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Bangkok taxi driver returns THB78,000 to Chinese tour guide


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i find it funny either the taxi driver or the police always count how much cash is in the wallet instead of just look for the ID card.

Would a Chinese man have a Thai ID card in his wallet? I would think that the taxi driver would have already done that. Funny he never took it to the police & said this anoymous Chinese man left all this moolah in my Taxi!!!!!!! LOL!!!

Edited by The Deerhunter
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i hope he got a decent reward.

You should have read the whole story. He was rewarded with a 'generous' whistling.gif B5000.

Such overwhelming gratitude from the Chinese "gentleman."


The taxi driver is indeed to be praised for returning what was not his. He did the right thing and went to some effort to do so. That is commendable.

However the situation is that a customer of his, albeit a temporary one, lost something and he returned it, I would hope that this would be seen as the right thing to do regardless of any possible reward.

Honesty is something we should strive towards, because it is the right thing to do, not because of financial gain.

5000 baht was a bonus for the driver, and yes I would expect him to get something for his effort, but there was no obligation on the guy who lost the money to do this. A social expectation, yes, but he could have given less and still have upheld his side of social conventions.

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i find it funny either the taxi driver or the police always count how much cash is in the wallet instead of just look for the ID card.

Would a Chinese man have a Thai ID card in his wallet? I would think that the taxi driver would have already done that. Funny he never took it to the police & said this anoymous Chinese man left all this moolah in my Taxi!!!!!!! LOL!!!

Read the full story's on things Deerhunter you could learn things.

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He gave the Thai taxi guy 5,000baht miserable shit. Well he was Chinese they are so tight.

Well done not many Taxi guys like that.

And what would you have given.. You guys are such idiots the comments you say really.. Probably would have given 20b yourself.

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i hope he got a decent reward.

You should have read the whole story. He was rewarded with a 'generous' whistling.gif B5000.

Returning something that is not yours is goodness indeed. The reward is "generous" and good. It's not my money and the amount of the reward is up to the owner.
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i find it funny either the taxi driver or the police always count how much cash is in the wallet instead of just look for the ID card.

From experience, I always counted the amount so as ensure the amount found was returned to the owner and not "lost" in transit.

Not funny, perhaps prudent.

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He gave the Thai taxi guy 5,000baht miserable shit. Well he was Chinese they are so tight.

Well done not many Taxi guys like that.

Not my money and not my decision what reward was appropriate. A reward, however large or small, for returning something is goodness in itself.

Bigotry is destructive and returns in kind to the sender.

Kudos for the taxi driver!

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He gave the Thai taxi guy 5,000baht miserable shit. Well he was Chinese they are so tight.

Well done not many Taxi guys like that.

And what would you have given.. You guys are such idiots the comments you say really.. Probably would have given 20b yourself.
Not idiots, just sad and clouded thinking.
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I read news from all over the world but it's always the Bangkok drivers returning money and Bangkok cops delivering babies. I think by now it must have stuck in the mind of people internationally. Great Isaan plot I think ?!?

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I read news from all over the world but it's always the Bangkok drivers returning money and Bangkok cops delivering babies. I think by now it must have stuck in the mind of people internationally. Great Isaan plot I think ?!?

I'm not sure you do.

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5k on 78k is 6.4%...I thought the standard reward was 10%???

Who sets the "standard" for rewards that you seem to think starts at 10%?

No matter how much he gave it would never be enough for some people who have to jump in with critical comments. If he gave 10%, you can be sure the "standard" would be 20%.

The whining and whingeing here at TV is ceaseless and doesn't depend on any sort of logic.

10% is usually internationally known as the recomended amount to tip. In this instance surely should have minimum?


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5k on 78k is 6.4%...I thought the standard reward was 10%???

Who sets the "standard" for rewards that you seem to think starts at 10%?

No matter how much he gave it would never be enough for some people who have to jump in with critical comments. If he gave 10%, you can be sure the "standard" would be 20%.

The whining and whingeing here at TV is ceaseless and doesn't depend on any sort of logic.

10% is usually internationally known as the recomended amount to tip. In this instance surely should have minimum?


Not my money and up to the owner. A reward for being honest, whatever amount, is a reward nonetheless.
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i find it funny either the taxi driver or the police always count how much cash is in the wallet instead of just look for the ID card.

"always count how much cash is in the wallet instead..."

how do you know this to be true? Are you trolling here, bored or just really an arse?

whats no true about the statement, perhaps you don't listen to traffic radio. Radio station report about return wallets everyday and always state how much money was in the wallet. Not an arse or bored or trolling, perhaps its the other way around.

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i find it funny either the taxi driver or the police always count how much cash is in the wallet instead of just look for the ID card.

Would a Chinese man have a Thai ID card in his wallet? I would think that the taxi driver would have already done that. Funny he never took it to the police & said this anoymous Chinese man left all this moolah in my Taxi!!!!!!! LOL!!!

Re: Post #27

He is NOT a Chinese man, he is very much Thai, that just so happens to speak Chinese, so he does Tour Guides for Chinese Tourists, correct your facts before posting please....

Edited by Jip66
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