife is a lucky draw no recipe exists for being lucky.....toss a coin but she will have to accept coming from a third world country a foreigner educated in a developed world she married too dropping her mother's daughter obedient status to become your wife, can bring her a lot more than Thai culture arrogantly is proud of she does not even know what she is missing and it takes time to implement.

In my own case 8 years to raise a born in Isan boy to bring him out from buffalo befavor as his mother, my wife, said about him when he was one buffalo 4 years old her grands parents raising him or grazing him like cattle for their entertainment at her monthly expense.

I watched one year grandma, invited by wife pregnant 8 months, trying even to teach me how myself being a farang, to be a father herself knowing nothing but controlling our second boy for herself only out of my total reach, she was consequently asked to leave our home same for grandpa whom thought of our home to be his own one and myself not to stay into it, but a useful ATM, for ever.

Finally 3 years have elapsed under my own rules my wife dragging her feet with but aware the split was imminent next stage or is stand by and I am not going to see again any siblings if not them speaking english.

Since you live in Thailand you have to impose your NO and to have a rigorous budget, life can be excellent....the NO takes you very very far in Thailand.....the least smiles you see the better it is for you.

The Thai culture of the past old days has to change for new modern one.

I can not wait for seeing Thailand in few years times under the new PM General Prayuth acting offering a chance for the Thai Nation to grow up never they had before like Thatcher in UK, Reagan in USA and few others had the luck to be elected for doing successfully.


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I dare say part of the reason your wife is so lovely is because you choose to see love and value and meaning in your life. I am happy for you. IMO, when you choose to see love and beauty, lovely things are apparent. You attract to yourself its equal.

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Yes, if you find a good Thai woman, then your life will be full of nights like this.


Get a wrong un and your life will be filled with days and nights full of this.


I'm lucky, I got the first option and after 14 happy years being married, I would not change anything.


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The last time I gave my wife a red rose from the garden she looked at it with an evil grin, and ate it ! - funny ?

it is because that flower was not eatable and she didn't know what to do with it.....!

try with a gold bracelet , not with a simple rose w00t.gif .............what a farang gift is that?

****Thai language edited out****


Edited by metisdead
Thai language edited out of post. This is an English language forum, English is the only acceptable language, except in the Thai language forum where Thai language is allowed.
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These are some great success stories. I am curious to know if any of these great ladies had children from previous relationships or not. Trying not to stereotype but it seems many many Thais have at least one. I am starting to think Thai girls are born with a bun in the oven.

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not only finding a smart Thai lady to become your wife is a lucky draw no recipe exists for being lucky.....toss a coin but she will have to accept coming from a third world country a foreigner educated in a developed world she married too dropping her mother's daughter obedient status to become your wife, can bring her a lot more than Thai culture arrogantly is proud of she does not even know what she is missing and it takes time to implement.

In my own case 8 years to raise a born in Isan boy to bring him out from buffalo befavor as his mother, my wife, said about him when he was one buffalo 4 years old her grands parents raising him or grazing him like cattle for their entertainment at her monthly expense.

I watched one year grandma, invited by wife pregnant 8 months, trying even to teach me how myself being a farang, to be a father herself knowing nothing but controlling our second boy for herself only out of my total reach, she was consequently asked to leave our home same for grandpa whom thought of our home to be his own one and myself not to stay into it, but a useful ATM, for ever.

Finally 3 years have elapsed under my own rules my wife dragging her feet with but aware the split was imminent next stage or is stand by and I am not going to see again any siblings if not them speaking english.

Since you live in Thailand you have to impose your NO and to have a rigorous budget, life can be excellent....the NO takes you very very far in Thailand.....the least smiles you see the better it is for you.

The Thai culture of the past old days has to change for new modern one.

I can not wait for seeing Thailand in few years times under the new PM General Prayuth acting offering a chance for the Thai Nation to grow up never they had before like Thatcher in UK, Reagan in USA and few others had the luck to be elected for doing successfully.


Yes, it is helpful if the family has self respect and consider you addition worthy of their daughter and not just a walking ATM. I am very lucky like that with my family here. Yes, I have grizzles about some of them for their foibles but I got a good one & she came with good ethics and a good family. Genuine mutual respect is essential.

Edited by The Deerhunter
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I will be 65 in feb, In all my travels and world travel,

It is better to RENT THAN TO BUY!

I used to know an old Dutchman who used to tell me "Everyone needs to own his own home & car, but if it flies, floats or F*%$s, rent it." I used to think he had a point but a nice permanent relationship is nice to have. (Talking about second wife, here.)

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I agree with the OP, I have found my dream Thai woman after spending many years of misery and Frustration I am not a rich Farang and I am not Keeniow but being on a fixed retirement income I do have to budget and stick to it my New Thai wife is a wonder when I ask her if she is happy she smiles and say's yes, very

Previously when I have returned to the UK I couldn't wait to get away from the lies about where the money has gone and the continuous feeling that I am a walking ATM . But now I have to go back to England in September and Frankly I find myself very reluctant to go and Leave my Thai family , I am more contented and Happy than I have ever been in Thailand or in England and I dont want to interupt the flow, my wife takes such good care of me and seems to anticipate my every need, my adopted daughter ( 8 year old ) is the brightest little girl you could ever wish for and I know I am going to miss them both terribly. I hope that the reason for my return to England does not keep me there too long and that I am soon on my way back to my Lovely wife and daughter in Thailand who I know will be waiting for me on my return

I've won my lottery in Thailand her name is Chiraporn..............?

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Yes, life is good with my Thai wife. I was telling her about falang women go ape-shit with toilet seats left up - she thought it hilarious "why can't they just put them down if they want to use them?"

We have agreed a monthly budget and she manages money very well. However, I get the big smile and a sentence starting with a tentative "My love -- -- --" a shy giggle and a request for some small money; usually contributions to various village/tambon funeral funds which seem to crop up with amazing regularity. Agree with the OP, get the right one, and you're set for life.

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I will be 65 in feb, In all my travels and world travel,

It is better to RENT THAN TO BUY!

I used to know an old Dutchman who used to tell me "Everyone needs to own his own home & car, but if it flies, floats or F*%$s, rent it." I used to think he had a point but a nice permanent relationship is nice to have. (Talking about second wife, here.)

Might be time to add the home to the rental list and change the phrase to "... flies, floats or f's or depreciates by 40% in a failed global economy, rent it"

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Uplifting to read these posts about happy people with thai gfs/wives - after reading Thai Visa I thought I was the only lucky one..

Just surprised no negative posts suggesting 'just wait and see', you dont understand' etc etc

If you are lucky and maybe smart enough to pick a good one, they are very very good to live with imho.

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